Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 21, 2024 (2025)

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 21, 2024

Judy Note: The IlluminatiDeep State Globalist Israeli Zionist Mossad Cabal was bankrupt and trying tocreate World War III. They wanted to profit from both sides of another war,plus was setting up The Great Reset of fiat digital currency in order tocompletely control the World’s financial System and subsequently, the People ofthe World.

In the meantime the Cabal’s once ally Iranwas accepted into BRICS gold/asset-backed currencies, which meant they agreedto 100 years of peace.

So, Zionist Israel was said to have assassinatedIran’s President and high official, including the Commander in Chief of theIranian police. They did so in hope that as promised, Iran would “respond beyond the imagination of Israel and its allies”– that would end up in World War III playing out throughout the Middle East.

·You are witnessing a race between twosuperpowers who aretrying to establish themselves as the world's financial power. The old order ofthe Deep State Globalist Cabal represented the Federal Reserve System, IDF andWorld Bank. Their replacement was being put into place by the Q Movement’sGlobal Military Alliance for the BRICS nations of Brazil, Russia, India, China,South Africa, plus 202 other Sovereign Nations which have agreed to 100 yearsof peace with each other.

·The Deep State Globalist Cabal Israeli Mossadwas said to be behind an Iranian helicopter crash that killed the Iranian President and his highgovernment officials. On that same Sun.19 May the Deep State Globalist Cabal’s Zionist Israel was credited for theassassination of General AhmadrezaRadan, Commander-in-chief of the Iranian police. The Cabal’s purpose was tostart World War III.

·On Mon. 20 May 2024 Iran’sSupreme Leader Ali Khamenei responded by saying that, “if we find evidence that Israel isinvolved in the helicopter crash of the President of Iran, we will respondbeyond the imagination of Israel and its allies.”

·Mon. 20 May 2024: Here's What They Are Hiding About Iran’sPresident, Ebrahim Raisi's, Death! Foul Play, War, Or... Who is Really BehindIt!

·Another World War would create a Global Financial Crisis thatmakes way for implementation of the Cabal’s Great Reset – a part of their Agenda2030 to control People of the World.

·Mon. 20 May 2024 Be prepared for seriousdevelopments. TheAmerican Army is going to take over all cities in Israel. …Q Storm 1776 onTelegram Mon. 20 May 2024

·The Cabal’s Blackrock former PortfolioManager Ed Dowd,explained why every last remnant of human freedom depended on widespreadrejection of the Great Reset’s CBDC. "It is literally a prison planet.Once the Central Bank digital currency is linked to all your credit cards andbank accounts, then social controls can be implemented. If you're a dissenterlike me, talking about truth, they shut you down."

·Experts warn that US may freeze bankwithdrawals ascurrency fear rises.

·Mon. 20 May 2024 Red Alert:

·The Cabal’s Covid Vax Dangers: 17,000 doctors and scientists signed atreaty that declared: "The data confirms that the COVID-19 experimentalgenetic therapy injections must end... They can damage your heart, your brain,your reproductive tissue, and your lungs."

·A Pfizer patent granted in 2021 was for cellular tower communication withGraphene injected humans worldwide – part of the Cabal’s Agenda 2030 designedto control The People.

·Luciferace is in full operation! According to Dr. Christine Northrup at theHealth Conference, the airport knows if you've had the Cabal’s vaccine or notdue to not picking up a trace of said Luciferace. Forget having a trackingdevice with you (phone) as you are now the tracking device.

·The International Criminal Court has filed ARREST WARRANTS for the Cabal’s WARCRIMINALS Netanyahu & Gallant.

·Mon. 20 May 2024: Pascal Najadi: Special Announcement: TheStorm Is Here, Are You Prepared? #WWG1WGA

A. Judy Note: Couldthe Cabal’s US Inc. be involved in the Iranian helicopter crash on Sun. 19 May where the Iranian Presidentand all his high up government officials were killed?

·Iran was collaborating with Russia on creating a single BRICS currency – whichwould nullify the Cabal’s US Inc. planned Great Reset.

·The Cabal was broke due to their fiat Federal Reserve US Dollarand they needed a World War to keep themselves financially afloat.

·The death of Iranian officials triggered the Iranian Stock Market to crash, whichaffected a downfall of the Global Financial System.

·The Cabal’s answer to a Global FinancialCrisis was to launch theirGreat Reset that would allow the Elites to control this world so we would all beliving like slaves in digital concentration camps.

B. Wars and Rumors of Wars:

·Sun. 19 May 2024: Ebrahim Raisi, the President of Iran,Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran, SeyyedMohammad Ali Ale-Hashem, in the Guardianship of the Islamic Jurist, MalekRahmati, the governor-general of East Azerbaijan province, and Seyed MehdiMousavi, an Iranian general, were found dead due to a helicopter crash. Iranstate TV says 'no sign' of life in president's helicopter. Israeli officials have declared they hadnothing to do with the devastating helicopter crash that killed IranianPresident Ebrahim Raisi. Former Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif blames theU.S. for Iranian President Raisi's helicopter crash: “The United States is toblame for yesterday's tragedy, which has embargoed the sale of aircraft andaviation parts to Iran.”

·Mon. 20 May 2024: General Ahmadreza Radan, Commander-in-chiefof the Iranian police, was assassinated by Israel.

·Mon. 20 May 2024 Thousands take to thestreets in Tel Aviv, Israel demanding the overthrow of Netanyahu's government, early elections and a prisoner exchange dealwith Hamas. Hillary Clinton, will send a video message to the crowds alongsidespeeches from US, UK, German and Austrian ambassadors to Israel.

·Mon. 20 May 2024: Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanesedeclares he is ready to deploy Australian troops to New Caledonia to helpFrance quash the local indigenous natives who are protesting against Frenchcolonial oppression.

·JFK refused to sign off on a false flag eventto kill Americans all the other chiefs of staff already signed onto to get usinto war with Cuba. Afterthey murdered him, that shithead Johnson used the fake Gulf of Tonkin incidentto drag us into war instead where the only people that profitedwere the central banks that financed it, and the military industrial complexselling toxic chemicals like agent orange, napalm, and other weapons of death.Once you realize our government has absolutely no problem killing us for profitand lying about it….everything they’re doing now with covid, the vaccines,censorship, the rigged election, and Ukraine, all starts to make more sense.

·Yes, the CIA director was part of the JFKassassination cover up. McConehad clashed with President John F. Kennedy over his decision to try andwithdraw .

C. Timing

·Mon. 20 May 2024 Q: We Are Passing Through The Gate 5 Days 0Hours 3 Min. 51 Seconds (Reads Sat. 25May 2024) Pack Your Bag. Alert: Nothing Can Stop What’s Coming! TurnNotifications On! It’s Happening! …Government Hidden Truth on Telegram Mon. 20 May 2024

·Mon. 20 May 2024 SMOKE'S UP. THE SIGNAL. GREEN. GO! …

·Sun. 19 May 2024 BLACKOUT: Inone week everything will change. The channels everyone has been waiting forwith devastating information that is kept secret from the public. A big scandalhappened this week, so we have it all. Donald Trump already promised this. WARNING: STAY TUNED. …The 17thLetter (JFK Jr.) Sun. 19 May 2024

·Fri. 17 May 2024 MarkZ:OnMay 22nd, (This is from the IRS but other government agencies are alsodoing this) they will be conducting emergency alert tests nationwide to alltheir employees on text messaging, email and laptop notifications. So they areprepared for May 22nd.

D. Global Currency Reset:

·US Treasury Conference Call on Sun. 19 May2024: “Everything is onschedule and the US is finishing up last minute paperwork. All tests for the RVhave gone great. Stay positive. It's coming.”… Mena, Liberty LoungerExtraordinaire on Telegram Sun. 19 May2024

·Mon. 20 May 2024 Wolverine: It’s near guys.I’m not going to say time or day, butI know we are going to have a beautiful, beautiful month.”

·Mon. 20 May 2024 MarkZ: “Many banking sourcesare expecting bigthings this week. Some expect things as early as today. Many bankers are upbeatabout today and this upcoming Memorial Day Weekend.

·Mon. 20 May 2024 Rubix Q: “I now have a banker and he has verifiedthis is real. They have been trained and it is a WF bank. He also said thatthey will be playing a huge role in this. Call around ask for a wealth manager.If they are participating they will set you up with a relationship manager. Iwas also told when asking, we will not be the ones under NDA...He couldn't sayanymore....hint hint.”

·"Gold is money. Everything else is credit." -J.P.Morgan 1912

E. Global Financial Crisis:

·Gold is at a new record high vs. the USDollar. In other words, thedollar is getting crushed by gold.

·The Cabal’s Great Reset: Former Blackrock portfolio manager, Ed Dowd,explains why every last remnant of human freedom depends on widespreadrejection of CBDC. "It is literally a prison planet. Once the Central Bankdigital currency is linked to all your credit cards and bank accounts, thensocial controls can be implemented. If you're a dissenter like me, talking abouttruth, they shut you down."

·Mon. 20 May 2024 BREAKING NEWS: 15 Shocking Facts ProveAverage Americans Are Being Crushed by This Economy

·Mon. 20 May 2024 Jamie Dimon, CEO of the largest US bank, JPMorgan Chase, is set to step down soon. This decision isn't surprising, giventhe current turmoil in the global economy. Dimon seems to be making a strategicexit, especially after selling off $150 million worth of shares earlier thisyear. When the challenges hit JP Morgan, he'll have already secured hisposition and moved on.

·Mon. 20 May 2024 FDIC Chair Martin Gruenbergto step down as new bank rules loom. I don't blame him. I wouldn't want to be part of the FDIC either,especially given what's about to happen and the realization that the FDIC lackssufficient funds to cover all the insured accounts. They're essentially broke.

·Mon. 20 May 2024 US may freeze bankwithdrawals as currency fear rises, expert warns. An expert in economics is warning that theBiden administration may be looking at ways to lock down your checking account– literally ban withdrawals from the banking system.The teams Biden hasinstalled in power in the federal government already have moved to force you tobuy an electric car, limited the kinds of appliances you can buy, censored thequestions you can raise about fair elections and much more. Now the next stepcould be your bank account, according to macro economics guru Hugh Hendry. Areport at The Daily Hodl explained Hendry was in an interview with BloombergMarkets when the questions of mass panic and capital flight came up. He saidthe moves away from the U.S. banking system, which recently has seen severalmajor institutions fail, is justified.The report explained, "Hendry says afurther decline in the M2 money supply, which in part tracks money in liquidchecking accounts, could convince the U.S. government to step in and preventcitizens from taking their capital out of the banking system."

F. The Real News for Mon. 20 May 2024:

·Mon. 20 May 2024 JAG Convicts Maine Secretary of State ShennaBellows for Treason

·Mon. 20 May 2024: The International Criminal Court'sprosecutor asks for arrest warrants against Israel's PM Netanyahu and DefenseMinister Gallant. In addition, the ICC prosecutor seeks arrest warrants againstthe Hamas leaders Yahya Sinwar, Mohammed Al-Masri, and Ismail Haniyeh.…Disclose TV on Telegram Mon. 20 May2024

·Trump declassified the JFK Files that show"Adolf Hitler is still alive." Which is exactly why Rusty Shackleford made all of those posts aboutOPERATION VALKYRIE IS IN EFFECT...which was the operation to take out Hitler& the Nazi's, "The truth will SHOCK the world" regarding this Qsaid, and this is why, the 4th Reich survived up until 2021.

·Mon. 20 May 2024 BOOOM!!!! SPECIAL REPORT: Louisiana Set toMake History with Ten Commandments in Public Schools – CONGRATS Louisiana!

·Mon. 20 May 2024 BREAKING: Iranian President Ebrahim RaisiKilled in Helicopter Crash; Wreckage Discovered, No Survivors

·Mon. 20 May 2024 Red Pill Awakening: Unbelievable Coincidence?No, It’s a Scripted Reality!

·Mon. 20 May 2024 Google, Meta warned thatundersea internet cables at risk for Chinese espionage: US national security officials havereportedly warned Google, Meta and other firms that their undersea internetcables could be at risk of tampering by China-controlled repair ships. Theconcerns are reportedly centered on underwater fiber-optic cables in thePacific Ocean that are partially owned by the Big Tech firms and used tomaintain the flow of data from the US to Asia. The difficult-to-access cablesrequire maintenance from specialized firms, including some owned by China.State Department officials have flagged concerns about a particular firm calledSB Submarine Systems, which is controlled by the Chinese Communist Party andhas seemingly taken steps to hide the location of its repair ships by turningoff their transponders, the Wall Street Journal reported.

G. International Child SexTrafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of the Vatican andhoused in China’s Three Gorges Dam in the 1500 mile tunnel that runs betweenthe Vatican and Jerusalem:

·Mon. 20 May 2024: Report finds that the UNemploys 3,300 Pedophiles andhas been responsible for 60,000 rapes in the last ten years.

·For centuries dark Deep State Agents havebeen hunting human children. Human harvesting farms have been in operations for thousands of years —for flesh feeding, siphoning loosh energies, Adrenochrome production,sex/satanic rituals & sacrifices. Human children is their delicacy.Pedophilia is their lifestyle. All human trafficking operations leads back tothis satanic cult cabal. Everything is connected.” …NESARA/ GESARA on Telegram Mon. 20 May 2024

·Sun. 19 May 2024 Catholic Church Child SexualAbuse Whistleblower Brian Manix:

·The Cult of Baal is the name of the powerful ChildSacrificing death cult (now known as the Illuminati Deep State Cabal GlobalElite Vatican’s Khazarian Mafia) that has ruled Earth for all recorded humanhistory.

·Mon. 20 May 2024 Tucker Carlson on Puff DaddySean Love Combs (born Sean John Combs; November4, 1969), also known by his stage namesP. Diddy, or Diddy: Videos of Puff Daddy’s sexboat, Barrack and Michelle Obama “having fun” with underage boys and girls,videos of Epstein and Puff Daddy Parties on Epstein’s Island; videos of Satanicparties that included Satanic rituals and child sacrifices; videos of PuffDaddy drugging people to have intercourse with him.

·Mon. 20 May 2024 Florida: Miami Rabbi sexuallyassaults 11 year old girl. Magically, the judge let him go with only 9 monthsof probation. Florida protects Jewish pedophiles.

·Mon. 20 May 2024 HUMAN TRAFFICKING IN THE USA.The United States is a source, transit, and destination country for men, women,transgender individuals, and children—both U.S. citizens and foreignnationals—subjected to sex trafficking and forced labor. Trafficking occurs inboth legal and illicit industries, including in commercial sex, hospitality,sales crews, agriculture, fishing, manufacturing, janitorial services,construction, restaurants, health and elder care, salon services, fairs andcarnivals, peddling and begging, and domestic service. Individuals who enteredthe United States with and without legal status have been identified astrafficking victims. Government officials, companies, and NGOs have expressedconcern about the risk of human trafficking in global supply chains, includingin federal contracts. Victims originate from almost every region of the world;the top three countries of origin of federally identified victims in fiscalyear (FY) 2015 were the United States, Mexico, and the Philippines. …VirtueAscends on Telegram Mon. 20 May 2024

·Mon. 20 May 2024: "Sound ofFreedom” star Jim Caviezel leaked an intimate video of Barack and MichelleObama with a child – that is going to get them in jail. Jim exposed tenHollywood pedophiles today, and your favorite actor is one of them!

H. Thurs. 17 April 2014 Court witnesses testify, eyewitnesses confirmthat Pope Francis raped, killed children

This article was based on an exclusiveinterview with Kevin Annett ofthe International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State. It concerned the April 2014 litigation of theInternational Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels.

Five judges and 27 jury members from sixcountries including the USA,considered evidence on over 50,000 missing Canadian, US, Argentine and Europeanchildren who were suspected victims of an international child sacrificial cultreferred to as the Ninth Circle.

Two adolescent women claimed that PopeFrancis raped them whileparticipating in child sacrifices. Eight eyewitnesses confirmed the allegationsaccording to evidence presented this week at a Brussels Common Law Court ofJustice.

The Ninth Circle Satanic Child SacrificeRituals were said to takeplace during the Springs of 2009 and2010 in rural Holland and Belgium.

Pope Francis was also a perpetrator inSatanic Child Sacrifice Rites while acting as an Argentine priest and Bishop according to recordsobtained from the Vatican archives. A prominent Vatican official and formerVatican Curia employee obtained the sealed documents for use by the court.

This was not the first time Satanicactivities were suspected to beat the Vatican according to this ABC news story.

Another witness was set to testify that theywere present during Pope Francis’ meetings with the military Junta duringArgentine’s 1970′s Dirty War. According to the witness, Pope Francis helped traffic children ofmissing political prisoners into an international child exploitation ring runby an office at the Vatican.

Evidence of a Catholic Jesuit Order documentcalled the “Magisterial Privilege” was presented in court by the Chief Prosecutor. The record dated Dec. 25 1967, was said to show thatevery new Pope was required to participate in Ninth Circle Satanic ritualsacrifices of newborn children, including drinking their blood.

“Documents from Vatican secret archivespresented to court clearly indicate that for centuries the Jesuits had apremeditated plan to ritually murder kidnapped newborn babies and then consumetheir blood,” theChief Prosecutor told the five international judges and 27 jury members. “Theplan was born of a twisted notion to derive spiritual power from the lifebloodof the innocent, thereby assuring political stability of the Papacy in Rome.These acts are not only genocidal but systemic and institutionalized in nature.Since at least 1773, they appear tohave been performed by the Roman Catholic Church, Jesuits and every Pope.”

Two witnesses claimed that as children theywere at child sacrifices with the former Pope Joseph Ratzinger. Sinceat least 1962 Ratzinger participated in child sacrifices as a member of theKnights of Darkness according to the Vatican records presented at court.

Ratzinger was an S.S. Chaplain’s assistant at the German Ravensbruck Concentration Campduring World War II. The children to be killed were supplied from prisoners atthe death camp. The Nazi Waffen S.S. Division Knights of Darkness wasestablished by Hitler in 1933 andembraced ancient pagan occult beliefs in human sacrifice.

“Survivors of these rituals describenewborn babies beingchopped to pieces on stone altars and their remains consumed by participants”the Chief Prosecutor said.”During the 1960′s the survivor-witnesses were forcedto rape and mutilate other children and then cut their throats with ceremonialdaggers.”

According to witnesses Pope Francis, formerPope Joseph Ratzinger, Jesuit Superior General Adolfo Pachon and AnglicanArchbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby were participants in the Ninth Circle Satanic child sacrifice cult rapeand killing of children.

Evidence also could link to cult ceremoniesUK High Court Justice Judge Fulford, members of the British Royal Family including Prince Phillip, Dutch CardinalAlfrink, Dutch Queen Wilhemina, her family and consort King Hendrick, BelgianRoyals and Bilderberger founder Crown Prince Bernhard.

Documentation ofThe Canada GazetteIssueNo. 232, December 26 1942, Ottawa was also presented to court. Evidently and unfortunately, the Canadiangovernment and Privy Council Office in London granted to the Dutch royals,exception from all criminal, civil and military jurisdiction. What would makethese global leaders exempt from justice?

The Chief Prosecutor presented alleged linksbetween the British, Dutch and Belgian royal families to disappearances ofMohawk children atCanada’s Church of England’s Brantford Ontario Indian residential school. In 2008 a child mass gravesite was discoveredat the Mohawk School. An ITCCS dig by archeologists was shut down when remainsof a small child was uncovered.

Since then over 30 Child Mass Grave Sites have been located at Indian residentialschools across Canada. The Catholic and Anglican Churches, United Church ofCanada, Canadian government and Crown of England have refused ITCCS’ repeatedrequests for excavation of the mass grave sites.

“This week conclusive evidence was presentedthat the Catholic Church is perpetrating ongoing crimes against children,” the Chief Prosecutor stated. “The CatholicChurch is the world’s largest corporation and appears to be in collusion withgovernments, police and courts worldwide.”

The Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cultwas said to operate at Roman Catholic cathedrals in Montreal, New York, Romeand London according toevidence filed in court. Witnesses claimed child sacrifices took place atCarnarvon Castle in Wales, an undisclosed French Chateau and at CanadianCatholic and Anglican Indian residential schools in Kamloops, British Columbiaand Brantford, Ontario. The Ninth Circle Satanic child sacrifice cult wasbelieved to use privately owned forest groves in the US, Canada, France andHolland.

Yesterday the five international magistrates adjourned court for two weeks and consideredcontinuing in closed sessions. This week’s closed court was held in anundisclosed location due to notification that the Vatican had released a Jesuit“hit squad” to disrupt proceedings.

I. A Message from the traditional elders ofthe Squamish and Musqueam nations in Canada: Genocide and Apartheid are a lotcloser than you think!, KevinAnnett Eagle Strong Voice, ITCCS

·You don’t have to go to Gaza toencounter genocide. The Canadian land you occupy is drenched in the bloodof our people.

·Over 100,000 West Coast aboriginals havebeen killed by Euro-Canadian and Chinese imperialism.

·Under Canada’sApartheid Indian Act, native people are not Canadian citizens but“wards of the Crown”.

·Native Canadian Indians can bekilled without legal consequence.

·UBC is heavily funded by the corporationsthat are pillaging the lands and livesof our nations, like Petro China, B.C. Hydro, Weyerhaeuser and the BCInvestment Management Corporation.

·Pharmaceutical companies tied to UBC likePfizer, GSK, and Novartis arecomplicit in the medical murder of generations of Indian residential schoolchildren, over 60,000 of whom were killed by the Catholic, Anglican, and UnitedChurch.

·As well, since the spring of 2004, the remains of missing indigenous womenhave been uncovered on the Musqueam Indian reserve next to UBC. According toformer RCMP officer George Brown, “UBCis one of a dozen body dumping grounds around Vancouver where Indians andinconvenient people end up. It’s no secret to the campus officials.”

·When UBC students pay their tuition, they are funding theseCrimes Against Humanity.Start saying no to ongoing genocide in your ownbackyard!

J. Covid/Vax/Ebola/ Swine Flu/ Polio/ Small Pox/ BSE/ Zika/Sars/ Monkey Pox/ AIDs/ Vax/ H1N1/ Graphene Oxide/ Chem trails/ Fluoride,Processed Foods, Human Clones Hoaxes:

·Mon. 20 May 2024 Dr. Judy Mikovits: “You don't inject a day-old baby withanything! They're not an IV drug user or a prostitute! And you're destroyingtheir methylation. You're destroying their ability to conduct a reaction givenby God, that's central to gene expression. No more shots! Not now, notever!"

·Mon. 20 May 2024 Tucker Carlson: “How can world governments kill more than 10million people and leave some large undetermined number disabled for life? Andnot say a word about it. Not apologize. Not work to fix it. Not work to makethe families whole. I mean, just leave it by the side of the road like a corpseand keep marching. I don’t understand that. How can that happen?

Steve Kirsch: “Believe me, I’m surprised, as well. Youknow, I can’t get an audience with anybody in the United States Congress.Except for Senator Ron Johnson. Like, I can’t have a dialogue. They won’t talkto me. Nobody wants to know. They don’t want to know the truth. It’s likeautism in this country. You know, autism has been around for a very long time.And we’ve known from the statistics that vaccines cause autism. It’s theleading cause of Autism. Now, can we even get a discussion about that?”

·Mon. 20 May 2024: Among the natural productsout there turmeric (Curcumin) often stands out in research for its potential totarget and prevent cancer.Curcumin, the active compound in turmeric, has been extensively studied andshown to influence multiple cell signaling pathways and can potentially affectthe growth, development, and spread of cancer cells. Always consult healthcareprofessionals before starting any new supplement or treatment, especially whendealing with serious conditions like cancer. The information about the increasein cancer cases and the overall trend in cancer mortality comes from theAmerican Cancer Society's annual reports and statements. Specifically, thesedetails were published in their "Cancer Facts & Figures 2024" andare also available in their flagship journal "CA: A Cancer Journal forClinicians." The statistics highlight the rising number of new cancerdiagnoses, expected to top 2 million in 2024, and discuss the factorscontributing to this rise. Mon. 20 May2024 Vaccines – billions to die:

·Mon. 20 May 2024 Cancer Surgeon: “IvermectinIs SAFER Than a Sugar Pill.You’d have to take a lot to make yourself sick.” Dr. Kathleen Ruddy has alsoobserved multiple late-stage cancer patients make dramatic recoveries aftertaking Ivermectin.

Ivermectin is also:

A Nobel Prize-winning discovery (2015)

Recognized, 2nd to penicillin, forhaving the greatest impact on human health

Credited for bringing river blindnessto the brink of elimination

Used globally in HUMANS, with over 3.7billion doses administered.

·Mon. 20 May 2024 CDC Deputy Director Tom Shimabukuro arrestedfor Covid Crimes.

·Mon. 20 May 2024 According to ER nurse AnnaHousworth, COVID wasn’t the problem in 2021 — it was the jabs! “We had gone a year with COVID and an ERthat remained completely empty until the vaccines started coming out,”Housworth explained. As she reveals on CHDTV, “Once the COVID shots rolled out,the ER filled up with patients suffering from strokes, blood clots, heartpalpitations, numbness, paralysis + more.”

·Mon. 20 May 2024 "Geneticvaccines are totally unacceptable" says Prof. Fukushima, Japan's mostsenior oncologist, on mRNA "vaccines." "The introduction oftrans-genes into the human body is gene therapy. How can this be consideredacceptable practice for creating vaccines? I didn't choose to get vaccinatedbecause I think it was a foolish decision from the beginning."

·Mon. 20 May 2024 REPORT: Dr. Peter McCullough tells Tommy T thatdoctors were BRIBED to push the COVID vaccines. A typical doctor could make anextra $250,000 if they injected 75% of their patients. This was discoveredthrough a leaked Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield document.The question is, wasAnthem Blue Cross Blue Shield giving doctors jab incentives, or were they beingpaid to do so by the government?

K. Illuminati Deep State Cabal GlobalistAgenda 2030:

·Three Years Ago They Began Implementing TheirScripted ‘New Normal’ Ideology For The Great Reset Digital ID: biometric surveillance, programable CBDC(tokens), carbon tax, UBI, social credit scores, climate lockdowns, 15 minutesmart cities, mRNA in food supply, economic collapse oh and a cyber pandemicgiving them the excuse to push the above.

·Mon. 20 May 2024 As part of the 'C40 Cities'initiative—which has ties tothe World Economic Forum—mayors in almost 100 cities around the world have setthemselves the "ambitious target" of zero meat or dairy consumption,and zero private vehicles by 2030, "to save the planet".

L. Mon. 20 May 2024 This week, we learned:

The United States plans to issue a bondbacked by profits from frozen Russian assets.

Russia has seized €700 million of assetsfrom three Western banks.

Russia and Iran are collaborating oncreating a single BRICS currency.

Putin and Xi have pledged a new era andcondemned the United States.

The United States fears undersea cablesare vulnerable to espionage.

China sold a RECORD amount of Treasuryand US agency bonds in the first quarter.

We saw a significant short squeeze incopper.

Gold set a new record high in US dollarterms.

China publicly stated that some inUnited States are "losing their minds" with the tariff hikes.

China is considering a proposal forlocal governments to buy millions of unsold homes.

China has shut off live trading data onforeign investors' dealings in mainland shares.

I can go on and on. The moral of the story this week? Things arebecoming more secretive. Paper currencies are collapsing. Countries arebecoming more hostile toward each other, and most nations are rushing to gold.…US Debt Clock on Telegram Mon. 20 May2024









N. Mon. 20 May 2024: American-Israelimercenary Benjamin Reuben has been captured after a failed coup in the Congo.

·Reuben is allegedly a paid mercenary who, published reports claim, acts forformer head of Israel’s Mossad spy agency, Yossi Cohen, and also, allegedly,Jewish billionaire Dan Gertler.

·This video, taken in the Congo, was said to show Reuben on his knees,begging for his life after the Coup he allegedly engaged in, failed:

O. Saudi Prince Postpones Trip to Japan:

·When his Father passes, he becomes King. Then they will dump the USD, the USD isbacked by Saudi Oil. This will trigger #OperationSandman. This is wheremultiple nations on one given day all dump their USD.

·The USD is created by UK's Rothschilds.

·This willsignal the start where Saudi flips on England and Israel aligns with Iran. Thewhole Middle East and world will unite against England & Israel.

·The Act of England 1871 and BalfourDeclaration 1917 will bereversed.

·Scotland, Ireland and Wales will also turn on England and the UnitedKingdom will break up forever.

·Here we will get the Russian CHECKMATE JET take Fake Charlie down.

·2017 was the key where MBS own family aligned with CIA & Mossad etcto try and assassinate him in Las Vegas. Trump saved him and those events thatfollowed are to key to the events now to unfold.

·Pretty close to cutting the cables in the RedSea. Hold on it is about to get bumpy.

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 21, 2024 (2025)
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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.