Mini WER stories (Of The Terror Of Order Villans ) Dark fantasy - Chapter two The Lure of The Leader (2025)


As they made their way through the dark creepy and twisted forest, the Harpies
are now circling overhead around them like a vulture.

They glided down to face the travelers, the Harpies descended upon them with a bloodcurling screeches, their claws flashing in the moonlight.

The adventures fought back bravely against the creatures,
Until they started to get the best of them.

The Harpies were relentless in their pursuit, the Harpies heard a familiar voice singing a warable tone. The adventures heard the echo of the voice through out the trees, a enchanting lure song, they tried to run away from the sound of the lureing but they couldn't help themselves. They were being lured in deeper into it.

The lure song was sending shivers down each of their spines. The effect of the lure song didn't cause the flock to be afraid , for they knew who it was their leader Heather they bowed down to her immediately as soon as she glided down and approach the adventures.

AUTHOR NOTE: "There might be a scene that's dark as you continue reading light trigger warning!"

You may continue the story.


Heather even spoke in a warable tone, walking towards the leader of the adventure group. The Flock admired their leader every move behaving like loyal servants.

Heather: " Well flocks Its seems like we have unwanted guest in are territory,
I don't understand why you nerve wracking adventures dare to step feet here!".

Heather points at the male and female Harps in order them to take the travelers belongs and throw away what they didn't want.

One of the adventures spoke up to Heather dispute of being in a hypnotize state, it appears the adventure was doing their best to breakout of it.

Adveture: " Bird lady!
Listen to me you just can't take our stuff it belongs to us!"

Adventure:" You! won't get away with this you horrid beast!"

Heather: "I see you trying to break the lure you're a tough one aren't you. And also a real pain in the neck!"

Heather: "Keep talking and you will soon meet your fate!"

Adveture: "Look me and my people don't mean any harm, besides your flock attack us out of nowhere! Circling around us like we were all prey." Please just let us GO!

Heather bursts into a manic laughter;

Heather: "Mwhahahah! You really think im going to just let you all go.
After what you all done to my flock!" You scarred them and bruised them with your heavy weapons.

Adveture: "You're wicked just like that evil drow king I heard about.
All of the rumors were true each and single ones of the dark side of the realm are Horrid!"

Heather: "You sure don't know when to stop talking it's pointless."

Adveture: "Please just let me and my folks go!

I'm begging you!"

The flock of Harpies started to mock the adventures begging to be free under Heathers lure trap.

; With a swiftly movement Heather order her flock with a iron talon, commanding them to swoop up the adventures and told them they can toy with them however as they please. Expect for the loud mouth adventure, would only be left with her.

After the flocks were done playing with their captives they slew them and clawed devoured them leaving only a few limbs behind.

The last adventure left standing is in a state of terror, causing them to not move for what they had witness from their own two eyes. The people they once knew are all dead, their corspes in limps and teared clothes is what was left of them.

The last thing the adventure sees is Heather standing over them, she sees the fear in their eye's and the way their body shambles and fright.

Heather: "All that talk you were doing, see I told you it's pointless!"

Adventure: " I..I..I I'm sorry that we came here to you're territory. We only came here because of the crystals are worth money are family is poor we needed the money! Are mayor of the town of Voidle went up on the living prices."

Heather looks at the feared adventure with awe for a moment. Until the adventurer grabbed a old bone and hit Heather across her head.

Causing Heather to swear in pain from the hit;

Heather: "I was going to let you live because of your pity story, but now you ruined it!"

By hitting and running away from me!"

Heather: "Get ready to meet your fate you ungrateful obnoxious Creature!"

The adventure was running as fast as they can on foot,
While Heather was flying above them.

With a swift motion the adventure bravely throw the dagger as Heather was near them. But bad luck for them they missed her heart.

Just when it seems like all hope was lost a enigma event happend the adventure fell until a unknown portal.

This made Heather stop in her tracks, from attacking.

Heather: "Well I be scarred! theres no telling where that leads."

Heather leaves with her flock and located on the west side of the dark realm.

Her flock questioned her why they had to leave their homes and took the crystals with them.

Heather : "It's due to noisy travelers and adventures and others thinking that they could just take our crystals for wealth."

Heather later on meets the king of the drow elves and soon became allies, and became a member of the Terror of Order.

Mini WER stories (Of The Terror Of Order  Villans ) Dark fantasy  - Chapter two The Lure of  The Leader (2025)
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Author: Otha Schamberger

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Author information

Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

Phone: +8557035444877

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.