Vampire Survivors | Ultimate Weapons Guide (All Unlocks & Evolutions) (2025)

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Vampire Survivors offers a wide variety of characters, weapons, and abilities that you can upgrade, turning the gameplay into a visual feast that guarantees hours of fun. This makes it essential to understand how to evolve all the weapons at your disposal. Keep in mind that certain conditions must be met to achieve this.

In the Vampire Survivors weapon evolution system, you must combine at least one weapon with a specific accessory, or have a certain condition met. Doing so allows you to create more powerful weapons that will help you survive for the required duration in the game. Below, we’ve provided a complete guide on how to obtain and evolve every weapon in the game. Before diving in, here are three key points to keep in mind for successful evolution. These applies in most cases, and whenever there is an exception, we’ve made a note:

  1. Any weapon you wish to evolve must first reach level eight.
  2. You need to have the correct accessory equipped or condition met to enable the weapon’s evolution.
  3. You must open a silver chest, which will contain your evolved weapon.

We recommend progressing through the game to unlock all the weapons, allowing you to experience each of the Vampire Survivors scenarios in a much more diverse and entertaining way.

Table of Contents show

All Unlocks in the Base Game

Before you start evolving weapons, you’ll need to unlock the basic version of each one. This will not only help you complete your Grimoire—a useful tool in its own right—but also provide you with greater variety and versatility to face the game’s endless hordes. Let’s begin with the weapons from the base game:

WeaponRequired condition

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Antonio’s main weapon

Unlocked from the start

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Magic Wand

Imelda’s main weapon

Unlocked from the start

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Gennaro’s main weapon

Unlocked from the start

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Lama’s main weapon

Unlocked from the start

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Find a rosary

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King Bible

Dommario’s main weapon

Unlocked from the start

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Fire Wand

Destroy 20 light sources

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Find 5 floor chickens

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Santa Water

Clerici’s main weapon

Unlocked from the start

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Survive 5 minutes with Pascualina

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Lightning Ring

Porta’s main weapon

Unlocked from the start

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Survive 20 minutes with any character

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Survive 10 minutes with any character

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Ebony wings

Upgrade the Peachone to level 7

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Phiera der tuphello

Survive 10 minutes with Pugnala

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Eight the sparrow

Survive 20 minutes with Pugnala

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Gatti amari

Survive 15 minutes with Giovanna

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Song of mana

Survive 15 minutes with Poppea

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Shadow Pinion

Survive 15 minutes with Concetta

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Clock Lancet

Find an Orologion

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Unlocked from the start

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Vento Sacro

Survive 15 minutes with Zi´Assunta

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Mortaccio’s main weapon

Can be bought from the merchant

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Cherry bomb

Cavallo’s main weapon

Can be bought from the merchant

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Ramba’s main weapon

Can be bought from the merchant

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La Robba

Ambrojoe’s main weapon

Can be bought from the merchant

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Celestial Dusting

O´sole’s main weapon

Can be bought from the merchant

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Space Dude’s main weapon

Update it to level 7 to unlock

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Survive 30 minutes with Gallo or Divano

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Pako Battiliar

Kill a total of 161 616 bats

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Glass fandango

She-Moon’s main weapon

Upgrade it to level 7

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Santa Javelin

Santa Ladonna’s main weapon

Upgrade it to level 7

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Torrona’s Box

Have 6 evolved weapons at once

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Flames of Misspell

Avatar Infernas’s main weapon

Upgrade it to level 7

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Greatest Jubilee

Defeat The Directer, final boss of Enudaimonia Machine

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Victory Sword

Unlocked by defeating 100k enemies in a single run with Queen Sigma

Here’s how to unlock the weapons in the main game. Remember, the more weapons you unlock, the more enjoyable your gaming experience will be, allowing you to revel in a visual feast with each one.

All Base Game Weapons Evolutions

Once you have the weapons you want to evolve, it’s simply a matter of combining them with the appropriate passive item. Below is a list of the different evolutions along with a description of their effects:

Main weaponComplementEvolution

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Hollow Heart

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Bloody Tear: Can cause critical damage, and lifesteals from said criticals (1s delay after each lifesteal)

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Magic Wand

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Empty Tome

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Holy Wand: Fires with no delay to the closest enemy

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Thousand Edge: Continuously fires knives without delay

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Death Spiral: Fires 9 scythes all around you, doing high damage

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Heaven Sword: Boomerang spinning large sword

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Unholy Vespers: Spinning books and symbols, high knockback

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Fire Wand

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Hellfire: Fires flaming meteors that move slowly, dealing heavy damage

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Soul Eater: Creates a black aura that deals damage and debuffs enemies. Debuffed enemies are more susceptible to freeze and knockback. Damage is increased every 60 points of lifesteal

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Santa Water

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La Borra: Randomly thrown water bottles leave puddles all around you that deal AoE Damage. The puddles will slowly follow the player, increasing size as they move.

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NO FUTURE: Generates runes with trailing lasers that bounce on the corner of the screen, with infinite pierce. It also retaliates when taking damage in the form of an explosion around the character.

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Lightning Ring

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Tunder Loop: Bolts impact twice, doubling your rate, and leave an orange AoE aura after impacting.

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Gorgeous Moon: Transforms many of the enemies into additional gems, then attracts all gems like a vacuum. Has a 0% chance of destroying items.

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Ebony Wings

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Vandalier: Trades the technically higher damage of the other two birds combined for increased projectile speed and pool limit.

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Gattti amari

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Stone Mask

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Vicious Hunger: Replaces the cats with giant cat eyes that deal physical damage as they move. May turn enemies into gold coins.

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Song of Mana

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Skull o´maniac

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Mannajja: Replaces the vertical attack for a concentric wavy attack that slows down enemies as much as 20%.

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Shadow Pinion

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Valkyrie Turner: The drills turn into flames that accelerate backwards from the character, shooting forward when stopping.

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Pako Battiliar

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Hollow Heart

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Mazo Familiar: Generates larger bats at an interval and as retaliation.

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Flames of Misspell

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Torrona’s Box

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Ashes of Muspell: Invoked black flames that move in the direction the character was looking at when spawned. Every 5000 enemies killed makes it make 1 more point of damage.

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Glass Fandango

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Celestial Voulge:When moving, it attacks faster and in the faced direction. When stationary, attacks all around and slower.

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Santa Javelin

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Seraphic Cry: Yellowy light beams with AoE damage that can critical hit by default. Turns rosaries into Soul Purifiers, turning enemies into XP gems.

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Empty Tome

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Photonstorm: Fires horizontal beams. Criticals shoot 5 times the amount, and scales with Luck.

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Victory Sword

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Torrona’s Box

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Sole Solution: Generates a spinning galaxy, dealing damage and making you intangible. Damage increased by every 5000 kills.

All the evolved weapons in the table above are the result of joining to objects: a base weapon and a complement. However, there are certain evolutions that required more that two objects to be created. These are the following:

Main WeaponSecondary Weapon or first objectPasive ObjectEvolution

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Phiera Der Tuphello

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Eight The Sparrow

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Phieraggi: Generate 4+ spinning lasers from the character. Affected by cooldwon, amount, and revival.

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Clock Lancet

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Gold Ring

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Silver Ring

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Infinite Corridor: Still freezes enemies and when completing a full rotation, halves the HP of every enemy on screen.

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Metaglio Left

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Metaglio Right

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Crimson Shroud: Defensive bubble shiled with retaliation up to 100 dmg.

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Hollow Heart

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Vento Sacro

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Fuwalafuwaloo: Large whip motion with health leech when dealing criticals.

There are also weapons that require not complement or secondary weapon:

OriginalFirst EvolutionSecond Evolution

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These were all of the weapons and evolutions in the main game. However, there are a number of DLCs released for the game as well. We’ll continue the list with the DLCs in order.

All Unlocks in Vampire Survivors: Tides of the Foscari

Much like the base game, you’ll need to unlock the base weapons in the DLC before they are available to be used by all characters. We’ll start with the way to unlock the new weapons in the DLC:

WeaponUnlocking Condition

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Maruto Cuts’ main weapon.

Survive 15 minutes with Maruto Cuts.

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Flash Arrow

Keitha Mourt’s main weapon.

Survive 15 minutes with Keitha Mourt.

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Party Popper

Rottin´Ghoul’s main weapon.

Small chance to earn it when unlocking Rottin’ Ghoul. Can otherwise be bought from the merchant for 1000 gold.

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Prismatic Missile

Luminaire Foscari’s main weapon.

Survive 15 minutes with Luminaire Foscari

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Shadow Servant

Genevieve Gruyére and Je-Ne-Viv’s main weapon.

Survive 15 minutes with Genevieve Gruyére.

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Can be obtained by leveling Eleanor Uziron to level 10 or Je-Ne-Viv to level 20.

Level it up to level 6 to unlock

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Can be obtained by leveling Eleanor Uziron to lvl 20 or Je-Ne-Viv to lvl 30.

Unlocked by levelling it to lvl 6.

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Eleanor Uziron’s main weapon.

Survive 15 minutes with Eleanor Uziron.

Once the base weapons are obtained, you can start working in evolving them using their complement.

All Evolutions in Tides of the Foscari

Following the same logic as the base game, we need to keep in mind which complements will trigger an evolution to appear. These are the weapons in Tides of the Foscari that evolve with a single complement.

Main WeaponComplementEvolution

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Armor (max)

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Legionnaire: Swings the sword around the character, while also cloning the character and sending it in the faced direction and also triggering an occasional AoE attack.

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Prismatic Missile

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Crown (max)

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Luminaire: Spawns vertical rainbow swings that strike all enemies in its path, while also forming a pattern around the character.

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Shadow Servant

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Skull o´maniac (max)

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Ophion: Summons purple, smoky orbs that will explode, generating AoE damage. There is 1% chance it instantly kills whatever enemy it touches, with strength similar to that of the rosary.

Flash Arrow is the one weapon that is different in this DLC. To evolve it, you’ll need to have 2 complements instead of one:


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Flash arrow

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Clover (max)

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Bracer (max)

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Millonaire: Fires an arrow in the faced direction. When collecting gold or killing an enemy, additional bullets spawn from the top corner behind the character.

The wide variety of weapons and evolutions that Vampire Survivors offer, which only increase with each DLC, also works as narrative elements, allowing the player to create a certain narrative that fits each different build.

All Unlocks in Vampire Survivors: Legacy of the Moonspell

This DLC brings another rich set of weapons themed after feudal Japan with a spiritist flare. Here’s how to unlock all the base weapons in the Legacy of the Moonspelli:

WeaponUnlocking condition

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108 Bocce

McCoy-Oni’s main weapon.

Survive 15 minutes with McCoy-Oni.

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Four Seasons

Menya Moonspell’s main weapon.

Survive 15 minutes with Menya Moonspell.

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Mille Bolle Blu

Small chance to unlock when getting Gav´Et-Oni.

Can be bought for 100 Gold from the Merchant.

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Mirage Robe

Babi-Onna’s main weapon.

Survive 15 minutes with Babi-Onna.

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Night Sword

Must be found in Mt.Moonspell.

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Silver Wind

Miang Moonspell’s main weapon.

Survive 15 minutes with Miang Moonspell.

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Summon Nigth

Syuuto Moonspell’s main weapon.

Survive 15 minutes with Syuuto Moonspell.

Once you’ve acquired the base weapons you intend to use, or maybe all of them, you can start to work towards those sweet evolutions.

All Evolutions in Legacy of the Moonspell

Legacy of the Moonspellhas, for some people, some of the better looking enemy sprites, taking advantage of the Japanese theme. And while just looking at the enemies is sufficiently entertaining, the weapon effects do not fall behind. Then you add the evolutions on top, and you are in for a visual treat.

Main WeaponComplement or secondary weaponEvolution

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Mille bolle Blu

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Spellbinder (max)

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Boo roo bolle: Shoots bubbles to the nearest enemy. The bubble will linger, dealing AoE damage.

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Mirage Robe

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Attractorb (max)

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J´Odore: Shoots mirages that may trick enemies into following them instead of you.

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Night Sword

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Stone Mask (max)

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Muramasa: Attacks several times at the closest enemies. It also can retaliate every 0.6 seconds. Also has a 10% chance of generating little hearts that heal for 1 point each.

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Silver Wind

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Pummarola (max)

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Festive winds:Shoots orbs in a larger area in an elliptical pattern.

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Summon Night

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Duplicator (max)

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Echo Night: Summons claws from the top and bottom of the screen, leaving damaging zones behind.

Four Seasons is the one weapon that requires 2 complements for its evolution, just as shown below:


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Four Seasons

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Spinach (max)

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Candelabrador (max)

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Godai Shuffle: Summons orbiting exploding beads around the character.

All Unlocks in Vampire Suvivors: Emergency Meeting

This particular DLC brings a bunch of new weapons and also an equal number of pasives in the forms of the different crewmates from theAmong Usgame. Each new weapon pairs with one of the crewmates for both unlocking it and evolving it. The DLC also brought a new, large map to play in. Here are all the base weapons and how to unlock them in theEmergency Meeting DLC:

WeaponUnlocking Condition

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Crewmate’s main weapon.

Survive 15 minutes with Crewmate.

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Lucky Swipe

Engineer Gino’s main weapon.

Survive 15 minutes with Engineer Gino.

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Lifesign scan

Gosth Lino’s main weapon.

Upgrade it to level 7.

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Just Vent

Shapeshifter Nino’s main weapon.

Survive 15 minutes with Shapeshifter Nino.

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Clear Debris

Guardian Pina’s main weapon.

Reach level 50 with Guardian Pina.

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Sharp tongue

Impostor Rina’s main weapon.

Survive 15 minutes with Impostor Rina.

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Science Rocks

Scientist Mina’s main weapon.

Reach level 50 with Scientist Mina.

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Horse’s main weapon.

Small chance of unlocking it when getting the character.

Can otherwise be bought for1000 Gold.

All Evolutions in Vampire suvivors: Emergency Meeting

A funny little crossover with theAmong Us universe, the new complements in this case are the actual crewmates. Each of them has its own special attack or effect, and each of them have a particular weapon they pair with in order to acquire the desired evolution.


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Mini Crewmate (max)

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Emergency Meeting:Emits a soundwave in the faced direction. It also randomly eliminates all enemies of a certain type that are on-screen.

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Lucky Swipe

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Mini Engineer(max)

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Crossed Wires: 4 different cables start crossing across the screen with different effect depending on how they meet.

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Lifesing Scan

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Mini Ghost (max)

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Paranormal Scan: Creates a healing aura that can heal all co-op characters inside it and it periodically boosts a random attribute until the end of the run.

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Just Vent

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Mini Shapeshifter (max)

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Unjust Ejection: Spawns a massive hatch behind your character that swallows and vaccums enemies.

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Clear Debris

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Mini Guardian (max)

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Clear Asteroids: A field of asteroids starts drifting along the screen and then they are destroyed, creating an AoE zone.

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Sharp Tongue

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Mini impostor (max)

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Impostongue: Fires pink tongues in the faced direction, and occasionally seeks the strongest enemy, hitting everyone in the way.

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Science Rocks

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Mini Scientist (max)

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Rocket Science: Spawns buttons the player can walk on to deal damage in specific zones. If the numbers are pressed in order, a giant rocket thruster will appear and deal heavy damage.

Mow through the hordes of enemies with these evolutions while also reminiscing about the hours spent playing Among Us during those lockdown months.

All Unlocks in Vampire Suvivors: Operation Guns

Among the game’s DLCs, the second most recent is now Vampire Survivors: Operation Gun, a collaboration update with Konami. Here, you’ll find characters from the iconic retro game Contra. In addition to new characters and stages, there’s a wide variety of new weapons at your disposal, turning your screen into a bullet heaven. As with all previous cases, these weapons have specific conditions for unlocking, which we detail below:

WeaponUnlocking Condition

Vampire Survivors | Ultimate Weapons Guide (All Unlocks & Evolutions) (199)

Long Gun

Survive 15 minutes with Bill Rizer.

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Short Gun

Survive 15 minutes with Lance Bean.

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Spread Shot

Survive 15 minutes with Ariana.

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Survive 15 minutes with Lucía.

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Survive 15 minutes with Brad Frang.

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Sonic Bloom

Survive 15 minutes with Browny.

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Homing Miss

Survive 15 minutes with Stanley Ironside.

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Diver Mines

Survive 15 minutes with Newt Plissken.

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Blade Crossbow

Survive 15 minutes with Sheena Etranzi.

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Prism Lass

Survive 15 minutes with Probotector.

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Metal Claw

Survive 15 minutes with Coronel Bahamut.

Here’s a list of the new weapons, along with new weapon upgrades and additional items that make this DLC well worth exploring. But once that’s done, we’re back to the same question: What does it take to evolve each one of these into their more powerful versions? Find below how to evolve all the new guns inOperation Guns.

All Evolutions in Vampire suvivors: Operation Guns

To evolve the weapons, you need to be aware that all of them depend on a new item called the Weapon Power-Up. This booster randomly levels up a weapon when picked up, can also affect any weapon outside of this DLC, grants an extra resurrection, and is key to evolving any of the 11 new weapons. You can find it on any of the 7 new maps introduced in the game. The weapon combinations for Operation Guns are as follows:

Main WeaponComplementComplementEvolution

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Long Gun

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Weapon Power-Up


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Prototype A: 2 support drones appear on either side of the character, mimicking the base fire pattern.

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Short Gun

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Weapon Power-Up

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Prototype B: 2 support drones appear on either side of the character, mimicking the base fire pattern.

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Spread Shot

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Weapon Power-Up

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Empty Tome

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Prototype C: 2 support drones appear on either side of the character, mimicking the base fire pattern.

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Weapon Power-Up

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Pronto Beam: Laser splits when hitting enemies, hitting more enemies.

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Weapon Power-Up

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Fire-L3GS: Fires a large fire wave. It also triggers when hitting light sources or destructible items.

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Sonic Bloom

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Weapon Power-Up

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Wave Beam: Will fire up a more powerful blast when standing still.

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Homing Miss

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Weapon Power-Up

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Multistage Missiles: Fires missiles that split into several other ones when they hit.

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Diver Mines

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Weapon Power-Up

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Atmo-torpedo: Creates damaging zones that attracts enemies.

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Blade Crossbow

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Weapon Power-Up

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BFC2000-AD: Besides the regular shots, it also summons a special, larger attack, affected by Luck.

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Prism Lass

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Weapon Power-Up

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Time Warp: Creates large blue areas that may freeze, slow down or defangs enemies, based on luck.

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Metal Claw

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Weapon Power-Up

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Hollow Heart

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Big Fuzzy Fist: A couple of giant fists appear and pummel the strongest enemy in sight.

Do remember that the Weapon Power-Up is used up once you evolve one of theContra weapons with it. At that point, it disappears from the item slot. This means that you need to plan out which weapons you’ll proritize to evolve, and what you’ll do with that new free slot, as long as you picked it up on the original 6 item slots, that is.

These are all the weapon evolutions from the base game and DLCs. There’s an important detail to keep in mind that could change how you approach the game: passive items can simultaneously evolve both new weapons and those from the main game. For example, if you have the Knife and Bracer, they will evolve into Thousand Edge, but if you also have the Short Gun and Weapon Power-Up, you can evolve it into Prototype B as well, since the Short Gun also evolves with the Bracer. Therefore, we recommend ensuring that your arsenal is complementary. This strategy will make your experience with the DLCs more efficient and entertaining.

Vampire Survivors: Ode to Castlevania

On October 31, 2024, the latest DLC for the game, titled Ode to Castlevania, was released. This is by far the most expansive DLC, featuring over 20 characters and 40 weapons to discover, not to mention the massive map that came with it. Not only that, but once you reach a certain part of the DLC, you’ll discover that the advertised “20 new characters” is not even half the new roster.

All Unlocks in Vampire Suvivors: Ode to Castlevania

Unlocking the weapons in this new DLC will be more challenging than in previous ones, mainly due to the large number of new items introduced in this expansion. However, we’ve prepared a list of how to unlock the DLC’s weapons to help streamline your progression in the game:

WeaponUnlocking Condition

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Alchemy Whip

Survive 6 minutes with Leon Belmont.

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Wind Whip

Survive 12 minutes with Simon Belmont.

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Dragon Water Whip

Survive 10 minutes with Trevor Belmont.

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Sonic Whip

Survive 8 minutes with Sonia Belmont.

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Jet Black Whip

Survive 14 minutes with Christopher Belmont.

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Vanitas Whip

Survive 20 minutes with Simon Belmont.

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Vibhuti Whip

Survive 16 minutes with Juste Belmont.

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Platinum Whip

Survive 18 minutes with Richter Belmont.

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Level the Shuriken up to level 2.

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Curved Knife

Level up the Curved Knife to level 2.

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Wine Glass

Level the Wine Glass to level 8.

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Sonic Dash

Defeat 6000 enemies with Nathan Graves.

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Defeat 3000 enemies withLisa Tepes.

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Star Flail

Deal 60 000 damage with the Star Flail.

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Level the Javeline to level 3.

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Level the Discus to level 5.

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Iron Ball

Level the Iron Ballto level 4.

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Hand Grenade

Level the Hand Grenade to level 7.

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Raging Fire

Evolve the Raging Fire.

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Ice Fang

Evolve the Ice Fang.

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Gale Force

Evolve the Gale Force.

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Rock Riot

Evolve the Rock Riot.

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Evolve the Fulgur.

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Keremet Bubbles

Evolve the Keremet Bubbles.

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Evolve the Hex.

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Evolve the Refectio.

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Deal 50 000 damagewith the Mace.

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Alucard Spear

Deal 30 000 damage with the Alucard Spear.

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Iron Shield

Deal 70 000 damage with the Iron Shield.

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Guardian’s Targe

Deal 80 000 damage with the Guardian’s Targe.

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Deal 20 000 damage with the Tyrfing.

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Silver Revolver

Level the Silver Revolver to level 6.

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Optical Shot

Defeat 2000 enemies withAlbus.

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Defeat 4000 enemies with Shaft.

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Defeat 5000 enemies with Saint Germain.

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Alucart Sworb

Deal 10 000 damage with the Alucart Sworb.

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Defeat 1000 enemies withShanoa.

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Dextro Custos

Level the Dextro Custos to level 6.

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Sinestro Custos

Level the Sinestro Custos to level 6.

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Centralis Custos

Defeat 7000 enemies with Cornell.

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Dominus Anger

Level the Dominus Anger to level 6.

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Dominus Agony

Defeat 8000 enemies with Barlowe.

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Dominus Hatred

Level the Dominus Hatred to level 6.

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Familiar Forge

Find a Familiar Forge.

All Evolutions in Vampire suvivors: Ode to Castlevania.

Below you’ll find the evolutions of all the weapons introduces inOde to Castlevania. Some of these weapons do not evolve normally, and some weapons boost and evolve from each other, but most of them still follow the regular formula. We’ll start with those that have a “normal” evolution path, and then we’ll indicate when the method changes.


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Alchemy Whip

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Vampire Killer: Every third attack spawns a fireball attack that is specially damaging to bosses. Leon Belmont gets boosted by having it equipped.

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Wind Whip

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Spirit Tornado Tip: Summons spirits that move around, collecting gems and dealing damage as they go.

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Dragon Water Whip

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Hydrostormer Tip: Creates damaging waves. Affected by projectile speed and duration.

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Sonic Whip

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Skull O’ Maniac

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Crissaegrim Tip: Creates waves of damage every 5 activations.

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Jet Black Whip

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Stone Mask

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Mormegil Tip: Generates damaging zones every 8 activations.

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Vanitas Whip

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Hollow Heart

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Aurablaster Tip: Every 7 attacks adds an explosion.

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Vibhuti Whip

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Daybreaker Tip: Every critical hit also maximizes the number of projectiles for that one impact.

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Platinum Whip

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Cross Crasher Tip: Special attacks spawn every 7 activations.

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Empty Tome

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Yagyu Shuriken: Consistent firing, no delay.

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Curved Knife

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Bwaka Knife: Projectiles bounce forever until duration is met.

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Wine Glass

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Tirajisú (max)

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Meal Ticket: Different food items will spawn, dealing small damage to enemies and healing you also for a small amount.

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Sonic Dash

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Wings (max)

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Rapidus Fio: Provides a one-use shield charge.

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Crown (max)

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Vol Luminatio: Whirlpool-like pattern of attack, mainly affected by Growth.

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Star Flail

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Pummarola (max)

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Moon Rod: Shoots projectiles in the faced direction.

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Long Inus: Projectiles will reappear after disappearing on the edge of the screen.

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Parm Aegis (max)

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Stellar Blade: Moves along walls, dealing critical damage if you are invulnerable.

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Iron Ball

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Wrecking Ball: Turns into a heavier projectile with more damage.

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Hand Grenade

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Candelabrador (max)

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The RPG: Explosions now propagate, covering a bigger area.

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Raging Fire

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Spinach (max)

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Salamender: In addition to the normal attack, it summons a fire snake.

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Ice Fang

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Spellbinder (max)

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Cocytus: In addition to the normal attack, it summons a freezing wind.

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Gale Force

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Bracer (max)

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Pneuma Tempestas: In addition to the normal attack, it summons a spinning tornado.

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Rock Riot

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Stone Mask (max)

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Gemma Torpor: Attack turns into crystals instead of rocks, and they may turn enemies into gems.

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Duplicator (max)

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Tenebris Tonitrus: In addition to the normal attack, it summons lightning balls.

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Keremet Bubbles

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Armor (max)

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Keremet Morbus: In addition to the normal attack, it summons a homing swarm.

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Skull O’ Maniac (max)

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Nightmare: Spawns a damaging bubble. If you step in it, your Curse will increase by 100% momentarily. Stackable.

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Clover (max)

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Sanctuary:In addition to the normal attack, it purges normal enemies and fully heals you.

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Hollow Heart

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Stamazza: Every critical hit is catastrophically amplified.

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Alucard Spear

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Thunderbolt Spear: Triggers and additional attack every 7 attacks, affected by speed.

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Iron Shield

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Parm Aegis

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Dark Iron Shield: Retaliates with spinning swords.

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Guardian’s Targe

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Sacred Beasts Tower Shield: Overhealing grants immunity for a moment.

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Rune Sword: Critical Damage is now affected by Area, Speed, and Duration.

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Silver Revolver

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Karoma’s Mana

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Jewel Gun: Critical Hits instantly kill the enemy and turns them into gems.

Vampire Survivors | Ultimate Weapons Guide (All Unlocks & Evolutions) (394)

Optical Shot

Vampire Survivors | Ultimate Weapons Guide (All Unlocks & Evolutions) (395)

Karoma’s Mana (max)

Vampire Survivors | Ultimate Weapons Guide (All Unlocks & Evolutions) (396)

Acerbatus: Fires yellow damaging orbs in the faced direction. The more enemies it kills, the more damage it deals. The faster you are moving, the farther it travels.

Vampire Survivors | Ultimate Weapons Guide (All Unlocks & Evolutions) (397)


Vampire Survivors | Ultimate Weapons Guide (All Unlocks & Evolutions) (398)

Attractorb (max)

Vampire Survivors | Ultimate Weapons Guide (All Unlocks & Evolutions) (399)

Vol Umbra: Magnet now affects Damage, Speed, Area, and Duration.

Vampire Survivors | Ultimate Weapons Guide (All Unlocks & Evolutions) (400)


Vampire Survivors | Ultimate Weapons Guide (All Unlocks & Evolutions) (401)

Empty Tome (max)

Vampire Survivors | Ultimate Weapons Guide (All Unlocks & Evolutions) (402)

Nitesco: Fires a piercing energy beam in the faced direction.

That’s it for the “normal” evolutions. Since this DLC has substantially increased the number of weapons that you can find in the game as whole, the developers came up with some special items that work as a collection of weapons, which simplifies choosing from a collection, instead of just picking one. So, there are certain items that contain within them a collection of guns, separated by all the new whips, all the spells, all the other magical weapons that aren’t whips nor spells, and then a collection of “regular” weapons from the base game and the DLC. These are the following:

Vampire Survivors | Ultimate Weapons Guide (All Unlocks & Evolutions) (403)

Morning Star – It allows the character to choose any of the new 8 whips introduced in the expansion. In order to unlock it, every single one of the 8 whips has to have been evolved at least once. These are the weapons it offers:

  • Alchemy Whip
  • wind Whip
  • Platinum Whip
  • Dragon Water Whip
  • Sonic Whip
  • Jet Black Whip
  • Vibhuti Whip
  • Vanitas Whip

Vampire Survivors | Ultimate Weapons Guide (All Unlocks & Evolutions) (404)

Belnades’ Spellbook – Gives the character an option to choose between any of the 9 Belnades’ spells. Every single one of the basic Belnades Spells has to have been evolved at least once in order to unlock it. These are the weapons it offers:

  • Raging Fire
  • Ice Fang
  • Gale Force
  • Rock Riot
  • Fulgur
  • Keremet Bubbles
  • Hex
  • Refectio
  • Summon Spirit Tornado (Does not count for the unlocking requirement)

Vampire Survivors | Ultimate Weapons Guide (All Unlocks & Evolutions) (405)

Ebony Diabologue – Allows the player to choose one of the ambiguous powers from the DLC. Each one of these powers must have been evolved at least once in order for the Diabologue to be unlocked. It offers the following weapons:

  • Confodere
  • Optical Shot
  • Sonic Dash
  • Luminatio
  • Umbra
  • Globus
  • Dextro Custos, Sinestro Custos, Centralis Custos
  • Dominus Anger, Dominus Hatred, Dominus Agony
  • Summon Spirit, Dark Rift, Sword Brothers, Soul Steal (These do not count for the unlocking condition)

Vampire Survivors | Ultimate Weapons Guide (All Unlocks & Evolutions) (406)

Coat of Arms – Offers a wide variety of vampire-killing tools. All of the weapons it offers will have to be leveled up at least once in order to unlock it. It offers the following options, starting with some of the base game options, and then moving on the the DLC:

  • Whip, Axe, Knife, Santa Water, Runetracer, King Bible, Cross, Lightning Ring
  • Curved Knife, Shuriken, Javelin, Iron Ball, Discus, Silver Revolver, Hand Grenade, Wine Glass
  • Svarog Statue, Troll Bomb, Hydro Storm, Grand Cross

Lastly, there are some other special weapons, and for these, you need to either have some special conditions met, or simply level up the base weapon and it will evolve by itself, or collect different pieces of a bigger weapon that are themselves weapons… In any case, these last sections comprise all of these “special” weapons and how to evolve them.


First Evolution

Second Evolution

Vampire Survivors | Ultimate Weapons Guide (All Unlocks & Evolutions) (407)

Alucart Sworb

Vampire Survivors | Ultimate Weapons Guide (All Unlocks & Evolutions) (408)

Alucard Swords– Just evolve the Alucart Sworb to its max level and then you’ll be able to pick up this level up, no item needed.

Vampire Survivors | Ultimate Weapons Guide (All Unlocks & Evolutions) (409)

Alucard Shield: you must have fully evolved Alucard Swords and another 5 weapons also evolved, as well as 6 maxed out passives)

Vampire Survivors | Ultimate Weapons Guide (All Unlocks & Evolutions) (410)


Vampire Survivors | Ultimate Weapons Guide (All Unlocks & Evolutions) (411)

Vol Confondere – No item needed

Vampire Survivors | Ultimate Weapons Guide (All Unlocks & Evolutions) (412)

Melio Confondere – No item needed


Vampire Survivors | Ultimate Weapons Guide (All Unlocks & Evolutions) (413)

Dextro Custos

Vampire Survivors | Ultimate Weapons Guide (All Unlocks & Evolutions) (414)

Trinum Custodem: Summon the 3 heads of the cerberus, spamming damaging fire attacks. Level up each of the 3 heads all the way in order to fuse them into Trinum Custodem.

Vampire Survivors | Ultimate Weapons Guide (All Unlocks & Evolutions) (415)

Sinestro Custos

Vampire Survivors | Ultimate Weapons Guide (All Unlocks & Evolutions) (416)

Centralis Custos


Vampire Survivors | Ultimate Weapons Guide (All Unlocks & Evolutions) (417)

Dominus Anger

Vampire Survivors | Ultimate Weapons Guide (All Unlocks & Evolutions) (418)

Power of Sire: Deals critical damage to all enemies in sight. Drains health.

Vampire Survivors | Ultimate Weapons Guide (All Unlocks & Evolutions) (419)

Dominus Agony

Vampire Survivors | Ultimate Weapons Guide (All Unlocks & Evolutions) (420)

Dominus Hatred


Vampire Survivors | Ultimate Weapons Guide (All Unlocks & Evolutions) (421)

Endo Gears

Vampire Survivors | Ultimate Weapons Guide (All Unlocks & Evolutions) (422)

Clock Tower: All 4 weapons get triggered without delay, and with a bigger, exaggerated area, dealing heavy area damage on most of the screen.

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Peri Pendulum

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Myo Lift

Vampire Survivors | Ultimate Weapons Guide (All Unlocks & Evolutions) (425)

Epi Head

It’s worth mentioning that Clock Tower and its components (Endo Gears, Peri Pendulum, Myo Lift, and Epi Head) are technically not unlockable. They are all unique to theOde to Castlevania map, you need to pick them up and level them all up to their max level in order to get the final evolution.

Vampire Survivors | Ultimate Weapons Guide (All Unlocks & Evolutions) (2025)
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Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

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Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.