The Somerset Herald from Somerset, Pennsylvania (2024)

I. P. Harvey UTTER imiission Merchants, 75 Exchange Place, age ullv solicit a continuance of the liberal patron rorpiwl from tlie GUdcs, promising no cnort ared to give quick and all Bm led to them. RESERVED FOE W. S.

Temple BUTTER COMMISSION MERCHANTS No. 47 South Howard Street, Masosh- Meetiso and Basket. will The wnnarr uj! Oo Uic an othciai viott ol ii. i Mays tJ? 11 OUDESLUYS, 1 C0JIJ'0N MERCHANTS Na 8HA35TGE PLACE, We offer our services as C05IMISSIOX JIEK- atisfactorv returns for CHARTS," to the Farmers and ercha nts the Glades, and solicit liberal shipments of liuttcr tnis season.

"We promise strict attention to the interest of those who ship to us, and will send quick sales with check for your Butter. We have ample "cash capital," and will make liberal cash advances to all who request it on their shipments. Our shipping cards can be had at the Express Office and at the Stores. Respectfully. W.

S. Temple Co. September 1. 1ST5. Kr.rvBMCAN meetiDirs were held at KinwiKl and Lexington oa Saturday last, in accordance with tlie call issued by the hainnan ot the County Committee.

Considering the inclemency ol the weather Dosatios. I would grealfully acknowledge a set of good harness uii.Je by Lewis Oaver, ol Jinner Ixirouih. A. and J. Koontz got up the sub- 8 1 do liercny return my a-m-ere the number of arsons iu attendance was thanks to all who have contributed this larsrely in exees or what was expected.

IlE'KV Seikkut. An oM Democrat in Norristown, who i.i,n.l. C.rtl.o fret timi. on Sun- A COUltEsro.NDEXT of the 1 IttUbUrgU iiik as a a dav, picked up his hat and left in a huff Leader says the heaviest gas weiisirucs when he beard the minister bearin? down pretty hard on Pilate. He thought the reverend gentleman was pitching into the Democratic can lidale Mr State Treasurer.

A SPECIALTY OF GrLA.I4 BUTTER, and have tvrrv nrivmifazro and dling it to the brat possible Our shippers ma thc market prices, promptly and their mf mI uPon roccivin? tll0ir sales once. refer by permi Third Nation First Nat Somerset. S. Philson fe Meyersdale. Bankers, Berlin.

TO- llie Merciiants and Va have done business in past Glades with whom we The Somerset Herald G. Ilolderbaum tice lot Ladies have lUts; received a very latest WtDXESDAY. TI3IE TAKXHS. CK-iitor so, ikto'opai, services will be held in the emp'er's hall this, Tuesday, even- clock. so.surr a i.uALroixT bailboab.

Un.asd after 1 "retrains, ill UATB. Kiprese W'eit m. Uail Kaflt 11 30.. m. Mail P.

W. .3 00 p. m. AKBJTB. 30 a.

m. I 30 p. m. 5 00 p. m.

un OiDEl.rvs made money Tiners and merchant: who shipped ast year. cj3 no harm in taking babies to iit they should be taught to ap- minister rat tlip nmtwr time t0jfirc will be prevented this win-art one tue'r cliimneys ud before putting their stoves B- B- fiM B1.1KBAL rolKT. Kapreii East Express Wm Hall MU p. m. 6 CI a.

m. ..11 13 p. B. 4:6 p. m.

the Oysters By jjsjilf can, or plate. Also fresh the tm' See me 'n new 'n I of Ik-frits' Block. W. S. KiifcGoii.

BirriLo LkATa. Mail Law Mail Wert ALLEY RAILKOAD. AKBIVB. .11 15i.m. 1:4.

p.m. p. m. 4 FRANK FORNEY.

thuvtv E'en" comes on Sunday of cab "i as t'ie vear lr? tbia Mon'd i' Cl''e'irate 0010 Saturday and Wt i. received Pittsburgh Ccsnsllsvills 5 filtslailA asiiiEitoii Ealtiore "SHORT LIISTE." make In the latest a large lot ot style and hot heads Ler on sliij luruu- thebar11 w'1''ie Jown on a-ctionately by the vour life j'rs nis throat, flee for "plain his nJ'llat SoJn5 to ex- The trial ol the two miters Ix-fore the t'li-arfipld Cotintv Court lor riot has leen concluded, by the aojuittal of tiney an I three (juarters ot in the on region oeneu up ou cuum-dav. It is impossible to estimate the amount of sas lurnished. but there must be some millions of cubic feet each twen-tv-lour hours. The roar can be heard a distance of two miles lroai the well.

It livrMti'il nn tlip Charlie Dn.Ti farm. a mile north of the fa- the conviction of Parks, and his sentence to one years's imprisonment in the Penitentiary, to pay a fine ot Tl nJ of prosecution, the latter amounting to about Kf.nnabd OuDhsi.L'Ys sol the Glades Butter last year, aiid obtained the liest prices. They have the trade aud facilities for doing the same a rain this year. IvENN AllD DK.M.t VS. Kxcbange Place, Baltimore.

We notice, by circular received from standing committee, thill a reunion of those persons who ere uu-iabcrs of any I ranch of the State Legislature, prior to ltSol, end their clerks, iil be held at Har-risburson Wednesday. Nov. There are several persons iu this county who are on the list. Two farmers' loys were arrested at Bridgeport on Friday morning last for placing obstructions on the Bedford fc Bridgport llailroad. They were taken to Bedlord to await trial at the nest term of the Court of IJuarter Sessions which takes place in that county.

-So motive is as signed tor the crime. mous Barns well, which it probably sur passes in the amount of gas furnished. Masonic Banquet. The Masonic fraternity of this county held a banquet at the liill House in this place on Tuesday of liist Xinctv members of the or-dt-r were present The banquet was gotten up in the elegant style that characterize all entertainments ol this kind at the Hill House. The entertainment lasted until the "wee sma' hours," and they didn't "go home till morning." Those of our citizens who desire to attend the Pittsburgh Exposition will find it to their interest to arrange it so that they can return Saturday night.

By going down to Pittsburgh on Thursday, they will be able to put in Friday and Saturday at the Exposition, and return by the express Saturday night, provided their numbers are such as will justify the run-in of a special on the branch. IJound trip tickets arc selling at 4, at Mineral Point. The Oakland Gazette says that on Thursday morning last the dead body of Mrs. John Edgar, aged tifty-eight years, was found on the public road near the narrows of Deep Creek. Suspicions of foul play were at first entertained but af- Judgc Pearson, ot Dauphin count has ter the matter had been investigated by a made a request that hereafter the list of coroner's jury, it was found that her jurors be not publUhed, for tue reason that the ends of justice are frequently de-leated by such publication, it affording parlies interested in cases an opportunity to interview the Grand Jurors before the assembling ot that body.

I will open during the week, one of the largest assortment of Prims, Ginirhaiiis, brown and bleached Muslins, Tickings, Sheetings, Hanuels, (assimeres, Shawls, Skirls, Umbrellas, ladies, trimmed Hats, Corbels, woollen Sacks, Hoods, Nubias, and Comforts, ever brought to this market. Depot for "ltoyal Victoria Alpacas." G. It had been caused by apoplexy. Mrs.

Ed gar was a daughter ot the lale Jacob Phillippi. ot Somerset county. Pa. Satikoat morning the snow fell in great feathery flakes, making hill and dale look beautilul ith their soft powdered surface, for a few hours. In the evening it turned in a blowing and snowing in a manner "That e'en a rMM might uu lei taml.

The Itivl bad a no Uie hand" thut night. Removed. The CUeapside Grocery of C. B. Colborn to Baer's Block, lioom No.

2. C. B. Coiborn Co. having purchased the entire stock of W.

F. Altfather it and having consolidated the same "vith their former stock, gives them the largest and best assorted stock of groceries in the town. They will be pleased to supply their former customers, and the public generally, with cheap and fresh groceries of every k'nd and description, and at the ray lou-ett prices. PotatiK-s, corn. oats, buckwheat, rye eggs, butter, at the lowest market prices, taken in exchange for goods.

Samuel D.tnlev, a miller in Indiana county, noticed something in the forc-lay had stopped the water trom passing through to the wheel. He went to make an examination, and Wis distress and horror may be imagined when he pulled out his little son, aaed about two years, who Lad fallen into the race, and was swept down to the wheel. The boy was dead when discovered. We had on trial at our office on Saturday last a small horizontal slide valve engine, constructed by Mr. Emanuel Hause.

This beautiful little piece of machinery measured about eighu-cn inches in length and has about one half horse power, it was constructed of block tin. Hause's object in building this piece of machinery was to demonstrate the practicability of a new sliding ndve which he has invented. The valve and all other parts ot the engine worked to the entire satisfaction, ot the inventor. We understand that Mr. Hause intends to have the valve patented as as he can construct a suitable model to send to the Patent Office.

ALTERATION OF TI3IE. CHI Tniis fclj, est saisrs. Eisras ram TIME TABLE. and SunJar. Nt i.vh it-j 1 Ixipart aeJ Arrive' uu Ixt, lute cvreer rnt ao.1 V.teritrtt Mlows nn-Bucaa time.

DKPABT. a.m. keepurl A-- 11-U0 Ae- 3.15 p.m. uiiauwa Ac- rin ABttlTC -MiKei-fjwrt A- 6:45 a.m.

Niton Ac- Tlm.uifh thi'icLoirn Ar- am. -MiKee5iKirt Ae- enra Mr. ArchibT fresh tub oyst 'iason furDlsIlts kets, to his a'IU the iJiiltimor mar-purchase any irs" to and he will hif8- kt know to you. By a private a northern pirt el it has Urn vt cksintUtvicV paSt w0 "Et euntv fairs" tur' ennv g.Kl," sa," mer. -keep out the1'" c-an he A queer count v.

Pa. di agricul-Uland far-Them air has a fli i. venteen per ct.ii:. Ia the ch' liunortd ami seventy which are alike. Tioga and a atirely of cop- there are one is, no two ot 6 lop.i lltn cm .1 -i" 00 1 1 eim i ad t.

n. tfen K.ii'. TSSp.m. Minnie and Mi "iiipuunc schoors 9i r.i- of with the teatliers iv. corpse Miller.

Jr. MLl" J'b Kimm Miss Ella Chrrh p.m. Oatral Ticket Offlw, 43 itb krr Pittsburgh, Pa. HTNIXAH. i B.

SDWEESL 9 I Wt r8bU.M2UGH, G3.Ps.ift The t' a latest When, large numbTar, roun, Udie, paste then, on and who Uaa the rul a i kadinjo- If you want your Butter sc nroniDtlr once, ship it to hu.h made. etc. 11, .1. "1 ad l. Ladies, Kennard Ol DEg, Exchangtince, mim Biruore.

you are especially inr to call aod and.ii.l to can ir' DrVXi iS. nt'k of "imuii r.i i rv tiaifi. layi wber- The Lebanon fttandttrd says A corps of engineers commenced on Monday to make the final survey of the proposed route of the People's Freight Railway, from Burnt Cabins, Fulton county, west of the Tuscarora range of mountains in the western line of the State. The survey ill ut rtliatiml fnrn-ttrrl na oruin I I ii i. p.

i ii 1 I au9.wu. "I Chiet tnirineer McConaughy is at present nliMiaitra 1 1 la DTnitATnunl fnthrt fln Anil 4 uu est Mrginia attending to the The few light frosts already experienced have served to hasten the ripening of chestnuts, and nuttinj excursions to the adjacent groves have been inaugurated by the juveniles, who daily resort there to gather these Javontes ol the nut species. are an innocent and healthful means ol rec reation to the little folks. XOTICE. The books and note of E.

H. Marshall fc have been placed in my hands for collection. It is important that all their accounts be closed at once. Persons knowing themselves indebted to the firm will please call and settle without delay. Johs Ii.

Siucerset Oct. 13, 1873. For Germantown Wool, knitting Yarns, the affairs of the road siuce its consolidation with other western lines. A meeting of the Local Committee will shortly be heid in Beading, at the call of the President and Secretary. Worlti lt Weight la Undoubtedly the greatest modern dis-covery in medicine is DaCosta's Hadical Ccp.e for Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Sour Stoi.iach, Costivtncss, Ioss of Appetite, distress after eating, and all disorders caused by indigestion or a deranged liver.

IU retult are anionishina Alexander and Jonvoin Kids.Ladies Berlin and sure relief is guaranteed in every case Uauntlets ana loves, cent ruling Ana dress Gloves, tanry silk Handkerchiefs ladies and gciit's Neck Wear, plain nnd fancy Hose. Hamburg and Lace Edgings Jet, pearl, and silk Buttons, working Cottons, and all variety of Notions, '-Koyal Victoria Alpacrs, call at O. R. Parker's. A man named Dunlap, ho was employed as puddler in the rolling mill, at Scottdale, while sitting upon a barrel at the South West station, on Tuesday last tell over on the ground and instantly rxpirvL He bad always enjoyed good health, and was a solier and industrious orkman.

A coroner's jury was empan-nellrd at once, and rendered verdict of death from rupture of the heart. Tli lest.numr new, ni. nul om Pre-nlied in these 1 1 ii C. AISO torUvlpacaa" county cx.tdm Ve iKar UM The whole numlier of ncwsmpvrs and periodicles published in the State of Pennsylvania is 707. Of this number seventy-eight are daily, two tri weekly, two semi-weekly, five hundred and eleven weekly, nineteen semi-monthly, eighty-eiicht monthly, two hi monthly, and five quarter-monthly publications.

The average circulation is l.ONW. or 723,210 copies monthly, makms a grand yearly The new United Brethren Church, situated on the road leading from David Ankeny's to Metzier's mill, was dedicated on Sunday last A church train was run over the branch road for the accommodation those persons wishing to ba present The ground on which the eh arch is built was given to the congregation by Mr. Stmucl Metzlcr. The church is a neat, cozy frame edifice. The number in attendance on Sundny was quite large nere it is laitlitully used, it toues up the stomach, regulates the liver, restores the natural apatite, strengthens the delicate, and cxjh'IIs all morbid humors from the system.

Typhoid and Bilious fever might in almost every case be prevented by its timely use. Trial size 25 cents. A very few doses will relieve, and a little perseverance cure you. Sold by G. W.

Benkord Somerset Pa. A Colorado poet sends the Denver Tribune an "de to Ortum." We have room unfortunately, but for the two concluding stanzas I would not dy in Ortum, With peaches tit tor eat in'. When the wavy korn isgettin' wripc, the candidates are trealin' When sassidire meat is An hickory nuts is thick, Ow, who would think of dyin Or even getting sickt RrmtiakeT Tills. Now is the time ot year for Pneumonia, Lung Fever, Coughs, Colds, and fatal rosults of predisposition to Consumption and other TfyotU and Lung Diseases. BoncrJEE's Ukrmas Srnur has been used in this neighborhood for the past two or three years without a single failure to cure.

If you have not used this medicine yourself, go to your Druggists, G. W. Ben-ford and ask him of its wonderful success among his customers. Two doses will relieve the worst rase. If you hare no faith in any medicine, just buy a Sara-pie Bottle of Boschee's German Syrup tor 10 cents and try it Regular size Bottle 75 cenu.

Don't neglect a cough to save 73 cents. woId again bring to the notice of our readers the fact that according to the poetolhce law. there is to be collected at letter mte, (six oel ner nnnni on all US uesiinaiiou containing any written matter A BlJtri.K means of temporarily changing the' colors of natural' flowers by immersing trie stems in' liquid amouia is mentioned as having been discovered in Italy by Professor Gabba, who in this way lias succeeuea in cnanging oius, Tioiel, asoa or tor vanriith for'AotW on Ailcertiiirments. -V-w AJorrtiwrneiiU. Grand Alfred R.

Potter to Lodue South. IT aveS No. S5S. A. V.

of this place, which Friday, r-nd tr thence I to occurred on Tuesday of last week, he was where I expect t- Sjx-ii'l the win'er. PUBLIC SAL! receiveu tiy an assensblagQ oi one uin- dred members of the iraternity, visitors, many of whojj are distinguisiicd memtiers ot the Order. After spending somelimoia the Lodge-room in a social meeting long ti be rememberel by all present, an invitation was extended to the ii. Lin uti.T"rtirnl. Juhn Soit'h.

wit nKt rati uMk iu l-iu Ui I Salai w.ju:i;v, i two XS Air SPtLHL il Ar 1 1' I liitci Su: i ai of Art I. i hif to i inn- iiiira the r-. I' 1 tlie ir. where are entl'led iv um ia0 of thtr u. iwuuw of their

ti.ey- a.M wh, nair i t-- fil GILBERT ttWAMON 11:1 assembled members bv the W. M. of Som-! at the Lutheran parsonage, in Jciner- erset Lodfie, George W. Kimmel, to I orough, Somerse county. 1 ly v- ir h.iO.i nn mr ftk- of I n-iieri.

mi-itu i'Ttd'jiJ It 175, Bia-ie, the tttlnr- BatBraUxaitua tii? repair to Hill': honiniM rn-imrert unor-idllir tor lh oi-cu I Jt UUIlle OiHll linind ister INil'tr Somerset county. Pa. eompliriicnted the host lioskss of ibe Hill House on the inagnilicvul culertain- ment, to which compliments all the said amen. Or. -S Jt-nacr tiwn- Dr.

Inn?) 'ruMandyrTi nf Bn. rYin If itajramorii t-i nire 4 the hi arl JtKiUcr. suuitnsca urm- United States, Hon. F. Hickok, I.q., c-i'1 a.i.ti IhoI.I c.

ur 1). Yutzv -Uu i f. iici.its. tlr-'uv. to tlte or f' Ololttiies ani erap- Mi.

YV A. Miller, of I'rsiua. aud others i i.e. aiefc hea Licite. it.mi lo: ioinml in makinff the evening lhe ail aiaeaM a icuB or fi i Ui-il n.i I urt'.

revm and pleasant to all. Many nut members of the Order partook of the repast. Lay up for Vi'isteb, The pren. is opportune for suggesting to our mechanics and laboring men the wisdom of laying up something for winter, which promises to be severe and dull. The dull times during the summer does not admit of an easy adherence to the saving principle, however necessary, and in order to do so some sacrifice is required, but voluntary sacrifice in summer seems much better than enforced sacrifice in winter.

A few pennies sored here and there will fill up waoy crevices next wiuter, and rob the storm of much of their effect upon our spirit aad personal needs. Theie are' little months to look after, and there is a wife whom the husband has promised to support. These have a pressing claim uinia the means and economy ol the workinruan, who should hesitate to spend a single ten cents whils there is danger ot future need. IlErniLtcAS Mektixg. JIj.

E. iT. Sch rock. Chairman ot the county committee, has appointed the meetings, to which all the friends of Hart ran ft, Kelrenchment. Reform, and honest currency are invited Kingwood, Saturday, Oct.

iliih, at 2 r. m. New Lexington, Saturday eveuiuz, Oct. ICth. Confluence, Thursday eveninir, Oct.

21st. Salisbury, Friday, Oct, 22nd at 2 v. m. Meyersdale, Friday evening, Oct. 22ad.

Mineral Point, Saturday attcrnoon, t'ct. 23rd. or C-rtuJxiaaJ hvrun ol Buoaa la a pwiuvt bmI nvlkai cure. For aalo by Geu. W.

Besfbrd S-iiisenvt, uU Jluancain 4 LV, IXibSu- 1 i Xt ii' Adcerliaemente. sonntsriattRUirr Curroiitl by W. F. ALTn-ATuta it eint Tit: 1. A HOI'S ANDLnT.

A.NL L.DV. A H'H a.M LOT, wlihor.t- Ui.himxa. t. i-uii'iii. an inuiuir J.

f. iin( lun.l 1 ma la at'ivinin lan 1. Uiu-telW ani uttl-. is.viv mri vrlm. (i.

Ira' i ui lan i in ikii. ip. lyinLC omt-t nirr ui'rro lt-. fxtrt ul it in ettl.ivit;. a in ImCter 7- The ue.ivi,ie.i uli-j-hai; vl a il ia Clilrrfgn i-ity.

m. Tr.RMH. -fwt'Btv-nr per rent uf tile iir-ciLise ui i tie paiJ ua ty of if-'. nJ tiie balance wti-n waanrti aa-J 'leeua tuaiie. S.iio at 10 Vi---k of sai-i Jav.

M. V. SMIi'ri, s. C. KLlii.

J. l'. Ltvt.vrjooi. I jiDMIN liTUATOR'S SALE. iiy tlnne pf an onk oat of the Orphunt' Ouri ol 6 aal mi I Jxii.i Svii at naijiio it I tf jr.

tr ii. Uim nM'iuf Uiixuiki in BrB.artoere- i fircu-r or uitiu i' te i ten mc a liare renrtvet! thir-in'm en-? rroirneJ. then ni-oihs) nnmlui. ly i.r-ellni tlieeierlii.ii. Ii If an hll refoeene trii.

He frtiil hvi rifMe-i in the ei tt- ile aol proM nt the mnt IUtrWt where sn ili olt to rnte ti lnit tw. a tn-arrilwd t-y thia law. or the Uwe tn liut -iy Uie election. i.i--h ih. a from mma I If t- vearfof Beur aiwsr-N.

name not on tae" Iit of aiuee-I lie n.a.i have two var a i wrt-a. ristat to tote hT i-i only nl.j;; 1. .,.....1 aiiV mlaiinfM irot'r irr.otir ui! 1 i- i I jt le.i.-: l.e- Ui urB pnnl. arerv'1-..ilii hnll. m.m he guif, ilO r.

tf A sn.1 1 Kvery li.i,t, Bum- I every nr ti oliewv, lio- not It sh.ili rv-eive-i, IiiB-lr un-lenri aa imtr.unuuct i rn Uiu out yeitr, or, at lb vIBfcroUou I rr. tun li. Ket. i as aaoeer-er. jnatl m. cit-c; 4. Ail ii, iM tiiTi tl IU I iHi rV1-! l.v ii -k li.c nai3-f llu cltv oi.i r.c,.,,r ml; CHOICE FLOUa FEED, I Murddj, AVr-mtcr 13, 13T5. yl buiu-r, i Kui-SirK-at. "i iieeswx, Hi liavou, fl ei'k-s Com. I'orr ai-jal 3-.

t'ait' -f ii. I small i'lorer See.i l.ire.... C-jIcin-vi ftaster. I'bsolveJ ii. l-ig i tor, br, Kl.i.

(j4 3 nt, 's' ft 1 i ji 2- fli-r l'ieter ifi U. 1 1MK V1 PoUtM, I'll lirici, 2 tiu.l!lo J.I KJ C. Kye f' im a Sail, l. hN.ei'ra.... ii.

I.ivoriMjl i Ai'J-: Suxr, yciiow wuita it li.i 1 il vi 3 I i i) i r) I.l.- 7 -a; i X')C lie 4 i to i To 'a a on the pmui-. tbc real tate of Martin Z.m Into of town itiifji, vlt: A n-rutia piiko or purel of land ailuate In sl I L-kBiJs of Wvt. Uay. Char-lea ZimmeriiiaB anil others, PMlnux mi re or Ic. This will sol 1 in the or in part-rito par-cluitft' TEKJIS.

'o l. to ivica in a lien, te be 1 on il. lof ol Keliru iry to wH-ow ot IMer 'JmtTttsnntuK rfunn her liH ritni-. sa.t at Lr il-ai(i the i-ri'itiiiai to tlie hoirs or tc-il rrr. -nrativ of 1.

Zitunicrraan. at' tei'-l, lirtiam-e in two eii ii iyin- wlt'i in'en -r: jwr ont or iiswi i be y- 'iii od dy of sile. 1 e-: fioa imi At tU': aui I I wu! Ji-Ii 'in." ti rf. a l.r:R. wnirin.

prow, h-trrow. cuirirftrnr. (-! ii tto Bear, a lot of ei turret, urruui lit. kri-wn uiny ol s.ili;. rotllwl.x at l'loVlik i.

m. U. J.iii.L HAKLH, or?) AilmtaUtr.ttor a t'wreoo biI i.y a etitvn 1 i-e prtomt an-tuiy eny-tne. 1 h.ii oo i.aa!io" vt Wal hall nerafijeet to or sit.rnmt out ilisclw h. avr el -x-utr ili of oiw hen lro.1 Joliar; an if Bnv astmir hit toted anil" mtiretl Ui do MM nll kp win-Iy anv pnw bb voter who in a juIkmI ifieee.liBs.

i or wiii'uily rvtuie to asarv ha: i. t.ii-'.ornhad ia ail tre.i-I nr-rw- wtio lx qu.iiine.1. he shall he frailty of a r. ny nnd l.rv.-k'ii ol the jiea-e. be si- U-nKn tae bb.1 oo eonvietioo oepwnish-i'nT1 "'a rr" their a i.e ci.roedlnif one th'-UMnd Joflara.

or 'a eioeiKUi mi i ia Ir. toiud re.uruing tiiero- i fnment n-t xr-liriir two years, or hot h. at r-ti-i of tho eoiirt, and al. ralMect to' any of th I i iii vt-i lie th? porrTsiMrrlPTe.1: and et jirii if bt j-er ilr-r. add

uc. -r a miaUtii. fr -m tae ITenldent ot fi-or of 4er'iBte oat a Urrt me b.te.1 Mates or by lire or tear down or mat the mbib ten i1 Px, r. rota the pla-e whte it ha Bx.i. with ftmadav 01 TOi.rji hi he th i-i'ijers.

ttrol-r or nn i.ier.His iu'eni. or for any irai.pter par jown a areori' i.iil he preerrilw! I.r th le i on-Blinc sh iil (veuaillT of a law. as as if tiny were 'ireu: at tm-ir umi 1 rariatemeaifc.r. and on ihall he Daniiheil p.aera or tleettuD. a Bne not euvedlns- ne hntxlre.1 doltare.

or im- irimnent not eieeedinir'wo year. rwth.Btth of TO. 7. reason of his nitne Mr riXe' T'J'C i Six. Any per who ive.

or I to an any- m. hi, row at an i elecuun, or Sor wiio'd-lin tb ti.cKM.rwi iriTenrrronrSTtoirit ui-h ennsl-Ieestton toTiir uiher person parry for m-h elreior fi.r tiiBwitbot.iin thereof. and ar.v wh- hittoo to roeeive. f. rn n-y.

rewnr 1 or other i i'o "o--i. reti wof the rourt; and If anv nera shall, hv or inriiDtlali'n. dnre, or attemtudriT rr in the p. lis. any perm or persona appointad by the urt to at as oveieers of aa eleetk.

or la any w.y wlifuily prerent said wirswrt from priorrtuo the duties enjoine.1 apoa them by this persist -hall he xnrlty of a muda-in. an. r. and nj.m coaTietioa thereof shall be pwn-is'ac-l tj bu not one th.wwn 1 by lmprii eieee.ilna; two years. of the enurt.

Anr per- wlv. snvj. on the of anr election. Ttit a poiiiri pl.x in auyeieetloB dlstrietat wlehh be la not ei.iitl-.-d oie an.1 hill use any innaiklnloB nr fj.F 1 hoi the ime rherrhy the rihr -r f. r'he Mtrpe of prerentmsr an otB-Tofe at su-h elect k.

in'l anv elei-for wh. of twrtnrminw tiw mm m. 1 ui rn. en.xieoit.1 or Ui-U bet -e cieoii in. iiii r.e re.ei red joi-x a goi-; ShanUsvilie, Saturday atleru nm, Oct.

I no nirc L.ruo, j' ct I. io, 2 i ro '3rd. BerlinThursday eveninir. Oct. Stoystimn, Friday afternoon, Oct.

Hooversville, Friday evening, I let. S'j: Davidsville, Friday evening, tcL il'ia. Jenner Koads, Saturday afternoon, Oct, oOth. The foliowinij list of im-plements drew tirt premiums nt our Lst lair. Department 13.

Foreign "Maiiufuciurc. I5cst reaper Improved IJu k-cye mower and reaper vith taUu i.iLl-, presented by W. Ii. Frease. llest Mower Cbsmpion Liht presented by M.

Holdcrbauin. Best Seed" Drill Drill with feriiUin uttachment, by J. M. llnlderbauni. Cutting Uox Dexter feed r-uiter, by Musstlman Frease.

First pnr.ii'iin lor horse and hand po vcr. Best ('uttinsr Box CopoiT strir. feed cotter, for hand power, by J. M. II.

liaiun. Plow. Improved plow, 1 re sented by 15. Frease. Best llay Fork Wills 11 hav lork, by J.

M. II jlderbaum. Ilest iuno and Orpan by T. C. Aid -n.

Best Machine acd "iVriiijer by Ezra Beeghly. 1 Horse Bake by J. M. 1 Cider Mill 1 Thresher Separator 1 Horse Power Xi 10 I viriitf I ttil: i of Fi -ri Dili' exiMia- -vt uic nun an im (Jiriu 1 l' fulc u1 fuv--: I lhe O.iri HliT II ann Ih-il lh9 mutter of th hii T', i. Fhuii l-o Any per who sti-itl. triuit of Imud.orwil i'll ition of any election in 1 t.ret-. )iiiri of him or li.r the punvoseol' nre- Toter of meh dUtrtet exer-' I'iri lus riiiht to Tote, from rxeretslmr his riitht to rh.ulei! any le-rin nrferlnac to tote, sueii pi rs. sliail ler milte of a and up-11 ihall be by a line rsiwiimr ihootn.l lolfarx, by two years, nr botii. at toe or the curt. Any eierk.

eleeti. er. who shall by Inw. be doprived I i'J)r ei, "'ail Uave unk-ss to do nga sbsolutelr for a t. rm of wltne.s in a iu shall I tuiiy of .1 mi! meo.r.

and nooa eoaTwtion 1 ror 1.13 uneve orvrviiD no person 1 1 piiiiiue.i Dy a nne wt exceeilnr sliali be dveaioo ave a by 'hoii-ii id dollars or It imi.r:-.nment hi-" it bv rei of hi two ye.iri. or at tha discretloa of the i.wetiee. wnne rmploved In en her i "'rr. thl, if ir 1 thu O'lauioow tviiliil vl ot I Ion any j-nsl-ol llij rlht uf lour I imi an'-rlti-e i tra or ilih, any ei.nvt.-ted o( i tin -rt-itl. in Hvil or niill'nry.

of this Srate. ot the T'niiml Stsfes. nor while ensured in the nrlarstin ol (lie wat.m of the Suite or tiio iii'ed ates, or on tt hialtsra. nor white a of lenrnioa-. kep: in anT fm house other asrium at putilis whiiu citu-i-ed in pu'-iic i.r!""n.

Hv 14. IiiMri-'t eteeijon boards shall iMn.i.4 1 a nu'i iwo rs. i I I'Tiosen tout any oiii trot an eiciiou an ler this act irui li.iiriit su rlM'tion. or ue or threaten anr tKv. to any otn.r.

ami shall interrupt ir ii.ti wuh him in the exeeutioB of his im-k uporatiempt to hi.s up the or to any window where the may be hol.lrn. or shail riotously disturb the peaee of wii eie. or si: ill u-e or iir.ieti.-e annually I.y iho rir Kaeh eke'i-r sh.ill have 1 'r wuh the desivn inrlu-liie riiflit vote tne ulae and on? aii-luiy or orerawe any eleetor. or prevent bint an I c.i Ir shnll Tlie I to restrain the rreed. tn ol ehosee, iirst election Iraanl for anr newd'sirtct sii ill be on -hall I nue-lin bbt sum scleete rial in" boa nis tilled, e.vs.lni are Buadrvd loliara, to bw as lU pn.vid.l I.y hw.

r.rti'-ers "u'-v le lliao one aor more than sua 11 I-rii 11. fr. 111 am nf on Li of elee, i 1 ni. n-'u. and if shall he shown to the court ti-n.

and whilo eiotaacl in mak.i. ur ind lns the 4 eh oileaew shall he had. tha a esuMikliM "I'disaml Mute ab- Uzl it. tew fever rtv.r- i'l luteniiU-- Bl Uhous. A fine barn owned TTT.

North of t.e Ttad Couwv, waa h.irned The unmcdi Saturday igU kst. on. ml 1 1 ln wgmhoniJ tramp act J.T- i fV: oan OI uread of rrroowiB, ,1 in- The Ion is ssated to be oult- 1 'M may arrive at TaeBhlers. on th aiid conuinin? any written mt n.m. ..7 1 vigorant, moa ln" oi me party anu puque uowere to green, anu wnue iot aud il-nctToii cW'll r1 rleD.l"r 'f6'" Breat d- ot ones to yellow.

The natural color returns kl prince. Tu! the real estate in PenoWtr iTl i. JiiimimIc1i. invariably artsea both to the in a few hours. Another Interesting pro- fcoutcned the i Dparuuent and to the receiver ia conw: cesiof which flowers also form the aub- by reducing the dehu 7.1 1 1--! CL "If1 Uw" Tbe ject wa5 recently brought to the notice of lot Batajlenrr, rraH u-Z'Z r'- er the eiuocrtic panv has Wn- i vHrea to tue 5jciety ol rtr in lonaon.

itUa m.tinl irnhrr-a. etJebt ho bended 2 daJ iJ posUge. and if method lor coating natural flowers, as well More Slv V' bandeJ Pil.llrt dabe tr If 5 1 "Tf t' B' b- 8'lTer- br the than His Demoef.Uc Dred! to the. of- 9t electro "ther words' btnearnfTri -orihu 5e wrutofe 8'nally sent, in simply clectropUting them. The no nd cheerfulness, -s -e-sia armot poliUcUns ho have been TonT ornaments can thus be obtained.

5 s. wiiat caquiisato uoau tiottars iine trtci orrn of ul Of the October outlook for bus New York Bulletin savs: With the incoming of October I be r.u- tumn is sufficiently advanced t.ieiiaiile the oliservcr to torni some juiurmciit as to the drift and extent of the lail ira-ic, con cerning which there are so many clivers opinions. Without entering into minute details which would only be a rctietiticn of tacts we hve been recording from day to day during the tast month it need only be aaiu, tiiat while trade for Setiteui- ber was probably not up to the anticipa tions of the people who are accustomed to indulge in sanguine hocs without duly considering whether they are warranted by the surrounding conditions, but little i-risked in saying that in many of the leading branches the sales in the aggregate have been ouite up to tlmae of previous seasons, when there was less croaking. Ii all the others have not dune as favrrahlv as was expected, it is well to bear in u.iud that the autumn is not half over yet, and that with a continuance of the present de lightful weather, considerable accessions to the large number of country liners now here arc CerUiu. AcoL'T Steel Pen.

Few doubtless are aware of the lact that tbe original inventor nf Steel Pens is si iil livine. Sir JosiaU Mason, now the gn at pen manufacturer of Birmingham, England, enjoys that disiincticn. He "or. very old, being above eighty. It is his great factory that several ot the fop-uiar of tho widely famed Spencoriau Double Elastic Steel Pens are made, the models being supplied by the proprietors of the pens, Messrs.

Ivison, Blakemn, Taylor the Educational PuUi-hcis of York. The Spenceriau Peus have attained their great popubirity from a variety ot reasons, all ol which will be apparent to any one ho may try them. Ol one number alone more than six miili'ins were sold last year. We use th-jm in our office, and are so well pleased witii theia that we have no hesitation in ing that they are, in our opinion, superior to any-other article of tbe kind with which we are acquainted. Their chief characteristics seem to be flexibility, elasticity, durability and evenness of and a nearer approximation to tlie real quill action than has been heretofore attained in a steel pen.

The Spencerian are ti r.i-prised in fifteen numbers, all differing in tlexibil'ty and fineness of point, and the convenience of those who wish to try them Messrs. Ivison, Blakeman. Taylor loit and HO Grand Street, New'York, will send by mail a sample card, sec.irt enclosed, containing one each of the dif-terent numbers, on receipt of TwcntT-'ive cents. Savassah, Oct. O.

Dear Herald Savannah is a city with a population ot about thirty thousand souls. It is situated oa a perfect level, and surrounded on all sides by a beautilul plain. The soil is of a sandy nature, and the crops are principally cotton and rice. The weather at present is mild and warm. This morning we had rain, but no such rain as wc are accustomed to have iu Somerset this lime ol year, but is more like the rains we have in July and August.

The people here know nothing of snow and cold rains. At present cabbage, beans and other vegefaljles are being planted lor the market. The people here do not fully accept the results of the war. They do not appear to have lhe same regard for their ieliow uian as our northern people do. Heft Baltimore on the first of Ociolier on theSangosca.

Sidling along tbe I had an opportunity to see many of tbe torts which played such a prominent part in the late war. While on board the vessel I became acquainted with a gentleman from Florida, who was my bunk mate. We got into a conversation on the late war. He asked me whether I had been in the late war. When I told him that I had been and that I still felt the etfects of it, he asked if I had ever heard ot the Andersonville prison and of the manner in which our poor soldiers had been treated there.

To this I replied that I had to niy sorrow. At this he spoka up nnd told die that he was' a captain at that prison. I said he ''must have enjoyed starving our men while there." He replied: '-Oh. no, bnt JT took a fancy in robbing them." lie showed me an elegant gold watch, which he told me one of the guards had stolen from a Yankee, and which lie bad bought from the guard lor To my question rj to why he did not prevent this stealing, he only said that lh'se times were over. There are vi ry few Northern men in Savannat, but there are a large 1'riJti-' in In-r injr deit rea! estate to Ait lhe io.

in erti. an. I -f ii. Small ol. iu una to Llii; ro tU-s-uite.

a o.Tiii.u ol im: 1 l.i le l.r:.ii:i, -lui'-rscl couiuy. on-i-i' iin Ii re or it. vi.n a i.oii-e. an.1 oMir i.uii iiiu's ailj-diiitij: l. ii ol Georijt: Wci-roT iu me nor-li.

lurKs e.i.-r. on tlie -ulli. un i trie iic-ir ol rei-r on tL.1 et, wiiii aj suWn ia i-xerii't' ui li. S.iir.i:. at rrUit ol V.

H. liiiu-'ii' rn C'. ALSO Ait tbe invrvrj', lira r-f Satchels, l.i Fr: AI.I.Kdi.'K.NV CITY moil Mti-j1 yf, iri a r-ail viz A ruiin lt uT Nii-i-Hacii. S- unty i'junu a-Ti, tin -re or I ilwt-liiau aivl Ita ia Mevvr h-'e a a twiriiry lioun-ici oa inn nenr. vy on I.y luivi thi; Iivif- Vt''-r M--yvr.

1., tu tiic s- titn t'y allf-y: Kit It hk? njfunm in. e. r.iki-.t in a iw m-n Ur.ui, at oi i Hauzh i ALSO AI! ri-ht. nn-l of 1Z. IT.

iii a 1 l- th i-jli-w ii.y A r'ain Irt liT-rcii I hi uii'tu anry iajca -use j. iiala -STi-tfti-ii cut "UtJi. vt M. t. i.

i.ur-b at cn- -n. -rs-t 1. ivc tt tlie rimm-'-n I'Im i tb a thur-ter. ti! ki ill Ut 'n t. j.

a ar; I at! r-v '7ii tiit-v -e iin'iM'i-. J. AMOA.V. t. vny tz, j.

MtSi jr. A. JMtV. OLISS l.V. i A.

KeV.tliMJN, l'ai -r. mtniric ww, rw-pr opin wnmior .4 vmurf i or ju ia iLi-n-ft, li.r aa rlfi-nou imu t. f- icNmy, t-T wnron hirir-h ti(, In ru.ij rUim ec-TTi-ji lr-n jurv tltcir tiTU. nt -riv. us an lu'.

Yf i. tip fi liavo Iil ui; -r. p-mt-liiPsT ur tn ui-f'-r tn- I iie I 'I ur --i tiii- i i-l'y. ur c-i ii'r. -r r.ny nHiriViiiM h.nir-l. ur 'TMt in anr (iiy air it tin inw dti nl-N-rmm. n'rti i-r-'ttf1 iu tin- imiir-iry rvi i i-r li- n.hii i irf turn V. wnrl i-T ilNtrii-t wh-re IfU mM ir1i-iH iiiuii i axi tt ruttr tuT(t ti.o-r.-m, rm- in tv tu uiT a tin) i-l any IvM'-n nt rrv tt -1'ii-D rf i-atfn. lindf iv -iti f-o rill ve i'nli rh-fs, a -hail i-rt itf THAY CATTLK F. Sciu -ii vU tne siti, tiio preruis i (ff the IWu otlr- t.l.-tfk with )b.

l. lir. on tu' Wily an-1 I tr-- rf tsf IL Ii. AlaSO rc it Is c.alw tniir us A LI ti.o rii hi. li ia Lii i".

vz: iiiiy tvuuiy, rt at'i-'. it-1 ri red I'ii tiu; i N.riu eSULict ou V.n: west, n.u.1 tl. )KUlll ItiLat Li. k.U id i lilt; ITju LVOf of M-Cia-is, l.i:cuuiOa,lu. ALstJ iiju.s: ft i cl of J.iLUL? in i -liVi-r I viil.

two he It witiie mi tUv ivroii hra a white on beiiy uii tail. Tii otrn-ir T.iil etiac -i-war i. t.r-'.e r-Mi ry au-1 take tri-m aw ir, Tr.1 ff.1! IV' i I 1.iw, AlLii. KAlil-aUfcii. it AjUuli ui iu: Ail the riiiLl.

liiW; A ctrLtiii ot l.nJ situate iu IV Tili a T. w-ri. lr-v. ut wiiu-h a-T'-'H ri-i witti a 1', sr ilwoiUrts h- i I-- orectci, a i-i J.i-vxttt nuiu au 1 wi tne ai'i'Urtt-n-tiii't-i. I kin i-XfciiiiiQ jr-ir (f at the jfuit of S.

AISI Ail th- tltlf. Intrrr-it anl rliiii Mei-t -f. iii ea.i ti tti: Uufl-JTiljea real via: certain tract rf Km I in Nt. -ini SuujihU!i'?t:ip.

yriifr-nf avn. uhre or win iii; r'. are u'r -icir. wtrh iUii- jtaMe aui unt miilaml orht-r iJii r' ul a -J it lii I lit 's iit i.uc--iiK-y an I v. lii; ajij 1.

A in Ut la.hi 'p'ta ti 3 rn -w: t-'UtiXf. tr if. -t ji'h a. re u' "1. rrffh r.

l-iiti a crov'H? M-y. aii'i Kti-ja a- IUulv BULB5, PLANTS A TREES. I'ii Ilyr.cir.:; rrn. N'ins. Try An inimtri' crj s.

s'ln1 t-r :n.i F.F.N. A. KlJ.I'JT a. rittst-urali, IU. IX THE COMMON PLEAS.

To A'li'i'io li intern: uricl itb nf. Jatiu- --Jt. Martin Van Hnri-n iM 'lint 'k. Aii lrew J. Mrl'hntuck.

M'-dniii k. M.iry J.ine IcCliut" K. Y-u an h.Ti-hy "that a fn iui-'iTion to lnr4 1 Ltati iu AliiS'i ttwn-S fiav. OHitUuuin- -n-p. In-1 )y -n a ii int- in rniin-a wit iri-h-li M-- 'iiiir-ri'k.

in this -r-. lit i-! i-n the rn.i.-i tm tha 4" vf s-V. V. lTi. OT-IVKR KXES'PER.

ti. Atrl aif. tii if this ru: A't -f 174. j. At nil ta-L 1 tbe laws ttii- ji-viMltb.

tno p.U t.tfi.,--n?'l 7 a. n. i at Vlik f. in. Jin N.ini -n th itx.nii'.-f tn fl'-n, -iai-l ii liiiji in ii iiiurni; vsiiti iP'X 1 iw.

Thd-irtitl at AM'-mMr '1 4w r--Ming to thf -tf f. ii 2 Ml i a Ti.r: tiirt ir.wt'im-H ani at i-i-w- p-in el l-r h.l th in fh nt wdiv-h rvfiv luliriix. Wi. ro 7 in ia.fiiinir 1 i i- ijy. v.m-r .11.

nr. ca -h ii 1 iit airHint ir rlrrk, wli. shall vuter i ut MKi. 'In n-o tl.o jors wh i ilf h. Cfivi iiunirr of vote his-cvror iiall not on the tiay of an citviiv" j.

Iwd i rTNi ii-i sV.ili hire f.u hlciif-n nuruU-rtit vtc jaio ivt the rf xt rr-ct-e Jiii- rivet i- it a---: ui l' hi AiM inf'n- the jr-n wh. i(ve. th I nutuiier tf ft ii tw-. 1 nt at- t'ti i. tU" T-'in elti'tvl ju h-iit int an in i i-i anl in the ten 'e sf.ali atlenl, the the Liirhr-it ETruhrr of V'-tn f-h'ii! ny a Mi.i'ze in ht ami it any vflrtwy i Him -r aj-a- ol h-ur iiU'-r The tiTl bylaw U.r tlie.

vi tb-11 I tie nu.iiii:"-.i it. I Lc i-r li.ri (. wl.U ri sfnl! hnv N-n eiii'tc-'. ji'-ient iliejilace tit.ii, ui tiaVir irroviue. 'nirir r.f th noli ebc- KNIIUAL KLECTIOX i'ue act of 30 of July, I-iTi, vU: At the tion.

it thvir to tliuiue nf the ir -pei-ti-r. wIiom inty it a rm hav in the retru-iry of v.itern. aut to n-ice U.e therein by law: I thp-iuryof the micT-if U1 tn; retf ivo an-i nuu.lier tLa ti -o. 9. Ail t-U tUi eiliji ihall be baib-r; ti.U- n''-I a.uiii.'irn.

iii hi i T1 if In whi-h it rii ill nn 1 nuiiaiH-r ty the clerkj on lic i to vr i--iJe the i arne i i he rici u-rirnu is i. re rivii A any vt'tef tm tw-iir rt the '-vernl tirkeis iv jretl i ail uuiia-jer- i wilh (he niitiii t-r rrt n.iin with 'Iil' number t' th nune of the voter. Any eb'f-i'-r x.y vftte l.u" nanif xv.u nrcuji. I rl'. an r.y r--n 1 1 Ol'- in Ja to tr;" now tJOO S.IVK TlIK ru.H It'XWKALTU.

feml'ly oi the 4. in ai'! nn ffnrrl A- mr.i.-neai of Ft iin-- tv "An to r- -Jiute ih ral irirtiin thif 'otmnTrt-n-wtialth." It enj' ir.e-l iue tfive uMic mxifn s.iii.1 elc-ii -n on to i-i I Ti.Mi' ofHTr to H. 1. CL1V LK KMPftR. Sheriff of the 'is ii- r'-y in ike an.1 ir ft thiMaQ-ty of -m! rct, tiiat a i Defa.

hlcv'. wU will he he I in mi 1 c- 'Uaty the Lhe ri-ajht, inti n--t II. iu aii to the rc il t-sut-f. Mi: K' Lr l-es of nri-i i u.ifr. ii.

"ii the jIan of mi ft town mk Ot. an 1 6:. wiite ft frarite uiill hu.M-iii3r thrr? -n eniur J. I -)uniel hv J-. Jet-b-r'ti an CiittT atrvr-t- ami aliev.

with Suvrr atlf-y W. ir-'t wi ir. mnnin (k twecu No. 61 nmt whh th" apfiur enan--. Takt-a in ei-jeti'tcn a the roi-rtv of Wm.

II. Sh fiMhe tuit or PnTiiel ri th --'me o-r- thf Ct-xt jwicg the rsrah HeiH.y. viecvase-i. I tr AUS? i ut ti.t? of Vt rifiit. title.

iiitrr: elairn --f ir. at tho il la hTiiuifh. Humeri, In an-1 to tho ihc c'cors of anl towashiji of rc.l r-ware. iiwr--: to at lhe Hou- in -ai-i A ortalo trs-t of I.n. In tho rillaz of b-pHi-zh: Summit if Iae eicrf'-rs tii; r.f lilf.d To met't 14 ai-re, m-Ts or h'-w.

wbh a Ptorv umia- aMh liif bv Kin-, iu hotel. finriLj- a frfit of Vw Uvt and deuth ol 1 1 towu-hip. fft-t, wirh a l'4j tt.ry iLe of i-j tr.o ct at -n er" ltn is ot Krnrii'd At J- "4 hu-H." in mM ln-foiitfh. kr, an otneis. with tne jirurte-1 In eitotors -i the t.

of etr Turktry-mn-. to ui'-f: at him: "I hn A Shu.U. '1 uk-ii in exo- utir.n si tit-? ITo-crty of Wu. towr.t-hip. uiii al 1 hf f-m; ol n-l rtia I Tiia of tl.c towush ii of Jyiwer Tark-'v- bnaiirtM mure ban thtLuiiitl i.r-.

Im Dot it- thin li nioath-i r. rr thin tw-- ypar. any i ir MT.n ihall akaDy bet or rrs-j-'-r trns rt'-uir ot an eb-riuu oiuiaonwciiiih. srinU oftr to nwtisr max urii bet way fiihvr by ver htmatioa :herf.f or bv 11 a.iverti-ement. Invite uny i iwr-n to inak sh rw-t or wan-r.

it'Hiu' hi or they iiall f-rfeit I-ty iti'if tii-- ftch'-ai-t mi tiri ot uRrri ib t. Vn tb fle-ti-m lar of the far. 1h.1t "Th liKpext(r. an I cb-rks tbaii. h-r etitt-ruut; on tho aiuiirs of thrir 1 an tubn-r'ftr the oath nf af ai ti-ti h-rreinuitfr -lim-t-i.

whirli ihi. he vl. -1 to tru-iu ly any Ju Aloermau Ji- it ih P-arr: ti If no stu-h rat jfR-bt. th ths tiet th-a fatiail a-'ir iui-ii xh'j or aitinnsilii to tWe oiiwr Ijalafi. rA arv.1 thf-n th Uy-Hur the oath, uf -t'luuktikini to r'5o.

jiiatirw arvl k-rk reqainMl hy I tvn.i the ti.wn-i.'.'i uvtf.1 ifenfral ri-erf 1 tHk ti I -ubM-ril tfir-aernnil oath or afflrrn I i- i r'-pupti bvthtj lirfh, anti ant llx srftf-n i tlie -M tay 'f July, -An i i too euvit- ni thl? h. ui- iriiin -r athrmatioD Khali bprr n-' a.ln:ir.i-:--n in th manner in tiv lS au-i i ui the -laid aet, i' ii to lb- wf r--nf-i rri'-l hy the lMtti w-tironi th juviee or either" if the Nvpevttir iiiivi jaower t. a-iuiiniTer the oari rVrril' i by s.ii I foany clerk oi ft fcenai or, peviak or ehftioo. The I'-ii the f-T of the 'ath or t- lv t-'ken by rro hjrt'tor. ixr -l A.

j. ttiat 1 will Ouiy attervl to th eannnc 'birin-r tho -m; kjuwn- thereof, a an in-H e-t -t 1 will nt-t ret-ir any tirket or it. iii i.i'-w.n,oti:er ibausmh aft I ball Brm-ly h'--t. vo 1 it. to The of the i-on' aiMO'i rin-1 the km this 4'otniaooweaHlav "l'l'i--I at tm-ii election, without rv.iiurtjm it- 1, T-t- tf the rij-ht to T.rfe a a irrt hy Itw.

I tieliiT nr riw re-- any v.n. trom any who I vtunfl ie to fe al Paul, hat tiutt I wUI in t-uiy. iiaparti.iiiy aiayl taKhtuily uy -'uty Ti'h. ut mr anl ta-it aim not iirevtiy or iuit-rr int'Ti -t-1 ia ay hvt or waijtrr on th if fiif ion." i hr.U he the oath or affirmation of e.o ja i'c: (A. do that I will aj juiIxk attetvl the eiwiUiif eleefloaijarina' th 0 hi Bai4.iii -e an'l tatihlaiiy a-i-t in caryi'i oa lb mme: that I will q4 my vmn-at iJu.t aay te or ticket shall tront any o.rn other than ntrh as I tnoly l-4-lifve t' to the priivielooA ii ia rou.

a-tiuii Lm-iiit thi.4 i ontruoownairh, taJeft i'fon. without riurrfn-r "oh 1 i'nf fix. it to ot a LaWvlvU hv law. it I will u-t my bt eileavr Ui nrewnt ei it or abu-e iu rrtrf th wirnck 'o ijn ioti'-'t to v4e, or otivr-, anl tliat I a true arvl j-riet return ot the uM tkr. n.

an I mil in art ttnnM truly, hnpartaiii am but ii.uiiy -viofiu al tiniy r--petin- the -Muie iii-? jn-i'jrur-iit ami ahtlttiva, al that 1 iu. 1 1 tiiP'i'ti or in iireetly hit re- I aiijr txA wa "ho lio tiwtt'n. i u'twinz be the form of the oath r-hrjiaii. te i.ikn by f.t.ti via: l(A. H) ti.rtt I a ill iaiiiart hilly aifl truly write iImu Tli nuui of ho haU vote ax the shall ifien ne la eiiarv.

I 1 ti- of wapl ir 'litrift whi ---ti aai rarMiailv mud iruiy numl'tr tlwit ahall i lii-. '-n "-to 14 the eb--tifi as often aa r-uue Ire to ate by toe inpe ta-rr an i thintrn tnilv ant faith full per my nary tlx mime to the bet of 1-itm-af uu-l that 1 am t'lirirty' iv ini-rv-ff-i any iei or aer oQ re 'nn V. il.fii falc Wi tiio Me propi r.y nir -in ie e.t ''ii. all' IM' a Ir-i'-: V. iii in- k'l p.ii.l iri 1 i I H'Tii Any 1 1 1 iui-iy be r-qn ij- wp.

cl ia f. rl hi tnu- j. ii i i rr-i by It n' 1 1 i r.e.-r un; il 1 ur V- it, t-t it a. r--i to m- ftt I 1 I rl.t 't i Irt i 1 af 'he 1 i.i liK-tie-: Ur tl: nr- at th. i li -t the S7h- h- in hor- an-i ni oi tho or up '-f-'upifi; iy Tf: to i uhlor.

1: K.vr.i it i i tj lti is iirrohy (riven i.i all ns K-catt-i-s. f- li.i-inir liavo t.j?se.l roister an. I mil In: prts. ntvl c.utirru.iri-n im-l ali- at aa nr)')ians' I'oun. tu i hel'l Bt SorTsctiii un-l CuaiitT.

on Thtirit'hy, October 11, IflT'i, wlisr. all t.irs.ins inli'rsstpil mav artvn.l if IktrT tlucik Aa-uuui jjary Jtiary Kf.i.l. dee. nf lilr.irn Jlurrii.

ut Jane H. iUil aa.1 Am Walker, a 'ra'rsori l. Mi aiaer, u.v'il A-T-unt ..1 ii. a-'m'r 'l 1s-rai-l Kli. i.nls.

Am. mil uf J. H. flil a.ira'r ot S.l'iu Knee, A.V- ont of A. S.

an-l JenimiaTi Li-ton, cx'rs ot Thomas jn. Acniunt ot Ci-ini. ex'r of Bi nj i-uin iu. Mi 'Iriol r.vr. ex'c of -llrsir-'-uk-n Ai-c.

nut K. J. I 3. 5. Jlevrrs an-l W.

G. 3. Iim k. ejt'rs of JyJ. Al' Artunai ul U.

L. ol V. P. Welsh, iI.t'.I. Ac-rourit of J.

ex'r ot Wm.'i i-f VrliM -I in mi tin' oi A -n m.H-t Le. i Iu 11. r1 'ir. ia ai.l l- I'je i 1 -i r.t TU- li Jlll-1 lire of i lie

nt new s. hou.9 iu 1-2 iinnr. -J 1'lie rlrt'inrs of tho rsfirroah of Snli'Inrr tn--t at th? Biw botr-io ui saii ot t'lwnsiiiiiol tSuinrui' lo at rlie piio. 1 fious in Itrl-'l iry liie bvp.uall ot lali C'ily foi 'stai tin' iwil a-ase in s.a i t- ual. Tire -jTw-tors of triw lioniOKll of to at tiie lii I r-v litw ro Is- ikt-a I -lir.

1 1 brf vorn t.t J.ow any li.v.. v.r...!. -jltirc 1 to in j.p Ail lti alrrrks. rm I r.

'T -l' any i -i-i -r. t'-i--t- raifrln nr-'n therr iI'iit'sw. iu tlie pn.v'cnt-e of oa-ft riv-i rrua'l r-w rn i.y the mlri. ri: ir tli'-r Muiil l-e swh mini riry iroif.prlor. aivl in .1 ..1 Ti.S rhs-tloB.

i shall Ik t-'i t'ii-i will take th S.I'-s ol twcarlarr -r 1 of tsar. Oar or out arr s.Kijwf hv tiw -r. l.r4Uitiu, tl l.y tho nhr-, I In the stieral oaMirs of lh tta. p.l It anv or I rr-iu talis I-. ia-ar the offl er.

ii. he it hj th- Snaat aasl tVr tuisact. or ir --r t-'- v''t the I of -n shall s-t fr'st only n. bm-c aa.1 ills or 11 anr ttirrr lerti.n stall ti.e ii -r i 't ttl Several COOntles of tills i or iris-v-efir a-V I 1 "-K-fw-ah Bt a.l kto.ti.1 bufmg I awr is sworn Wbo lie was 'u i.i '1 a lien tiv. hereaiter.

aoth-ar. an-l i i I'-'-T- rUw -r orotlirs shall be so. no' ti-1 writu. i oihi tu-iusan-l or is i i -l-a-a- as 1 Urk-rt ahaj itnoCiur' -o I -im rl. oa tlrket 1 nams of ail Sti vsBs-rs T.Ke.i Str.

W. "1 csv r. is-1 lie i oh iM-kct anall m. I r. its- shall tie ivatrr ri" u.i- of all mmn nlH In-i -roter.

iio-l who ciaims tna riai.t v-io ar safi eii- ui" ot S- tu '-aveuii-cr aivt BMiahrra tiff-iiri. i.aii al irait r.e A il aifl member of ol ti a wltn- in th I -r-ss. it v.t.-. I al Isn ti lie-l -n uBtT-." ija. claitnrint to the in whirh tmeiaims ur h.ilt r'iuttr tiie nauies ol all a v-t -r.

1-r vri at h-ist tw. im-; ti-ors i- r. awl l-e ne-'iatciy sai I whieh wift-ss i foil roe the names of all tm. aehal ftu is) nr aijirmo 1 I su -crr-a nr.

--ti r. I ri'i-l te l.ii-ile or wrutcti I j-tr-v tha fa-'ts l-y I'll. in' i wi.vrrr i- i.l I iimiirj a r. atvi the i liie rirtit t. -lull also ai'l rTiii.) i'-irtiv ac I l-artiy s.

iTs-1 to tr.o Is ot hli an-l 'X meet ti.oi. vr.vii ao li is in- ii.i. 'ruu 'U of Srtlis- a crrir- ii "I for-ine ao.l ol the ruiaia. nweaitli of ttut; I'lC .1.

ii.ish.m1 In it han be tU umiirs inj to ir eiirti. irs BS hereaiter ia. nr--. a ot "tils J.WU R. KF.LLET, tHc il'-asrof Kepresetitative.

PVTID FLFMlTi.fl. Si-nk-r im aw aati tli- ii -lar ir Asna Buairatl ar I eiriit aod stary six. A. I BTT-. Knrr.t'A Tt lmi nf lha i'nlteJ I Stmt on Itio jtc lt.

lv IsTU. rasWu -t etltUl.l a.t liirnorrt tftt rioai riii- tea uf tn SUIet lo rale i I1M Arrt4 t.i ie has in i C' minonisra; It i-irmerly a (in-ilitie el'-ior r-r a native iM.rn t-t iz aa-l has trien'trm aii.t is-. ttiine-1. that he ri: th 'r -i to ri stii I eleetlon: th.t he has r-stlel 1 iri trie in won uc claims ue a t. j--rll at Jerrs.

-riles t'elr pro- I coollra irmb lie Has rer Bi.ivt'l ut I nc ol liie in of i.reenviile to tue u.joso ol Totit. thi-fin: Unit at th.r jrfrepl in sail he has. II tweuty years of a ao or ujiwarn. Tiic" fe. of th- ti l-ip of was at le.sttw,, n.e.n,h.

sn.l i to uMctat lii. hoase one month tfore tlertlrm. Th. sl.l IC Haat 7. w7at hall state when au.l wiiero the tai 'f tb of Northampton to b.

rahl hy th wa. nl. aa-t 7 i Ti totn, iteto elJ.Ua iaahi sn.t where an4 a. u. ta lZIiXl N-am.

T'-rriH-ry. enuBr-r. euy. pmrith t. s.

ho.i -t. ixthr ur-rit sii.iil mfriit lof ta at ail sf eUrrth-o- wtttHHtt lmJ iiv-taa -ir j.r-vim. -intiiti'n 4 rnfiiifr aay c-n--' I i n. i-aMT. futi-ro, a nvatamtiaa 4 t.y by antier tUaaihunty s.

f-rtjfrar tvtwirhBainltna'. U. JnJ i if fuwtAe Mfi TUU tf by or 'in aat b'Ti'y 4 the cin-Hltutio ra)f auv S'liic. th iawof any TrTUoy. say aaa i "ii ks- miRirt to he a a oc cUaiinai ifai -r ruiititfa an-i ay mr eonat.t-att'ia iuwt M'TMif vfttr-jf are ur shall be-hmrxei wMk the jrf rrnuve uf trt tn furnriitrif to c.iue 10 trriorfta bpb prte-ittwtwa.

or 1 i th, ik atiutai oe ia uaiy ef nc lf t- r-' t4 tu nie-t-t at iioyera, dec'ii ana UtiUUi-mfct) uariicutsi it lr BiiaorcUliareuol al.l JtiU Acei ant uf aiictiatl I Dif. trustee f. of The ei ioe rva. 01 laiell l'e (0 nuwlal Isaac ILiutlruan. traaUe Cr th $xlc of the Teal www w.

HIT A WuSl.i'. i -r. Tl thetf wr.hlt.of Iirimer to Bieet heartian. shall slate In h.i aid larit that it hts at tua tru.rri icakie4 ay, Ittl been des.roj-e.1, ur tiu.t h. ticver reivea ti.trii.-l.!' oi y.

ami If a uat ar ilije.t n. ahaial ate leotoM of th horouifb Berlin to meet 1 when, where ail by what eoart he wag oa.nrau.v at the el Ar.iii:al hi i r-1 b.1, an.l shall also pr-lu -e his e-r itrente uf nam MMr lor Kut If the p-rin tlie V.wrisiiii. or llrnlMTriTalii eiaimiDZ nnoi i an-i ii-r's bone, In ftthl tuna- na aiti-iavit thai he is a native horn eltlren of ti 1 jaip., bi. ii viMrwiia rr.

snail i4e liie cleeturs of tbe of tn the lact in his arh lavit. an'l "hail aM the sehnol hmisear Shanksrllie. In aahl taat h- lias heen namrrilired that h. hon'i'ksl i Urwashlt. to eltizenship I.y reason uf his fatlaer-s naturalise-i i Tie of th" b.

roil of to Uon. aa.1 shall loriher state in his a ill tat it that m- fet at hy iitrry J. h. I. at the tinw A Biakin th" ttlaTir.

the ilaiiier, ius.ii.1 aa-. twenty-saw aivl iwi I -i of flnemshrmtow tlu.L h. has Been a of tha I bUt'l tf. titeet'at the bottiu at Jacob Uusier. ia "oe month, an.l has resMe.l In the Sta'e one year vm or.

if a natire the aa-l Tr.s'cr of the if Allegheny h. the iioiise teotize A. KibuimtI, Ib i-i tow a. Tlie I fni-i rs tlie KiniBirh of fi.w BiUlmrn ot 111 Siil't le- AlX lUlt Ul r.eiier. Amiom nf PitDiol Jr a tiica Sj-rarnsr.

Ai-i-ouut uf Jonris Ar. 'ro-ij. A'VA Xifr.n M. Itvi.lcrhaum Juha if. Aiarrsujy.

XL-uiitl, uarLia of Lilttt rner guardian of Chrii. cy. oeeon. ouai.u 1 1 II e.1 therein an.l rtiuruej. that he ha resi.l-.! lU ,1 a SlllM lbr Mm9 n.

evBal-atiiajri antsy Iks i a nir.nlht ni linafa. lino a. a. to i til' a an-l to an.l In the eleetion two rmU! raw.

ur inontht aaeh eie-ion. he shall I eurl- ,1, ua -nruisi awl if aa nralV tie.ito..te.alth.-ii jli he have jja i ta t-s. I rroi kw.wlnttK OTtt Is. ilTw I he aatsl athaarui; rf pertons rku iUii rilert tlus ttBB 1 stu.ll. esery rh of-eiaims.

the aih Urita of the their t.T...,t auJ nT. handrtsl snail I fre-erre-l hy the eh-etiirri h.wr-1, UrJ WMTWmi iherehr. ha reeeT- aod at taw election they ftaaU be tL with fual wis aa.1 aweb elvsel the list ia It list an.1 other 1 r. re.urs.-l lees as shall rfeeo. Wn re.tniK.1 I law be kleU hy -the ratarn i Bl, thai fcrersry sb b.

Js juos. with the J'roih' noiary. au.i shall rtaa mis.leinean.r. ao I shall, uo nairas. hie therewith in the rot sohsret w.

hm. Bv. bniwlresl D' 'SOLUTION NOTICE. Is berehr trlren that the frsrl herotofore eximina K-twe-n t. H.

I.Wt ter. ut tlebharts, nn-Jer the fcrm name of has this Uay (O-uUrr t-h, fieen Jis- Joive.1. H. WAl.Il.ll, TlbUSTEES SALE. JL rirtne of ilecre.

ac of th.e t'r art 1 1 i'leaa of ei.unrv. au-1 to ni.n.l.oe nf tlifni in littsin- vi In i tan Inert will to siile. i bb.I Terxl' Br il si.i I auwiit. Tba manner of raisins' rice is i-rettT wis; i in.

iT-irrr mm i o' arrtina one a-re, hi tian: t'ourt ol sal i c-saoty. lmicin woo ontre and li-jngrr for j-esirst muck the same as lading in Sonienjrt county; and is UiresbL-J ia much tbe aniue manner aa you do beau Kice sellin? at from ii to 10 cents ptr i-iiiftrt. and cotton at Irow 8 ts 11 cwU r-er poqnti. The cotton Oiarket is dull jtlst nt 4i in. elee'ors of tbe township fonentaanh to muet the of ftter Levy, In sail iown-1 shin.

XbeeleeUrcs tho towns! jp of Sha.le to meet or ilelinari, in sum towns', ip. gnanlian of Isaiah i The el.s-!r of tha I. wu.hmof to meet at n.H I. .1 I of rjeriier. in s.ii l' u' iaalaatlet as other ele-tioti jsera are.

If or ct iMtbuiat as.att ts.ssesses all the leal it a vrfer ha rb. sowrt. b. permitted ami his nana sha4 tue j-f'af th. respeetir.itritarorw.

to the list ol uxal l.s by the ele-thn ..) are re-nurl to aieet at is. 1 on th. Jrl-eera. the wor.1 -tax." tenia; a.hie.1 tho KU iim b4.l of aakl eUimant flairiis to r-steon rl perina thos. thlaj Teil where he lo rote on a-j-e.

the asm. word! i- law Isn; by the clerk aa.h cai, Ai iirisa within tweW mt iT.ihc lieiy. on th lists uf rs' til T'iii al such tloc- it. -e. or within twenty, mtrtafie.

wiil I tlon. rHW' in a town. taAit. orelty h't! 0 ttaa mf of Urr 11 T. ah all h.

la Tn! nvallruui if ntfia the line of raiiloasl leBit'd t-. tn. floont lite wealth of i in-a of th. ilistrtrt. n.HtthKac.!i!;it t.M: Mcieof nt, sha.l.

Vfor. e- wrerxl iaa of th. theorS ol State Treasnrrr ih? j.rnrs se. roter le.ntaln-.l on lhe ll-t re-i- 'lav alter ih.eieetlon, ana m- mines saall. ol iH-ftaiwiotiweralth of frs.i.

i twelv. tloeit of to. lay H.VLH.iteliN lor the oih. of 1'p ih.V'tarr, th. same pnf the riit'rt ol surlra.

1 alter the eleetk returns. Wa-etbar. Cli rkot the t'onrts of ttir as minlre.l I.y law shail taa.i. with return aa Prothonotar of th. swart and aete.1 on t.y til.

lee; urn banl. an-l i' wi 'ie -o'JDty. wnien ion r-w B.lmit:el or to tne evUenee. aheet sha'l aa.1 tn. day and boaaai ery elaimuia: to he a oat am inert eitiien loarlt' there-a, anJ ahail be preaenr! lawptw shall l-s reouircl tu his fwr ruMfrnstpectlon.

at the eleeikm 'rw j4 tii ler my ha-vr. at trj Ins CV.V.TfAJ I Th th aovrnihrn nf Jenner lo meet i 1 at trie h. uv' ol Ih. s. (, u.s'ir, Jiiuer In sail wnsl.lp.

I 1 Bo elacturs of th towosuip of to in- et a', tbt house of Unttr, in i.ilJ u.wn- iii. electors of the botvu.h of to meet at th" I h'-De ln Snl-i horiaiah. i At which time ant pwreath. al TTtort I' Turkeyhj. t.insjj kaawn as live oia liLxii li-s- 1 r-MiSi tot lhe uCi 'o of SSerifT cf saiJ ilaurca prorty, I eonDty.

Ternii: hie-half of the purehase try to iSL. I'KiLSOX t-r tho olh-e vt Treanrer of mthi a.jirirm-..i..n th ....1. mn. tii.l S'dntT uu. jvai, si umu mierest. i.wiuk.s'u.. MuM at one clock p. M. of sa.a ol sar.i eouuty. on nis-er.

-i AAK 0 for the meor Foorllirectur rr. Ke uyntmwiinircrortimrm Trustee. I of said county. I ccsva a seecod rote on th. fame day, by Tina.

here he has l-eea tor nve sears ln 'he cii-tri. wh-re be 2 "ri ac-l on tlie TitT of soeh rra (w; awirej. (a- this of iwf, ti the year ihl. one thoas-iiel ao.alia.1 an.l Bwstt MB, au.i ln th nlity-ainiB yax a( ka ii1.Bsa dene, nf tH wBjtet tt. OLIVER Mtna StaotaT.

1 SDrrKt W.arJ,,iTV et be id 10 ir le id 9f.

The Somerset Herald from Somerset, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.