Best Conjuration Spell In Skyrim (2024)

Are you ready to delve into the arcane arts of conjuration magic in Skyrim? Conjuration spells are the gateway to summoning powerful allies, raising the dead, and wreaking havoc upon your enemies. Whether you're a novice mage or a seasoned spellcaster, mastering the best conjuration spells can turn the tide of battle in your favor. In this guide, we'll explore the top conjuration spells in Skyrim that every aspiring mage should have in their arsenal.

Understanding Conjuration Magic

Before we dive into the best conjuration spells, let's take a moment to understand what conjuration magic is all about. Conjuration is one of the five schools of magic in Skyrim, focusing on summoning creatures and objects from other planes of existence. By harnessing the power of conjuration, mages can call forth atronachs, raise the dead, and even summon powerful Daedric entities to aid them in combat.

Mastering the Arcane: The Best Conjuration Spells

  1. Conjure Flame Atronach (Novice)
    The Conjure Flame Atronach spell allows you to summon a fiery elemental to fight by your side. This spell is perfect for dealing with enemies weak to fire damage and provides a formidable ally in battle.

  2. Conjure Frost Atronach (Apprentice)
    For those facing off against foes vulnerable to frost damage, the Conjure Frost Atronach spell is indispensable. Summoning a frosty behemoth to freeze your enemies in their tracks can turn the tide of even the most challenging encounters.

  3. Conjure Dremora Lord (Expert)
    As you advance in your conjuration skills, the Conjure Dremora Lord spell becomes available, allowing you to summon a powerful Daedric warrior to do your bidding. With its formidable combat prowess and arsenal of spells, the Dremora Lord is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.

  4. Raise Zombie (Novice)
    Who needs living allies when you can raise the dead to fight for you? The Raise Zombie spell allows you to reanimate a fallen corpse to serve as your undead minion. Whether you're outnumbered or simply in need of a distraction, a loyal zombie can be a valuable asset in combat.

  5. Bound Bow (Expert)
    Conjuration isn't just about summoning creatures; it's also about conjuring weapons. The Bound Bow spell summons a Daedric bow and a set of arrows for you to wield in battle. With its unlimited supply of arrows and potent damage output, the Bound Bow is a favorite among ranged combatants.

  6. Conjure Seeker (Master)
    For those who have truly mastered the art of conjuration, the Conjure Seeker spell beckons. This powerful spell summons a Seeker, a mysterious entity from the plane of Oblivion, to aid you in battle. With its otherworldly abilities and relentless pursuit of your enemies, the Seeker is a force to be reckoned with.


Conjuration magic offers a myriad of possibilities for aspiring mages in Skyrim. Whether you're summoning elemental allies, raising the dead, or conjuring powerful weapons, mastering the art of conjuration can elevate your combat prowess to new heights. By adding the best conjuration spells to your repertoire, you'll be well-equipped to face any challenge that comes your way in the world of Skyrim.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

  1. Can I summon multiple creatures at once with conjuration spells?
    Yes, certain conjuration spells allow you to summon multiple creatures simultaneously, depending on your skill level and perks.

  2. Do conjured creatures disappear after a certain amount of time?
    Most conjured creatures have a limited duration and will disappear after a certain amount of time has passed or if they are killed in combat.

  3. Can I use conjuration spells to summon allies outside of combat?
    Absolutely! Conjuration spells can be used both in and out of combat, allowing you to summon allies to aid you in various situations.

  4. Are there any downsides to using conjuration magic?
    While conjuration magic offers powerful abilities, it requires magicka to cast spells and may not be suitable for all playstyles.

  5. Can I summon Daedric entities with conjuration spells?
    Yes, certain high-level conjuration spells allow you to summon powerful Daedric creatures, such as Dremora Lords and Seekers, to aid you in battle.

Best Conjuration Spell In Skyrim (2024)
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