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Classic Poetry Series

Ezra Pound- poems -

Publication Date: 2012

Publisher:Poemhunter.com - The World's Poetry Archive

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Ezra Pound(30 October 1885 – 1 November 1972) Ezra Weston Loomis Pound was an American expatriate poet and critic and amajor figure in the early modernist movement in poetry. He became known forhis role in developing Imagism, which, in reaction to the Victorian and Georgianpoets, favored tight language, unadorned imagery, and a strong correspondencebetween the verbal and musical qualities of the verse and the mood it expressed.His best-known works include Ripostes (1912), Hugh Selwyn Mauberley (1920),and his unfinished 120-section epic, The Cantos, which consumed his middle andlate career, and was published between 1917 and 1969. <b>Early Life</b> Pound was born in Hailey, Idaho Territory, the only child of Homer Loomis Pound(1858–1942) and Isabel Weston (1860–1948). Both parents' ancestors hademigrated from England in the 17th century. On his father's side, John Pound, aQuaker, sailed from England around 1650. His grandfather, Thaddeus ColemanPound (1832–1914), was a retired Republican Congressman for north-westWisconsin who had made and lost a fortune in the lumber business. His sonHomer, Pound's father, had worked for Thaddeus until Thaddeus secured him anappointment as Register of the Government Land Office in Hailey. On his mother's side Pound was descended from William Wadsworth, a Puritanwho emigrated from England to Boston on the Lion in 1632. The Wadsworthsmarried into the Westons of New York, and Harding Weston and Mary Parkerproduced Isabel Weston, Pound's mother. Harding apparently spent most of hislife without work, so his brother, Ezra Weston and his wife, Frances, looked afterMary and Isabel. Isabel was unhappy living in Hailey, and when her son was 18 months old sheleft with him to go back East. Homer followed them, and in 1889 Homer took ajob as an assayer at the Philadelphia Mint. The family moved to 417 WalnutStreet in Jenkintown, Pennsylvania, then in July 1893 bought a six-bedroomhouse at 166 Fernbrook Avenue in the town of Wyncote, Pennsylvania. <b>Education</b> Pound's early education took place in a series of so-called dame schools, some ofthem run by Quakers: Miss Elliott's school in Jenkintown in 1892; the MissesHeaco*ck's Chelten Hills school in Wyncote in 1893; and the Florence Ridpathschool from 1894, which became the Wyncote Public School a year later. From

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1898 until 1900 he attended the Cheltenham Military Academy, where the boyswore Civil War-style uniforms, and were taught military drilling, how to shoot,and the importance of submitting to authority. Pound was clever, independent-minded, conceited, and unpopular. He knew early on that he wanted to be a poet. His first publication was on 7November 1896 in the Jenkintown Times-Chronicle, a limerick about an Americanpolitician, William Jennings Bryan—by E.L. Pound, Wyncote, Aged 11 years:"There was a young man from the West, / He did what he could for what hethought best." His first trip overseas came two years later when he was 13, athree-month tour of Europe with his mother and Aunt Frances, who took him toEngland, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, and Italy. He was admitted to theUniversity of Pennsylvania's College of Liberal Arts in 1901 at the age of 15: I resolved that at 30 I would know more about poetry than any man living,that I would know what was accounted poetry everywhere, what part of poetrywas "indestructible," what part could not be lost by translation and—scarcely lessimportant—what effects were obtainable in one language only and were utterlyincapable of being translated. In this search I learned more or less of nine foreign languages, I read Orientalstuff in translations, I fought every University regulation and every professor whotried to make me learn anything except this, or who bothered me with"requirements for degrees." He met Hilda Doolittle at the University of Pennsylvania. She was the daughter ofthe professor of astronomy, and later became known as the poet H.D. Doolittlewrote that she felt her life was irrevocably intertwined with Pound's; she followedhim to Europe in 1908, leaving her family, friends, and country for little benefitto herself, and became involved with Pound in developing the "Imagisme"movement in London. He asked her to marry him in the summer of 1907, thoughher father refused permission, and wrote several poems for her between 1905and 1907, 25 of which he hand-bound and called "Hilda's Book". He was seeingtwo other women at the same time—Viola Baxter and Mary Moore—laterdedicating a book of poetry, Personae (1909), to the latter. He asked Mary tomarry him that summer too, but she turned him down His parents and Frances Weston took him on another three-month European tourin 1902, after which he transferred to Hamilton College in Clinton, NewYork—possibly because of poor grades—where he studied the Provençal dialectwith William Pierce Shephard, and Old English with Joseph D. Ibbotson. DavidMoody writes that it was at Hamilton with Shephard that he read Dante, and out

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of the discussions emerged the idea for a long poem in three parts—dealing withemotion, instruction, and contemplation—which planted the seed for The Cantos.He graduated with a BPhil in 1905, then studied Romance languages under HugoA. Rennert at the University of Pennsylvania, obtaining his MA in the spring of1906. He registered as a PhD student to write a thesis on the jesters in Lope deVega's plays, and was awarded a Harrison fellowship and a travel grant of $500,which he used to visit Europe again. He spent three weeks in Madrid in variouslibraries, including one in the royal palace; he was actually standing outside thepalace during the attempted assassination on 31 May 1906 by anarchists of KingAlfonso, and left the country for fear he would be identified with them. He movedon to Paris, spending two weeks in lectures at the Sorbonne, followed by a weekin London. He returned to the U.S. in July, and his first essay, Raphaelite Latin, waspublished in Book News Monthly in September. In 1907, at the university heapparently annoyed Felix Schelling, the head of English, with silly remarks duringlectures—which included insisting that George Bernard Shaw was better thanShakespeare, and taking out an enormous tin watch and winding it with slowprecision—and his fellowship was not renewed at the end of the year. MoreoverSchelling told Pound he was wasting his own time and that of the institution;Pound abandoned his dissertation and left without finishing his doctorate. <b>Teaching</b> In the fall of 1907 he took a job as a teacher of Romance languages at WabashCollege in Crawfordsville, Indiana, a conservative town that he called the sixthcircle of hell, with an equally conservative college from which he was dismissedafter deliberately provoking the college authorities. Smoking was forbidden, sohe would smoke cigarillos in his office down the corridor from the President's. Heannoyed his landlords by entertaining friends, including women, and was forcedto move from one house after "[t]wo stewdents found me sharing my meagrerepast with a lady gent impersonator in my privut apartments," as he told afriend. He was eventually caught in flagrante, although the details remain unclearand he denied any wrongdoing. The incident involved a stranded chorus girl towhom he offered tea and his bed for the night when she was caught in asnowstorm; when she was discovered the next morning by the landladies, MissesIda and Belle Hall, his insistence that he had slept on the floor was met withdisbelief, and he was asked to leave the college. Glad to be free of the place heleft for Europe soon after. <b>London (1908-1920)</b>

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He returned to Europe in the spring, arriving in Gibraltar in April with $80 in hispocket, but during the next few months earned money as a guide to Americantourists. He sent poems to Harper's Magazine and began writing fiction that hehoped he could sell, and by the summer was in Venice, living over a bakery nearthe San Vio bridge. In July he self-published his first book of poetry, the 72-pageA Lume Spento (With Tapers Spent), which sold 100 copies at six cents each.The London Evening Standard called it "wild and haunting stuff, absolutelypoetic, original, imaginative." The title was from the third canto of Dante'sPurgatorio, alluding to both the excommunicate Manfred's death, and to that ofhis friend, the Philadelphia artist William Brooke Smith, who died of consumptionin his 20s. In August he moved to London, where he ended up staying almost continuouslyfor 12 years. He wanted to meet W.B. Yeats, the greatest living poet in Pound'sview, and they became close friends, although Yeats was older by 20 years. Hehad sent Yeats a copy of A Lume Spento, and Yeats had replied that he found itcharming. Pound told William Carlos Williams, a friend from university: "London,deah old Lundon, is the place for poesy." English poets such as Maurice Hewlett,Rudyard Kipling, and Alfred Lord Tennyson had made a particular kind ofVictorian verse—stirring, pompous, and propagandistic—popular with the public.James Knapp writes that Pound wanted to focus on the individual experience, theparticular, the concrete, and rejected the idea of poetry as versified moral essay. Arriving in the city with £3, he rented a room at 8 duch*ess Street in the WestEnd, then at 48 Langham Street, near Great Titchfield Street, just a penny bus-ride from the British Museum. The house (see right) sat across an alley from theYorkshire Grey pub, which made an appearance decades later in the PisanCantos, "concerning the landlady's doings / with a lodger unnamed / az waz nearGt Titchfield St. next door to the pub". He persuaded the bookseller Elkin Mathews—publisher of Yeats's Wind Amongthe Reeds and the Book of the Rhymer's Club—to display A Lume Spento, and byOctober 1908 he was being discussed around town. In December he published asecond collection, A Quinzaine for This Yule, and after the death of a lecturer atthe Regent Street Polytechnic he managed to acquire a position lecturing in theevenings from January to February 1909 on "The Development of Literature inSouthern Europe". He would spend his mornings in the British Museum Reading Room, followed bylunch at the Vienna Café on Oxford Street. Ford Madox Ford described him,apparently tongue-in-cheek, as "approach[ with the step of a dancer, makingpasses with a cane at an imaginary opponent. He would wear trousers made of

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green billiard cloth, a pink coat, a blue shirt, a tie hand-painted by a Japanesefriend, an immense sombrero, a flaming beard cut to a point, and a single, largeblue earring." <b>Meeting Dorothy Shakespear, Personae</b> He met the novelist Olivia Shakespear—Yeats's former lover and the subject ofhis The Lover Mourns for the Loss of Love—at a literary salon in January 1909,and was invited to attend her Tuesday salons where he was introduced toDorothy, Olivia's daughter, who became his wife in 1914. Through OliviaShakespear he was introduced to Yeats, the artist Henri Gaudier-Brzeska,Wyndham Lewis, and the rest of London's literary circle. Another patron was theAmerican heiress Margaret Lanier Cravens (1881–1912), who after knowing hima short time offered him a large annual sum to allow him to focus on his work.Cravens killed herself in 1912, probably because the pianist Walter Rummel, longthe object of her affection, married someone else, but possibly also because shelearned of Pound's engagement to Dorothy. In June 1909 another collection, Personae, was published by Mathews, his firstpublication to have any commercial success. It was reviewed by The DailyTelegraph and the Times Literary Supplement among others; they said it was fullof passion and magic. Rupert Brooke gave a negative review in The CambridgeReview, complaining that Pound had fallen under the influence of Walt Whitmanby writing in "unmetrical sprawling lengths". In September another 27 poemsappeared as Exultations, dedicated to Carlos Tracey Chester who had publishedhis essay in Book News Monthly in 1906. Around the same time he moved into new rooms at Church Walk, off KensingtonHigh Street, where he lived most of the time until 1914. His first book of literarycriticism, The Spirit of Romance, was published in 1910, based on his lectures atthe polytechnic; others included Instigations (1920), Indiscretions (1923), "Howto Read" (1931), The ABC of Reading (1934), Make It New (1934), Polite Essays(1937), and Guide to Kulchur (1938). In June 1910 he returned to the United States for eight months, in part topersuade the New York Public Library, then being built, to change its design. TheNew York Times wrote that he almost daily visited the architects' offices to shoutat them. His essays on America were written during this period, and were compiled asPatria Mia, published in 1950. He loved New York but no longer felt at homethere. He felt the city was threatened by commercialism and vulgarity. He

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suffered jaundice but nevertheless persuaded his parents to finance his passageback to Europe. It was nearly 30 years before he visited the United States again.On 22 February 1911 he sailed from New York on the R.M.S. Mauretania, arrivingin Southampton six days later. After a few days in London, he visited Paris again,where he worked on a new collection of poetry, Canzoni (1911), panned by theWestminster Gazette as a "medley of pretension", and spent time with MargaretCravens. When he returned to London in August 1911, A.R. Orage, editor of thesocialist journal The New Age, hired him to write a weekly column, giving him asteadier income. <b>Imagism</b> Hilda Doolittle arrived in London from Philadelphia in May 1911 with the poetFrances Gregg and Gregg's mother; when they returned in September shedecided to stay on. Pound introduced her to his friends, including the poetRichard Aldington, whom she fell in love with and married in 1913. Before then,the three of them lived in Church Walk—Pound at no. 10, Doolittle at no. 6, andAldington at no. 8—and worked daily in the British Museum Reading Room. At the museum he also met regularly with the curator and poet Laurence Binyon,who introduced him to the East Asian artistic and literary concepts that wouldbecome so vital to the imagery and technique of his later poetry. The museum'svisitors' books show that Pound was often to be found during 1912 and 1913 inthe Print Room examining Japanese Nishiki-e inscribed with traditional Japanesewaka verse, a 10th century genre of poetry whose economy and strictconventions undoubtedly contributed to Imagist techniques of composition. Pound was at that time working on the poems that became Ripostes (1912),trying to move away from his earlier work, which he wrote later had reducedFord Madox Ford in 1911 to rolling on the floor laughing at Pound's stiltedlanguage. He realized with his translation work that the problem lay not in hisknowledge of the other languages, but in his use of English: What obfuscated me was not the Italian but the crust of dead English, thesediment present in my own available vocabulary ... You can't go round this sortof thing. It takes six or eight years to get educated in one's art, and another tento get rid of that education. Neither can anyone learn English, one can only learn a series of Englishes.Rossetti made his own language. I hadn't in 1910 made a language, I don't meana language to use, but even a language to think in.

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He understood that to change the structure of your language is to change theway you think and see the world. While living at Church Walk in 1912, Pound,Aldington, and Doolittle started working on ideas about language that becamethe Imagism movement. The aim was clarity: a fight against abstraction,romanticism, rhetoric, inversion of word order, and over-use of adjectives. Poundlater said they agreed in the spring or early summer of 1912 on three principles: 1. Direct treatment of the "thing" whether subjective or objective.2. To use absolutely no word that does not contribute to the presentation.3. As regarding rhythm: to compose in the sequence of the musical phrase, notin sequence of a metronome. Superfluous words, particularly adjectives, were to be avoided, as wereexpressions like "dim lands of peace," which he said dulled the image by mixingthe abstract with the concrete. He wrote that the natural object was always the"adequate symbol." Poets should "go in fear of abstractions," and should not re-tell in mediocre verse what has already been told in good prose. A classicexample of the style is Pound's "In a Station of the Metro" (1913), inspired by anexperience on the Paris Underground. "I got out of a train at, I think, LaConcorde, and in the jostle I saw a beautiful face, and then, turning suddenly,another and another, and then a beautiful child's face, and then another beautifulface. All that day I tried to find words for what this made me feel." <b>Ripostes and Translation Work</b> It was in Ripostes, submitted to Swift & Co in February 1912 and published bythem that October, that Pound moved toward more minimalist language, thoughKnapp writes that it is an uncertain volume, published when Pound had onlybegun his move toward Imagism; his first use of the word "Imagiste" was inRipostes. Michael Alexander writes that the poems show a greater concentration ofmeaning and economy of rhythm than his earlier work. The collection includesfive poems by the British poet T.E. Hulme, killed in Flanders in 1917 during theFirst World War to Pound's great distress. It also includes his translation of theeighth-century Old English poem "The Seafarer", not a literal translation, but apersonal interpretation intended for readers with no Old English, a poem in itsown right. It upset scholars, as did his other translations from Latin, Italian, French, andChinese, either because of errors or because he lacked familiarity with thecultural context. Alexander writes that in some circles his translations made him

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more unpopular than the treason charge, and the reaction to The Seafarer was arehearsal for the response to Homage to Sextus Propertius in 1919. Histranslation from the Italian of Sonnets and ballate of Guido Cavalcanti was alsopublished in 1912. Of great importance too was his work on the papers of Ernest Fenollosa(1853–1908), an American professor who had taught in Japan, and who hadstarted translations of Japanese poetry and Noh plays, with which Pound becamefascinated. Pound used Fenollosa's work as a starting point for what he called theideogrammic method. Fenollosa had studied Chinese poetry under a Japanesescholar, and in 1913 his widow, Mary McNeil Fenollosa, decided to give hisunpublished notes to Pound after seeing his work; she said she was looking forsomeone who cared about the poetry, rather than the philology. Pound knew no Chinese himself, and was working from the posthumous notes ofan American who had studied Chinese under a Japanese teacher. Nevertheless,Michael Alexander writes that there are competent judges of Chinese and Englishpoetry who see Pound's work as the best translations of Chinese to Englishpoetry ever made, though scholars have complained that it contains manymistakes, even more than The Seafarer. The result, the collection Cathay (1915),is in Alexander's view the most attractive volume of Pound's work. Wai-lim Yip ofthe Chinese University of Hong Kong writes: "One can easily excommunicatePound from the Forbidden City of Chinese studies, but it seems clear that in hisdealings with Cathay, even when he is given only the barest details, he is able toget into the central concerns of the original author by what we may perhaps calla kind of clairvoyance." <b>Marriage, BLAST</b> He was hired in August 1912 by Harriet Monroe as a regular contributor toPoetry, and started submitting poems by himself, James Joyce, Robert Frost, D.H. Lawrence, Yeats, H.D., and Aldington, as well as collecting material for a 64-page anthology, Des Imagistes (1914), which included Joyce's "I Hear an ArmyCharging Upon the Land." The Imagist movement began to attract attention fromcritics. In November 1913 Yeats took Pound to stay with him in rooms he rentedin Stone Cottage in Coleman's Hatch, Sussex, to act as his secretary—Yeats'seyesight was failing—and they stayed there for 10 weeks, reading and writing,walking in the woods, and fencing for exercise. It was the first of three wintersthey spent there together, including two with Dorothy after she and Pound weremarried on 20 April 1914. The marriage proceeded despite initial opposition from her parents, who were

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concerned about Pound's lack of income. He had only his earnings from literarymagazines, particularly Poetry, The New Freewoman, and The Egoist, and wasprobably earning considerably less than £300 a year. Dorothy's income was £50of her own and £150 from her family. Her parents eventually consented, perhapsout of fear that she was getting older and no other suitor was in sight. Pound'sconcession to marry in church helped. Afterwards he and Dorothy moved into alarge—famously triangular—room with no bathroom at 5 Holland PlaceChambers, near Church Walk, with the newly wed Hilda and Richard Aldingtonliving next door. Pound began writing for Wyndham Lewis's literary magazine BLAST; only twoissues ever appeared, the first in June 1914 and the second a year later. Anadvertisem*nt in The Egoist said it would discuss "Cubism, Futurism, Imagismeand all Vital Forms of Modern Art." Pound took the opportunity to extend thedefinition of Imagisme to art, naming it Vorticism: "The image is a radiant nodeor cluster; it is ... a VORTEX, from which, and through which, and into which,ideas are constantly rushing." When in reaction to the magazine, LascellesAbercrombie called for the rejection of Imagism and a return to the traditionalismof William Wordsworth, Pound challenged him to a duel on the basis that,"Stupidity carried beyond a certain point becomes a public menace." Abercrombie suggested as their choice of weapon unsold copies of their ownbooks. The publication of BLAST was celebrated at a dinner attended by NewEngland poet Amy Lowell, who came to London to meet the Imagists, but Hildaand Richard were already moving away from Pound's understanding of themovement, as he moved closer to Wyndham Lewis's ideas. When Lowell agreedto finance an anthology of Imagist poets, Pound's work was not included. Hebegan to call Imagisme "Amygism," and in July 1914 declared it dead, askingonly that the term be preserved, although Lowell eventually Anglicized it. <b>First World War, Disillusionment</b> Between 1914 and 1916 he helped to have James Joyce's A Portrait of the Artistas a Young Man serialized in The Egoist then published in book form, and hepersuaded Poetry to publish T. S. Eliot's The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock inJune 1915. Conrad Aiken writes that he had shown Prufrock to every conceivableeditor in England, but it was dismissed as crazy. He eventually sent it to Poundwho, Aiken writes, instantly saw that it was a work of genius and sent it toPoetry."[Eliot] has actually trained himself AND modernized himself ON HISOWN," Pound wrote to Monroe in October 1914. "The rest of the promising younghave done one or the other but never both. Most of the swine have doneneither."

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After the publication in 1915 of Cathay, Pound began to speak of working on hislong poem. He told a friend in August: "It is a huge, I was going to say, gamble,but shan't," and in September told another that it was a "cryselephantine poemof immeasurable length which will occupy me for the next four decades unless itbecomes a bore." About a year later, he had the form of the first three attemptsat Canto I, published in Poetry in January 1917. He was now a regularcontributor to three literary magazines. From 1917 he wrote music reviews forThe New Age under the pen name William Atheling, and weekly pieces for TheLittle Review and The Egoist. The volume of writing exhausted him, and he beganto believe he was wasting his time with prose. In 1919 he collected and published his essays for The Little Review into a volumecalled Instigations, and published "Homage to Sextus Propertius" in Poetry."Homage" is not a strict translation; Moody describes it as "the refraction of anancient poet through a modern intelligence". Harriet Monroe, editor of Poetry,published a letter from a professor of Latin, W.G. Hale, saying that Pound was"incredibly ignorant" of the language, and alluded to "about three-score errors" inHomage. Harriet did not publish Pound's response, which began "Cat-piss andporcupines!!" and continued, "The thing is no more a translation than my'Altaforte' is a translation, or than Fitzgerald's Omar is a translation ..." But sheinterpreted his silence after that as his resignation as foreign editor. <b>Hugh Selwyn Mauberley</b> Hugh Selwyn Mauberley—about a poet whose life, like Pound's, has becomesterile and meaningless—was published in June 1920, marking his farewell toLondon. He was disgusted by the lives lost during the war and could not reconcilehimself with it. Stephen Adams writes that, just as T. S. Eliot denied he wasPrufrock, so Pound denied he was Mauberley, but the poem—made up of 18short poems—is nevertheless read as autobiographical. It begins with a satiricalanalysis of the London literary scene, then turns to social criticism andeconomics, and an attack on the causes of the war, the word "usury" appearingin his work for the first time. The critic F.R. Leavis saw it as Pound's majorachievement. The war had shattered his belief in modern western civilization. He saw theVorticist movement as finished and doubted his own future as a poet. He hadonly the New Age to write for, with other magazines ignoring his submissions ornot reviewing his work. Toward the end of 1920 he and Dorothy decided theirtime in London was over, and resolved to move to Paris. A. R. Orage wrote in theJanuary 1921 issue of The New Age:

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Mr. Pound has shaken the dust of London from his feet with not too emphatic agesture of disgust, but, at least, without gratitude to this country .... Mr. Poundhas been an exhilarating influence for culture in England ... however, Mr. Pound... has made more enemies than friends. Much of the Press has been deliberatelyclosed by cabal to him; his books have for some time been ignored or writtendown; and he himself has been compelled to live on much less than wouldsupport a navvy. <b>Paris (1921-24)</b> The Pounds settled in Paris in January 1921 in an inexpensive apartment at 70bis, rue Notre Dame des Champs. He became friendly with Marcel Duchamp,Tristan Tzara, Fernand Léger and others of the Dada and Surrealist movements,as well as Basil Bunting, Ernest Hemingway, and his wife Hadley. He spent mostof his time building furniture for his apartment and bookshelves for the bookstoreShakespeare and Company, and in 1921 his Poems 1918–1921 was published. In1922 Eliot sent him the manuscript of "The Waste Land", then arrived in Paris toedit it with Pound, who blue-inked it with comments like "make up yr. mind ..."and "georgian." Eliot wrote of it: "I should like to think that the manuscript, withthe suppressed passages, had disappeared irrecoverably; yet, on the other hand,I should wish the blue pencilling on it to be preserved as irrefutable evidence ofPound's critical genius." In 1924 Pound secured funding for Ford Madox Ford's transatlantic review fromAmerican attorney John Quinn, and in it were published works by Pound,Hemingway, and Gertrude Stein, as well as extracts from Joyce's FinnegansWake, before the money ran out in 1925. Pound wrote music reviews for it thatwere later collected into Antheil and the Treatise on Harmony. Hemingway turned to Pound, who had gained a reputation as "an unofficialminister of culture who acted as mid-wife for new literary talent", to blue-ink hisshort stories. Although 14 years younger than Pound, the two forged arelationship of mutual respect and friendship, living on the same street for atime, and touring Italy together in 1923; as Hemingway biographer JeffreyMeyers writes, "They liked each other personally, shared the same aestheticaims, and admired each other's work", with Hemingway assuming the status ofpupil to Pound's teaching. Pound introduced Hemingway to Lewis, Ford, andJoyce, while Hemingway in turn tried to teach Pound to box, but as he toldSherwood Anderson, "[Ezra] habitually leads with his chin and has the generalgrace of a crayfish of crawfish".

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Pound was 36 when he met the American violinist Olga Rudge in Paris in the fallof 1922, beginning a love affair that lasted 50 years. John Tytell writes thatPound had always felt there was a link between his creativity and his ability toseduce women, something Dorothy had turned a blind eye to over the years. Hecomplained shortly after arriving in Paris that he had been there for three monthswithout having managed to find a mistress. He was introduced to Olga, then 26,at a musical salon hosted by American heiress Natalie Barney in her home at 20rue Jacob, near the Boulevard Saint-Germain. The two moved in different social circles: she was the daughter of a wealthyYoungstown, Ohio steel family, living in her mother's Parisian apartment on theRight Bank, socializing with aristocrats, while his friends were mostlyimpoverished writers of the Left Bank. They spent the following summer in thesouth of France, where he worked with George Antheil to apply the concept ofVorticism to music, and managed to write two operas, including Le Testament deVillon. He also wrote pieces for solo violin, which Olga performed. <b>Italy (1924-45)</b> Pounds were unhappy in Paris. Dorothy was complaining about the winters, andPound's health was poor. Hemingway wrote that Pound "indulged in a smallnervous breakdown necessitating spending two days in the Am. Hospital(American Hospital). They decided to move to a quieter place, and chose Rapallo,Italy, a town with a population of 15,000. "Italy is my place for starting things,"he told a friend. Olga Rudge followed them there, carrying Pound's child. Sheapparently had no interest in raising a child, but Tytell writes that she felt havingone would keep her connected to him. She gave birth to a daughter, Mary, on 9July 1925 in Brixen, and the baby was handed over to a German-speakingpeasant woman whose own child had died, and who agreed to raise Mary (laterde Rachewiltz) for 200 lire a month. Pound told Dorothy about the birth, and in March 1926—after returning from athree-month visit to Egypt—she announced that she too was pregnant. She andPound left Rapallo for Paris for the premiere of Le Testament de Villon, withoutmentioning the pregnancy to Pound's friends or parents, and on 10 September1926 Hemingway drove her to the American Hospital of Paris for the birth of ason, Omar. In a letter to his parents in October Pound wrote, "next generation (male)arrived. Both D & it appear to be doing well." Dorothy handed the baby over toher mother, Olivia, who raised him in London until he was old enough to go toboarding school. When Dorothy went to England each summer to see Omar,

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Pound would spend the time with Olga, whose father had bought her a house inVenice. The arrangement meant his children were raised very differently. Maryhad one pair of shoes and books about Jesus and the saints, while Omar wasraised as an English gentleman in Kensington by his sophisticated grandmother. In 1925 the literary magazine This Quarter dedicated its first issue to Pound,including tributes from Hemingway and Joyce. Pound published Cantos 17–19 inthe winter editions. In March 1927 he launched his own literary magazine, TheExile, but only four issues were published. It did well in the first year, withcontributions from Hemingway, E. E. Cummings, Basil Bunting, Yeats, WilliamCarlos Williams and Robert McAlmon. J.J. Wilhelm argues that some of the worstwork came from Pound himself in the form of rambling editorials aboutConfucianism and praise of Lenin. He continued to work on Fenollosa'smanuscripts, and in 1928 won the Dial poetry award for his translation ofConfucius's poem Ta Hio. That year Homer and Isabel visited him in Rapallo.They had not seen him since 1914, and by then Homer had retired so theydecided to move to Rapallo themselves, taking a small house, Villa Raggio, on ahill above the town. <b>The Cantos</b> The bulk of Pound's work on The Cantos began after his move to Italy. Like allthe other great epics, it is the story of good and evil, a descent into hell andprogress to paradise. Its hundreds of characters fall into three groups: those whoenjoy hell and stay there; those who experience a metamorphosis and want toleave; and a few who lead the rest to paradiso terrestre. He began work on it in1915, but there were several false starts and he abandoned most of his earlierdrafts, beginning again in 1922. The subject matter ranges from Odysseus, Troy,Dionysus, Malatesta, Confucius, and Napoleon, to Jefferson and Mussolini,Chinese history, Pisa, and usury, relying on memories, diaries, jokes, hymns,anecdotes, ideogrammic translation, and up to 15 different languages. AllenTate, who supported Pound for the Bollingen Prize for the sections of The Cantosknown as the Pisan Cantos, writes that the poem is not about anything, and hasno beginning, middle, or end. He argues that Pound was incapable of sustainedthought and was "at the mercy of random flights of 'angelic insight,' Icarian self-indulgences of prejudices." The first three cantos—now known as the ur-Cantos—appeared in Poetry inJune–August 1917. The Malatesta Cantos (Cantos VIII, IX, X, and XI of a LongPoem) appeared in The Criterion in July 1923, and two further cantos werepublished in the transatlantic review in January 1924. Pound published 90 copiesin Paris in 1925 A Draft of XVI. Cantos of Ezra Pound for the Beginning of a Poem

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of some Length now first made into a Book. It was followed by A Draft of XXXCantos (1930), Eleven New Cantos XXI–XLI (1934), The Fifth Decade of Cantos(1937), Cantos LII–LXXI (1940), The Pisan Cantos (1948), written while incustody in Pisa, and Seventy Cantos (1950). The first complete edition waspublished in 1964 as The Cantos (1–109), followed by Drafts and Fragments:Cantos CX-CXVII (1968). <b>Turn to Fascism, Second World War</b> Pound came to believe during the 1920s that the cause of the First World Warwas finance capitalism, which he called "usury," and that the solution was C.H.Douglas's idea of social credit, with fascism as the vehicle for reform; he had metDouglas in The New Age offices and had been impressed by his ideas. He presented a series of lectures on economics, and made contact withpoliticians in the United States about education, interstate commerce andinternational affairs. Although Hemingway advised against it, on 30 January 1933Pound met Mussolini himself. Olga Rudge had played for Mussolini and had toldhim about Pound; Pound had already sent him a copy of Cantos XXX. During themeeting he tried to present Mussolini with a digest of his economic ideas, butTytell writes that Mussolini brushed them aside, though he called the Cantos"divertente" (entertaining). The meeting was recorded in Canto 41: "'Ma questo'/ said the boss, 'è divertente.'". Pound told Douglas that he had "never metanyone who seemed to GET my ideas so quickly as the boss." A number of Pound's books were published in the 1930s, including ABC ofEconomics (1933), ABC of Reading (1934), Social Credit: An Impact (1935),Jefferson and/or Mussolini (1936), and A Guide to Kulchur (1938). In 1936James Laughlin—who had visited him in Rapallo in 1933 as a 20-year-oldstudent—set up New Directions Publishing, and acted as Pound's agent, findingpublications to accept his work and writing reviews. When Dorothy's mother died in October 1938 in London, Dorothy asked Pound toorganize the funeral, where he met their 12-year-old son Omar for the first timein eight years. He visited T. S. Eliot and Wyndham Lewis, who produced a now-famous portrait of Pound reclining. In April 1939 he sailed for New York,believing he could stop America from involvement in the Second World War,happy to answer reporters' questions about Mussolini while he lounged on thedeck of the ship in a tweed jacket. He traveled to Washington, D.C. where hemet senators and congressmen. Mary said he did it out of a sense of responsibility, rather than megalomania; he

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was offered no encouragement, and left depressed and frustrated. He receivedan honorary doctorate from Hamilton College on 12 June, and a week laterreturned to Italy. He began writing antisemitic material for Italian newspapers,including one entitled "The Jews, Disease Incarnate." He wrote to James Laughlinthat Roosevelt represented Jewry, and signed the letter "Heil Hitler." He startedwriting for Action, a newspaper owned by the British fascist, Sir Oswald Mosley,arguing that the Third Reich was the "natural civilizer of Russia." After war brokeout in September 1939, he began a furious letter-writing campaign to thepoliticians he had petitioned six months earlier, arguing that the war was theresult of an international banking conspiracy, and that the United States shouldkeep out of it. <b>Radio Broadcasts</b> Tytell writes that by the 1940s no American or English poet had been so activepolitically since William Blake. Pound had written over a thousand letters a yearduring the previous decade, and had presented his ideas in hundreds of articles,as well as in The Cantos. According to Tytell, Pound's fear was an economicstructure that depended on the armaments industry, where the profit motivealone would govern war and peace. He started reading George Santayana, andThe Law of Civilization and Decay by Brooks Adams, finding confirmation of thedanger of the capitalist and usurer becoming dominant. He wrote in The JapanTimes that "Democracy is now currently defined in Europe as a 'country run byJews,'" and told Oswald Mosley's newspaper the English were a slave racegoverned by the Rothschilds since Waterloo. He broadcast over Rome Radio, though the Italian government was at firstreluctant, concerned he might be a double agent. He told a friend: "It took me, Ithink it was, TWO years, insistence and wrangling etc., to GET HOLD of theirmicrophone." He recorded just over a hundred broadcasts, and traveled to Romeone week a month to pre-record the 10-minute broadcasts, for which he waspaid around $17. The broadcasts required the Italian government's approval inadvance—though he often changed the text in the studio. The politics apart, heneeded the money. Tytell writes that his voice had assumed a "rasping, buzzingquality like the sound of a hornet stuck in a jar." He continued to occasionallybroadcast, and writing under pseudonyms until about April 1945, shortly beforehis arrest. <b>Arrest for Treason</b> A few weeks later he returned south via Milan to Olga and Dorothy. They hadbeen living in Isabel's apartment, but it was small so they decided to move in

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with Olga at Sant' Ambrogio. His daughter Mary, then 19, was sent to Gais inSwitzerland, leaving Pound, as she wrote, "pent up with two women who lovedhim, whom he loved, and who coldly hated each other." He was in Rome whenthe Allies landed in Sicily in July 1943. Pound borrowed a pair of hiking boots anda knapsack and left the city, having finally decided to tell Mary about his wife andson. He traveled 450 miles north, spending a night in an air raid shelter inBologna, and taking a train part of the way to Verona. She almost failed to recognize him when he arrived, he was so dirty and tired. Hetold her everything about his other family; she later said she felt more pity thananger. He returned to Rapallo, where on 2 May 1945, four days after Mussolini was shot,armed partisans arrived at the house while Pound was there alone. He stuffed acopy of Confucius and a Chinese dictionary in his pocket, and was taken to theirHQ in Chiavari, although he was released shortly afterwards. He and Olga gavethemselves up to an American military post in the nearby town of Lavagna. It was decided that Pound should be transported to U.S. Counter IntelligenceCorps headquarters in Genoa, where he was interrogated by Frank L. Amprin, theFBI agent assigned by J. Edgar Hoover to gather evidence following the 1943indictment. Pound asked permission to send a cable to President Truman to offerto help negotiate peace with Japan. He also asked to deliver a final broadcastfrom a script called "Ashes of Europe Calling," in which he recommended peacewith Japan, American management of Italy, the establishment of a Jewish statein Palestine, and leniency toward Germany. His requests were denied and thescript forwarded to Hoover. On 8 May, the day Germany surrendered, he told a reporter from thePhiladelphia Record who had managed to get into the compound for an interviewthat Hitler was "a Jeanne d'Arc, a saint," and that Mussolini was an "imperfectcharacter who lost his head." On 24 May he was transferred to the United StatesArmy Disciplinary Training Center north of Pisa, used to house military personnelawaiting court martial. The temporary commander placed him in one of thecamp's "death cells"—a series of six-by-six-foot outdoor steel cages lit up allnight by floodlights. He was left for three weeks in isolation in the heat, denied exercise, eyesinflamed by dust, no bed, no belt, no shoelaces, and no communication with theguards, except for the chaplain. After two and a half weeks he began to breakdown under the strain. Richard Sieburth writes that he recorded it in Canto 80,where Odysseus is saved from drowning by Leucothea: "hast'ou swum in a sea of

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air strip / through an aeon of nothingness, / when the raft broke and the waterswent over me." Medical staff moved him out of the cage the following week. On14 and 15 June he was examined by psychiatrists, one of whom found symptomsof a mental breakdown, and he was transferred to his own officer's tent andallowed reading material. He began to write, and drafted what became known asThe Pisan Cantos; the existence of a few sheets of toilet paper showing thebeginning of Canto LXXXIV suggests he started it while in the cage. <b>United States (1945-58)</b> He was transferred to the United States on 15 November, 1945. An escortingofficer's impression was that "he is an intellectual 'crackpot' who imagined thathe could correct all the economic ills of the world and who resented the fact thatordinary mortals were not sufficiently intelligent to understand his aims andmotives." On 25 November he was arraigned in Washington D.C. on charges oftreason. The charges included broadcasting for the enemy, attempting topersuade American citizens to undermine government support of the war, andstrengthening morale in Italy against the United States. He was admitted to St. Elizabeths Hospital, where in June 1946 Dorothy wasdeclared his legal guardian. He was held for a time in the hospital's prison ward,Howard's Hall, known as the "hell-hole," a building without windows in a roomwith a thick steel door and nine peepholes, which allowed the psychiatrists toobserve him while they tried to agree on a ors were allowed only for 15 minutesat a time, while other patients wandered around outside the room screaming andfrothing at the mouth, according to T. S. Eliot. Pound's lawyer, Julien Cornell – whose efforts to have him declared insane arecredited with having saved him from life imprisonment— requested his release ata bail hearing in January 1947. The hospital's superintendent, WinfredOverholser, agreed instead to move him to the more pleasant surroundings ofChestnut Ward, close to Overholser's private quarters, which is where he spentthe next 12 years. The historian Stanley Kutler was given access in the 1980s to military intelligenceand other government documents about Pound, including his hospital records. Hewrote that the psychiatrists believed Pound had a narcissistic personality, butthey considered him sane. Kutler said that Overholser protected Pound from thecriminal justice system because he was fascinated by him. Tytell argues that Pound was in his element in Chestnut Ward. He was at lastprovided for, and was allowed to read, write, and receive visitors, including

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Dorothy for several hours a day. He took over a small alcove with wicker chairsjust outside his room, and turned it into his private living room, where heentertained his friends and important literary figures. He began work on histranslation of Sophocles's Women of Trachis and Electra, and continued work onThe Cantos. It reached the point where he refused to discuss any attempt tohave him released. Olga Rudge visited him twice, once in 1952 and again in1955, and was unable to convince him to be more assertive about his release.She wrote to a friend: "E.P. has ... bats in the belfry but it strikes me that he hasfewer not more than before his incarceration." <b>The Pisan Cantos</b> His publisher, James Laughlin, had Cantos 74–84 ready for publication in 1946under the title The Pisan Cantos, and even gave Pound an advance copy, but hehad held it back, waiting for an appropriate time to publish. Tytell writes that inJune 1948 a group of Pound's friends—Eliot, Cummings, W. H. Auden, Allen Tate,and Joseph Cornell—met Laughlin to discuss how to have him released.According to the poet Archibald MacLeish, the men conceived a plan to havePound awarded the first Bollingen Prize, a new national poetry award justannounced by the Library of Congress, with $1,000 prize money donated by theMellon family. The awards committee consisted of 15 fellows of the Library of Congress,including several of Pound's supporters, such as Eliot, Tate, Conrad Aiken, AmyLowell, Katherine Anne Porter, and Theodore Spencer. The idea was that theJustice Department would be placed in an untenable position if Pound won amajor award and was not released. Laughlin published The Pisan Cantos on 30July 1948, and the following year the prize went to Pound. There were twodissenting voices, Katherine Garrison Chapin, the wife of Francis Biddle, theAttorney General who had indicted Pound for treason, and Karl Shapiro, who saidthat he could not vote for an antisemite because he was Jewish himself. Pound'sresponse to the news of the award was, "No comment from the bughouse." There was uproar. The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette quoted critics who said "poetry[cannot] convert words into maggots that eat at human dignity and still be goodpoetry." Robert Hillyer, a Pulitzer Prize winner and president of the PoetrySociety of America, attacked the committee in The Saturday Review ofLiterature, telling journalists that he "never saw anything to admire in Pound, notone line." Congressman Jacob K. Javits demanded an investigation into theawards committee, and as a result it was the last time the prize wasadministered by the Library of Congress.

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<b>Controversial friendships, release</b> Although Pound repudiated his antisemitism in public, Tytell writes that in privateit continued. He often refused to talk to psychiatrists with Jewish-soundingnames, would refer to people he disliked as Jews, and urged his visitors to readthe Protocols of the Elders of Zion (1903), a forgery claiming to represent aJewish plan for world domination. He struck up a friendship during the 1950swith the writer Eustace Mullins, believed to be associated with the Aryan Leagueof America, who wrote a biography of Pound, This Difficult Individual, Ezra Pound(1961). Even more damaging was his friendship with a far-right activist and member ofthe Ku Klux Klan, John Kasper. Kasper had come to admire Pound during someliterature classes at university, and after he wrote to Pound in 1950 the twobecame friends. Kasper opened a bookstore in Greenwich Village in 1953 called"Make it New," reflecting his commitment to Pound's ideas; it specialized in far-right material, including Nazi literature, and Pound's poetry and translations weredisplayed in the window. Kasper and another follower of Pound's, David Horton,set up a publishing imprint, Square Dollar Series, which Pound used as a vehiclefor his tracts about economic reform. Kasper was eventually jailed for the 1957bombing of the Hattie Cotton School in Nashville, targeted because a black girlhad registered as a student. Wilhelm writes that there were a lot of perfectlyrespectable people visiting Pound too, such as the classicist J.P. Sullivan and thewriter Guy Davenport, but it was the association with Mullins and Kasper thatstood out, and it delayed his release from St Elizabeths. In an interview for theParis Review in 1954, when asked by interviewer George Plimpton about Pound'srelationship with Kaspar, Hemingway replied that Pound should be released andKaspar jailed. Eliot's friends continued to try to secure his release. MacLeish wrote toHemingway in June 1957 asking him to write a letter on Pound's behalf.Hemingway believed Pound was unable to abstain from awkward politicalstatements or from friendships with people like Kasper, but he signed the lettersof support anyway, and pledged $1,500 to be given to Pound when he wasreleased. Shortly after Hemingway won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1954, hetold Time magazine that "this would be a good year to release poets." In 1957 several publications began campaigning for his release. Le Figaropublished an appeal entitled "The Lunatic at St Elizabeths." The New Republic,Esquire and The Nation followed suit; The Nation argued that Pound was a sickand vicious old man, but that he had rights too. In 1958 MacLeish hired ThurmanArnold, a prestigious lawyer who ended up charging no fee, to file a motion to

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dismiss the 1945 indictment. Overholser, the hospital's superintendent,supported the application with an affidavit saying Pound was permanently andincurably insane, and that confinement served no therapeutic purpose. Themotion was heard on 18 April by the same judge who had committed him to StElizabeths. The Department of Justice did not oppose the motion, and Pound wasfree. <b>Italy (1958-72)</b> Pound arrived in Naples in July, where he was photographed giving a fascistsalute by the waiting press. When asked by the press when he had been releasedfrom the mental hospital, he replied: "I never was. When I left the hospital I wasstill in America, and all America is an insane asylum." He and Dorothy went tolive with Mary at Castle Brunnenburg near Merano in the Province of South Tyrol,where he met his grandson, Walter, and his granddaughter, Patrizia, for the firsttime—then returned to Rapallo, where Olga Rudge was waiting to join them.They were accompanied by a teacher Pound had met in hospital, Marcella Spann,40 years younger than he was, who was now ostensibly acting as his secretary,collecting poems for an anthology. The four women soon fell out, vying forcontrol over him; Canto 113 alluded to it: "Pride, jealousy and possessiveness / 3pains of hell." Pound was in love with Marcella, seeing in her his last chance forlove and youth. He wrote about her in Canto CXIII: "The long flank, the firmbreast / and to know beauty and death and despair / And to think that what hasbeen shall be, / flowing, ever unstill." Dorothy had usually ignored his affairs, butshe used her legal power over his royalties to make sure Marcella was seen off,sent back to America. Pound wrote to Hemingway: "Old man him tired." By December 1959 he had fallen into a depression, insisting his work wasworthless and The Cantos were botched. In a 1960 interview given in Rome toDonald Hall for Paris Review, he said: "You—find me—in fragments." Hall wrotethat he seemed in an "abject despair, accidie, meaninglessness, abulia, waste."He paced up and down during the three days it took to complete the interview,never finishing a sentence, bursting with energy one minute, then suddenlysagging, and at one point seemed about to collapse. Hall said it was clear that he"doubted the value of everything he had done in his life." Those close to himthought he was suffering from dementia, and in the summer of 1960 Mary placedhim in a clinic near Merano when his weight dropped. He picked up again, but bythe spring of 1961 he had a urinary infection. Dorothy felt unable to look after him, so he went that summer to live with Olgain Rapallo, then Venice; Dorothy mostly stayed in London after that with Omar.He attended a neo-Fascist May Day parade in 1962, but his health continued to

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decline. The next year he told an interviewer, Grazia Levi, "I spoil everything Itouch. I have always blundered. ... All my life I believed I knew nothing, yes,knew nothing. And so words became devoid of meaning." William Carlos Williams died in 1963, followed two years later by T. S. Eliot.Pound attended Eliot's funeral in London and traveled to Dublin to visit Yeats'swidow. Allen Ginsberg visited him in Rapallo in October 1967. He described hiswork to Ginsberg as: "A mess ... my writing, stupidity and ignorance all the waythrough," and in the Pensione Alle Salute da Cici restaurant in Venice, he toldGinsberg, Peter Russell, and Michael Reck: "... but my worst mistake was thestupid suburban anti-Semitic prejudice, all along that spoiled everything ... Ifound after seventy years that I was not a lunatic but a moron ... I should havebeen able to do better ..." He traveled to New York two years later for the opening of an exhibition thatfeatured his blue-inked version of Eliot's The Waste Land, and received astanding ovation at Hamilton College when he accompanied Laughlin who wasreceiving an honorary doctorate. Shortly before his death in 1972 it wasproposed he be awarded the Emerson-Thoreau Medal of the American Academyof Arts and Sciences, but after a storm of protest the academy's council opposedit by 13 to 9. The sociologist Daniel Bell, who was on the committee, argued thatit was important to distinguish between those who explore hate and those whoapprove it. Two weeks before his 87th birthday he read for a gathering of friends at a café:"re USURY / I was out of focus, taking a symptom for a cause. / The cause isAVARICE." On his birthday he was too weak to leave his bedroom at his home on the PiazzaSan Marco, and the following night he was admitted to the Civil Hospital ofVenice, where he died in his sleep of an intestinal blockage on 1 November, aged87, with Olga at his side. Dorothy was unable to travel to the funeral. Fourgondoliers dressed in black rowed the body to the island cemetery, Isola di SanMichele, where he was buried near Diaghilev and Stravinsky. Dorothy died inEngland the following year. Olga died in 1996 and was buried next to Pound. <b>Reception</b> Opinion varies about the nature of Pound's writing style. Critics generally agreethat he was a strong lyricist, particularly in his early work. Scholars such as IraNadel see evidence of modernism in his poetry before he began the Cantos, and

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Witmeyer argues that, as early as Ripostes, a modern style is evident. His styledrew on literature from a variety of disciplines. Nadel writes that he wanted hispoetry to represent an "objective presentation of material which he believedcould stand on its own," without use of symbolism or romanticism. The Chinesewriting system most closely met his ideals. He used Chinese ideograms torepresent "the thing in pictures," and from Noh theater learned that plot could bereplaced by a single image. Nadel argues that imagism was to change Pound's poetry. He explains, "Imagismevolved as a reaction against abstraction ... replacing Victorian generalities withthe clarity in Japanese haiku and ancient Greek lyrics." Imagism, to Pound, was aform of minimalism, as represented by the two-line poem "In a Station of theMetro". However, minimalism didn't lend itself to the writing of an epic such asthe Cantos, and so Pound turned to the more dynamic structure of what heconsidered Vorticism for the Cantos. <b>Translations</b> In his Fenollosa translations, unlike previous American translators of Chinesepoetry, who tended to work with strict metrical and stanzaic patterns, Poundcreated free verse translations. Whether the poems are valuable as translationscontinues to be a source of controversy. Pound scholar Ming Xie explains that theuse of language in Pound's translation of the Old English poem "The Seafarer" isdeliberate, avoiding merely "trying to assimilate the original into contemporarylanguage". After his work with The Seafarer, it was in the Japanese Noh playsthat he found an answer to his search for anti-naturalist minimalism whichoccurred just prior to his initial work with Fenellosa's papers, leading to thetranslation of 14 Chinese poems in Cathay, published in 1915. Neither Pound nor Fenollosa spoke or read Chinese proficiently, and Pound hasbeen criticized for omitting or adding sections to his poems which have no basisin the original texts, though critics argue that the fidelity of Cathay to the originalChinese is beside the point. Hugh Kenner, in a chapter "The Invention of China"from The Pound Era, contends that Cathay should be read primarily as a workabout World War I, not as an attempt at accurately translating ancient Easternpoems. The real achievement of the book, Kenner argues, is in how it combinesmeditations on violence and friendship with an effort to "rethink the nature of anEnglish poem". These ostensible translations of ancient Eastern texts, Kennerargues, are actually experiments in English poetics and compelling elegies for awarring West. Michael Alexander writes that, as a translator, Pound was a pioneer with a great

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gift of language and an incisive intelligence. He helped popularize major poetssuch as Guido Cavalcanti and Du Fu and brought Provençal and Chinese poetry toEnglish-speaking audiences. He revived interest in the Confucian classics andintroduced the west to classical Japanese poetry and drama. He translated andchampioned Greek, Latin and Anglo-Saxon classics, and helped keep them aliveat a time when classical education was in decline, and poets no longer consideredtranslations central to their craft. <b> Legacy</b> His own work apart, he was responsible for advancing the careers of some of thebest-known modernist writers of the early 20th century. In addition to Eliot,Joyce, Lewis, Frost, Williams, and Hemingway, he befriended and helpedMarianne Moore, Louis Zukofsky, Jacob Epstein, Basil Bunting, E.E. Cummings,Margaret Anderson, George Oppen, and Charles Olson. Hugh Witemeyer arguesthat the Imagist movement was the most important in 20th-century Englishlanguage poetry because hardly any prominent poet of Pound's generation andthe two generations after him was untouched by it. As early as 1917 Carl Sandburg wrote in Poetry: "All talk on modern poetry, bypeople who know, ends with dragging in Ezra Pound somewhere. He may benamed only to be cursed as wanton and mocker, poseur, trifler and vagrant. Orhe may be classed as filling a niche today like that of Keats in a preceding epoch.The point is, he will be mentioned." Beyond this, his legacy is mixed. Hugh Kenner wrote in 1951 that there was nogreat contemporary writer less read than Pound, though he added that there wasalso no one who could appeal through "sheer beauty of language" to people whowould rather read poets than talk about them. The British poet Philip Larkincriticized him, "for being literary, which to me is the foundation of his feebleness,thinking that poetry is made out of poetry and not out of being alive." His antisemitism became central to an evaluation of his poetry, including whetherit was read at all. Wendy Stallard Flory argues that the best approach to TheCantos—separating the poetry from the antisemitism—is perceived as apologetic.Her view is that the establishment of Pound as "National Monster" and"designated fascist intellectual" made him a stand-in for the silent majority inGermany, occupied France and Belgium, as well as Britain and the United Stateswho, she argues, made the Holocaust possible by aiding or standing quietly by.The outrage after the treason charge was so deep that the imagined method ofhis execution dominated the discussion.

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Arthur Miller considered him worse than Hitler: "In his wildest moments ofhuman vilification Hitler never approached our Ezra ...he knew all America'sweaknesses and he played them as expertly as Goebbels ever did". The responsewent so far as to denounce all modernists as fascists, and it was only in the1980s that critics began a re-evaluation. The critic Macha Rosenthal wrote that itwas "as if all the beautiful vitality and all the brilliant rottenness of our heritagein its luxuriant variety were both at once made manifest" in Ezra Pound.

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[greek] Be in me as the eternal moodsof the bleak wind, and notAs transient things are—gaiety of flowers.Have me in the strong lonelinessof sunless cliffsAnd of gray waters.Let the gods speak softly of usIn days hereafter,the shadowy flowers of OrcusRemember thee. Ezra Pound

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‘phasellus Ille’ 1 his papier-mâché, which you see, my friends,Saith 'twas the worthiest of editors.Its mind was made up in 'the seventies',Nor hath it ever since changed that concoction.It works to represent that school of thoughtWhich brought the hair-cloth chair to such perfection,Nor will the horrid threats of Bernard ShawShake up the stagnant pool of its convictions;Nay, should the deathless voice of all the worldSpeak once again for its sole stimulation,Twould not move it one jot from left to right. Come Beauty barefoot from the Cyclades,She'd find a model for St. AnthonyIn this thing's sure decorum and behaviour. Ezra Pound

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A Ballad Of The Mulberry Road The sun rises in south east corner of thingsTo look on the tall house of the ShinFor they have a daughter named Rafu,(pretty girl)She made the name for herself: 'Gauze Veil,'For she feeds mulberries to silkworms.She gets them by the south wall of the town.With green strings she makes the warp of her basket,She makes the shoulder-straps of her basketfrom the boughs of Katsura,And she piles her hair up on the left side of her headpiece. Her earrings are made of pearl,Her underskirt is of green pattern-silk,Her overskirt is the same silk dyed in purple,And when men going by look on RafuThey set down their burdens,They stand and twirl their moustaches. Ezra Pound

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A Girl The tree has entered my hands,The sap has ascended my arms,The tree has grown in my breast -Downward,The branches grow out of me, like arms. Tree you are,Moss you are,You are violets with wind above them.A child - so high - you are,And all this is folly to the world. Ezra Pound

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A Pact I make a pact with you, Walt Whitman -I have detested you long enough.I come to you as a grown childWho has had a pig-headed father;I am old enough now to make friends.It was you that broke the new wood,Now is a time for carving.We have one sap and one root -Let there be commerce between us. Ezra Pound

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A Song Of The Degrees IRest me with Chinese colours,For I think the glass is evil. IIThe wind moves above the wheat-With a silver crashing,A thin war of metal. I have known the golden disc,I have seen it melting above me.I have known the stone-bright place,The hall of clear colours. IIIO glass subtly evil, O confusion of colours !O light bound and bent in, soul of the captive,Why am I warned? Why am I sent away?Why is your glitter full of curious mistrust?O glass subtle and cunning, O powdery gold!O filaments of amber, two-faced iridescence! Ezra Pound

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A Villonaud: Ballad Of The Gibbet SCENE: 'En ce bourdel ou tenons nostre estat.' It being remembered that there were six of us with Master Villon, whenthat expecting presently lo be hanged he writ a ballad whereof ye know: ‘Freres humains qui apres nous vivez.' Drink ye a skoal for the gallows tree!Francois and Margot and thee and me,Drink we the comrades merrilyThat said us, 'Till then' for the gallows tree! Fat Pierre with the hook gauche-main,Thomas Larron 'Ear-the-less',Tybalde and that armouressWho gave this poignard its premier stainPinning the Guise that had been fainTo make him a mate of the 'Haulte Noblesse'And bade her be out with ill addressAs a fool that mocketh his drue's disdeign. Drink we a skoal for the gallows tree!Francois and Margot and thee and me,Drink we to Marienne Ydole,That hell brenn not her o'er cruelly. Drink we the lusty robbers twain,Black is the pitch o' their wedding dress,Lips shrunk back for the wind's caressAs lips shrink back when we feel the strain Of love that loveth in hell's disdeign,And sense the teeth through the lips that press'Gainst our lips for the soul's distressThat striveth to ours across the pain. Drink we skoal to the gallows tree!Francois and Margot and thee and me,For Jehan and Raoul de Vallerie

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Whose frames have the night and its winds in fee. Maturin, Guillaume, Jacques d'Allmain,Culdou lacking a coat to blessOne lean moiety of his nakednessThat plundered St. Hubert back o' the fane:Aie! the lean bare tree is widowed againFor Michault le Borgne that would confessIn 'faith and troth' to a traitoress,'Which of his brothers had he slain?' But drink we skoal to the gallows tree!Francois and Margot and thee and me: These that we loved shall God love lessAnd smite always at their faibleness? Skoal!! to the gallows! and then pray we:God damn his hell out speedilyAnd bring their souls to his 'Haulte Citee'. Ezra Pound

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A Virginal No, no! Go from me. I have left her lately.I will not spoil my sheath with lesser brightness,For my surrounding air hath a new lightness;Slight are her arms, yet they have bound me straitlyAnd left me cloaked as with a gauze of aether;As with sweet leaves; as with subtle clearness.Oh, I have picked up magic in her nearnessTo sheathe me half in half the things that sheathe her.No, no! Go from me. I have still the flavour,Soft as spring wind that's come from birchen bowers.Green come the shoots, aye April in the branches,As winter's wound with her sleight hand she staunches,Hath of the trees a likeness of the savour:As white their bark, so white this lady's hours. Ezra Pound

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Alba As cool as the pale wet leavesof lily-of-the-valleyShe lay beside me in the dawn. Ezra Pound

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Albatre This lady in the white bath-robe which she calls apeignoir,Is, for the time being, the mistress of my friend,And the delicate white feet of her little white dogAre not more delicate than she is,Nor would Gautier himself have despised their contrastsin whitenessAs she sits in the great chairBetween the two indolent candles. Ezra Pound

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Alf’s Eighth Bit Vex not thou the banker's mind(His what?) with a show of sense,Vex it not, Willie, his mind,Or pierce its pretenceOn the supposition that it everWas other, or that this cheerful giverWill give, save to the blind. Come not anear the dark-browed sophistWho on the so well-paid groundWill cheerfully tell you a fist is no fist,Come not hereWith 2 and 2 making 4 in reason,Knowest thou not the truth is never in seasonIn these quarters or Fleet St.? In his eye there is death, I mean the banker's,In his purse there is deceit,It is he who buys gold-braid for the swankersAnd gives you Australian iced rabbits' meatIn place of the roast beef of Britain,And leaves you a park bench to sit onIf you git off the Embankment. This is the kind of tone and SolemnityThat used to be used on the young,My old man got no indemnityBut he swaller'd his tongue.Like all his class was told to hold it in those days,To mind their ‘p’s’ and their ‘q’s’ and their waysAn' be thankful for occasional holidays. I don't quite see the joke any more,Or why we should stand to attentionAnd lick the dirt off the floorIn the hope of honourable mentionFrom a great employer like SelfridgeOr a buyer of space in the papers.I'm getting too old for such capers.

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Ezra Pound

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Alf’s Fifth Bit The pomps of butchery, financial power,Told 'em to die in war, and then to save,Then cut their saving to the half or lower;When will this system lie down in its grave? The pomps of Fleet St., festering year on year,Hid truth and lied, and lied and hid the facts.The pimps of Whitehall ever more in fear,Hid health statistics, dodged the Labour Acts. All drew their pay, and as the pay grew less,The money rotten and more rotten yet,Hid more statistics, more feared to confessC.3, C.4, 'twere better to forget How many weak of mind, how much tuberculosisFilled the back alleys and the back to back houses.'The medical report this week discloses . . .''Time for that question!' Front Bench interposes. Time for that question? and the time is NOW.Who ate the profits, and who locked 'em inThe unsafe safe, wherein all rots, and no man can say howWhat was the nation's, now by Norman's kinIs one day blown up large, the next, ducked in? Ezra Pound

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Alf’s Fourth Bit Rudyard the dud yard,Rudyard the false measure,Told 'em that gloryAin't always a pleasure,But said it wuz glorious neverthelessTo lick the boots of the blokeThat makes the worst mess. Keep up the grand systemDon't tell what you know,Your grandad got the rough edge.Ain't it always been so ?Your own ma' warn't no betterThan the duch*ess of Kaugh.My cousin's named BaldwinAn' 'e looks like a tofft You 'ark to the sargent,And don't read no books;Go to God like a sojer;What counts is the looks. Ezra Pound

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Alf’s Ninth Bit Listen, my children, and you shall hearThe midnight activities of Whats-his Name,Scarcely a general now known to fameCan tell you of that famous day and year. When feeble Mr. Asquith, getting old,The destinies of England were almost soldTo a Welsh shifter with an ogling eye,And Whats-his-name attained nobility. The Dashing Rupert of the pulping trade,Rough from the virgin forests inviolate,Thus rose in Albion, and tickled the StateAnd where he once set foot, right there he stayed. Old 'Erb was doting, so the rumour ran,Ahd Rupert ran the rumour round in wheels,And David's harp let out heart-rending squeals:'Find us a harpist ! ! DAVID is the man!!' Dave was the man to sell the shot and shell,And Basil was the Greek that rode aroundOn sea and land, with all convenience foundTo sell, to sell, to sell, that's it, to SELL Destroyers, bombs and spitting mitrailleuses.He used to lunch with Balfour in those daysAnd if the papers seldom sang his praise,The simple Britons never knew he was, Until a narsty German told them so.Listen, my children, and you shall hearOf things that happened very long ago,And scarcely heed one word of what you hear. Bury it all, bury it all well deep,And let the blighters start it all over again.They'll trick you again and again, as you sleep;But you shall know that these were the men,

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Ezra Pound

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Alf’s Second Bit THE NEO-COMMUNE Manhood of England,Dougth of the Shires,Want Russia to save 'emAnd answer their prayers.Want Russia to save 'em,Lenin to save 'em, Trotsky to save 'em(And valets to shave 'em)The youth of the Shires! Down there in CambridgeBetween auction and plain bridge,Romance, revolution 1918!An idea between 'emI says! 'ave you seen 'em?The flower of Cambridge,The youth of the Shires? Ezra Pound

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Alf’s Seventh Bit Did I 'ear it 'arf in a doze:The Co-ops was a goin' somewhere,Did I 'ear it while pickin' 'ops;How they better start takin' care, That the papers were gettin' togetherAnd the larger stores were likewiseConsidering something that would, as youMight say, be a surprise To the Co-ops, a echo or somethin'?They tell me that branded goodsDon't get a discount like Mr. SelfridgeOf 25 per cent, on their ads., and the woods Is where the Co-ops are goin' to,And that Oxford Street siteIs not suited to co-operationA sort of'Arab's dream in the night. ''We have plenty, so let it be.'The example of these consumers in co-operationMight cause thought and be thereforeA peril to Selfridge and the nation. Ezra Pound

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Alf’s Sixth Bit Let some new lying ass,Who knows not what is or was,Talk economics,Pay for his witless noise,Get the kid nice new toys,Call him 'professor'. Lies from the specialistGive t'old ones a newer twistHarder to untie.Here comes the hired gangBlood on each tired fangCovered with lip-stick. 'Oh, what a charming man,'That's how the press blurb ran,'Professor K s is.'Now they can't fire him.NO! they won't hire him.Still Dr. S 'sNot tied to the ring around,Not quite snowed under. Being a physicistThey can't quite bribe him:Oh, what a noise they madeThose parliamentarians. Oh what a fuss they madeStirring the marmaladeThese parliamentariansNever an honest wordIn their dim halls was heardFor more than a decade. Ezra Pound

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Alf’s Tenth Bit WIND Scarce and thin, scarce and thinThe government's excuse,Never at all will they doAught of the slightest use.Over the dying half-wits blow,Over the empty-headed, and the slowMarchers, not getting forwarder,While Ramsay MacDonald sleeps, sleeps. Fester and rot, fester and rot,And angle and tergiversateOne thing among all things you will notDo, that is: think, before it's too late.Election will not come very soon,And those born with a silver spoon,Will keep it a little longer,Until the mind of the old nation gets a little stronger. Ezra Pound

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Alf’s Third Bit DOLE THE BELL! BELL THE DOLE! Whom can these duds attack?Soapy Sime? Slipp'ry Mac?Naught but a shirt is thereSuch as the fascists wear,Never the man insideMoving a nation-wideDisgust with hokum. Plenty to right of 'em,Plenty to left of 'em,Yeh! What is left of 'em,Boozy, uncertain.See how they take it all, .Down there in ClerkenwallReadin' th' pypers! Syrup and soothing dope,Sure, they can live on hope,Ain't yeh got precedent ?Ten years and twelve years gone,Ten more and nothing done,GOD save Britannia! Ezra Pound

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Alf’s Twelfth Bit BALLAD FOR THE TIMES' SPECIAL SILVER NUMBER Sez the Times a silver liningIs what has set us pining,Montague, Montague! In the season sad and wearyWhen our minds are very bleary,Montague, Montague! There is Sir Hen. DeterdingHis phrases interlarding,Montague, Montague! With the this and that and whatFor putting silver on the spot,Montague, Montague! Just drop it in the slotAnd it will surely boil the pot,Montague, Montague! Gold, of course, is solid too,But some silver set to stewMight do, too. Montague!With a lively wood-pulp ‘ad’. To cheer the bad and sad,Montague, Montague! Ezra Pound

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Amities I To one, on returning certain years after You wore the same quite correct clothing,You took no pleasure at all in my triumphs,You had the same old air of condescensionMingled with a curious fearThat I, myself, might have enjoyed them.Te Voilel, mon Bourrienne, you also shall be immortal. IITo another And we say good-bye to you also,For you seem never to have discoveredThat your relationship is wholly parasitic;Yet to our feasts you bring neitherWit, nor good spirits, nor the pleasing attitudesOf discipleship. IIIBut you, bos amic, we keep on,For you we owe a real debt:In spite of your obvious flaws,You once discovered a moderate chop-house. IVIste fuit vir incultus,Deo Laus, quod est sepultus,Vermes habent eius vultumA-a-a-a –A-men.Ego autem jovialisGaudero contubernalisCum jocunda femina. Ezra Pound

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An Immorality Sing we for love and idleness,Naught else is worth the having. Though I have been in many a land,There is naught else in living. And I would rather have my sweet,Though rose-leaves die of grieving, Than do high deeds in HungaryTo pass all men's believing. Ezra Pound

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An Object This thing, that hath a code and not a core,Hath set acquaintance where might be affections,And nothing nowDisturbeth his reflections. Ezra Pound

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Ancient Music Winter is icummen in,Lhude sing Goddamm.Raineth drop and staineth slop,And how the wind doth ramm!Sing: Goddamm. Skiddeth bus and sloppeth us,An ague hath my ham.Freezeth river, turneth liver,Damn you, sing: Goddamm. Goddamm, Goddamm, 'tis why I am, Goddamm,So 'gainst the winter's balm. Sing goddamm, damm, sing Goddamm.Sing goddamm, sing goddamm, DAMM. Ezra Pound

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Ancient Wisdom, Rather Cosmic So-shu dreamed,And having dreamed that he was a bird, a bee, and a butterfly,He was uncertain why he should try to feel like anything else, Hence his contentment. Ezra Pound

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Ancora Good God! They say you are risqué,O canzonetti!We who went out into the four A. M. of the worldComposing our albas,We who shook off our dew with the rabbits,We who have seen even Artemis a-binding her sandals,Have we ever heard the like?O mountains of Hellas!!Gather about me, O Muses!When we sat upon the granite brink in HeliconClothed in the tattered sunlight,Muses with delicate shins,O Muses with delectable knee-joints,When we splashed and were splashed withThe lucid Castalian spray,Had we ever such an epithet cast upon us!! Ezra Pound

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And The Days Are Not Full Enough And the days are not full enoughAnd the nights are not full enoughAnd life slips by like a field mouse&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Not shaking the grass Ezra Pound

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And Thus In Nineveh Aye! I am a poet and upon my tombShall maidens scatter rose leavesAnd men myrtles, ere the nightSlays day with her dark sword. 'Lo ! this thing is not mineNor thine to hinder,For the custom is full old,And here in Nineveh have I beheldMany a singer pass and take his placeIn those dim halls where no man troublethHis sleep or song.And many a one hath sung his songsMore craftily, more subtle-souled than I;And many a one now doth surpassMy wave-worn beauty with his wind of flowers,Yet am I poet, and upon my tombShall all men scatter rose leavesEre the night slay lightWith her blue sword. ‘It is not, Raana, that my song rings highestOr more sweet in tone than any, but that IAm here a Poet, that doth drink of lifeAs lesser men drink wine.’ Ezra Pound

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Another Bit And An Offer I see by the morning papersThat America's sturdy sonsHave started a investigationOf the making of guns. The morning paper tells meThey have asked the senate to guessWhether Mr. Dupont and the gun-sharksHave influence with the press. I sit alone in the twilightAfter my work is doneAnd wonder if my day's three and eight-penceWould count on the price of a gun. Was I started wrong as a kiddie,And would my old man have been smarterTo send me to work in VickersInstead of being a carter? Ezra Pound

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Apparuit Golden rose the house, in the portal I sawthee, a marvel, carven in subtle stuff, aportent. Life died down in the lamp and flickered,caught at the wonder. Crimson, frosty with dew, the roses bend wherethou afar, moving in the glamorous sun,drinkst in life of earth, of the air, the tissuegolden about thee. Green the ways, the breath of the fields is thine there,open lies the land, yet the steely goingdarkly hast thou dared and the dreaded aetherparted before thee. Swift at courage thou in the shell of gold, castinga-loose the cloak of the body, earneststraight, then shone thine oriel and the stunned lightfaded about thee. Half the graven shoulder, the throat aflash withstrands of light inwoven about it, loveliestof all things, frail alabaster, ah me!swift in departing. Clothed in goldish weft, delicately perfect,gone as wind ! The cloth of the magical hands!Thou a slight thing, thou in access of cunningdar'dst to assume this? Ezra Pound

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April Three spirits came to meAnd drew me apartTo where the olive boughsLay stripped upon the ground:Pale carnage beneath bright mist. Ezra Pound

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Arides The bashful AridesHas married an ugly wife,He was bored with his manner of life,Indifferent and discouraged he thought he might asWell do this as anything else. Saying within his heart,’I am no use to myself,'Let her, if she wants me, take me.'He went to his doom. Ezra Pound

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Ä?ñßá (Greek Title) Be in me as the eternal moodsof the bleak wind, and'notAs transient things aregaiety of flowers.Have me in the strong lonelinessof sunless cliffsAnd of grey waters.Let the gods speak softly of usIn days hereafter,The shadowy flowers of OrcusRemember thee. Ezra Pound

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Au Jardin O you away high there,you that leanFrom amber lattices upon the cobalt night,I am below amid the pine trees,Amid the little pine trees, hear me! 'The jester walked in the garden.'Did he so?Well, there's no use your loving meThat way, Lady;For I've nothing but songs to give you. I am set wide upon the world's waysTo say that life is, some way, a gay thing,But you never string two days upon one wireBut there'll come sorrow of it.And I loved a love once,Over beyond the moon there,I loved a love once,And, may be, more times, But she danced like a pink moth in the shrubbery.Oh, I know you women from the 'other folk',And it'll all come right,O' Sundays. 'The jester walked in the garden.'Did he so? Ezra Pound

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Au Salon Her grave, sweet haughtinessPleaseth me, and in like wiseHer quiet ironies.Others are beautiful, none more, some less. I suppose, when poetry comes down to facts,When our souls are returned to the godsAnd the spheres they belong in,Here in the every-day where our actsRise up and judge us; I suppose there are a few dozen veritiesThat no shift of mood can shake from us: One place where we'd rather have tea(Thus far hath modernity brought us)'Tea' (Damn you!) Have tea, damn the Caesars,Talk of the latest success, give wing to some scandal,Garble a name we detest, and for prejudice?Set loose the whole consummate packto bay like Sir Roger de Coverley'sThis our reward for our works,sic crescit gloria mundi:Some circle of not more than threethat we prefer to play up to,Some few whom we'd rather pleasethan hear the whole aegrum vulgusSplitting its beery jowla-meaowling our praises.Some certain peculiar things,cari laresque, penates,Some certain accustomed forms,the absolute unimportant. Ezra Pound

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Ballad For Gloom For God, our God is a gallant foeThat playeth behind the veil. I have loved my God as a child at heartThat seeketh deep bosoms for rest,I have loved my God as a maid to man—But lo, this thing is best: To love your God as a gallant foe that plays behind the veil;To meet your God as the night winds meet beyond Arcturus' pale. I have played with God for a woman,I have staked with my God for truth,I have lost to my God as a man, clear-eyed—His dice be not of ruth. For I am made as a naked blade,But hear ye this thing in sooth: Who loseth to God as man to manShall win at the turn of the game.I have drawn my blade where the lightnings meetBut the ending is the same:Who loseth to God as the sword blades loseShall win at the end of the game. For God, our God is a gallant foe that playeth behind the veil.Whom God deigns not to overthrow hath need of triple mail. Ezra Pound

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Ballad Of The Goodly Fere Ha' we lost the goodliest fere o' allFor the priests and the gallows tree?Aye lover he was of brawny men,O' ships and the open sea. When they came wi' a host to take Our ManHis smile was good to see,"First let these go!" quo' our Goodly Fere,"Or I'll see ye damned," says he. Aye he sent us out through the crossed high spearsAnd the scorn of his laugh rang free,"Why took ye not me when I walked aboutAlone in the town?" says he. Oh we drank his "Hale" in the good red wineWhen we last made company,No capon priest was the Goodly FereBut a man o' men was he. I ha' seen him drive a hundred menWi' a bundle o' cords swung free,That they took the high and holy houseFor their pawn and treasury. They'll no' get him a' in a book I thinkThough they write it cunningly;No mouse of the scrolls was the Goodly FereBut aye loved the open sea. If they think they ha' snared our Goodly FereThey are fools to the last degree."I'll go to the feast," quo' our Goodly Fere,"Though I go to the gallows tree." "Ye ha' seen me heal the lame and blind,And wake the dead," says he,"Ye shall see one thing to master all:'Tis how a brave man dies on the tree."

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A son of God was the Goodly FereThat bade us his brothers be.I ha' seen him cow a thousand men.I have seen him upon the tree. He cried no cry when they drave the nailsAnd the blood gushed hot and free,The hounds of the crimson sky gave tongueBut never a cry cried he. I ha' seen him cow a thousand menOn the hills o' Galilee,They whined as he walked out calm between,Wi' his eyes like the grey o' the sea, Like the sea that brooks no voyagingWith the winds unleashed and free,Like the sea that he cowed at GenseretWi' twey words spoke' suddently. A master of men was the Goodly Fere,A mate of the wind and sea,If they think they ha' slain our Goodly FereThey are fools eternally. I ha' seen him eat o' the honey-combSin' they nailed him to the tree. Ezra Pound

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Ballatetta The light became her grace and dwelt amongBlind eyes and shadows that are formed as men;Lo, how the light doth melt us into song: The broken sunlight for a healm she bearethWho hath my heart in jurisdiction.In wild-wood never fawn nor fallow farethSo silent light; no gossamer is spunSo delicate as she is, when the sunDrives the clear emeralds from the bended grassesLest they should parch too swiftly, where she passes. Ezra Pound

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Before Sleep The lateral vibrations caress me,They leap and caress me,They work pathetically in my favour,They seek my financial good. She of the spear stands present.The gods of the underworld attend me, O Annubis,These are they of thy company.With a pathetic solicitude they attend me;Undulant,Their realm is the lateral courses. Light!I am up to follow thee, Pallas.Up and out of their caresses.You were gone up as a rocket,Bending your passages from right to left and from left to rightIn the flat projection of a spiral.The gods of drugged sleep attend me,Wishing me well;I am up to follow thee, Pallas. Ezra Pound

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Black Slippers: Bellotti At the table beyond usWith her little suede slippers off,With her white-stocking'd feetCarefully kept from the floor by a napkin,She converses: 'Connaissez-vous Ostende?' The gurgling Italian lady on the other side of therestaurantReplies with a certain hauteur,But I await with patience,To see how Celestine will re-enter her slippers.She re-enters them with a groan. Ezra Pound

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Brennbaum The sky-like limpid eyes,The circular infant's face,The stiffness from spats to collarNever relaxing into grace; The heavy memories of Horeb, Sinai and the forty years,Showed only when the daylight fellLevel across the faceOf Brennbaum 'The Impeccable'. Ezra Pound

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Cantico Del Sole The thought of what America would be likeIf the Classics had a wide circulation&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Troubles my sleep,The thought of what America,The thought of what America,The thought of what America would be likeIf the Classics had a wide circulation&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Troubles my sleep.Nunc dimittis, now lettest thou thy servant,Now lettest thou thy servant&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Depart in peace.The thought of what America,The thought of what America,The thought of what America would be likeIf the Classics had a wide circulation...&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Oh well!&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; It troubles my sleep. Ezra Pound

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Canto 13 Kung walked by the dynastic templeand into the cedar grove, and then out by the lower river,And with him Khieu Tchi and Tian the low speakingAnd "we are unknown," said Kung,"You will take up charioteering? "Then you will become known,"Or perhaps I should take up charioterring, or archery?"Or the practice of public speaking?"And Tseu-lou said, "I would put the defences in order,"And Khieu said, "If I were lord of a province"I would put it in better order than this is."And Tchi said, "I would prefer a small mountain temple,"With order in the observances, with a suitable performance of the ritual,"And Tian said, with his hand on the strings of his luteThe low sounds continuing after his hand left the strings,And the sound went up like smoke, under the leaves,And he looked after the sound: "The old swimming hole,"And the boys flopping off the planks,"Or sitting in the underbrush playing mandolins." And Kung smiled upon all of them equally.And Thseng-sie desired to know: "Which had answered correctly?"And Kung said, "They have all answered correctly,"That is to say, each in his nature."And Kung raised his cane against Yuan Jang, Yuan Jang being his elder,For Yuan Jang sat by the roadside pretending to be receiving wisdom.And Kung said "You old fool, come out of it,"Get up and do something useful." And Kung said"Respect a child's faculties

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"From the moment it inhales the clear air,"But a man of fifty who knows nothng Is worthy of no respect."And "When the prince has gathered about him"All the savants and artists, his riches will be fully employed."And Kung said, and wrote on the bo leaves: If a man have not order within himHe can not spread order about him;And if a man have not order within himHis family will not act with due order; And if the prince have not order within himHe can not put order in his dominions.And Kung gave the words "order"and "brotherly deference"And said nothing of the "life after death."And he said "Anyone can run to excesses,"It is easy to shoot past the mark,"It is hard to stand firm in the middle." And they said: If a man commit murder Should his father protect him, and hide him?And Kung said: He should hide him. And Kung gave his daughter to Kong-Tchang Although Kong-Tchang was in prison.And he gave his niece to Nan-Young although Nan-Young was out of office.And Kung said "Wan ruled with moderation, "In his day the State was well kept,"And even I can remember"A day when the historians left blanks in their writings,"I mean, for things they didn't know,"But that time seems to be passing.A day when the historians left blanks in their writings,But that time seems to be passing."And Kung said, "Without character you will "be unable to play on that instrument"Or to execute the music fit for the Odes."The blossoms of the apricot "blow from the east to the west,

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"And I have tried to keep them from falling." Ezra Pound

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Canto 49 For the seven lakes, and by no man these verses:Rain; empty river; a voyage,Fire from frozen cloud, heavy rain in the twilightUnder the cabin roof was one lantern.The reeds are heavy; bent;and the bamboos speak as if weeping. Autumn moon; hills rise about lakesagainst sunsetEvening is like a curtain of cloud,a blurr above ripples; and through itsharp long spikes of the cinnamon,a cold tune amid reeds.Behind hill the monk's bellborne on the wind.Sail passed here in April; may return in OctoberBoat fades in silver; slowly;Sun blaze alone on the river. Where wine flag catches the sunsetSparse chimneys smoke in the cross light Comes then snow scur on the riverAnd a world is covered with jadeSmall boat floats like a lanthorn,The flowing water closts as with cold. And at San Yinthey are a people of leisure. Wild geese swoop to the sand-bar,Clouds gather about the hole of the windowBroad water; geese line out with the autumnRooks clatter over the fishermen's lanthorns, A light moves on the north sky line;where the young boys prod stones for shrimp.In seventeen hundred came Tsing to these hill lakes.A light moves on the South sky line. State by creating riches shd. thereby get into debt?

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Thsi is infamy; this is Geryon.This canal goes still to Tensh*though the old king built it for pleasure K E I M E N R A N K E IK I U M A N M A N K E IJITSU GETSU K O K W AT A N f*ckU T A N K A I Sun up; worksundown; to restdig well and drink of the waterdig field; eat of the grainImperial power is? and to us what is it? The fourth; the dimension of stillness.And the power over wild beasts. Ezra Pound

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Canto I And then went down to the ship,Set keel to breakers, forth on the godly sea, andWe set up mast and sail on that swart ship,Bore sheep aboard her, and our bodies alsoHeavy with weeping, and winds from sternwardBore us onward with bellying canvas,Crice's this craft, the trim-coifed goddess.Then sat we amidships, wind jamming the tiller,Thus with stretched sail, we went over sea till day's end.Sun to his slumber, shadows o'er all the ocean,Came we then to the bounds of deepest water,To the Kimmerian lands, and peopled citiesCovered with close-webbed mist, unpierced everWith glitter of sun-raysNor with stars stretched, nor looking back from heavenSwartest night stretched over wreteched men there.The ocean flowing backward, came we then to the placeAforesaid by Circe.Here did they rites, Perimedes and Eurylochus,And drawing sword from my hipI dug the ell-square pitkin;Poured we libations unto each the dead,First mead and then sweet wine, water mixed with white flourThen prayed I many a prayer to the sickly death's-heads;As set in Ithaca, sterile bulls of the bestFor sacrifice, heaping the pyre with goods,A sheep to Tiresias only, black and a bell-sheep.Dark blood flowed in the fosse,Souls out of Erebus, cadaverous dead, of bridesOf youths and of the old who had borne much;Souls stained with recent tears, girls tender,Men many, mauled with bronze lance heads,Battle spoil, bearing yet dreory arms,These many crowded about me; with shouting,Pallor upon me, cried to my men for more beasts;Slaughtered the herds, sheep slain of bronze;Poured ointment, cried to the gods,To Pluto the strong, and praised Proserpine;Unsheathed the narrow sword,

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I sat to keep off the impetuous impotent dead,Till I should hear Tiresias.But first Elpenor came, our friend Elpenor,Unburied, cast on the wide earth,Limbs that we left in the house of Circe,Unwept, unwrapped in the sepulchre, since toils urged other.Pitiful spirit. And I cried in hurried speech:'Elpenor, how art thou come to this dark coast?'Cam'st thou afoot, outstripping seamen? ' And he in heavy speech:'Ill fate and abundant wine. I slept in Crice's ingle.'Going down the long ladder unguarded,'I fell against the buttress,'Shattered the nape-nerve, the soul sought Avernus.'But thou, O King, I bid remember me, unwept, unburied,'Heap up mine arms, be tomb by sea-bord, and inscribed:'A man of no fortune, and with a name to come.'And set my oar up, that I swung mid fellows.' And Anticlea came, whom I beat off, and then Tiresias Theban,Holding his golden wand, knew me, and spoke first:'A second time? why? man of ill star,'Facing the sunless dead and this joyless region?'Stand from the fosse, leave me my bloody bever'For soothsay.' And I stepped back,And he strong with the blood, said then: 'Odysseus'Shalt return through spiteful Neptune, over dark seas,'Lose all companions.' Then Anticlea came.Lie quiet Divus. I mean, that is Andreas Divus,In officina Wecheli, 1538, out of Homer.And he sailed, by Sirens and thence outwards and awayAnd unto Crice. Venerandam,In the Cretan's phrase, with the golden crown, Aphrodite,Cypri munimenta sortita est, mirthful, oricalchi, with goldenGirdle and breat bands, thou with dark eyelidsBearing the golden bough of Argicidia. So that: Ezra Pound

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Canto Iii Another's a half-cracked fellow—John Heydon,Worker of miracles, dealer in levitation,In thoughts upon pure form, in alchemy,Seer of pretty visions ('servant of God and secretary of nature');Full of plaintive charm, like Botticelli's,With half-transparent forms, lacking the vigor of gods.Thus Heydon, in a trance, at Bulverton,Had such a sight:Decked all in green, with sleeves of yellow silkSlit to the elbow, slashed with various purples.Her eyes were green as glass, her foot was leaf-like.She was adorned with choicest emeralds,And promised him the way of holy wisdom.'Pretty green bank,' began the half-lost poem.Take the old way, say I met John Heydon,Sought out the place,Lay on the bank, was 'plungèd deep in swevyn;'And saw the company—Layamon, Chaucer—Pass each in his appropriate robes;Conversed with each, observed the varying fashion.And then comes Heydon.'I have seen John Heydon.'Let us hear John Heydon!'OmniformisOmnis intellectus est'—thus he begins, by spouting half of Psellus.(Then comes a note, my assiduous commentator:Not Psellus De Daemonibus, but Porphyry's Chances,In the thirteenth chapter, that 'every intellect is omni-form.')Magnifico Lorenzo used the dodge,Says that he met FicinoIn some Wordsworthian, false-pastoral manner,And that they walked along, stopped at a well-head,And heard deep platitudes about contentmentFrom some old codger with an endless beard.'A daemon is not a particular intellect,But is a substance differed from intellect,'Breaks in Ficino,'Placed in the latitude or locus of souls'—That's out of Proclus, take your pick of them.

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Valla, more earth and sounder rhetoric—Prefacing praise to his Pope Nicholas:'A man of parts, skilled in the subtlest sciences;A patron of the arts, of poetry; and of a fine discernment.'Then comes a catalogue, his jewels of conversation.No, you've not read your Elegantiae—A dull book?—shook the church.The prefaces, cut clear and hard:'Know then the Roman speech, a sacrament,'Spread for the nations, eucharist of wisdom,Bread of the liberal arts.Ha! Sir Blancatz,Sordello would have your heart to give to all the princes;Valla, the heart of Rome,Sustaining speech, set out before the people.'Nec bonus Christianus ac bonusTullianus.'Marius, Du Bellay, wept for the buildings,Baldassar Castiglione saw Raphael'Lead back the soul into its dead, waste dwelling,'Corpore laniato; and Lorenzo Valla,'Broken in middle life? bent to submission?—Took a fat living from the Papacy'(That's in Villari, but Burckhardt's statement is different)—'More than the Roman city, the Roman speech'(Holds fast its part among the ever-living).'Not by the eagles only was Rome measured.''Wherever the Roman speech was, there was Rome,'Wherever the speech crept, there was masterySpoke with the law's voice while your Greek, logicians...More Greeks than one! Doughty's 'divine Homeros'Came before sophistry. JustinopolitanUncatalogued Andreas Divus,Gave him in Latin, 1538 in my edition, the rest uncertain,Caught up his cadence, word and syllable:'Down to the ships we went, set mast and sail,Black keel and beasts for bloody sacrifice,Weeping we went.'I've strained my ear for -ensa, -ombra, and -ensaAnd cracked my wit on delicate canzoni—Here's but rough meaning:'And then went down to the ship, set keel to breakers,

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Forth on the godly sea;We set up mast and sail on the swarthy ship,Sheep bore we aboard her, and our bodies alsoHeavy with weeping. And winds from sternwardBore us out onward with bellying canvas—Circe's this craft, the trim-coifed goddess.Then sat we amidships, wind jamming the tiller.Thus with stretched sailWe went over sea till day's end:Sun to his slumber, shadows o'er all the ocean.Came we then to the bounds of deepest water,To the Kimmerian lands and peopled citiesCovered with close-webbed mist, unpiercèd everWith glitter of sun-rays,Nor with stars stretched, nor looking back from heaven,Swartest night stretched over wretched men there.Thither we in that ship, unladed sheep there,The ocean flowing backward, came we through to the placeAforesaid by Circe.Here did they rites, Perimedes and Eurylochus,And drawing sword from my hipI dug the ell-square pitkin, poured we libations unto each the dead,First mead and then sweet wine,Water mixed with white flour.Then prayed I many a prayer to the sickly death's-headsAs set in Ithaca, sterile bulls of the best,For sacrifice, heaping the pyre with goods.Sheep, to Tiresias only,Black, and a bell sheep;Dark blood flowed in the fosse.Souls out of Erebus, cadaverous deadOf brides, of youths, and of many passing old,Virgins tender, souls stained with recent tears,Many men mauled with bronze lance-heads,Battle spoil, bearing yet dreary arms:These many crowded about me,With shouting, pallor upon me, cried to my men for more beasts;Slaughtered the herds—sheep slain of bronze,Poured ointment, cried to the gods,To Pluto the strong, and praised Proserpine.Unsheathed the narrow steel,I sat to keep off the impetuous, impotent dead

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Till I should hear Tiresias.But first Elpenor came, our friend Elpenor,Unburied, cast on the wide earth—Limbs that we left in the house of Circe,Unwept, unwrapped in sepulchre, since toils urged other,Pitiful spirit—and I cried in hurried speech:'Elpenor, how art thou come to this dark coast?Cam'st thou afoot, outstripping seamen?' And he in heavy speech:'Ill fate and abundant wine! I slept in Circe's ingle,Going down the long ladder unguarded, I fell against the buttress,Shattered the nape-nerve, the soul sought Avernus.But thou, O King, I bid remember me, unwept, unburied!Heap up mine arms, be tomb by the sea-board, and inscribed,A man of no fortune and with a name to come;And set my oar up, that I swung 'mid fellows.'Came then another ghost, whom I beat off, Anticlea,And then Tiresias, Theban,Holding his golden wand, knew me and spoke first:'Man of ill hour, why come a second time,Leaving the sunlight, facing the sunless dead and this joyless region?Stand from the fosse, move back, leave me my bloody bever,And I will speak you true speeches.''And I stepped back,Sheathing the yellow sword. Dark blood he drank thenAnd spoke: 'Lustrous Odysseus, shaltReturn through spiteful Neptune, over dark seas,Lose all companions.' Foretold me the ways and the signs.Came then Anticlea, to whom I answered:'Fate drives me on through these deeps; I sought Tiresias.'I told her news of Troy, and thrice her shadowFaded in my embrace.Then had I news of many faded women—Tyro, Alcmena, Chloris—Heard out their tales by that dark fosse, and sailedBy sirens and thence outward and away,And unto Circe buried Elpenor's corpse.' Lie quiet, Divus.In Officina Wechli, Paris,M. D. three X's, Eight, with Aldus on the Frogs,And a certain Cretan's

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Hymni Deorum:(The thin clear Tuscan stuffGives way before the florid mellow phrase.)Take we the Goddess, Venus:Venerandam,Aurean coronam habentem, pulchram,Cypri munimenta sortita est, maritime,Light on the foam, breathed on by zephyrs,And air-tending hours. Mirthful, orichalci, with goldenGirdles and breast bands.Thou with dark eye-lids,Bearing the golden bough of Argicida. Ezra Pound

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Canto Xiii: Kung Walked Kung walkedby the dynastic templeand into the cedar grove,and then out by the lower river,And with him Khieu Tchiand Tian the low speakingAnd ``we are unknown," said Kung,``You will take up charioteering?``Then you will become known,``Or perhaps I should take up charioterring, or archery?``Or the practice of public speaking?''And Tseu-lou said, ``I would put the defences in order,''And Khieu said, ``If I were lord of a province``I would put it in better order than this is.''And Tchi said, ``I would prefer a small mountain temple,``With order in the observances,with a suitable performance of the ritual,''And Tian said, with his hand on the strings of his luteThe low sounds continuingafter his hand left the strings,And the sound went up like smoke, under the leaves,And he looked after the sound:``The old swimming hole,``And the boys flopping off the planks,``Or sitting in the underbrush playing mandolins.''And Kung smiled upon all of them equally.And Thseng-sie desired to know:``Which had answered correctly?''And Kung said, ``They have all answered correctly,``That is to say, each in his nature.''And Kung raised his cane against Yuan Jang,Yuan Jang being his elder,For Yuan Jang sat by the roadside pretending tobe receiving wisdom.And Kung said``You old fool, come out of it,``Get up and do something useful.''And Kung said``Respect a child's faculties

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``From the moment it inhales the clear air,``But a man of fifty who knows nothngIs worthy of no respect.''And "When the prince has gathered about him``All the savants and artists, his riches will be fully employed.''And Kung said, and wrote on the bo leaves:If a man have not order within himHe can not spread order about him;And if a man have not order within himHis family will not act with due order;And if the prince have not order within himHe can not put order in his dominions.And Kung gave the words ``order''and ``brotherly deference''And said nothing of the ``life after death.''And he said``Anyone can run to excesses,``It is easy to shoot past the mark,``It is hard to stand firm in the middle.'' And they said: If a man commit murderShould his father protect him, and hide him?And Kung said:He should hide him. And Kung gave his daughter to Kong-TchangAlthough Kong-Tchang was in prison.And he gave his niece to Nan-Youngalthough Nan-Young was out of office.And Kung said ``Wan ruled with moderation,``In his day the State was well kept,``And even I can remember``A day when the historians left blanks in their writings,``I mean, for things they didn't know,``But that time seems to be passing.A day when the historians left blanks in their writings,But that time seems to be passing.''And Kung said, ``Without character you will``be unable to play on that instrument``Or to execute the music fit for the Odes.``The blossoms of the apricot``blow from the east to the west,

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``And I have tried to keep them from falling." Ezra Pound

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Canto Xlix: For The Seven Lakes For the seven lakes, and by no man these verses:Rain; empty river; a voyage,Fire from frozen cloud, heavy rain in the twilightUnder the cabin roof was one lantern.The reeds are heavy; bent;and the bamboos speak as if weeping. Autumn moon; hills rise about lakesagainst sunsetEvening is like a curtain of cloud,a blurr above ripples; and through itsharp long spikes of the cinnamon,a cold tune amid reeds.Behind hill the monk's bellborne on the wind.Sail passed here in April; may return in OctoberBoat fades in silver; slowly;Sun blaze alone on the river. Where wine flag catches the sunsetSparse chimneys smoke in the cross light Comes then snow scur on the riverAnd a world is covered with jadeSmall boat floats like a lanthorn,The flowing water closts as with cold. And at San Yinthey are a people of leisure. Wild geese swoop to the sand-bar,Clouds gather about the hole of the windowBroad water; geese line out with the autumnRooks clatter over the fishermen's lanthorns, A light moves on the north sky line;where the young boys prod stones for shrimp.In seventeen hundred came Tsing to these hill lakes.A light moves on the South sky line. State by creating riches shd. thereby get into debt?

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This is infamy; this is Geryon.This canal goes still to Tensh*though the old king built it for pleasure K E I M E N R A N K E IK I U M A N M A N K E IJITSU GETSU K O K W AT A N f*ckU T A N K A I Sun up; worksundown; to restdig well and drink of the waterdig field; eat of the grainImperial power is? and to us what is it? The fourth; the dimension of stillness.And the power over wild beasts. Ezra Pound

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Canto Xlv With Usura With usura hath no man a house of good stoneeach block cut smooth and well fittingthat design might cover their face,with usurahath no man a painted paradise on his church wallharpes et luzor where virgin receiveth messageand halo projects from incision,with usuraseeth no man Gonzaga his heirs and his concubinesno picture is made to endure nor to live withbut it is made to sell and sell quicklywith usura, sin against nature,is thy bread ever more of stale ragsis thy bread dry as paper,with no mountain wheat, no strong flourwith usura the line grows thickwith usura is no clear demarcationand no man can find site for his dwelling.Stonecutter is kept from his toneweaver is kept from his loom WITH USURAwool comes not to marketsheep bringeth no gain with usuraUsura is a murrain, usurablunteth the needle in the maid's handand stoppeth the spinner's cunning. Pietro Lombardocame not by usuraDuccio came not by usuranor Pier della Francesca; Zuan Bellin' not by usuranor was ‘La Calunnia' painted.Came not by usura Angelico; came not Ambrogio Praedis,Came no church of cut stone signed: Adamo me fecit.Not by usura St. TrophimeNot by usura Saint Hilaire,Usura rusteth the chisel

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It rusteth the craft and the craftsmanIt gnaweth the thread in the loomNone learneth to weave gold in her pattern;Azure hath a canker by usura; cramoisi is unbroideredEmerald findeth no MemlingUsura slayeth the child in the wombIt stayeth the young man's courtingIt hath brought palsey to bed, lyethbetween the young bride and her bridegroom CONTRA NATURAMThey have brought whor*s for EleusisCorpses are set to banquetat behest of usura. N.B. Usury: A charge for the use of purchasing power, levied without regard toproduction; often without regard to the possibilities of production. (Hence thefailure of the Medici bank.) Ezra Pound

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Canto XVI And before hell mouth; dry plain and two mountains;On the one mountain, a running form, and anotherIn the turn of the hill; in hard steelThe road like a slow screw's thread,The angle almost imperceptible, so that the circuit seemed hardly to rise;And the running form, naked, Blake,Shouting, whirling his arms, the swift limbs,Howling against the evil, his eyes rolling,Whirling like flaming cart-wheels, and his head held backward to gaze on the evilAs he ran from it, to be hid by the steel mountain,And when he showed again from the north side; his eyes blazing toward hell mouth,His neck forward, and like him Peire Cardinal.And in the west mountain, Il Fiorentino,Seeing hell in his mirror, and lo SordelsLooking on it in his shield;And Augustine, gazing toward the invisible. And past them, the criminal lying in the blue lakes of acid,The road between the two hills, upward slowly,The flames patterned in lacquer, crimen est actio,The limbo of chopped ice and saw-dust,And I bathed myself with acid to free myself of the hell ticks,Scales, fallen louse eggs. Palux Laerna,the lake of bodies, aqua morta,of limbs fluid, and mingled, like fish heaped in a bin,and here an arm upward, clutching a fragment of marble,

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And the embryos, in flux, new inflow, submerging,Here an arm upward, trout, submerged by the eels; and from the bank, the stiff herbagethe dry nobbled path, saw many known, and unknown,for an instant; submerging,The face gone, generation. Then light, air, under saplings,the blue banded lake under æther, an oasis, the stones, the calm field,the grass quiet, and passing the tree of the boughThe grey stone posts, and the stair of gray stone,the passage clean-squared in granite: descending,and I through this, and into the earth, patet terra,entered the quiet air the new sky,the light as after a sun-set, and by their fountains, the heroes,Sigismundo, and Malatesta Novello, and founders, gazing at the mounts of their cities. The plain, distance, and in fount-pools the nymphs of that waterrising, spreading their garlands, weaving their water reeds with the boughs,In the quiet, and now one man rose from his fountainand went off into the plain. Prone in that grass, in sleep; et j'entendis des voix:… wall . . . StrasbourgGalliffet led that triple charge. . . Prussiansand he said [Plarr's narration] it was for the honour of the army.And they called him a swashbuckler.

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I didn't know what it wasBut I thought: This is pretty bloody damn fine.And my old nurse, he was a man nurse, andHe killed a Prussian and he lay in the streetthere in front of our house for three daysAnd he stank. . . . . . . Brother Percy,And our Brother Percy… old AdmiralHe was a middy in those days,And they came into Ragusa. . . . . . place those men went for the Silk War. . . . .And they saw a procession coming down throughA cut in the hills, carrying somethingThe six chaps in front carrying a long thing on their shoulders,And they thought it was a funeral, but the thing was wrapped up in scarlet,And he put off in the cutter, he was a middy in those days,To see what the natives were doing,And they got up to the six fellows in livery,And they looked at it, and I can still hear the old admiral,&quot;Was it? it was Lord ByronDead drunk, with the face of an A y n. . . . . . . .He pulled it out long, like that: the face of an a y n . . . . . . . . gel.&quot; And because that son of a bitch, Franz Josef of Austria. . . . . .And because that son of a bitch Napoléon Barbiche…They put Aldington on Hill 70, in a trench dug through corpsesWith a lot of kids of sixteen,Howling and crying for their mamas,And he sent a chit back to his major: I can hold out for ten minutesWith my sergeant and a machine-gun. And they rebuked him for levity.And Henri Gaudier went to it, and they killed him,

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And killed a good deal of sculpture,And ole T.E.H. he went to it,With a lot of books from the library,London Library, and a shell buried ‘em in a dug-out,And the Library expressed its annoyance. And a bullet hit him on the elbow…gone through the fellow in front of him,And he read Kant in the Hospital, in Wimbledon,in the original,And the hospital staff didn't like it. And Wyndham Lewis went to it,With a heavy bit of artillery, and the airmen came by with a mitrailleuse,And cleaned out most of his company, and a shell lit on his tin hut,While he was out in the privy, and he was all there was left of that outfit. Windeler went to it, and he was out in the Ægæan,And down in the hold of his ship pumping gas into a sausage,And the boatswain looked over the rail, down into amidships, and he said: Gees! look a' the Kept'n,The Kept'n's a-gettin' ‘er up. And Ole Captain Baker went to it, with his legs full of rheumatics,So much so he couldn't run, so he was six months in hospital,Observing the mentality of the patients. And Fletcher was 19 when he went to it,And his major went mad in the control pit, about midnight, and started throwing the ‘phone aboutAnd he had to keep him quiet till abut six in the morning,And direct that bunch of artillery. And Ernie Hemingway went to it,

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too much in a hurry,And they buried him for four days. Et ma foi, vous savez, tous les nerveux. Non,Y a une limite; les bêtes, les bêtes ne sontPas faites pour ça, c'est peu de chose un cheval.Les hommes de 34 ans à quatre pattes qui criaient &quot;maman.&quot; Mais les costauds,La fin, là à Verdun, n'y avait que ces gros bonshommes Et y voyaient extrêmement clair.Qu'est-ce que ça vaut, les généraux, le lieutenant,on les pèse à un centigramme, n'y a rien que du bois,Notr' capitaine, tout, tout ce qu'il y a de plus renfermé de vieux polytechnicien, mais solide,La tête solide. Là, vous savez,Tout, tout fonctionne, et les voleurs, tous les vices,Mais les rapaces, y avait trois dans notre compagnie, tous tués.Y sortaient fouiller un cadavre, pour rien, y n'serainet sortis pour rien que ça.Et les boches, tout ce que vous voulez, militarisme, et cætera, et cætera.Tout ça, mais, MAIS, l'français, i s'bat quand y a mangé.Mais ces pauvres typesA la fin y s'attaquaient pour manger, Sans orders, les bêtes sauvages, on y faitPrisonniers; ceux qui parlaient français disaient: &quot;Poo quah? Ma foi on attaquait pour manger.&quot; C'est le corr-ggras, le corps gras, leurs trains marchaient trois kilomètres à l'heure,Et ça criait, ça grincait, on l'entendait à cinq kilomètres.(Ça qui finit la guerre.) Liste officielle des morts 5,000,000. I vous dit, bè, voui, tout sentait le pétrole.Mais, Non! je l'ai engueulé.Je lui ai dit: T'es un con! T'a raté la guerre.

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O voui! tous les homes de goût, y conviens,Tout ça en arrière. Mais un mec comme toi!C't homme, un type comme ça! Ce qu'il aurait pu encaisser!Il était dans une fabrique.What, burying squad, terrassiers, avec leur tête en arrière, qui regardaient comme ça,On risquait la vie pour un coup de pelle,Faut que ça soit bein carré, exact… Dey vus a bolcheviki dere, und dey dease him:Looka vat youah Trotzsk is done, e iss madeh deh zhamefull beace!!&quot;He iss madeh de zhamefull beace, iss he? &quot;He is madeh de zhamevull beace?&quot;A Brest-Litovsk, yess? Aint yuh herd? &quot;He vinneh de vore.&quot;De droobs iss released vrom de eastern vront, yess?&quot;Un venn dey getts to deh vestern vront, iss it &quot;How many getts dere?&quot;And dose doat getts dere iss so full off revolutions&quot;Venn deh vrench is come dhru, yess,&quot;Dey say, &quot;Vot?&quot; Un de posch say: &quot;Aint yeh heard? Say, ve got a rheffolution.&quot; That's the trick with a crowd, Get ‘em into the street and get ‘em moving.And all the time, there were people goingDown there, over the river. There was a man there talking,To a thousand, just a short speech, andThen move ‘em on. And he said:Yes, these people, they are all right, theyCan do everything, everything except act;And go an' hear ‘em but when they are throughCome to the bolsheviki… And when it broke, there was the crowd there,And the cossacks, just as always before,

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But one thing, the cossacks said: &quot;Pojalouista.&quot;And that got round in the crowd,And then a lieutenant of infantryOrdered ‘em to fire into the crowd, in the square at the end of the Nevsky,In front of the Moscow station,And they wouldn't,And he pulled his sword on a student for laughing,And killed him,And a cossack rode out of his squadOn the other side of the squareAnd cut down the lieutenant of infantryAnd there was the revolution… as soon as they named it. And you can't make ‘em,Nobody knew it was coming. They were all ready, the old gang,Guns on the top of the post-office and the palace,But none of the leaders knew it was coming. And there were some killed at the barracks,But that was between the troops. So we used to hear it at the operaThat they wouldn't be under Haig; and that the advance was beginning;That it was going to begin in a week. Ezra Pound

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Canto XXXVI A Lady asks me I speak in seasonShe seeks reason for an affect, wild oftenThat is so proud he hath Love for a nameWho denys it can hear the truth nowWherefore I speak to the present knowersHaving no hope that low-hearted Can bring sight to such reasonBe there not natural demonstration I have no will to try proof-bringingOr say where it hath birthWhat is its virtu and powerIts being and every movingOr delight whereby ‘tis called &quot;to love&quot;Or if man can show it to sight. Where memory liveth, it takes its stateFormed like a diafan from light on shadeWhich shadow cometh of Mars and remainethCreated, having a name sensate,Custom of the soul, will from the heart;Cometh from a seen form which being understoodTaketh locus and remaining in the intellect possibleWherein hath he neither weight nor still-standing,Descendeth not by quality but shineth outHimself his own effect unendinglyNot in delight but in the being awareNor can he leave his true likeness otherwhere. He is not vertu but cometh of that perfectionWhich is so postulate not by the reasonBut ‘tis felt, I say.Beyond salvation, holdeth his judging forceDeeming intention to be reason's peer and mate,Poor in discernment, being thus weakness' friendOften his power cometh on death in the end,Be it withstayed

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and so swinging counterweight.Not that it were natural opposite, but onlyWry'd a bit from the perfect,Let no man say love cometh from chanceOr hath not established lordshipHolding his power even though Memory hath him no more. Cometh he to be when the willFrom overplusTwisteth out of natural measure,Never adorned with rest Moveth he changing colourEither to laugh or weepContorting the face with fear resteth but a littleYet shall ye see of him That he is most oftenWith folk who deserve himAnd his strange quality sets sighs to moveWilling man look into that forméd trace in his mindAnd with such uneasiness as rouseth the flame.Unskilled can not form his image,He himself moveth not, drawing all to his stillness,Neither turneth about to seek his delightNor yet to see out provingBe it so great or so small. He draweth likeness and hue from like natureSo making pleasure more certain in seemingNor can stand hid in such nearness,Beautys be darts tho' not savageSkilled from such fear a man followsDeserving spirit, that pierceth.Nor is he known from his faceBut taken in the white light that is allnessToucheth his aimWho heareth, seeth not formBut is led by its emanationBeing divided, set out from colour,Disjunct in mid darknessGrazeth the light, one moving by other,Being divided, divided from all falsity

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Worthy of trustFrom him alone mercy proceedeth. Go, song, surely thou mayestWhither it please theeFor so art thou ornate that thy reasonsShall be praised from thy understanders,With others hast thou no will to make company. &quot;Called thrones, balascio or topaze&quot;Eriugina was not understood in his time&quot;which explains, perhaps, the delay in condemning him&quot;And they went looking for ManicheansAnd found, so far as I can make out, no ManicheansSo they dug for, and damned Scotus Eriugina&quot;Authority comes from right reason, never the other way on&quot;Hence the delay in condemning himAquinas head down in a vacuum, Aristotle which way in a vacuum?Sacrum, sacrum, inluminatio coitu.Lo Sordels si fo di Mantovana of a castle named Goito.&quot;Five castles!&quot;Five castles!&quot; (king giv' him five castles)&quot;And what the hell do I know about dye-works?!&quot;His Holiness has written a letter: &quot;CHARLES the Mangy of Anjou…...way you treat your men is a scandal….&quot;Dilectis miles familiaris…castra Montis OdorisiiMontis Sancti Silvestri pallete et pile…In partibus Thetis….vineland land tilled the land incult pratis nemoribus pascuis with legal jurisdictionhis heirs of both sexes,…sold the damn lot six weeks later,Sordellus de Godio. Quan ben m'albir e mon ric pensamen.

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Ezra Pound

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Cantus Planus The black panther lies under his rose treeAnd the fawns come to sniff at his sides: Evoe, Evoe, Evoe Baccho, OZAGREUS, Zagreus, Zagreus, The black panther lies under his rose tree.|| Hesper adest. Hesper || adest.Hesper || adest. Ezra Pound

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Causa I join these words for four people,Some others may overhear them,O world, I am sorry for you,You do not know these four people. Ezra Pound

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Cino Italian Campagna 1309, the open road Bah! I have sung women in three cities,But it is all the same;And I will sing of the sun. Lips, words, and you snare them,Dreams, words, and they are as jewels,Strange spells of old deity,Ravens, nights, allurement:And they are not;Having become the souls of song. Eyes, dreams, lips, and the night goes.Being upon the road once more,They are not.Forgetful in their towers of our tuneingOnce for wind-runeingThey dream us-toward andSighing, say, ``Would Cino,Passionate Cino, of the wrinkling eyes,Gay Cino, of quick laughter,Cino, of the dare, the jibe.Frail Cino, strongest of his tribeThat tramp old ways beneath the sun-light,Would Cino of the Luth were here!'' Once, twice a year---Vaguely thus word they: ``Cino?'' ``Oh, eh, Cino PolnesiThe singer is't you mean?''``Ah yes, passed once our way,A saucy fellow, but . . .(Oh they are all one these vagabonds),Peste! 'tis his own songs?Or some other's that he sings?But *you*, My Lord, how with your city?''

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My you ``My Lord,'' God's pity!And all I knew were out, My Lord, youWere Lack-land Cino, e'en as I am,O Sinistro. I have sung women in three cities.But it is all one.I will sing of the sun.. . . eh? . . . they mostly had grey eyes,But it is all one, I will sing of the sun. ``'Pollo Phoibee, old tin pan, youGlory to Zeus' aegis-day,Shield o' steel-blue, th' heaven o'er usHath for boss thy lustre gay! 'Pollo Phoibee, to our way-fareMake thy laugh our wander-lied;Bid thy 'flugence bear away care.Cloud and rain-tears pass they fleet! Seeking e'er the new-laid rast-wayTo the gardens of the sun . . . * * * I have sung women in three citiesBut it is all one.I will sing of the white birdsIn the blue waters of heaven,The clouds that are spray to its sea." Ezra Pound

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Coda O My songs,Why do you look so eagerly and so curiously intopeople's faces,Will you find your lost dead among them? Ezra Pound

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Coitus The gilded phaloi of the crocusesare thrusting at the spring air.Here is there naught of dead godsBut a procession of festival,A procession, Giulio Romano,Fit for your spirit to dwell in.Dione, your nights are upon us. The dew is upon the leaf.The night about us is restless. Ezra Pound

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Come To My Cantilations Come my cantilations,Let us dump our hatreds into one bunch and be done with them,Hot sun, clear water, fresh wind,Let me be free of pavements,Let me be free of the printers.Let come beautiful peopleWearing raw silk of good colour,Let come the graceful speakers,Let come the ready of wit,Let come the gay of manner, the insolent and the exulting.We speak of burnished lakes,Of dry air, as clear as metal. Ezra Pound

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Commission Go, my songs, to the lonely and the unsatisfied,Go also to the nerve-racked, go to the enslaved-by-convention,Bear to them my contempt for their oppressors.Go as a great wave of cool water,Bear my contempt of oppressors. Speak against unconscious oppression,Speak against the tyranny of the unimaginative,Speak against bonds.Go to the bourgeoise who is dying of her ennuis,Go to the women in suburbs.Go to the hideously wedded,Go to them whose failure is concealed,Go to the unluckily mated,Go to the bought wife,Go to the woman entailed. Go to those who have delicate lust,Go to those whose delicate desires are thwarted,Go like a blight upon the dulness of the world;Go with your edge against this,Strengthen the subtle cords,Bring confidence upon the algae and the tentacles of the soul.Go in a friendly manner,Go with an open speech.Be eager to find new evils and new good,Be against all forms of oppression.Go to those who are thickened with middle age,To those who have lost their interest. Go to the adolescent who are smothered in family-Oh how hideous it isTo see three generations of one house gathered together!It is like an old tree with shoots,And with some branches rotted and falling. Go out and defy opinion,Go against this vegetable bondage of the blood.Be against all sorts of mortmain.

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Ezra Pound

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Dance Figure For the Marriage in Cana of Galilee Dark-eyed,O woman of my dreams,Ivory sandalled,There is none like thee among the dancers,None with swift feet.I have not found thee in the tents,In the broken darkness.I have not found thee at the well-headAmong the women with pitchers.Thine arms are as a young sapling under the bark;Thy face as a river with lights. White as an almond are thy shoulders;As new almonds stripped from the husk.They guard thee not with eunuchs;Not with bars of copper. Gilt turquoise and silver are in the place of thy rest.A brown robe, with threads of gold woven in patterns, hast thou gathered about thee,O Nathat-Ikanaie, 'Tree-at-the-river'. As a rillet among the sedge are thy hands upon me;Thy fingers a frosted stream. Thy maidens are white like pebbles;Their music about thee! There is none like thee among the dancers;None with swift feet. Ezra Pound

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Dans Un Omnibus De Londres Les yeux d'une morteM'ont salué,Enchassés dans un visage stupideDont tous les autres traits étaient banals,Ils m'ont saluéEt alors je vis bien des chosesAu dedans de ma mémoireRemuer,S'éveiller. Je vis des canards sur le bord d'un lac minuscule,Auprès d'un petit enfant gai, bossu.Je vis les colonnes anciennes en ctoc'Du Pare Monceau,Et deux petites filles graciles,Des patriciennes,aux toisons couleur de lin,Et des pigeonnesGrassescomme des poulardes.Je vis le pare,Et tous les gazons diversOu nous avions loué des chaisesPour quatre sous. Je vis les cygnes noirs,Japonais,Leurs ailesTeintées de couleur sang-de-dragon,Et toutes les fleursD'Armenonville.Les yeux d'une morteM'ont salué. Ezra Pound

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De Ægypto I even I, am he who knoweth the roadsThrough the sky, and the wind thereof is my body. I have beheld the Lady of Life,I, even I, who fly with the swallows. Green and gray is her raiment,Trailing along the wind. I, even I, am he who knoweth the roadsThrough the sky, and the wind thereof is my body. Manus animam pinxit,My pen is in my hand To write the acceptable word. . . .My mouth to chant the pure singing! Who hath the mouth to receive it,The song of the Lotus of Kumi? I, even I, am he who knoweth the roadsThrough the sky, and the wind thereof is my body. I am flame that riseth in the sun,I, even I, who fly with the swallows. The moon is upon my forehead,The winds are under my lips. The moon is a great pearl in the waters of sapphire,Cool to my fingers the flowing waters. I, even I, am he who knoweth the roadsThrough the sky, and the wind thereof is my body. Ezra Pound

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Dieu! Qu'Il La Fait FROM CHARLES D'ORLEANSGod! that mad'st her well regard her,How she is so fair and bonny;For the great charms that are upon herReady are all folks to reward her. Who could part him from her bordersWhen spells are alway renewed on her?God! that mad'st her well regard her,How she is so fair and bonny. From here to there to the sea's border,Dame nor damsel there's not anyHath of perfect charms so many.Thoughts of her are of dream's order:God! that mad'st her well regard her. Ezra Pound

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Dompna Pois De Me No'Us Cal FROM THE PROVENCAL OF EN BERTRANS DE BORNLady, since you care nothing for me,And since you have shut me away from youCauselessly,I know not wnere to go seeking,For certainlyI will never again gatherJoy so rich, and if I find not everA lady with look so speakingTo my desire, worth yours whom I have lost,I’ll have no other love at any cost. And since I could not find a peer to you,Neither one so fair, nor of such heart,So eager and alert,Nor with such artIn attire, nor so gayNor with gift so bountiful and so true,I will go out a-searching,Culling from each a fair traitTo make me a borrowed ladyTill I again find you ready. Bels Cembelins, I take of you your colour,For it's your own, and your glanceWhere love is,A proud thing I do here,For, as to colour and eyesI shall have missed nothing at all,Having yours.I ask of Midons Aelis (of Montfort)Her straight speech free-running,That my phantom lack not in cunning, At Chalais of the Viscountess, I wouldThat she give me outrightHer two hands and her throat,So take I my roadTo Rochechouart,

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Swift-foot to my Lady Anhes,Seeing that Tristan's lady Iseutz had neverSuch grace of locks, I do ye to wit,Though she'd the far fame for it. Of Audiart at Malemort,Though she with a full heartWish me ill,I'd have her form that's lacedSo cunningly,Without blemish, for her loveBreaks not nor turns aside.I of Miels-de-ben demandHer straight fresh body,She is so supple and young,Her robes can but do her wrong. Her white teeth, of the Lady FaiditaI ask, and the fine courtesyShe hath to welcome one,And such replies she lavishesWithin her nest;Of Bels Mirals, the rest,Tall stature and gaiety,To make these availShe knoweth well, betideNo change nor turning aside. Ah, Bels Senher, Maent, at lastI ask naught from you,Save that I have such hunger forThis phantomAs I've for you, such flame-lap,And yet I'd ratherAsk of you than hold another,Mayhap, right close and kissed.Ah, lady, why have you castMe out, knowing you hold me so fast! Ezra Pound

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Donna Mi Prega Because a lady asks me, I would tellOf an affect that comes often and is fellAnd is so overweening; Love by name.E'en its deniers can now hear the truth,I for the nonce to them that know it call,Having no hope at allthat man who is base in heartCan bear his part of witinto the light of it,And save they know't aright from nature's sourceI have no will to prove Love's courseor sayWhere he takes rest; who maketh him to be;Or what his active virtu is, or what his force;Nay, nor his very essence or his mode;What his placation; why he is in verb,Or if a man have mightTo show him visible to men's sight.In memory's locus taketh he his state PlaceFormed there in manner as a mist of lightUpon a dusk that is come from Mars and stays.Love is created, hath a sensate name,His modus takes from soul, from heart his will;From form seen doth he start, that, understood,Taketh in latent intellectAs in a subject readyplace and abode,Yet in that place it ever is unstill,Spreading its rays, it tendeth never downBy quality, but is its own effect unendinglyNot to delight, but in an ardour of thoughtThat the base likeness of it kindleth not.It is not virtu, but perfection's sourceLying within perfection postulateNot by the reason, but ‘tis felt, I say.Beyond salvation, holdeth its judging force,Maintains intention reason's peer and mate;Poor in discernment, being thus weakness' friend,Often his power meeteth with death in the end

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Be he withstayedor from true coursebewrayedE'en though he meet not with hate or villeinySave that perfection fails, be it but a little;Nor can man say he hath his life by chanceOr that he hath not stablished seignioryOr loseth power, e'en lost to memory. He comes to be and is when will's so greatIt twists itself from out all natural measure;Leisure s adornment puts he then never on,Never thereafter, but moves changing state,Moves changing colour, or to laugh or weepOr wries the face with fear and little stays,Yea, resteth littleyet is found the mostWhere folk of worth be host.And his strange property sets sighs to moveAnd wills man look into unformed spaceRousing there thirstthat breaketh into flame.None can imagine lovethat knows not love;Love doth not move, but draweth all to him;Nor doth he turnfor a whimto find delightNor to seek out, surely,great knowledge or slight.Look drawn from like,delight maketh certain in seemingNor can in covert cower,beauty so near,Not yet wild-cruel as darts,So hath man craft from fearin such his desireTo follow a noble spirit,edge, that is, and point to the dart,Though from her face indiscernible;He, caught, fallethplumb the spike of the targe.

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Who well proceedeth, form not seeth,following his own emanation.There, beyond colour, essence set apart,In midst of darkness light light giveth forthBeyond all falsity, worthy of faith, aloneThat in him solely is compassion born. Safe may'st thou go my canzon whither thee pleasethThou art so fair attired that every man and eachShall praise thy speechSo we have sense or glow with reason's fire,To stand with otherhast thou no desire. Ezra Pound

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Dum Capitolium Scandet How many will come after mesinging as well as I sing, none better;Telling the heart of their truthas I have taught them to tell it;Fruit of my seed,O my unnameable children.Know then that I loved you from afore-time,Clear speakers, naked in the sun, untrammelled. Ezra Pound

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E.P. Ode Pour L'Election De Son Sepulchre For three years, out of key with his time,He strove to resuscitate the dead artOf poetry; to maintain "the sublime"In the old sense. Wrong from the start-- No, hardly, but seeing he had been bornIn a half savage country, out of date;Bent resolutely on wringing lilies from the acorn;Capaneus; trout for factitious bait; Idmen gar toi panth, hos eni troieCaught in the unstopped ear;Giving the rocks small lee-wayThe chopped seas held him, therefore, that year. His true Penelope was Flaubert,He fished by obstinate isles;Observed the elegance of Circe's hairRather than the mottoes on sun-dials. Unaffected by "the march of events,"He passed from men's memory in l'an trentuniesmede son eage;the case presentsNo adjunct to the Muses' diadem. IIThe age demanded an imageOf its accelerated grimace,Something for the modern stageNot, at any rate, an Attic grace; Not, certainly, the obscure reveriesOf the inward gaze;Better mendacitiesThan the classics in paraphrase! The "age demanded" chiefly a mould in plaster,Made with no loss of time,A prose kinema, not, not assuredly, alabaster

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Or the "sculpture" of rhyme. IIIThe tea-rose tea-gown, etc.Supplants the mousseline of Cos,The pianola "replaces"Sappho's barbitos. Christ follows Dionysus,Phallic and ambrosialMade way for macerations;Caliban casts out Ariel. All things are a flowingSage Heracleitus say;But a tawdry cheapnessShall outlast our days. Even the Christian beautyDefects--after Samothrace;We see to kalonDecreed in the market place. Faun's flesh is not to us,Nor the saint's vision.We have the press for wafer;Franchise for circumcision. All men, in law, are equals.Free of Pisistratus,We choose a knave or an eunuchTo rule over us. O bright Apollo,Tin andra, tin heroa, tina theon,What god, man or heroShall I place a tin wreath upon! IVThese fought in any case,And some believing, pro domo, in any case...

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Some quick to arm,some for adventure,some from fear of weakness,some from fear of censure,some for love of slaughter, in imagination,learning later...some in fear, learning love of slaughter; Died some, pro patria, non "dulce" not "et decor"...walked eye-deep in hellbelieving old men's lies, then unbelievingcame home, home to a lie,home to many deceits,home to old lies and new infamy;usury age-old and age-thickand liars in public places. Daring as never before, wastage as never before.Young blood and high blood,fair cheeks, and fine bodies; fortitude as never before frankness as never before,disillusions as never told in the old days,hysterias, trench confessions,laughter out of dead bellies. VThere died a myriad,And of the best, among them,For an old bitch gone in the teeth,For a botched civilization, Charm, smiling at the good mouth,Quick eyes gone under earth's lid, For two gross of broken statues,For a few thousand battered books.

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Ezra Pound

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Envoi Go, dumb-born book,Tell her that sang me once that song of Lawes:Hadst thou but songAs thou hast subjects known,Then were there cause in thee that should condoneEven my faults that heavy upon me lieAnd build her glories their longevity.Tell her that shedsSuch treasure in the air,Recking naught else but that her graces giveLife to the moment,I would bid them liveAs roses might, in magic amber laid,Red overwrought with orange and all madeOne substance and one colourBraving time.Tell her that goesWith song upon her lipsBut sings not out the song, nor knowsThe maker of it, some other mouth,May be as fair as hers,Might, in new ages, gain her worshippers,When our two dusts with Waller's shall be laid,Siftings on siftings in oblivion,Till change hath broken downAll things save Beauty alone. Ezra Pound

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Epilogue O chansons foregoingYou were a seven days' wonder.When you came out in the magazinesYou created considerable stir in Chicago,And now you are stale and worn out,You're a very depleted fashion,A hoop-skirt, a calash,An homely, transient antiquity.Only emotion remains.Your emotions?Are those of a maitre-de-cafe. Ezra Pound

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Epitaph Leucis, who intended a Grand Passion,Ends with a willingness-to-oblige. Ezra Pound

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Epitaphs Fu I Fu I loved the high cloud and the hill,Alas, he died of alcohol. Li Po And Li Po also died drunk.He tried to embrace a moonIn the Yellow River. Ezra Pound

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Erat Hora ‘Thank you, whatever comes.' And then she turnedAnd, as the ray of sun on hanging flowersFades when the wind hath lifted them aside,Went swiftly from me. Nay, whatever comesOne hour was sunlit and the most high godsMay not make boast of any better thingThan to have watched that hour as it passed. Ezra Pound

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Exile’s Letter To So-Kin of Rakuyo, ancient friend, Chancellor ofGen.Now I remember that you built me a special tavernBy the south side of the bridge at Ten-Shin.With yellow gold and white jewels, we paid for songsand laughterAnd we were drunk for month on month, forgetting thekings and princes.Intelligent men came drifting in from the sea and fromthe west border,And with them, and with you especiallyThere was nothing at cross purpose,And they made nothing of sea-crossing or of mountain-crossing,If only they could be of that fellowship,And we all spoke out our hearts and minds, and withoutregret.And when I was sent off to South Wei,smothered in laurel groves,And you to the north of Raku-hoku,Till we had nothing but thoughts and memories incommon.And then, when separation had come to its worst,We met, and travelled into Sen-Go,Through all the thirty-six folds of the turning andtwisting waters,Into a valley of the thousand bright flowers,That was the first valley;And into ten thousand valleys full of voices and pine-winds.And with silver harness and reins of gold,Out came the East of Kan foreman and his company.And there came also the ‘True man’ of Shi-yo to meetme,Playing on a jewelled mouth-organ.In the storied houses of San-Ko they gave us moreSennin music,Many instruments, like the sound of young phoenixbroods.

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The foreman of Kan Chu, drunk, dancedbecause his long sleeves wouldn't keep stillWith that music playing,And I, wrapped in brocade, went to sleep with myhead on his lap,And my spirit so high it was all over the heavens,And before the end of the day we were scattered likestars, or rain.I had to be off to So, far away over the waters,You back to your river-bridge. And your father, who was brave as a leopard,Was governor in Hei Shu, and put down the barbarianrabble.And one May he had you send for me,despite the long distance.And what with broken wheels and so on, I won't say itwasn't hard going,Over roads twisted like sheep's guts.And I was still going, late in the year,in the cutting wind from the North,And thinking how little you cared for the cost,and you caring enough to pay it.And what a reception:Red jade cups, food well set on a blue jewelled table,And I was drunk, and had no thought of returning.And you would walk out with me to the western cornerof the castle,To the dynastic temple, with water about it clear asblue jade,With boats floating, and the sound of mouth-organs anddrums,With ripples like dragon-scales, going grass green on thewater,Pleasure lasting, with courtezans, going and comingwithout hindrance,With the willow flakes falling like snow,And the vermilioned girls getting drunk about sunset,And the water, a hundred feet deep, reflecting greeneyebrowsEyebrows painted green are a fine sight in youngmoonlight,

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Gracefully paintedAnd the girls singing back at each other,Dancing in transparent brocade,And the wind lifting the song, and interrupting it,Tossing it up under the clouds.And all this comes to an end.And is not again to be met with.I went up to the court for examination,Tried Layu's luck, offered the Choyo song,And got no promotion,and went back to the East MountainsWhite-headed.And once again, later, we met at the South bridge-head.And then the crowd broke up, you went north to Sanpalace,And if you ask how I regret that parting:It is like the flowers falling at Spring's endConfused, whirled in a tangle.What is the use of talking, and there is no end of talking,There is no end of things in the heart.I call in the boy,Have him sit on his knees hereTo seal this,And send it a thousand miles, thinking. Ezra Pound

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Ezra On The Strike Wal, Thanksgivin' do be comin' round.With the price of turkeys on the bound,And coal, by gum! Thet were just found,Is surely gettin' cheaper. The winds will soon begin to howl,And winter, in its yearly growl,Across the medders begin to prowl,And Jack Frost gettin' deeper. By shucks! It seems to me,That you I orter beThankful, that our Ted could seeA way to operate it. I sez to Mandy, sure, sez I,I'll bet thet air patch o' ryeThet he'll squash 'em by-and-by,And he did, by cricket! No use talkin', he's the man -One of the best thet ever ran,Fer didn't I turn RepublicanOne o' the fust? I 'lowed as how he'd beat the rest,But old Si Perkins, he hemmed and guessed,And sed as how it wuzn't bestTo meddle with the trust. Ezra Pound

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Famam Librosque Cano Your songs?Oh! The little mothersWill sing them in the twilight,And when the nightShrinketh the kiss of the dawnThat loves and kills,What time the swallow fillsHere note, the little rabbit folkThat some call children,Such as are up and wide,Will laugh your verses to each other,Pulling on their shoes for the day's business,Serious child business that the worldLaughs at, and grows stale;Such is the tale-Part of it-of thy song-life. Mine? A book is known by them that readThat same. Thy public in my screedIs listed. Well! Some score years henceBehold mine audience,As we had seen him yesterday. Scrawny, be-spectacled, out at heels,Such an one as the world feelsA sort of curse against its guzzlingAnd its age-lasting wallow for red greedAnd yet; full speedThough it should run for its own getting,Will turn aside to sneer at'Cause he hathNo coin, no will to snatch the aftermathOf MammonSuch an one as women draw away fromFor the tobacco ashes scattered on his coatAnd sith his throatShow's razor's unfamiliarity

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And three days' beard; Such an one picking a raggedBackless copy from the stall,Too cheap for cataloguing,Loquitur, 'Ah-eh! the strange rare name . . .Ah-eh! He must be rare if even 7 have not . . .’And lost mid-pageSuch ageAs his pardons the habit,He analyses form and thought to seeHow I 'scaped immortality. Ezra Pound

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Fan-Piece, For Her Imperial Lord O fan of white silk,clear as frost on the grass-blade, You also are laid aside. Ezra Pound

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Fish And Shadow The salmon-trout drifts in the stream,The soul of the salmon-trout floats over the streamLike a little wafer of light. The salmon moves in the sun-shot, bright shallow sea. . . . As light as the shadow of the fishthat falls through the water,She came into the large room by the stair,Yawning a little she came with the sleep still upon her. 'I am just from bed. The sleep is still in my eyes.'Come. I have had a long dream.'And I: That wood?'And two springs have passed us.''Not so far, no, not so far now,There is a place but no one else knows itA field in a valley . . .Qu'ieu sui avinen,Ieu lo sai,' She must speak of the timeOf Arnaut de Mareuil, I thought, 'qu'ieu sui avinen.’ Light as the shadow of the fishThat falls through the pale green water. Ezra Pound

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For E. Mcc Gone while your tastes were keen to you,Gone where the grey winds call to you,By that high fencer, even Death,Struck of the blade that no man parrieth;Such is your fence, one saith,One that hath known you.Drew you your sword most gallantlyMade you your pass most valiantly'Gainst that grey fencer, even Death. Gone as a gust of breathFaith! no man tarrieth,‘Se il cor ti manca,’ but it failed thee not!'Non ti fidar,’ it is the sword that speaks‘In me.’ Thou trusted'st in thyself and met the blade'Thout mask or gauntlet, and art laidAs memorable broken blades that beKept as bold trophies of old pageantry.As old Toledos past their days of warAre kept mnemonic of the strokes they bore,So art thou with us, being good to keepIn our heart's sword-rack, though thy sword-arm sleep. ENVOIStruck of the blade that no man parriethPierced of the point that toucheth lastly all,'Gainst that grey fencer, even Death,Behold the shield! He shall not take thee all. Ezra Pound

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Francesca You came in out of the nightAnd there were flowers in your hand,Now you will come out of a confusion of people,Out of a turmoil of speech about you. I who have seen you amid the primal thingsWas angry when they spoke your nameIN ordinary places.I would that the cool waves might flow over my mind,And that the world should dry as a dead leaf,Or as a dandelion see-pod and be swept away,So that I might find you again,Alone. Ezra Pound

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Fratres Minores With minds still hovering above their testicl*sCertain poets here and in FranceStill sigh over established and natural factLong since fully discussed by Ovid.They howl. They complain in delicate and exhausted metresThat the twitching of three abdominal nervesIs incapable of producing a lasting Nirvana. Ezra Pound

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From "Hugh Selwyn Mauberly" For three years, out of key with his time,He strove to resuscitate the dead artOf poetry; to maintain "the sublime"In the old from the start-- No, hardly, but seeing he had been bornIn a half-savage country, out of date;Bent resolutely on wringing lilies from the acorn;Capaneus; trout for factitious bait; [idmen gar toi pant, hos eni Troiei]Caught in the unstopped ear;Giving the rocks small lee-wayThe chopped seas held him, therefore, that year. His true Penelope was Flaubert,He fished by obstinate isles;Observed the elegance of Circe's hairRather than the mottoes on sun-dials. Unaffected by "the march of events,"He passed from men's memory in l'an trentuniesmeDe son eage; the case presentsNo adjunct to the Muses' diadem. Ezra Pound

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Further Instructions Come, my songs, let us express our baser passions.Let us express our envy for the man with a steady job and no worry about thefuture.You are very idle, my songs,I fear you will come to a bad end.You stand about the streets, You loiter at the corners and bus-stops,You do next to nothing at all. You do not even express our inner nobilitys,You will come to a very bad end. And I? I have gone half-cracked.I have talked to you so much that I almost see you about me,Insolent little beasts! Shameless! Devoid of clothing! But you, newest song of the lot,You are not old enough to have done much mischief.I will get you a green coat out of ChinaWith dragons worked upon it.I will get you the scarlet silk trousersFrom the statue of the infant Christ at Santa Maria Novella;Lest they say we are lacking in taste,Or that there is no caste in this family. Ezra Pound

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Gentildonna She passed and left no quiver in the veins, who nowMoving among the trees, and clingingin the air she severed,Fanning the grass she walked on then, endures:Grey olive leaves beneath a rain-cold sky. Ezra Pound

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Grace Before Song Lord God of heaven that with mercy dightTh'alternate prayer wheel of the night and lightEternal hath to thee, and in whose sightOur days as rain drops in the sea surge fall, As bright white drops upon a leaden seaGrant so my songs to this grey folk may be: As drops that dream and gleam and falling catch the sunEvan'scent mirrors every opal oneOf such his splendor as their compass is,So, bold My Songs, seek ye such death as this. Ezra Pound

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Guido Invites You Thus ‘Lappo I leave behind and Dante too,Lo, I would sail the seas with thee alone!Talk me no love talk, no bought-cheap fiddl’ry,Mine is the ship and thine the merchandise,All the blind earth knows not th'empriseWhereto thou calledst and whereto I call. Lo, I have seen thee bound about with dreams,Lo, I have known thy heart and its desire;Life, all of it, my sea, and all men's streamsAre fused in it as flames of an altar fire !Lo, thou hast voyaged not! The ship is mine.' Ezra Pound

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Heather The black panther treads at my side,And above my fingersThere float the petal-like flames. The milk-white girlsUnbend from the holly-trees,And their snow-white leopardWatches to follow our trace. Ezra Pound

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Her Monument, The Image Cut Thereon FROM THE ITALIAN OF LEOPARDI Such wast thou,Who art nowBut buried dust and rusted skeleton.Above the bones and mire,Motionless, placed in vain,Mute mirror of the flight of speeding years,Sole guard of griefSole guard of memoryStandeth this image of the beauty sped. O glance, when thou wast still as thou art now,How hast thou set the fireA-tremble in men's veins; lip curved highTo mind me of some urn of full delight,O throat girt round of old with swift desire,O palms of Love, that in your wonted waysNot once but many a dayFelt hands turn ice a-sudden, touching ye,That ye were once! of all the grace ye hadThat which remaineth nowShameful, most sadFinds 'neath this rock fit mould, fit resting place! And still when fate recalleth,Even that semblance that appears amongst usIs like to heaven's most 'live imagining.All, all our life's eternal mystery!To-day, on highMounts, from our mighty thoughts and from the fountOf sense untellable, BeautyThat seems to be some quivering splendour castBy the immortal nature on this quicksand, And by surhuman fatesGiven to mortal stateTo be a sign and an hope made secureOf blissful kingdoms and the aureate spheres;

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And on the morrow, by some lightsome twist,Shameful in sight, abject, abominableAll this angelic aspect can returnAnd be but what it wasWith all the admirable concepts that moved from itSwept from the mind with it in its departure. Infinite things desired, lofty visions'Got on desirous thoughts by natural virtue,And the wise concord, whence through delicious seasThe arcane spirit of the whole MankindTurns hardy pilot . . . and if one wrong noteStrike the tympanum,InstantlyThat paradise is hurled to nothingness. O mortal nature,If thou artFrail and so vile in all,How canst thou reach so high with thy poor sense;Yet if thou artNoble in any partHow is the noblest of thy speech and thoughtSo lightly wroughtOr to such base occasion lit and quenched? Ezra Pound

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Historion No man hath dared to write this thing as yet,And yet I know, how that the souls of all men greatAt times pass athrough us,And we are melted into them, and are notSave reflexions of their souls.Thus am I Dante for a space and amOne Francois Villon, ballad-lord and thief,Or am such holy ones I may not writeLest blasphemy be writ against my name;This for an instant and the flame is gone. 'Tis as in midmost us there glows a sphereTranslucent, molten gold, that is the "I"And into this some form projects itself:Christus, or John, or eke the Florentine;And as the clear space is not if a form'sImposed thereon,So cease we from all being for the time,And these, the Masters of the Soul, live on. Ezra Pound

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Histrion No man hath dared to write this thing as yet,And yet I know, how that the souls of all men greatAt times pass athrough us,And we are melted into them, and are notSave reflexions of their souls.Thus am I Dante for a space and amOne Francois Villon, ballad-lord and thief,Or am such holy ones I may not writeLest blasphemy be writ against my name;This for an instant and the flame is gone. 'Tis as in midmost us there glows a sphereTranslucent, molten gold, that is the "I"And into this some form projects itself:Christus, or John, or eke the Florentine;And as the clear space is not if a form'sImposed thereon,So cease we from all being for the time,And these, the Masters of the Soul, live on. Ezra Pound

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Homage To Quintus Septimus Florentis Christianus I(Ex libris Graecæ)Theodorus will be pleased at my death,And .someone else will be pleased at the death of Theodoras,And yet everyone speaks evil of death. IIThis place is the Cyprian's for she has ever the fancyTo be looking out across the bright sea,Therefore the sailors are cheered, and the wavesKeep small with reverence, beholding her image.Anyte IIIA sad and great evil is the expectation of deathAnd there are also the inane expenses of the funeral;Let us therefore cease from pitying the deadFor after death there comes no other calamity.Palladas IVTroyWhither, O city, are your profits and your gilded shrines,And your barbecues of great oxen,And the tall women walking your streets, in gilt clothes,With their perfumes in little alabaster boxes?Where is the work of your home-born sculptors? Time's tooth is into the lot, and war's and fate's too.Envy has taken your all,Save your douth and your story.Agathas Scholasticus VWoman? Oh, woman is a consummate rage,but dead, or asleep, she pleases.Take her. She has two excellent seasons.PalladasVI

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Nicharcus upon Phidon his doctorPhidon neither purged me, nor touched me,But I remembered the name of his fever medicine anddied. Ezra Pound

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Homage To Sextus Propertius - I Shades of Callimachus, Coan ghosts of PhiletasIt is in your grove I would walk,I who come first from the clear fontBringing the Grecian orgies into Italy,and the dance into Italy.Who hath taught you so subtle a measure,in what hall have you heard it;What foot beat out your time-bar,what water has mellowed your whistles ? Out-weariers of Apollo will, as we know, continue theirMartian generalities,We have kept our erasers in order.A new-fangled chariot follows the flower-hung horses;A young Muse with young loves clustered about herascends with me into the aether, . . .And there is no high-road to the Muses. Annalists will continue to record Roman reputations,Celebrities from the Trans-Caucasus will belaud Roman celebritiesAnd expound the distentions of Empire,But for something to read in normal circ*mstances?For a few pages brought down from the forked hill unsullied?I ask a wreath which will not crush my head.And there is no hurry about it;I shall have, doubtless, a boom after my funeral,Seeing that long standing increases all thingsregardless of quality.And who would have known the towerspulled down by a deal-wood horse;Or of Achilles withstaying waters by SimoisOr of Hector spattering wheel-rims,Or of Polydmantus, by Scamander, or Helenas andDeiphoibos?Their door-yards would scarcely know them, or Paris.Small talk O Ilion, and O Troadtwice taken by Oetian gods,If Homer had not stated your case!

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And I also among the later nephews of this cityshall have my dog's day,With no stone upon my contemptible sepulchre;My vote coming from the temple of Phoebus in Lycia, at Patara,And in the mean time my songs will travel,And the devirginated young ladies will enjoy themwhen they have got over the strangeness,For Orpheus tamed the wild beastsand held up the Threician river;And Citharaon shook up the rocks by Thebesand danced them into a bulwark at his pleasure,And you, O Polyphemus? Did harsh Galatea almostTurn to your dripping horses, because of a tune, under Aetna?We must look into the matter.Bacchus and Apollo in favour of it,There will be a crowd of young women doing homage to my palaver,Though my house is not propped up by Taenariancolumns from Laconia (associated with Neptune and Cerberus),Though it is not stretched upon gilded beams;My orchards do not lie level and wideas the forests of Phaecia,the luxurious and Ionian,Nor are my caverns stuffed stiff with a Marcian vintage,My cellar does not date from Numa Pompilius,Nor bristle with wine jars,Nor is it equipped with a frigidaire patent;Yet the companions of the Museswill keep their collective nose in my books,And weary with historical data, they will turn to my dance tune.Happy who are mentioned in my pamphlets,the songs shall be a fine tomb-stone over their beauty.But against this ?Neither expensive pyramids scraping the stars in their route,Nor houses modelled upon that of Jove in East Elis,Nor the monumental effigies of Mausolus,are a complete elucidation of death. Flame burns, rain sinks into the cracksAnd they all go to rack ruin beneath the thud of the years.Stands genius a deathless adornment,a name not to be worn out with the years.

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Ezra Pound

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Homage To Sextus Propertius - Ii I had been seen in the shade, recumbent on cushioned Helicon,The water dripping from Bellerophon's horse,Alba, your kings, and the realm your folkhave constructed with such industryShall be yawned out on my lyre with such industry.My little mouth shall gobble in such great fountains,'Wherefrom father Ennius, sitting before I came, hath drunk.'I had rehearsed the Curian brothers, and made remarkson the Horatian javelin(Near Q. H. Flaccus' book-stall).'Of’ royal Aemilia, drawn on the memorial raft,'Of’ the victorious delay of Fabius, and the left-handedbattle at Cannae,Of lares fleeing the 'Roman seat' . . .I had sung of all theseAnd of Hannibal,and of Jove protected by geese.And Phoebus looking upon me from the Castalian tree,Said then 'You idiot! What are you doing with that water:‘Who has ordered a book about heroes?'You need, Propertius, not think'About acquiring that sort of a reputation.'Soft fields must be worn by small wheels,'Your pamphlets will be thrown, thrown often into a chair'Where a girl waits alone for her lover;'Why wrench your page out of its course?'No keel will sink with your genius'Let another oar churn the water,'Another wheel, the arena; mid-crowd is as bad as mid-sea.'He had spoken, and pointed me a place with his plectrum: Orgies of vintages, an earthern image of SilenusStrengthened with rushes, Tegaean Pan,The small birds of the Cytharean mother,their Punic faces dyed in the Gorgon's lake;Nine girls, from as many countrysides bearing her offerings in their unhardened hands,Such my cohort and setting. And she bound ivy to his thyrsos;

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Fitted song to the strings;Roses twined in her hands.And one among them looked at me with face offended,Calliope:'Content ever to move with white swans!'Nor will the noise of high horses lead you ever to battle;Nor will the public criers ever have your name;in their classic horns,'Nor Mars shout you in the wood at Aeonium,Nor where Rome ruins German riches,'Nor where the Rhine flows with barbarous blood,and flood carries wounded Suevi.'Obviously crowned lovers at unknown doors,'Night dogs, the marks of a drunken scurry,'These are your images, and from you the sorcerizing ofshut-in young ladies,'The wounding of austere men by chicane.'Thus Mistress Calliope,Dabbling her hands in the fount, thus sheStiffened our face with the backwash of Philetas the Coan. Ezra Pound

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Homage To Sextus Propertius - Iii Midnight, and a letter comes to me from our mistress:Telling me to come to Tibur:At once!!'Bright tips reach up from twin towers,'Anienan spring water falls into flat-spread pools.' What is to be done about it?Shall I entrust myself to entangled shadows,Where bold hands may do violence to my person?Yet if I postpone my obediencebecause of this respectable terror,I shall be prey to lamentations worse than a nocturnal assailant.And I shall be in the wrong,it will last a twelve month,For her hands have no kindness me-ward, Nor is there anyone to whom lovers are not sacred at midnightAnd in the Via Sciro.If any man would be a loverhe may walk on the Scythian coast,No barbarism would go to the extent of doing him harm,The moon will carry his candle,and the stars will point out the stumbles,Cupid will carry lighted torches before himand keep mad dogs off his ankles.Thus all roads are perfectly safeand at any hour;Who so indecorous as to shed the pure gore of a suitor?!Cypris is his cicerone. What if undertakers follow my track,such a death is worth dying.She would bring frankincense and wreaths to my tomb,She would sit like an ornament on my pyre. aid, let not my bones lie in a public locationWith crowds too assiduous in their crossing of it;For thus are tombs of lovers most desecrated.

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May a woody and sequestered place cover me with its foliageOr may I inter beneath the hummockof some as yet uncatalogued sand;At any rate I shall not hav.e my epitaph in a high road. Ezra Pound

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Homage To Sextus Propertius - Iv DIFFERENCE OF OPINION WITHLYGDAMUS Tell me the truths which you hear of our constant young lady,Lygdamus,And may the bought yoke of a mistress lie withequitable weight on your shoulders;For I am swelled up with inane pleasurabilitiesand deceived by your referenceTo things which you think I would like to believe. No messenger should come wholly empty,and a slave should fear plausibilities;Much conversation is as good as having a home.Out with it, tell it to me, all of it, from the beginning,I guzzle with outstretched ears.Thus? She wept into uncombed hair,And you saw it.Vast waters flowed from her eyes ?You, you LygdamusSaw her stretched on her bed,was no glimpse in a mirror;No gawds on her snowy hands, no orfevrerie,Sad garment draped on her slender arms.Her escritoires lay shut by the bed-feet.Sadness hung over the house, and the desolated female attendantsWere desolated because she had told them her dreams. She was veiled in the midst of that place,Damp woolly handkerchiefs were stuffed into her undryable eyes,And a querulous noise responded to our solicitous reprobations.For which things you will get a reward from me, Lygdamus?To say many things is equal to having a home.And the other woman 'has not enticed meby her pretty manners,'She has caught me with herbaceous poison,she twiddles the spiked wheel of a rhombus,'She stews puffed frogs, snake's bones, the moulted'She stews puffed frogs, snake's bones, the moulted

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feathers of screech owls, 'She binds me with ravvles of shrouds.Black spiders spin in her bedl'Let her lovers snore at her in the morning!May the gout cramp up her feet!'Does he like me to sleep here alone,Lygdamus?'Will he say nasty things at my funeral?' And you expect me to believe thisafter twelve months of discomfort ? Ezra Pound

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Homage To Sextus Propertius - Ix 1The twisted rhombs ceased their clamour of accompaniment;The scorched laurel lay in the fire-dust;The moon still declined to descend out of heaven, But the black ominous owl hoot was audible. And one raft bears our fateson the veiled lake towards AvernusSails spread on Cerulean waters, I would shed tears for two;I shall live, if she continue in life,If she dies, I shall go with her.Great Zeus, save the woman,or she will sit before your feet in a veil, and tellout the long list of her troubles. 2Persephone and Dis, Dis, have mercy upon her,There are enough women in hell,quite enough beautiful women,lope, and Tyro, and Pasiphae, and the formal girls of Achaia,And out of Troad, and from the Campania,Death has his tooth in the lot,Avernus lusts for the lot of them,Beauty is not eternal, no man has perennial fortune,Slow foot, or swift foot, death delays but for a season.My light, light of my eyes,you are escaped from great peril,Go back to Great Dian's dances bearing suitable gifts,Pay up your vow of night watchesto Dian goddess of virgins,And unto me also pay debt:The ten nights of your company you have promised me. Ezra Pound

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Homage To Sextus Propertius - V 1Now if ever it is time to cleanse Helicon;to lead Emathian horses afield,And to name over the census of my chiefs in the Roman camp.If I have not the faculty, 'The bare attempt would be praise-worthy.''In the things of similar magnitudethe mere will to act is sufficient.'The primitive ages sang Venus,the last sings of a tumult,And I also will sing war when this matter of a girl is exhausted.I with my beak hauled ashore would proceed in a more stately manner,My Muse is eager to instruct me in a new gamut, or gambetto,Up, up my soul, from your lowly cantilation,put on a timely vigour.Oh august Pierides! Now for a large-mouthed product.Thus:'The Euphrates denies its protection to the Parthian andapologizes for Crassus,'And 'It is, I think, India which now gives necks to your triumph,'And so forth, Augustus. 'Virgin Arabia shakes in her inmost dwelling.'If any land shrink into a distant seacoast,it is a mere postponement of your domination.And I shall follow the camp, I shall be duly celebratedfor singing the affairs of your cavalry.May the fates watch over my day. 2Yet you ask on what account I write so many love-lyricsAnd whence this soft book comes into my mouth.Neither Calliope nor Apollo sung these things into my ear,My genius is no more than a girl. If she with ivory fingers drive a tune through the lyre,We look at the process.How easy the moving fingers; if hair is mussed on her forehead,If she goes in a gleam of Cos, in a slither of dyed stuff,There is a volume in the matter; if her eyelids sink into sleep,There are new jobs for the author;And if she plays with me with her shirt off,

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We shall construct many Iliads.And whatever she does or saysWe shall spin long yarns out of nothing. Thus much the fates have allotted me, and if, Maecenas,I were able to lead heroes into armour, I would not,Neither would I warble of Titans, nor of Ossaspiked onto Olympus,Nor of causeways over Pelion,Nor of Thebes in its ancient respectability,nor of Homer's reputation in Pergamus,Nor of Xerxes' two-barreled kingdom, nor of Remus and his royal family,Nor of dignified Carthaginian characters,Nor of Welsh mines and the profit Marus had out of them,I should remember Caesar's affairs . . .for a background,Although Callimachus did without them,and without Theseus,Without an inferno, without Achilles attended of gods,Without Ixion, and without the sons of Menoetius andthe Argo and without Jove's grave and the Titans. And my ventricles do not palpitate to Caesarial ore rotundas,Nor to the tune of the Phrygian fathers.Sailor, of winds; a plowman, concerning his oxen;Soldier, the enumeration of wounds; the sheep-feeder, of ewes;We, in our narrow bed, turning aside from battles:Each man where he can, wearing out the day in his manner.3It is noble to die of love, and honourable to remainuncuckolded for a season.And she speaks ill of light women,and will not praise HomerBecause Helen's conduct is 'unsuitable'. Ezra Pound

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Homage To Sextus Propertius - Vi When, when, and whenever death closes our eyelids, Moving naked over AcheronUpon the one raft, victor and conquered together,Marius and Jugurtha together,one tangle of shadows.Caesar plots against India,Tigris and Euphrates shall, from now on, flow at his bidding,Tibet shall be full of Roman policemen,The Parthians shall get used to our statuaryand acquire a Roman religion;One raft on the veiled flood of Acheron,Marius and Jugurtha together.Nor at my funeral either will there be any long trail,bearing ancestral lares and images;No trumpets filled with my emptiness,Nor shall it be on an Atalic bed;The perfumed cloths shall be absent.A small plebeian procession.Enough, enough and in plentyThere will be three books at my obsequiesWhich I take, my not unworthy gift, to Persephone. You will follow the bare scarified breastNor will you be weary of calling my name, nor too wearyTo place the last kiss on my lipsWhen the Syrian onyx is broken. ‘He who is now vacant dust'Was once the slave of one passion:'Give that much inscription‘Death why tardily come?' You, sometimes, will lament a lost friend,For it is a custom:This care for past men, Since Adonis was gored in Idalia, and the CythareanRan crying with out-spread hair,

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In vain, you call back the shade,In vain, Cynthia. Vain call to unanswering shadow,Small talk comes from small bones. Ezra Pound

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Homage To Sextus Propertius - Vii Me happy, night, night full of brightness;Oh couch made happy by iny long delectations;How many words talked out with abundant candles;Struggles when the lights were taken away;Now with bared breasts she wrestled against me,Tunic spread in delay;And she then opening my eyelids fallen in sleep,Her lips upon them; and it was her mouth saying:Sluggard! In how many varied embraces, our changing arms,Her kisses, how many, lingering on my lips.'Turn not Venus into a blinded motion,Eyes are the guides of love,Paris took Helen naked coming from the bed of Menelaus,Endymion's naked body, bright bait for Diana,'such at least is the story. While our fates twine together, sate we our eyes with love;For long night comes upon youand a day when no day returns.Let the gods lay chains upon usso that no day shall unbind them. Fool who would set a term to love's madness,For the sun shall drive with black horses,earth shall bring wheat from barley,The flood shall move toward the fountainEre love know moderations,The fish shall swim in dry streams.No, now while it may be, let not the fruit of life cease.Dry wreaths drop their petals,their stalks are woven in baskets,To-day we take the great breath of lovers,to-morrow fate shuts us in. Though you give all your kissesyou give but few.

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Nor can I shift my pains to other,Hers will I be dead,If she confer such nights upon me,long is my life, long in years,If she give me many,God am I for the time. Ezra Pound

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Homage To Sextus Propertius - Viii Jove, be merciful to that unfortunate womanOr an ornamental death will be held to your debit,The time is come, the air heaves in torridity,The dry earth pants against the canicular heat,But this heat is not the root of the matter:She did not respect all the gods;Such derelictions have destroyed other young ladies aforetime,And what they swore in the cupboardwind and wave scattered away. Was Venus exacerbated by the existence of a comparable equal?Is the ornamental goddess full of envy?Have you contempted Juno's Pelasgian temples,Have you denied Pallas good eyes ?Or is it my tongue that wrongs youwith perpetual ascription of graces?There comes, it seems, and at any ratethrough perils, (so many) and of a vexed life,The gentler hour of an ultimate day. Io mooed the first years with averted head,And now drinks Nile water like a god,Ino in her young days fled pellmell out of Thebes,Andromeda was offered to a sea-serpentand respectably married to Perseus, Callisto, disguised as a bear,wandered through the Arcadian prairiesWhile a black veil was over her stars,What if your fates are accelerated,your quiet hour put forward,You may find interment pleasing, You will say that you succumbed to a danger identical,charmingly identical, with Semele's,And believe it, and she also will believe it,being expert from experience,And amid all the gloried and storied beauties of MaeoniaThere shall be none in a better seat, not

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one denying your prestige, Now you may bear fate's stroke unperturbed,Or Jove, harsh as he is, may turn aside your ultimate day.Old lecher, let not Juno get wind of the matter,Or perhaps Juno herself will go under,If the young lady is taken?There will be, in any case, a stir on Olympus. Ezra Pound

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Homage To Sextus Propertius - X .Light, light of my eyes, at an exceeding late hour I was wandering,And intoxicated,and no servant was leading me,And a minute crowd of small boys came from opposite,I do not know what boys,And I am afraid of numerical estimate,And some of them shook little torches,and others held onto arrows,And the rest laid their chains upon me,and they were naked, the lot of them,And one of the lot was given to lust. 'That incensed female has consigned him to our pleasure.'So spoke. And the noose was over my neck.And another said 'Get him plumb in the middle!'Shove along there, shove along!'And another broke in upon this:'He thinks that we are not gods,''And she has been waiting for the scoundrel,and in a new Sidonian night cap,And with more than Arabian odours,God knows where he has been.She could scarcely keep her eyes openenter that much for his bail.Get along now!' We were coming near to the house,and they gave another yank to my cloak,And it was morning, and I wanted to see if she was alone and resting,And Cynthia was alone in her bed.I was stupefied.I had never seen her looking so beautiful,No, not when she was tunick'd in purple. Such aspect was presented to me, me recently emerged from my visions,You will observe that pure form has its value. ‘You are a very early inspector of mistresses.‘Do you think I have adopted your habits?'

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There were upon the bed no signs of a voluptuous encounter,No signs of a second incumbent. She continued:'No incubus has crushed his body against me,‘Though spirits are celebrated for adultery.‘And I am going to the temple of Vesta . . .'and so on. Since that day I have had no pleasant nights. Ezra Pound

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Homage To Sextus Propertius - Xi 1The harsh acts of your levity!Many and many.I am hung here, a scare-crow for lovers. 2Escape! There is, O Idiot, no escape,Flee if you like into Ranaus,desire will follow you thither,Though you heave into the air upon the gilded Pegasean back,Though you had the feathery sandals of PerseusTo lift you up through split air,The high tracks of Hermes would not afford you shelter. Amor stands upon you, Love drives upon lovers,a heavy mass on free necks. It is our eyes you flee, not the city,You do nothing, you plot inane schemes against me,Languidly you stretch out the snarewith which I am already familiar, And yet again, and newly rumour strikes on my ears. Rumours of you throughout the city,and no good rumour among them. 'You should not believe hostile tongues.'Beauty is slander's co*ck-shy.'All lovely women have known this,''Your glory is not outblotted by venom,''Phoebus our witness, your hands are unspotted. A foreign lover brought down Helen's kingdomand she was led back, living home;The Cytharean brought low by Mars' lecheryreigns in respectable heavens, . . . Oh, oh, and enough of this,

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by dew-spread caverns,The Muses clinging to the mossy ridges;to the ledge of the rocks:Zeus' clever rapes, in the old days,combusted Semele's, of Io strayed.Oh how the bird flew from Trojan rafters,Ida has lain with a shepherd, she has slept between sheep. Even there, no escapeNot the Hyrcanian seaboard, not in seeking the shore of Eos. All things are forgiven for one night of your games. . . .Though you walk in the Via Sacra, with a peaco*ck's tail for a fan. Ezra Pound

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Homage To Sextus Propertius - Xii Who, who will be the next man to entrust his girl to a friend?Love interferes with fidelities;The gods have brought shame on their relatives;Each man wants the pomegranate for himself;Amiable and harmonious people are pushed incontinent into duels,A Trojan and adulterous person came to Menelaus under the rites of hospitium,And there was a case in Colchis, Jason and that woman in Colchis;And besides, Lynceus,you were drunk. Could you endure such promiscuity?She was not renowned for fidelity;But to jab a knife in my vitals, to have passed on a swig of poison,Preferable, my dear boy, my dear Lynceus,Comrade, comrade of my life, of my purse, of my person;But in one bed, in one bed alone, my dear LynceusI deprecate your attendance;I would ask a like boon of Jove. And you write of Achelous, who contended with Hercules,You write of Adrastus' horses and the funeral rites of Achenor,And you will not leave off imitating Aeschylus.Though you make a hash of Antimachus,You think you are going to do Homer.And still a girl scorns the gods,Of all these young womennot one has enquired the cause of the world,Nor the modus of lunar eclipsesNor whether there be any patch left of usAfter we cross the infernal ripples,nor if the thunder fall from predestination;Nor anything else of importance. Upon the Actian marshes Virgil is Phoebus' chief of police,He can tabulate Caesar's great ships.He thrills to Ilian arms,He shakes the Trojan weapons of Aeneas,And casts stores on Lavinian beaches.

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Make way, ye Roman authors,clear the street, ye Greeks,For a much larger Iliad is on the course of construction(and to Imperial order)Clear the streets, O ye Greeks! And you also follow him 'neath Phrygian pine shade:Thyrsis and Daphnis upon whittled reeds,And how ten sins can corrupt young maidens;Kids for a bribe and pressed udders,Happy selling poor loves for cheap apples. Tityrus might have sung the same vixen;Corydon tempted Alexis,Head farmers do likewise, and lying weary amid their oatsThey get praise from tolerant Hamadryads.'Go on, to Ascraeus' prescription, the ancient, respected, Wordsworthian:‘A flat field for rushes, grapes grow on the slope.'And behold me, small fortune left in my house.Me, who had no general for a grandfather!I shall triumph among young ladies of indeterminate character,My talent acclaimed in their banquets,I shall be honoured with yesterday's wreaths.And the god strikes to the marrow. Like a trained and performing tortoise,I would make verse in your fashion, if she should command it,With her husband asking a remission of sentence,And even this infamy would not attract numerous readersWere there an erudite or violent passion,For the nobleness of the populace brooks nothing below its own altitude.One must have resonance, resonance and sonority . . .like a goose. Varro sang Jason's expedition,Varro, of his great passion Leucadia,There is song in the parchment; Catullus the highly indecorous,Of Lesbia, known above Helen;And in the dyed pages of Calvus,Calvus mourning Quintilia,And but now Gallus had sung of Lycoris.Fair, fairest Lycoris

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The waters of Styx poured over the wound:And now Propertius of Cynthia, taking his stand among these. Ezra Pound

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Horae Beatae Inscripto How will this beauty, when I am far hence,Sweep back upon me and engulf my mind! How will these hours, when we twain are gray,Turned in their sapphire tide, come flooding o'er us! Ezra Pound

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Hugh Selwyn Mauberly (Part I) "Vocat aestus in umbram"Nemesianus Es. IV. E. P. Ode pour l'élection de son sépulchre For three years, out of key with his time,He strove to resuscitate the dead artOf poetry; to maintain "the sublime"In the old sense. Wrong from the start -- No, hardly, but, seeing he had been bornIn a half savage country, out of date;Bent resolutely on wringing lilies from the acorn;Capaneus; trout for factitious bait: "Idmen gar toi panth, os eni TroieCaught in the unstopped ear;Giving the rocks small lee-wayThe chopped seas held him, therefore, that year. His true Penelope was Flaubert,He fished by obstinate isles;Observed the elegance of Circe's hairRather than the mottoes on sun-dials. Unaffected by "the march of events",He passed from men's memory in l'an trentiesmeDe son eage; the case presentsNo adjunct to the Muses' diadem. II. The age demanded an imageOf its accelerated grimace,Something for the modern stage,Not, at any rate, an Attic grace; Not, not certainly, the obscure reveriesOf the inward gaze;

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Better mendacitiesThan the classics in paraphrase! The "age demanded" chiefly a mould in plaster,Made with no loss of time,A prose kinema, not, not assuredly, alabasterOr the "sculpture" of rhyme. III. The tea-rose, tea-gown, etc.Supplants the mousseline of Cos,The pianola "replaces"Sappho's barbitos. Christ follows Dionysus,Phallic and ambrosialMade way for macerations;Caliban casts out Ariel. All things are a flowing,Sage Heracleitus says;But a tawdry cheapnessShall reign throughout our days. Even the Christian beautyDefects -- after Samothrace;We see to kalonDecreed in the market place. Faun's flesh is not to us,Nor the saint's vision.We have the press for wafer;Franchise for circumcision. All men, in law, are equals.Free of Peisistratus,We choose a knave or an eunuchTo rule over us. A bright Apollo,

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tin andra, tin eroa, tina theon,What god, man, or heroShall I place a tin wreath upon? IV. These fought, in any case,and some believing, pro domo, in any case .. Some quick to arm,some for adventure,some from fear of weakness,some from fear of censure,some for love of slaughter, in imagination,learning later ... some in fear, learning love of slaughter;Died some pro patria, non dulce non et decor" .. walked eye-deep in hellbelieving in old men's lies, then unbelievingcame home, home to a lie,home to many deceits,home to old lies and new infamy; usury age-old and age-thickand liars in public places. Daring as never before, wastage as never before.Young blood and high blood,Fair cheeks, and fine bodies; fortitude as never before frankness as never before,disillusions as never told in the old days,hysterias, trench confessions,laughter out of dead bellies. V.

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There died a myriad,And of the best, among them,For an old bitch gone in the teeth,For a botched civilization. Charm, smiling at the good mouth,Quick eyes gone under earth's lid, For two gross of broken statues,For a few thousand battered books. Yeux Glauques Gladstone was still respected,When John Ruskin produced"Kings Treasuries"; SwinburneAnd Rossetti still abused. Fœtid Buchanan lifted up his voiceWhen that faun's head of hersBecame a pastime forPainters and adulterers. The Burne-Jones cartonsHave preserved her eyes;Still, at the Tate, they teachCophetua to rhapsodize; Thin like brook-water,With a vacant gaze.The English Rubaiyat was still-bornIn those days. The thin, clear gaze, the sameStill darts out faun-like from the half-ruin'd face,Questing and passive ...."Ah, poor Jenny's case" ... Bewildered that a worldShows no surpriseAt her last maquero'sAdulteries.

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"Siena Mi Fe', Disfecemi Maremma" Among the pickled fœtuses and bottled bones,Engaged in perfecting the catalogue,I found the last scion of theSenatorial families of Strasbourg, Monsieur Verog. For two hours he talked of Gallifet;Of Dowson; of the Rhymers' Club;Told me how Johnson (Lionel) diedBy falling from a high stool in a pub ... But showed no trace of alcoholAt the autopsy, privately performed --Tissue preserved -- the pure mindArose toward Newman as the whiskey warmed. Dowson found harlots cheaper than hotels;Headlam for uplift; Image impartially imbuedWith raptures for Bacchus, Terpsichore and the Church.So spoke the author of "The Dorian Mood", M. Verog, out of step with the decade,Detached from his contemporaries,Neglected by the young,Because of these reveries. Brennbaum. The sky-like limpid eyes,The circular infant's face,The stiffness from spats to collarNever relaxing into grace; The heavy memories of Horeb, Sinai and the forty years,Showed only when the daylight fellLevel across the faceOf Brennbaum "The Impeccable". Mr. Nixon

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In the cream gilded cabin of his steam yachtMr. Nixon advised me kindly, to advance with fewerDangers of delay. "ConsiderCarefully the reviewer. "I was as poor as you are;"When I began I got, of course,"Advance on royalties, fifty at first", said Mr. Nixon,"Follow me, and take a column,"Even if you have to work free. "Butter reviewers. From fifty to three hundred"I rose in eighteen months;"The hardest nut I had to crack"Was Dr. Dundas. "I never mentioned a man but with the view"Of selling my own works."The tip's a good one, as for literature"It gives no man a sinecure." And no one knows, at sight a masterpiece.And give up verse, my boy,There's nothing in it." * * * Likewise a friend of Bloughram's once advised me:Don't kick against the pricks,Accept opinion. The "Nineties" tried your gameAnd died, there's nothing in it. X. Beneath the sagging roofThe stylist has taken shelter,Unpaid, uncelebrated,At last from the world's welter Nature receives him,With a placid and uneducated mistressHe exercises his talents

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And the soil meets his distress. The haven from sophistications and contentionsLeaks through its thatch;He offers succulent cooking;The door has a creaking latch. XI. "Conservatrix of Milésien"Habits of mind and feeling,Possibly. But in EalingWith the most bank-clerkly of Englishmen? No, "Milésian" is an exaggeration.No instinct has survived in herOlder than those her grandmotherTold her would fit her station. XII. "Daphne with her thighs in barkStretches toward me her leafy hands", --Subjectively. In the stuffed-satin drawing-roomI await The Lady Valentine's commands, Knowing my coat has never beenOf precisely the fashionTo stimulate, in her,A durable passion; Doubtful, somewhat, of the valueOf well-gowned approbationOf literary effort,But never of The Lady Valentine's vocation: Poetry, her border of ideas,The edge, uncertain, but a means of blendingWith other strataWhere the lower and higher have ending; A hook to catch the Lady Jane's attention,

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A modulation toward the theatre,Also, in the case of revolution,A possible friend and comforter. * * * Conduct, on the other hand, the soul"Which the highest cultures have nourished"To Fleet St. whereDr. Johnson flourished; Beside this thoroughfareThe sale of half-hose hasLong since superseded the cultivationOf Pierian roses. Ezra Pound

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Image From D'Orleans Young men riding in the streetIn the bright new seasonSpur without reasonCausing their steeds to leap. And at the pace they keepTheir horses' armoured feetStrike sparks from the cobbled streetIn the bright new season. Ezra Pound

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Impressions Of Francois-Marie Arouet (De Voltaire) IPhyllidula and the Spoils of Gouvernet Where, Lady, are the daysWhen you could go out in a hired hansomWithout footmen and equipments?And dine in a soggy, cheap restaurant?Phyllidula now, with your powdered Swiss footmanClanking the door shut,and lying;And carpets from Savonnier, and from Persia,And your new service at dinner,And plates from Germain,And cabinets and chests from Martin (almost lacquer),And your white vases from Japan,And the lustre of diamonds,Etcetera, etcetera, and etcetera? IITo Madame du Châtelet If you'd have me go on loving youGive me back the time of the thing. Will you give me dawn light at evening?Time has driven me out from the fine plaisaunces, The parks with the swards all over dew,And grass going glassy with the light on it,The green stretches where love is and the grapesHang in yellow-white and dark clusters ready for pressing.And if now we can't fit with our time of lifeThere is not much but its evil left us. Life gives us two minutes, two seasonsOne to be dull in;Two deaths and to stop loving and being lovable,That is the real death,The other is little beside it.

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Crying after the follies gone by me,Quiet talking is all that is left usGentle talking, not like the first talking, less lively;And to follow after friendship, as they call it,Weeping that we can follow naught else. IIITo Madame Lullin You'll wonder that an old man of eightyCan go on writing you verses. . . . Grass showing under the snow,Birds singing late in the year! And Tibullus could say of his death, in his Latin:'Delia, I would look on you, dying.' And Delia herself fading out,Forgetting even her beauty. Ezra Pound

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In A Station Of The Metro The apparition of these faces in the crowd;petals on a wet, black bough. Ezra Pound

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In Durance (1907)1 am homesick after mine own kind,Oh I know that there are folk about me, friendly faces,But I am homesick after mine own kind. 'These sell our pictures'! Oh well,They reach me not, touch me some edge or that,But reach me not and all my life's becomeOne flame, that reaches not beyondMy heart's own hearth,Or hides among the ashes there for thee.Thee'? Oh, 'Thee' is who cometh firstOut of mine own soul-kin,For I am homesick after mine own kindAnd ordinary people touch me not.And I am homesickAfter mine own kind that know, and feelAnd have some breath for beauty and the arts. Aye, I am wistful for my kin of the spiritAnd have none about me save in the shadowsWhen come they, surging of power, 'DAEMON,''Quasi KALOUN.' S.T. says Beauty is most that, a'calling to the soul'.Well then, so call they, the swirlers out of the mist of my soul,They that come mewards, bearing old magic. But for all that, I am homesick after mine own kindAnd would meet kindred even as I am,Flesh-shrouded bearing the secret.'All they that with strange sadness'Have the earth in mockery, and are kind to all,My fellows, aye I know the gloryOf th' unbounded ones, but ye, that hideAs I hide most the whileAnd burst forth to the windows only whiles or whilesFor love, or hope or beauty or for power,Then smoulder, with the lids half closedAnd are untouched by echoes of the world.

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Oh ye, my fellows: with the seas between us some be,Purple and sapphire for the silver shaftsOf sun and spray all shattered at the bows;And some the hills hold off,The little hills to east of us, though here weHave damp and plain to be our shutting in. And yet my soul sings ‘Up!' and we are one.Yea thou, and Thou, and THOU, and all my kinTo whom my breast and arms are ever warm,For that I love ye as the wind the treesThat holds their blossoms and their leaves in cureAnd calls the utmost singing from the boughsThat Hhout him, save the aspen, were as dumbStill shade, and bade no whisper speak the birds of how'Beyond, beyond, beyond, there lies . . .' Ezra Pound

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In Exitum Cuiusdam On a certain one's departure ‘Time's bitter flood'! Oh, that's all very well,But where's the old friend hasn't fallen off,Or slacked his hand-grip when you first gripped fame?I know your circle and can fairly tellWhat you have kept and what you’ve left behind:I know my circle and know very wellHow many faces I'd have out of mind. Ezra Pound

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In Tempore Senectutis When I am oldI will not have you look apartFrom me, into the cold,Friend of my heart,Nor be sad in your remembranceOf the careless, mad-heart semblanceThat the wind hath blown awayWhen I am old. When I am oldAnd the white hot wonder-fireUnto the world seem cold,My soul's desireKnow you then that all life's shower,The rain of the years, that hourShall make blow for us one flower,Including all, when we are old. When I am oldIf you rememberAny love save what is thenHearth light unto life's DecemberBe your joy of past sweet chalicesTo know then naught but this"How many wonders are less sweetThan love I bear to theeWhen I am old." Ezra Pound

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In The Old Age Of The Soul I do not choose to dream; there cometh on meSome strange old lust for deeds.As to the nerveless hand of some old warriorThe sword-hilt or the war-worn wonted helmetBrings momentary life and long-fled cunning,So to my soul grown old -Grown old with many a jousting, many a foray,Grown old with namy a hither-coming and hence-going -Till now they send him dreams and no more deed;So doth he flame again with might for action,Forgetful of the council of elders,Forgetful that who rules doth no more battle,Forgetful that such might no more cleaves to himSo doth he flame again toward valiant doing. Ezra Pound

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Invern Earth's winter comethAnd I being part of allAnd sith the spirit of all moveth in meI must needs bear earth's winterDrawn cold and grey with hoursAnd joying in a momentary sun,Lo I am withered with waiting till my spring cometh!Or crouch covetous of warmthO'er scant-logged ingle blaze,Must take cramped joy in tomed LonginusThat, read I him first timeThe woods agleam with summerOr mid desirous winds of spring,Had set me singing spheresOr made heart to wander forth among warm rosesOr curl in grass next neath a kindly moon. Ezra Pound

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Ione, Dead The Long Year Empty are the ways,Empty are the ways of this landAnd the flowersBend over with heavy heads.They bend in vain.Empty are the ways of this landWhere IoneWalked once, and now does not walkBut seems like a person just gone. Ezra Pound

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Ité Go, my songs, seek your praise from the youngand from the intolerant,Move among the lovers of perfection alone.Seek ever to stand in the hard Sophoclean lightAnd take you wounds from it gladly. Ezra Pound

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La Fraisne For I was a gaunt, grave councillorBeing in all things wise, and very old,But I have put aside this folly and the coldThat old age weareth for a cloak. I was quite strong-at least they said so-The young men at the sword-play;But I have put aside this folly, being gayIn another fashion that more suiteth me. I have curled 'mid the boles of the ash wood,I have hidden my face where the oakSpread his leaves over me, and the yokeOf the old ways of men have I cast aside. By the still pool of Mar-nan-othaHave I found me a brideThat was a dog-wood tree some syne.She hath called me from mine old waysShe hath hushed my rancour of council,Bidding me praise Naught but the wind that flutters in the leaves. She hath drawn me from mine old ways,Till men say that I am mad;But I have seen the sorrow of men, and am glad,For I know that the wailing and bitterness are a folly. And I? I have put aside all folly and all grief.I wrapped my tears in an ellum leafAnd left them under a stoneAnd now men call me mad because I have thrownAll folly from me, putting it asideTo leave the old barren ways of men,Because my brideIs a pool of the wood, andThough all men say that I am madIt is only that I am glad,

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Very glad, for my bride hath toward me a great loveThat is sweeter than the love of womenThat plague and burn and drive one away. Aie-e! 'Tis true that I am gayQuite gay, for I have her alone hereAnd no man troubleth us. Once when I was among the young men . . .And they said I was quite strong, among the young men.Once there was a woman . . .. . . but I forget . . . she was . .... I hope she will not come again. ... I do not remember….. I think she hurt me once, but . . .That was very long ago. I do not like to remember things any more. I like one little band of winds that blowIn the ash trees here:For we are quite aloneHere 'mid the ash trees. Ezra Pound

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La Regina Avrillouse Lady of rich allure,Queen of the spring's embrace,Your arms are long like boughs of ash,Mid laugh-broken streams, spirit of rain unsure,Breath of the poppy flower,All the wood thy bowerAnd the hills thy dwelling-place. This will I no more dream;Warm is thy arm's allure,Warm is the gust of breathThat ere thy lips meet mineKisseth my cheek and saith:"This is the joy of earth,Here is the wine of mirthDrain ye one goblet sure, Take ye the honey cupThe honied song raise up,Drink of the spring's allure,April and dew and rain;Brown of the earth sing sure,Cheeks and lips and hairAnd soft breath that kisseth whereThy lips have come not yet to drink." Moss and the mold of earth,These be thy couch of mirth,Long arms thy boughs of shadeApril-alluring, as the bladeOf grass doth catch the dewAnd make it crown to hold the sun.Banner be youAbove my head,Glory to all wold display'd,April-alluring, glory-bold. Ezra Pound

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Ladies AgathasFour and forty lovers had Agathas in the old days,All of whom she refused;And now she turns to me seeking love,And her hair also is turning. Young LadyI have fed your lar with poppies,I have adored you for three full years;And now you grumble because your dress does not fitAnd because I happen to say so. Lesbia IllaMemnon, Menmon, that ladyWho used to walk about amongst usWith such gracious uncertainty,Is now weddedTo a British householder.Lugete, Veneres! Lugete, Cupidinesque ! PassingFlawless as Aphrodite,Thoroughly beautiful,Brainless,The faint odour of your patchouli,Faint, almost, as the lines of cruelty about your chin,Assails me, and concerns me almost as little. Ezra Pound

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Lament Of The Frontier Guard By the North Gate, the wind blows full of sand,Lonely from the beginning of time until now!Trees fall, the grass goes yellow with autumn.I climb the towers and towersto watch out the barbarous land:Desolate castle, the sky, the wide desert.There is no wall left to this village.Bones white with a thousand frosts,High heaps, covered with trees and grass;Who brought this to pass?Who has brought the flaming imperial anger?Who has brought the army with drums and with kettle-drums?Barbarous kings.A gracious spring, turned to blood-ravenous autumn,A turmoil of wars - men, spread over the middle kingdom,Three hundred and sixty thousand,And sorrow, sorrow like rain.Sorrow to go, and sorrow, sorrow returning,Desolate, desolate fields,And no children of warfare upon them,No longer the men for offence and defence.Ah, how shall you know the dreary sorrow at the North Gate,With Rihoku's name forgotten,And we guardsmen fed to the tigers. By Rihaku. [Li Po?] Ezra Pound

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Langue D'Oc Alba When the nightingale to his mateSings day-long and night lateMy love and I keep stateIn bower,In flower,''Till the watchman on the towerCry:'Up! Thou rascal, Rise,I see the whiteLightAnd the nightFlies: ICompleynt of a gentleman who has been waiting outside for some time O plasmatour and true celestial light,Lord powerful, engirdled all with might,Give my good-fellow aid in fools' despiteWho stirs not forth this night,And day comes on.'Sst! my good fellow, art awake or sleeping?Sleep thou no more. I see the star upleapingThat hath the dawn in keeping,And day comes on!'Hi! Harry, hear me, for I sing arightSleep not thou now, I hear the bird in flightThat plaineth of the going of the night,And day comes on!‘Come now! Old swenkin! Rise up from thy bed,I see the signs upon the welkin spread,If thou come not, the cost be on thy head.And day comes on!‘And here I am since going down of sun,And pray to God that is St. Mary's son,To bring thee safe back, my companion.And day comes on.

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'And thou out here beneath the porch of stoneBadest me to see that a good watch was done,And now thou'lt none of me, and wilt have noneOf song of mine.(Bass voice from inside)'Wait, my good fellow. For such joy I takeWith her venust and noblest to my makeTo hold embraced, and will not her forsakeFor yammer of the cuckold,Though day break.'(Girart Bornello) IIAvril When the springtime is sweetAnd the birds repeatTheir new song in the leaves.‘Tis meetA man go where he will. But from where my heart is setNo message I get;My heart all wakes and grieves;DefeatOr luck, I must have my fill. Our love comes outLike the branch that turns aboutOn the top of the hawthorne,With frost and hail at nightSuffers despite'Till the sun come, and the green leaf on the bough. I remember the young dayWhen we set strife away,And she gave me such gesning,Her love and her ring:God grant I die not by any man's stroke'Till I have my hand 'neath her cloak. I care not for their clamour

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Who have come between me and my charmer,For I know how words run loose,Big talk and little use.Spoilers of pleasure,We take their measure.(Guilhem de Peitieu) IIIDescant on a Theme by Cerclamon When the sweet air goes bitter,And the cold birds twitterWhere the leaf falls from the twig,I sough and sing that Love goes outLeaving me no power to hold him. Of love I have naughtSave trouble and sad thought,And nothing is grievousas I desirous,Wanting only whatNo man can get or has got. With the noblest that stands in men's sight,If all the world be in despiteI care not a glove.Where my love is, there is a glitter of sun;God give me life, and let my course run 'Till I have her I loveTo lie with and prove. I do not live, nor cure me,Nor feel my ache great as it is,For love will giveme no respite,Nor do I know when I turn left or rightnor when I go out. For in her is all my delight

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And all that can save me. I shake and burn and quiverFrom love, awake and in swevyn,Such fear I have she deliverme not from pain,Who know not how to ask her;Who can not.Two years, three years I seekAnd though I fear to speak out,Still she must know it. If she won't have me now, Death is my portion,Would I had died that dayI came into her sway.God! How softly this kills!When her love look steals on me.Killed me she has, I know not how it was,For I would not look on a woman. Joy I have none, if she make me not madOr set me quiet, or bid me chatter.Good is it to me if she floutOr turn me inside out, and about.My ill doth she turn sweet. How swift it is.For I am traist and loose,I am true, or a liar,All vile, or all gentle,Or shaking between,as she desire,I, Cerclamon, sorry and glad,The man whom love hadand has ever;Alas! who'er it please or pain,She can me retain.I am gone from one joy,From one I loved never so much,She by one touchReft me away;So doth bewilder me

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I can not say my saynor my desire,And when she looks on meIt seems to meI lose all wit and sense. The noblest girls men love'Gainst her I prize not as a gloveWorn and old.Though the whole world run rackAnd go dark with cloud,Light isWhere she stands,And a clamour loudin my ears. IVVergier In orchard under the hawthorneShe has her lover till morn,Till the traist man cry out to warnThem God how swift the night,And day comes on. O Plasmatour, that thou end not the night,Nor take my beloved from my sight,Nor I, nor tower-man, look on daylight,'Fore God, How swift the night,And day comes on. 'Lovely thou art, to hold me close and kisst,Now cry the birds out, in the meadow mist,Despite the cuckold, do thou as thou list,So swiftly goes the nightAnd day comes on. ‘My pretty boy, make we our play againHere in the orchard where the birds complain,'Till the traist watcher his song unrein,Ah God! How swift the nightAnd day comes on.'

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‘Out of the wind that blows from her,That dancing and gentle is and thereby pleasanter,Have I drunk a draught, sweeter than scent of myrrh.Ah God! How swift the night.And day comes on.' Venust the lady, and none lovelier,For her great beauty, many men look on her,Out ofmy love will her heart not stir.By God, how swift the night.And day comes on. Ezra Pound

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L'Art Green arsenic smeared on an egg-white cloth,Crushed strawberries! Come, let us feast our eyes. Ezra Pound

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Leave-Taking Near Shoku They say the roads of Sanso are steep,Sheer as the mountains.The walls rise in a man's face,Clouds grow out of the hillat his horse's bridle.Sweet trees are on the paved way of the Shin,Their trunks burst through the paving,And freshets are bursting their icein the midst of Shoku, a proud city.Men's fates are already set,There is no need of asking diviners. Ezra Pound

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Les Millwin The little Millwins attend the Russian Ballet.The mauve and greenish souls of the little MillwinsWere seen lying along the upper seatsLike so many unused boas. The turbulent and undisciplined host of art students-The rigorous deputation from ‘Slade’-Was before them. With arms exalted, with fore-armsCrossed in great futuristic X's, the art studentsExulted, they beheld the splendours of Cleopatra And the little Millwins beheld these things;With their large and anaemic eyes they looked out uponthis configuration. Let us therefore mention the fact,For it seems to us worthy of record. Ezra Pound

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L'Homme Moyen Sensuel ‘Tis of my country that I would endite,In hope to set some misconceptions right.My country? I love it well, and those good fellowsWho, since their wit's unknown, escape the gallows.But you stuffed coats who're neither tepid nor distinctly boreal,Pimping, conceited, placid, editorial,Could I but speak as 'twere in the 'Restoration'I would articulate your perdamnation.This year perforce I must with circ*mspectionFor Mencken states somewhere, in this connection:‘It is a moral nation we infest.'Despite such reins and checks I'll do my best,An art! You all respect the arts, from that infant tickWho's now the editor of The Altantic,From Comstock's self, down to the meanest resident,Till up again, right up, we reach the president,Who shows his taste in his ambassadors:A novelist, a publisher, to pay old scores,A novelist, a publisher and a preacher,That's sent to Holland, a most particular feature,Henry Van Dyke, who thinks to charm the Muse you pack her inA sort of stinking deliquescent saccharine.The constitution of our land, O Socrates,Was made to incubate such mediocrities,These and a state in books that's grown perennialAnd antedates the Philadelphia centennial.Still I'd respect you more if you could buryMabie, and Lyman Abbot and George Woodberry,For minds so wholly founded upon quotationsAre not the best of pulse for infant nations.Dulness herself, that abject spirit, chortlesTo see your forty self-baptized immortals,And holds her sides where swelling laughter cracks 'emBefore the 6Ars Poetica' of Hiram Maxim.All one can say of this refining mediumIs cZut! Cinque lettres!' a banished gallic idiom,Their doddering ignorance is waxed so notable'Tis time that it was capped with something quotable.

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Here Radway grew, the fruit of pantosocracy,The very fairest flower of their gynocracy.Radway ? My hero, for it will be more inspiringIf I set forth a bawdy plot like ByronThan if I treat the nation as a whole.Radway grew up. These forces shaped his soul;These, and yet God, and Dr. Parkhurst's god, the N.Y. Journal(Which pays him more per week than The Supernal).These and another godlet of that day, your day(You feed a hen on grease, perhaps she'll layThe sterile egg that is still eatable:'Prolific Noyes' with output undefeatable).From these he (Radway) learnt, from provosts and from editors unyieldingAnd innocent of Stendhal, Flaubert, Maupassant and Fielding.They set their mind (it's still in that condition)May we repeat; the Centennial ExpositionAt Philadelphia, 1876?What it knew then, it knows, and there it sticks.And yet another, a 'charming man', ‘sweet nature,' but was Gilder,De mortuis verum, truly the master builder? From these he learnt. Poe, Whitman, Whistler, men, their recognitionWas got abroad, what better luck do you wish 'em,When writing well has not yet been forgivenIn Boston, to Henry James, the greatest whom we've seen living.And timorous love of the innocuousBrought from Gt. Britain and dumped down a'top of us,Till you may take your choice: to feel the edge of satire orRead Bennett or some other flaccid flatterer.Despite it all, despite your Red Bloods, febrile concupiscenceWhose blubbering yowls you take for passion's essence;Despite it all, your compound predilectionFor ignorance, its growth and its protection(Vide the tariff), I will hang simple factsUpon a tale, to combat other tracts,'Message to Garcia,' Mosher's propagandasThat are the nation's botts, collicks and glanders.Or from the feats of Sumner cull it? Think,Could Freud or Jung'unfathom such a sink? My hero, Radway, I have named, in truth,Some forces among those which 'formed' his youth:

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These heavy weights, these dodgers and these preachers,Crusaders, lecturers and secret lechers,Who wrought about his 'soul' their stale infection.These are the high-brows, and to this collectionThe social itch, the almost, all but, not quite, fascinating,Piquante, delicious, luscious, captivating:Puffed satin, and silk stockings, where the kneeClings to the skirt in strict (vide: 'Vogue') propriety.Three thousand chorus girls and all unkissed,state sans song, sans home-grown wine, sans realist!'Tell me not in mournful wish-washLife's a sort of sugared dish-wash!'Radway had read the various evening papersAnd yearned to imitate the Waldorf capersAs held before him in that unsullied mirrorThe daily press, and monthlies nine cents dearer.They held the very marrow of the idealsThat fed his spirit; were his mental meals.Also, he'd read of Christian virtues inThat canting rag called Everybody's Magazine,And heard a clergy that tries on more wheezesThan e'er were heard of by Our Lord Ch . . . . JSo he 'faced life' with rather mixed intentions,He had attended country Christian Endeavour Conventions,Where one gets more chancesThan Spanish ladies had in old romances.(Let him rebuke who ne'er has known the pure Platonic grapple,Or hugged two girls at once behind a chapel.)Such practices diluted rural boredomThough some approved of them, and some deplored 'em.Such was he when he got his mother's letterAnd would not think a thing that could upset her. . . .Yet saw an ad.' To-night, THE HUDSON SAIL,With forty queens, and music to regaleThe select company: beauties you all would knowBy name, if named.' So it was phrased, or rather somewhat soI have mislaid the ‘ad.', but note the touch,Note, reader, note the sentimental touch:His mother's birthday gift. (How pitifulThat only sentimental stuff will sell!) Yet Radway went. A circ*mspectious prig!

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And then that woman like a guinea-pigAccosted, that's the word, accosted him,Thereon the amorous calor slightly frosted him.(I burn, I freeze, I sweat, said the fair Greek,I speak in contradictions, so to speak.) I've told his training, he was never bashful,And his pockets by ma's aid, that night with cash full,The invitation had no need of fine aesthetic,Nor did disgust prove such a strong emeticThat we, with Masefield's vein, in the next sentenceRecord ‘Odd's blood! Ouch! Ouch!' a prayer, his swift repentance.No, no, they danced. The music grew much louderAs he inhaled the 'still fumes of rice-powder.Then there came other nights, came slow but certainAnd were such nights that we should 'draw the curtain'In writing fiction on uncertain chancesOf publication; 'Circ*mstances,'As the editor of The Century says in print,'Compel a certain silence and restraint.'Still we will bring our 'fiction as near to fact' asThe Sunday school brings virtues into practice. Soon our hero could manage once a week,Not that his pay had risen, and no leakWas found in his employer's cash. He learned the lay of cheaper places,And then Radway began to go the paces:A rosy path, a sort of vernal ingress,And Truth should here be careful of her thin dressThough males of seventy, who fear truths naked harm us,Must think Truth looks as they do in wool pyjamas.(My country, I've said your morals and your thoughts are stale ones,But surely the worst of your old-women are the male ones.) Why paint these days? An insurance inspectorFor fires and odd risks, could in this sectorFurnish more data for a compilationThan I can from this distant land and station,Unless perhaps I should have recourse toOne of those firm-faced inspecting women, whoFind pretty Irish girls in Chinese laundries,Up stairs, the third floor up, and have such quandaries

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As to how and why and whereby they got inAnd for what earthly reason they remain. . . .Alas, eheu, one question that sorely vexesThe serious social folk is ‘just what sex is'.Though it will, of course, pass off with social scienceIn which their mentors place such wide reliance . .De Gourmont says that fifty grunts are all that will be prized.Of langauge, by men wholly socialized,With signs as many, that shall represent 'emWhen thoroughly socialized printers want to print 'em.‘As free of mobs as kings'? I'd have men free of that invidious,Lurking, serpentine, amphibious and insidiousPower that compels 'emTo be so much alike that every dog that smells 'em,Thinks one identity isSmeared o'er the lot in equal quantities.Still we look toward the day when man, with unction,Will long only to be a social function,And even Zeus' wild lightning fear to strikeLest it should fail to treat all men alike.And I can hear an old man saying: ‘Oh, the rub!’I see them sitting in the Harvard Club,'And rate 'em up at just so much per head,'Till I have viewed straw hats and their habitual clothing'All the same style, same cut, with perfect loathing.' So Radway walked, quite like the other men,Out into the crepuscular half-light, now and then;Saw what the city offered, cast an eyeUpon Manhattan's gorgeous panoply,The flood of limbs upon Eighth AvenueTo beat Prague, Budapesth, Vienna or Moscow,Such animal invigorating carriageAs nothing can restrain or much disparage. . . .Still he was not given up to brute enjoyment,An anxious sentiment was his employment,For memory of the first warm night still cast a haze o'erThe mind of Radway, whene'er he found a pair of purple stays orSome other quaint reminder of the occasionThat first made him believe in immoral suasion.A temperate man, a thin potationist, each dayA silent hunter off the Great White Way,

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He read The Century and thought it niceTo be not too well known in haunts of viceThe prominent haunts, where one might recognize him,And in his daily walks duly capsize him.Thus he eschewed the bright red-walled cafes andWas never one of whom one speaks as ‘brazen'd'. Some men will live as prudes in their own villageAnd make the tour abroad for their wild tillageI knew a tourist agent, one whose art isTo run such tours. He calls 'em. . . . house parties.But Radway was a patriot whose venalityWas purer in its love of one locality,A home-industrious worker to perfection,A sensational jobber for protection,Especially on books, lest knowledge break inUpon the national brains and set 'em achin'.'Tis an anomaly in our large land of freedom,You can not get cheap books, even if you need 'em.)Radway was ignorant as an editor,And, heavenly, holy gods! I can't say more,Though I know one, a very base detractor,Who has the phrase ‘As ignorant as an actor,'But turn to Radway: the first night on the river,Running so close to ‘hell’ it sends a shiverDown Rodyheaver's prophylactic spine,Let me return to this bold theme of mine,Of Radway. O clap hand ye moralists!And meditate upon the Lord's conquests.When last I met him, he was a pillar inAn organization for the suppression of sin. . . .Not that he'd changed his tastes, nor yet his habits,(Such changes don't occur in men, or rabbits).Not that he was a saint, nor was top-lofticalIn spiritual aspirations, but he found it profitable,For as Ben Franklin said, with such urbanity:'Nothing will pay thee, friend, like Christianity.'And in our day thus saith the Evangelist:'Tent preachin' is the kind that pays the best.' 'Twas as a business asset pure an’ simpleThat Radway joined the Baptist Broadway Temple.

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I find no moral for a peroration,He is the prototype of half the nation. Ezra Pound

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Liu Ch'E The rustling of the silk is discontinued,Dust drifts over the court-yard,There is no sound of foot-fall, and the leavesScurry into heaps and lie still,And she the rejoicer of the heart is beneath them: A wet leaf that clings to the threshold. Ezra Pound

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M. Pom-Pom M. Pom-POM allait en guerrePer vendere cannoniMon beau grand frèreNe peut plus voirPer vendere cannoni. M. Pom-POM est au sénatPer vendere cannoniPour vendre des canonsPour vendre des canonsTo sell the god damn'd frogsA few more canon, Ezra Pound

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Marvoil A poor clerk I, 'Arnaut the less' they call me,And because I have small mind to sitDay long, long day cooped on a stoolA-jumbling o' figures for Maitre Jacques Polin,I ha' taken to rambling the South here. The Vicomte of Beziers's not such a bad lot.I made rimes to his lady this three year:Vers and canzone, till that damn'd son of Aragon,Alfonso the half-bald, took to hangingHis helmet at Beziers.Then came what might come, to wit: three men and one woman,Beziers off at Mont-Ausier, I and his ladySinging the stars in the turrets of Beziers,And one lean Aragonese cursing the seneschalTo the end that you see, friends: Aragon cursing in Aragon, Beziers busy at BeziersBored to an inch of extinction,Tibors all tongue and temper at Mont-Ausier,Me! in this damn'd inn of Avignon,Stringing long verse for the Burlatz;All for one half-bald, knock-knee'd king of the Aragonese,Alfonso, Quattro, poke-nose. And if when I am deadThey take the trouble to tear out this wall here,They'11 know more of Arnaut of MarvoilThan half his canzoni say of him.As for will and testament I leave none,Save this: ‘Vers and canzone to the Countess of BeziersIn return for the first kiss she gave me.'May her eyes and her cheek be fairTo all men except the King of Aragon,And may I come'speedily to BeziersWhither my desire and my dream have preceded me. O hole in the wall here! be thou my jongleurAs ne'er had I other, and when the wind blows,

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Sing thou the grace of the Lady of Beziers,For even as thou art hollow before I fill thee with this parchment,So is my heart hollow when she filleth not mine eyes,And so were my mind hollow, did she not fill utterly my thought. Wherefore, O hole in the wall here,When the wind blows sigh thou for my sorrowThat I have not the Countess of BeziersClose in my arms here.Even as thou shalt soon have this parchment. O hole in the wall here, be thou my jongleur,And though thou sighest my sorrow in the wind,Keep yet my secret in thy breast here;Even as I keep her image in my heart here. Ezra Pound

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Masks These tales of old disguisings, are they notStrange myths of souls that found themselves amongUnwonted folk that spake an hostile tongue,Some soul from all the rest who'd not forgotThe star-span acres of a former lotWhere boundless mid the clouds his course he swung,Or carnate with his elder brothers sungEre ballad-makers lisped of Camelot? Old singers half-forgetful of their tunes,Old painters color-blind come back once more,Old poets skill-less in the wind-heart runes,Old wizards lacking in their wonder-lore: All they that with strange sadness in their eyesPonder in silence o'er earth's queynt devyse? Ezra Pound

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Mauberley ITurned from the 'eau-fortePar Jaquemart'To the strait headOf Messalina: 'His true PenelopeWas Flaubert,'And his toolThe engraver's. Firmness,Not the full smile,His art, but an artIn profile; ColourlessPier Francesca,Pisanello lacking the skillTo forge Achaia. IIFor three years, diabolus in the scale,He drank ambrosia,All passes, ANANGKE prevails,Came end, at last, to that Arcadia. He had moved amid her phantasmagoria,Amid her galaxies,NUKTIS 'AGALMA Drifted . . . drifted precipitate,Asking time to be rid of ...Of his bewilderment; to designateHis new found orchid. . . . To be certain . . . certain . . .(Amid aerial flowers) . . . time for arrangements-Drifted on

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To the final estrangement; Unable in the supervening blanknessTo sift TO AGATHON from the chaffUntil he found his sieve . . .Ultimately, his seismograph: Given that is his 'fundamental passion',This urge to convey the relationOf eye-lid and cheek-boneBy verbal manifestations;To present the seriesOf curious heads in medallion He had passed, inconscient, full gaze,The wide-branded iridesAnd botticellian sprays impliedIn their diastasis; Which ansethesis, noted a year late,And weighed, revealed his great affect,(Orchid), mandateOf Eros, a retrospect. Mouths biting empty air,The still stone dogs,Caught in metamorphosis, wereLeft him as epilogues. Ezra Pound

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Medallion Luini in porcelain!The grand pianoUtters a profaneProtest with her clear soprano. The sleek head emergesFrom the gold-yellow frockAs Anadyomene in the openingPages of Reinach. Honey-red, closing the face-oval,A basket-work of braids which seem as if they wereSpun in King Minos' hallFrom metal, or intractable amber; The face-oval beneath the glaze,Bright in its suave bounding-line, as,Beneath half-watt rays,The eyes turn topaz. Ezra Pound

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Meditatio When I carefully consider the curious habits of dogsI am compelled to concludeThat man is the superior animal. When I consider the curious habits of manI confess, my friend, I am puzzled. Ezra Pound

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Mesmerism Aye you're a man that ! ye old mesmerizerTyin' your meanin' in seventy swadelin's,One must of needs be a hang'd early riserTo catch you at worm turning. Holy Odd's body-kins! 'Cat's i' the water butt!' Thought's in your verse-barrel,Tell us this thing rather, then we'll believe you,You, Master Bob Browning, spite your apparelJump to your sense and give praise as we'd lief do. You wheeze as a head-cold long-tonsilled Calliope,But God! what a sight you ha' got o' our in'ards,Mad as a hatter but surely no Myope,Broad as all ocean and leanin' man-kin'ards. Heart that was big as the bowels of Vesuvius,Words that were wing'd as her sparks in eruption,Eagled and thundered as Jupiter Pluvius,Sound in your wind past all signs o' corruption. Here's to you, Old Hippety-Hop o' the accents,True to the Truth's sake and crafty dissector,You grabbed at the gold sure; had no need to pack cents,Into your versicles.Clear sight's elector! Ezra Pound

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Middle-Aged ‘Tis but a vague, invarious delightAs gold that rains about some buried king. As the fine flakes,When tourists frolickingStamp on his roof or in the glazing lightTry photographs, wolf down their ale and cakesAnd start to inspect some further pyramid; As the fine dust, in the hid cellBeneath their transitory step and merriment,Drifts through the air, and the sarcophagusGains yet another crustOf useless riches for the occupant,So I, the fires that lit once dreamsNow over and spent,Lie dead within four wallsAnd so now loveRains down and so enriches some stiff case,And strews a mind with precious metaphors, And so the spaceOf my still consciousnessIs full of gilded snow, The which, no cat has eyes enoughTo see the brightness of. Ezra Pound

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Moeurs Contemporaines I Mr. Styrax 1Mr. Hecatomb Styrax, the owner of a large estate and of large muscles,A 'blue' and a climber of mountains, has married at the age of 28,He being at that age a virgin,The term Virgo' being made male in mediaeval latinity;His ineptitudesHave driven his wife from one religious excess to another.She has abandoned the vicarFor he was lacking in vehemence;She is now the high-priestessOf a modern and ethical cult,And even now Mr. StyraxDoes not believe in asthetics. 2His brother has taken to gipsies,But the son-in-law of Mr. H. StyraxObjects to perfumed cigarettes.In the parlance of Niccolo Machiavelli:‘Thus things proceed in their circle';And thus the empire is maintained. IIClara At sixteen she was a potential celebrityWith a distaste for caresses.She now writes to me from a convent;Her life is obscure and troubled;Her second husband will not divorce her;Her mind is, as ever, uncultivated,And no issue presents itself.She does not desire her children,Or any more children.Her ambition is vague and indefinite,She will neither stay in, nor come out.

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IIISoirée Upon learning that the mother wrote verses,And that the father wrote verses,And that the youngest son was in a publisher's office,And that the friend of the second daughter was undergoing a novel,The young American pilgrimExclaimed:'This is a darn'd clever bunch!' IVSketch 48 b. 11 At the age of 27Its home mail is still opened by its maternal parentAnd its office mail may be opened byits parent of the opposite gender.It is an officer,and a gentleman,and an architect. V'Nodier raconte . . .' 1A.t a friend of my wife's there is a photograph,A faded, pale brownish photograph,Of the times when the sleeves were large,Silk, stiff and large above the lacertus,That is, the upper arm,And décolleté'. . . .It is a lady,She sits at a harp,Playing, And by her left foot, in a basket,Is an infant, aged about 14 months,The infant beams at the parent,The parent re-beams at its offspring.The basket is lined with satin,There is a satin-like bow on the harp.

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2And in the home of the novelistThere is a satin-like bow on an harp.You enter and pass hall after hall,Conservatory follows conservatory,Lilies lift their white symbolical cups,Whence their symbolical pollen has been excerpted,Near them I noticed an harpAnd the blue satin ribbon,And the copy of 4Hatha Yoga'And the neat piles of unopened, unopening books, And she spoke to me of the monarch,And of the purity of her soul. VIStele After years of continencehe hurled himself into a sea of six women.Now, quenched as the brand of Meleagar,he lies by the poluphloisboious sea-coast. SISTE VIATOR VIII Vecchii They will come no more,The old men with beautiful manners. II était comme un tout petit garçonWith his blouse full of applesAnd sticking out all the way round;Blagueur! 'Con gli occhi onesti e tardi,' And he said:‘0h! Abelard!' as if the topicWere much too abstruse for his comprehension,And he talked about 'the Great Mary',And said: ‘Mr. Pound is shocked at my levity.'

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When it turned out he meant Mrs. Ward. And the other was rather like my bust by Gaudier,Or like a real Texas colonel,He said: 'Why flay dead horses?'There was once a man called Voltaire.' And he said they used to cheer Verdi,In Rome, after the opera,And the guards couldn't stop them, And that was an anagram for VittorioEmanuele Re D' Italia,And the guards couldn't stop them. Old men with beautiful manners,Sitting in the Row of a morning;Walking on the Chelsea Embankment. VIIIRitratto And she said:' You remember Mr. Lowell,'He was your ambassador here?'And I said: 'That was before I arrived.'And she said:'He stomped into my bedroom.…(By that time she had got on to Browning.)'. . . stomped into my bedroom. . . .'And said: 'Do I,' 'I ask you, Do I' 'Care too much for society dinners?''And I wouldn't say that he didn't.'Shelley used to live in this house.' She was a very old lady,I never saw her again. Ezra Pound

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Monumentum Aere, Etc. You say that I take a good deal upon myself;That I strut in the robes of assumption. In a few years no one will remember the buffo,No one will remember the trivial parts of me,The comic detail will be absent.As for you, you will rot in the earth,And it is doubtful if even your manure will be richenough To keep grassOver your grave. Ezra Pound

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Mr. Housman's Message O woe, woe,People are born and die,We also shall be dead pretty soonTherefore let us act as if we weredead already. The bird sits on the hawthorn treeBut he dies also, presently.Some lads get hung, and some get shot.Woeful is this human lot.Woe! woe, etcetera. . . . London is a woeful place,Shropshire is much pleasanter.Then let us smile a little spaceUpon fond nature's morbid grace.Oh, Woe, woe, woe, etcetera. . . . Ezra Pound

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Mr. Nixon In the cream gilded cabin of his steam yachtMr. Nixon advised me kindly, to advance with fewerDangers of delay. 'ConsiderCarefully the reviewer. 'I was as poor as you are;'When I began I got, of course,'Advance on royalties, fifty at first,' said Mr. Nixon,'Follow me, and take a column,'Even if you have to work free. 'Butter reviewers. From fifty to three hundred'I rose in eighteen months;'The hardest nut I had to crack'Was Dr. Dundas. 'I never mentioned a man but with the view'Of selling my own works.'The tip's a good one, as for literature'It gives no man a sinecure. 'And no one knows, at sight, a masterpiece.'And give up verse, my boy,'There's nothing in it.' Likewise a friend of Bloughram's once advised me:Don't kick against the pricks,Accept opinion. The 'Nineties' tried your gameAnd died, there's nothing in it. XBeneath the sagging roofThe stylist has taken shelter,Unpaid, uncelebrated,At last from the world's welter Nature receives him;With a placid and uneducated mistressHe exercises his talents

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And the soil meets his distress. The haven from sophistications and contentionsLeaks through its thatch;He offers succulent cooking;The door has a creaking latch. XIConservatrix of Milésien'Habits of mind and feeling,Possibly. But in EalingWith the most bank-clerkly of Englishmen ? No, 'Milésian' is an exaggeration.No instinct has survived in herOlder than those her grandmotherTold her would fit her station. XII‘Daphne with her thighs in barkStretches toward me her leafy hands,'Subjectively. In the stuffed-satin drawing-roomI await The Lady Valentine's commands, Knowing my coat has never beenOf precisely the fashionTo stimulate, in her,A durable passion; Doubtful, somewhat, of the valueOf well-gowned approbationOf literary effort,But never of The Lady Valentine's vocation: Poetry, her border of ideas,The edge, uncertain, but a means of blendingWith other strataWhere the lower and higher have ending; A hook to catch the Lady Jane's attention,A modulation toward the theatre,Also, in the case of revolution,

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A possible friend and comforter. Conduct, on the other hand, the soul‘Which the highest cultures have nourished'To Fleet St. whereDr. Johnson flourished; Beside this thoroughfareThe sale of half-hose hasLong since superseded the cultivationOf Pierian roses. Ezra Pound

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N. Y. My City, my beloved, my white! Ah, slender,Listen! Listen to me, and I will breathe into thee a soul.Delicately upon the reed, attend me! Now do I know that I am mad,For here are a million people surly with traffic;This is no maid.Neither could I play upon any reed if I had one. My City, my beloved,Thou art a maid with no breasts,Thou art slender as a silver reed.Listen to me, attend me!And I will breathe into thee a soul,And thou shalt live for ever. Ezra Pound

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Na Audiart Though thou well dost wish me illAudiart, Audiart,Where thy bodice laces startAs ivy fingers clutching throughIts crevices,Audiart, Audiart,Stately, tall and lovely tenderWho shall renderAudiart, Audiart,Praises meet unto thy fashion?Here a word kiss !Pass I onUnto Lady ‘Miels-de-Ben’,Having praised thy girdle's scopeHow the stays ply back from it;I breath no hopeThat thou shouldst . . .Nay no whitBespeak thyself for anything.Just a word in thy praise, girl,Just for the swirlThy satins make upon the stair,'Cause never a flaw was thereWhere thy torse and limbs are metThough thou hate me, read it setIn rose and gold.Or when the minstrel, tale half told,Shall burst to lilting at the praise'Audiart, Audiart' . .Bertrans, master of his lays,Bertrans of Aultaforte thy praiseSets forth, and though thou hate me well,Yea though thou wish me ill,Audiart, Audiart.Thy loveliness is here writ till,Audiart,Oh, till thou come again.And being bent and wrinkled, in a formThat hath no perfect limning, when the warm

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Youth dew is coldUpon thy hands, and thy old soulScorning a new, wry'd casem*nt,Churlish at seemed misplacement,Finds the earth as bitterAs now seems it sweet,Being so young and fairAs then only in dreams,Being then young and wry'd,Broken of ancient pride,Thou shalt then soften,Knowing, I know not how,Thou wert once sheAudiart, AudiartFor whose fairness one forgaveAudiart,AudiartQue be-m vols mal. Ezra Pound

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National Song (E.C.) There is no land like EnglandWhere banks rise day by day,There are no banks like English banksTo make the people pay. There is no such land of castlesWhere an Englishman is freeTo read his smutty literatureWith muffins at his tea. Chorus:For the French have comic papersNot that nice Britons read 'em,But the bawdy little BritonsHave bank sharks to bleed 'em And to keep an eye on their readin' matterLest they should overhear the distressing chatterOf the new economical theoriesAnd ask inconvenient queetfes. Ezra Pound

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Near Perigord IYou'd have men's hearts up from the dustAnd tell their secrets, Messire Cino,Rigkt enough? Then read between the lines of Uc St. Circ,Solve me the riddle, for you know the tale. Bertrans, En Bertrans, left a fine canzone:6Maent, I love you, you have turned me out.The voice at Montfort, Lady Agnes' hair,Bel Miral's stature, the viscountess' throat,Set all together, are not worthy of you. . . .'And all the while you sing out that canzone,Think you that Maent lived at Montaignac,One at Chalais, another at MalemortHard over Brive for every lady a castle,Each place strong. Oh, is it easy enough?Tairiran held hall in Montaignac,His brother-in-law was all there was of powerIn Perigord, and this good unionGobbled all the land, and held it later for some hundred years.And our En Bertrans was in Altafort,Hub of the wheel, the stirrer-up of strife,As caught by Dante in the last wallow of hellThe headless trunk 'that made its head a lamp',For separation wrought out separation,And he who set the strife between brother and brotherAnd had his way with the old English king,,Viced in such torture for the 'counterpass'.How would you live, with neighbours set about youPoictiers and Brive, untaken Rochecouart,Spread like the finger-tips of one frail hand;And you on that great mountain of a palmNot a neat ledge, not Foix between its streams,But one huge back half-covered up with pine,Worked for and snatched from the string-purse of BornThe four round towers, four brothers mostly foolsWhat could he do but play the desperate chess,

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And stir old grudges?‘Pawn your castles, lords!Let the Jews pay.'And the great scene(That, maybe, never happened!)Beaten at last,Before the hard old king:'Your son, ah, since he died''My wit and worth are cobwebs brushed aside'In the full flare of grief. Do what you will.' Take the whole man, and ravel out the story.He loved this lady in castle Montaignac ?The castle flanked him he had need of it.You read to-day, how long the overlords of Perigord,The Talleyrands, have held the place; it was no transient fiction.And Maent failed him? Or saw through the scheme? And all his net-like thought of new alliance?Chalais is high, a-level with the poplars.Its lowest stones just meet the valley tipsWhere the low Dronne is filled with water-lilies.And Rochecouart can match it, stronger yet,The very spur's end, built on sheerest cliff,And Malemort keeps its close hold on Brive,While Born, his own close purse, his rabbit warren,His subterranean chamber with a dozen doors,A-bristle with antennae to feel roads,To sniff the traffic into Perigord.And that hard phalanx, that unbroken line,The ten good miles from there to Maent's castle,All of his flank how could he do without her?And all the road to Cahors, to Toulouse?would he do without her? ‘Papiol,Go forthright singing Anhes, Cembelins.There is a throat; ah, there are two white hands;There is a trellis full of early roses,And all my heart is bound about with love.Where am I come with compound flatteriesWhat doors are open to fine compliment?'

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And every one half jealous of Maent?He wrote the catch to pit their jealousiesAgainst her; give her pride in them? Take his own speech, make what you will of itAnd still the knot, the first knot, of Maent? Is it a love poem? Did he sing of war?Is it an intrigue to run subtly out,Born of a jongleur's tongue, freely to passUp and about and in and out the land,Mark him a craftsman and a strategist?(St. Leider had done as much as Polhonac,Singing a different stave, as closely hidden.)Oh, there is precedent, legal tradition,To sing one thing when your song means another,'Et albirar ab lor bordon 'Foix' count knew that. What is Sir Bertrans' singing?Maent, Maent, and yet again Maent,Or war and broken heaumes and politics? IIEnd fact. Try fiction. Let us say we seeEn Bertrans, a tower-room at Hautefort,Sunset, the ribbon-like road lies, in red cross-light,Southward toward Montaignac, and he bends at a tableScribbling, swearing between his teeth; by his left handLie little strips of parchment covered over,Scratched and erased with al and ochaisos.Testing his list of rhymes, a lean man? Bilious?With a red straggling beard?And the green cat's-eye lifts toward Montaignac. Or take his 'magnet' singer setting out,Dodging his way past Aubeterre, singing at ChalaisIn the vaulted hall,Or, by a lichened tree at RochecouartAimlessly watching a hawk above the valleys,Waiting his turn in the mid-summer evening,Thinking of Aelis, whom he loved heart and soul . . .To find her half alone, Montfort away,And a brown, placid, hated woman visiting her,

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Spoiling his visit, with a year before the next one.Little enough ?Or carry him forward. 'Go through all the courts,My Magnet,' Bertrans had said. We came to VentadourIn the mid love court, he sings out the canzon,No one hears save Arrimon Luc D'EsparoNo one hears aught save the gracious sound of compliments.Sir Arrimon counts on his fingers, Montfort,Rochecouart, Chalais, the rest, the tactic,Malemort, guesses beneath, sends wrord to Cceur-de-Lion:The compact, de Born smoked out, trees felledAbout his castle, cattle driven out!Or no one sees it, and En Bertrans prospered? And ten years after, or twenty, as you will,Arnaut and Richard lodge beneath Chalus:The dull round towers encroaching on the field,The tents tight drawn, horses at tetherFurther and out of reach, the purple night,The crackling of small fires, the bannerets,The lazy leopards on the largest banner,Stray gleams on hanging mail, an armourer's torch-flareMelting on steel. And in the quietest spaceThey probe old scandals, say de Born is dead;And we've the gossip (skipped six hundred years).Richard shall die to-morrow leave him thereTalking oftrobar clus with Daniel.And the 'best craftsman' sings out his friend's song,Envies its vigour . . . and deplores the technique,Dispraises his own skill? That's as you will.And they discuss the dead man,Plantagenet puts the riddle: 'Did he love her?'And Arnaut parries: 'Did he love your sister?True, he has praised her, but in some opinionHe wrote that praise only to show he hadThe favour of your party; had been well received.' 'You knew the man.'

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‘You knew the man.''I am an artist, you have tried both metiers.''You were born near him.''Do we know our friends?''Say that he saw the castles, say that he loved Maent!''Say that he loved her, does it solve the riddle?'End the discussion, Richard goes out next dayAnd gets a quarrel-bolt shot through his vizard,Pardons the bowman, dies, , Ends our discussion. Arnaut ends‘In sacred odour' (that's apocryphal!)And we can leave the talk till Dante writes:Surely I saw, and still before my eyesGoes on that headless trunk, that bears for lightit* own head swinging, gripped by the dead hair,And like a swinging lamp that says, 'Ah me!I severed men, my head and heartYe see here severed, my life's counterpart.’Or take En Bertrans? IIIBewildering spring, and by the AuvezerePoppies and day's eyes in the green 6mailRose over us; and we knew all that stream,And our two horses had traced out the valleys;Knew the low flooded lands squared out with poplars,In the young days when the deep sky befriended.And great wings beat above us in the twilight,And the great wheels in heavenBore us together . . . surging . . . and apart . . .Believing we should meet with lips and hands, High, high and sure . . . and then the counter-thrust:‘Why do you love me? Will you always love me?But I am like the grass, I can not love you.'Or, ‘Love, and I love and love you,And hate your mind, not you, your soul, your hands.' So to this last estrangement, Tairiran! There shut; up in his castle, Tairiran's,

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She who had nor ears nor tongue save in her hands,Gone ah, gone untouched, unreachable !She who could never live save through one person,She who could never speak save to one person,And all the rest of her a shifting change,A broken bundle of mirrors . . . ! Ezra Pound

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Nicotine Hymn to the Dope Goddess of the murmuring courts,Nicotine, my Nicotine,Houri of the mystic sports,trailing-robed in gabardine,Gliding where the breath hath glided,Hidden sylph of filmy veils,Truth behind the dream is veilédE'en as thou art, smiling ever, ever gliding,Wraith of wraiths, dim lights dividingPurple, grey, and shadow greenGoddess, Dream-grace, Nicotine. Goddess of the shadow's lights,Nicotine, my Nicotine,Some would set old Earth to rights,Thou I none such ween.Veils of shade our dream dividing,Houris dancing, intergliding,Wraith of wraiths and dream of faces,Silent guardian of the old unhallowed places,Utter symbol of all old sweet druidings,Mem'ry of witched wold and green,Nicotine, my Nicotine: Neath the shadows of thy weavingDreams that need no undeceiving,Loves that longer hold me not,Dreams I dream not any more,Fragrance of old sweet forgotten places,Smiles of dream-lit, flit-by facesAll as perfume Arab-sweetDeck the high road to thy feet As were Godiva's coming fatedAnd all the April's blush belatedWere lain before her, carpeting

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The stones of Coventry with spring,So thou my mist-enwreathéd queen,Nicotine, white Nicotine,Riding engloried in they hairMak'st by-road of our dreamsThy thorough-fare. Ezra Pound

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Night Litany O Dieu, purifiez nos cceurs!Purifiez nos coeurs ! Yea the lines hast thou laid unto mein pleasant places,And the beauty of this thy Venicehast thou shown unto meUntil is its loveliness become unto mea thing of tears. O God, what great kindnesshave we done in times pastand forgotten it,That thou givest this wonder unto us,O God of waters? O God of the night,What great sorrowCometh unto us,That thou thus repayest usBefore the time of its coming? O God of silence,Purifiez nos cœurs,Purifiez nos cœurs,For we have seenThe glory of the shadow of thelikeness of thine handmaid, Yea, the glory of the shadowof thy Beauty hath walkedUpon the shadow of the watersIn this thy Venice.And before the holinessOf the shadow of thy handmaidHave I hidden mine eyes,O God of waters. O God of silence,

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Purifiez nos cœurs,Purifiez nos cœurs,O God of waters,make clean our hearts within us,For I have seen theShadow of this thy VeniceFloating upon the waters,And thy stars Have seen this thing, out of their far coursesHave they seen this thing,O God of waters,Even as are thy starsSilent unto us in their far-coursing,Even so is mine heartbecome silent within me. Purifiez nos cœurs,O God of the silence,Purifiez nos cœurs,O God of waters. Ezra Pound

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Notes For Canto Cxx I have tried to write Paradise Do not moveLet the wind speakthat is paradise. Let the Gods forgive what Ihave madeLet those I love try to forgivewhat I have made. Ezra Pound

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Of Jacopo Del Sellaio This man knew out the secret ways of love,No man could paint such things who did not know.And now she's gone, who was his Cyprian,And you are here, who are ‘The Isles’ to me. And here's the thing that lasts the whole thing out:The eyes of this dead lady speak to me. Ezra Pound

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Old Idea Of Choan By Rosoriu IThe narrow streets cut into the wide highway at Choan,Dark oxen, white horses,drag on the seven coaches with outriders.The coaches are perfumed wood,The jewelled chair is held up at the crossway,Before the royal lodge:A glitter of golden saddles, awaiting the princess;They eddy before the gate of the barons.The canopy embroidered with dragonsdrinks in and casts back the sun.Evening comes.The trappings are bordered with mist.The hundred cords of mist are spread throughand double the trees,Night birds, and night women,Spread out their sounds through the gardens. IIBirds with flowery wing, hovering butterfliescrowd over the thousand gates,Trees that glitter like jade,terraces tinged with silver,The seed of a myriad hues,A net-work of arbours and passages and covered ways,Double towers, winged roofs,border the net-work of ways:A place of felicitous meeting.Riu's house stands out on the sky,with glitter of colourAs Butei of Kan had made the high golden lotusto gather his dews,Before it another house which I do not know:How shall we know all the friendswhom we meet on strange roadways? Ezra Pound

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Ole Kate When I was only a youngster,Sing: toodle doodlede ootlOle Kate would git her 'arf a pintAnd wouldn't' giv' a damn hoot. 'Them stairs! them stairs, them gordam stairsWill be the death of me/I never heerd her say nothin'About the priv'lege of liberty. She'd come a sweatin' up with the coalsAn a-sloshin' round with 'er mop,Startin' in about 6 a.m.And didn't seem never to stop. She died on the job they tells me,Fell plump into her pail.Never got properly tanked as I saw,And never got took to jail, Just went on a sloshin'And totin' up scuttles of coal,And kissin9 her cat fer diversion,Cod rest her sloshin’ soul. ‘Gimme a kissy-cuddle'She'd say to her tibby-cat,But she never made no mentionOf this here proletariat. Ezra Pound

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On His Own Face In A Glass O strange face there in the glass!O ribald company, O saintly host,O sorrow-swept my fool,What answer? O ye myriadThat strive? and play and pass,Jest, challenge, counterlie!I? I? I?And ye? Ezra Pound

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Ortus How have I laboured?How have I not labouredTo bring her soul to birth,To give these elements a name and a centre!She is beautiful as the sunlight, and as fluid.She has no name, and no place.How have I laboured to bring her soul into separation;To give her a name and her being! Surely you are bound and entwined,You are mingled with the elements unborn;I have loved a stream and a shadow.I beseech you enter your life.I beseech you learn to say ‘I’When I question you;For you are no part, but a whole,No portion, but a being. Ezra Pound

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Our Contemporaries When the Taihaitian princessHeard that he had decided,She rushed out into the sunlight and swarmed up acocoanut palm tree, But he returned to this islandAnd wrote ninety Petrarchan sonnets. Ezra Pound

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Pagani’s, November 8 Suddenly discovering in the eyes of the very beautifulNormande cocotteThe eyes of the very learned British Museum assistant. Ezra Pound

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Pan Is Dead ‘Pan is dead. Great Pan is dead.Ah! bow your heads, ye maidens all,And weave ye him his coronal.’ 'There is no summer in the leaves,And withered are the sedges;How shall we weave a coronal,Or gather floral pledges?' 'That I may not say, Ladies.Death was ever a churl.That I may not say, Ladies.How should he show a reason,That he has taken our Lord awayUpon such hollow season?' Ezra Pound

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Paracelsus In Excelsis ‘Being no longer human, why should IPretend humanity or don the frail attire?Men have I known and men, but never oneWas grown so free an essence, or becomeSo simply element as what I am.The mist goes from the mirror and I see.Behold! the world of forms is swept beneath-Turmoil grown visible beneath our peace,And we that are grown formless, rise above-Fluids intangible that have been men,We seem as statues round whose high-risen baseSome overflowing river is run mad,In us alone the element of calm.' Ezra Pound

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Phanopoeia IROSE WHITE, YELLOW, SILVER The swirl of light follows me through the square,The smoke of incenseMounts from the four horns of my bed-posts,The water-jet of gold light bears us up through the ceilings;Lapped in the gold-coloured flame I descend through the æther.The silver ball forms in my hand,It falls and rolls to your feet. IISALTUSThe swirling sphere has openedand you are caught up to the skies,You are englobed in my sapphire.Io! Io! You have perceived the blades of the flameThe flutter of sharp-edged sandals. The folding and lapping brightnessHas held in the air before you.You have perceived the leaves of the flame. IIICONCAVA VALLISThe wire-like bands of colour involute mount from my fingers;I have wrapped the wind round your shouldersAnd the molten metal of your shouldersbends into the turn of the wind, AOI!The whirling tissue of lightis woven and grows solid beneath us;The sea-clear sapphire of air, the sea-dark clarity,stretches both sea-cliff and ocean.

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Ezra Pound

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Phyllidula Phyllidula is scrawny but amorous,Thus have the gods awarded her,That in pleasure she receives more than she can give;If she does not count this blessedLet her change her religion. Ezra Pound

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Piccadilly Beautiful, tragical faces—Ye that were whole, and are so sunken;And, O ye vile, ye that might have been loved,That are so sodden and drunken,Who hath forgotten you? O wistful, fragile faces, few out of many! The crass, the coarse, the brazen,God knows I cannot pity them, perhaps, as I should do;But oh, ye delicate, wistful faces,Who hath forgotten you? Ezra Pound

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Piere Vidal Old When I but think upon the great dead daysAnd turn my mind upon that splendid madness,Lo! I do curse my strengthAnd blame the sun his gladness;For that the one is deadAnd the red sun mocks my sadness. Behold me, Vidal, that was fool of fools!Swift as the king wolf was I and as strongWhen tall stags fled me through the alder brakes,And every jongleur knew me in his song,And the hounds fled and the deer fledAnd none fled over long. Even the grey pack knew me and knew fear.God! how the swiftest hind's blood spurted hotOver the sharpened teeth and purpling lips!Hot was that hind's blood yet it scorched me notAs did first scorn, then lips of the Penautier!Aye ye are fools, if ye think time can blot From Piere Vidal’s remembrance that blue night.God! but the purple of the sky was deep!Clear, deep, translucent, so the stars me seemedSet deep in crystal; and because my sleepRare visitor came not, the Saints I guerdonFor that restlessness Piere set to keep One more fool's vigil with the hollyhocks.Swift came the Loba, as a branch that's caught,Torn, green and silent in the swollen Rhone,Green was her mantle, close, and wroughtOf some thin silk stuff that's scarce stuff at all,But like a mist wherethrough her white form fought, And conquered! Ah God! conquered!Silent my mate came as the night was still.Speech? Words? Faugh! Who talks of words and love?!Hot is such love and silent,

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Silent as fate is, and as strong untilIt faints in taking and in giving all. Stark, keen, triumphant, till it plays at death.God! she was white then, splendid as some tombHigh wrought of marble, and the panting breathCeased utterly. Well, then I waited, drew,Half-sheathed, then naked from its saffron sheathDrew full this dagger that doth tremble here. Just then she woke and mocked the less keen blade.Ah God, the Loba! and my only mate!Was there such flesh made ever and unmade!God curse the years that turn such women grey!Behold here Vidal, that was hunted, flayed,Shamed and yet bowed not and that won at last. And yet I curse the sun for his red gladness,I that have known strath, garth, brake, dale,And every run-away of the wood through that greatmadness,Behold me shrivelled as an old oak's trunkAnd made men's mock'ry in my rotten sadness! No man hath heard the glory of my days:No man hath dared and won his dare as I:One night, one body and one welding flame!What do ye own, ye nigg*rds! that can buySuch glory of the earth? Or who will winSuch battle-guerdon with his 'prowesse high' ? O age gone lax! O stunted followers,That mask at passions and desire desires,Behold me shrivelled, and your mock of mocks;And yet I mock you by the mighty firesThat burnt me to this ash. Ah! Cabaret! Ah Cabaret, thy hills again! Take your hands off me! . . . [Sniffing the air.Ha! this scent is hot!

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Ezra Pound

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Planh For The Young English King If all the grief and woe and bitterness,All dolour, ill and every evil chanceThat ever came upon this grieving worldWere set together they would seem but lightAgainst the death of the young English King.Worth lieth riven and Youth dolorous,The world overshadowed, soiled and overcast,Void of all joy and full of ire and sadness. Grieving and sad and full of bitternessAre left in teen the liegemen courteous,The joglars supple and the troubadours.O'er much hath ta'en Sir Death that deadly warriorIn taking from them the young English King,Who made the freest hand seem covetous.'Las! Never was nor will be in this worldThe balance for this loss in ire and sadness! O skilful Death and full of bitterness,Well mayst thou boast that thou the best chevalierThat any folk e'er had, hast from us taken;Sith nothing is that unto worth pertainethBut had its life in the young English KingAnd better were it, should God grant his pleasure,That he should live than many a living dastardThat doth but wound the good with ire and sadness. From this faint world, how full of bitternessLove takes his way and holds his joy deceitfulSith no thing is but turneth unto anguishAnd each to-day Vails less than yestere'en,Let each man visage this young English KingThat was most valiant 'mid all worthiest men!Gone is his body fine and amorous,Whence have we grief, discord and deepest sadness. Him, whom it pleased for our great bitternessTo come to earth to draw us from misventure,Who drank of death for our salvacioun,

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Him do we pray as to a Lord most righteousAnd humble eke, that the young English KingHe please to pardon, as true pardon is,And bid go in with honoured companionsThere where there is no grief, nor shall be sadness. Ezra Pound

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Poem (Abbreviated from the conversation with Mr. T E H. Over the flat slope of St EloiA wide wall of sandbags.Night,In the silence desultory menPottering over small fires, cleaning their mess-tins:To and fro, from the lines,Men walk as on Piccadilly,Making paths in the dark,Through scattered dead horses,Over a dead Belgian’s body. The Germans have rockets. The English have no rockets,Behind the lines, cannon, hidden, lying back miles.Before the line, chaos. My mind is a corridor. The minds about me arecorridors.Nothing suggests itself. There is nothing to do but keep on. Ezra Pound

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Poem By The Bridge At Ten-Shin March has come to the bridge head,Peach boughs and apricot boughs hang over a thousandgates,At morning there are flowers to cut the heart,And evening drives them on the eastward-flowingwaters.Petals are on the gone waters and on the going,And on the back-swirling eddies,But to-day's men are not the men of the old days,Though they hang in the same way over the bridge-rail. The sea's colour moves at the dawnAnd the princes still stand in rows, about the throne,And the moon falls over the portals of Sei-go-yo,And clings to the walls and the gate-top.With head gear glittering against the cloud and sun,The lords go forth from the court, and into far borders.They ride upon dragon-like horses,Upon horses with head-trappings of yellow metal,And the streets make way for their passage.Haughty their passing,Haughty their steps as they go in to great banquets,To high halls and curious food,To the perfumed air and girls dancing,To clear flutes and clear singing;To the dance of the seventy couples;To the mad chase through the gardens.Night and day are given over to pleasureAnd they think it will last a thousand autumns,Unwearying autumns.For them the yellow dogs howl portents in vain,And what are they compared to the lady Riokushu,That was cause of hate!Who among them is a man like Han-reiWho departed alone with his mistress,With her hair unbound, and he his own skiffsman! Ezra Pound

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Poetic Eggs I am a grave poetic henThat lays poetic eggsAnd to enhance my temperamentA little quiet begs. We make the yolk philosophy,True beauty the albumen.And then gum on a shell of formTo make the screed sound human. Ezra Pound

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Portrait D'Une Femme Your mind and you are our Sargasso Sea,London has swept about you this score yearsAnd bright ships left you this or that in fee:Ideas, old gossip, oddments of all things,Strange spars of knowledge and dimmed wares of price.Great minds have sought you -- lacking someone else.You have been second always. Tragical?No. You preferred it to the usual thing:One dull man, dulling and uxorious,One average mind -- with one thought less, each year.Oh, you are patient, I have seen you sitHours, where something might have floated up.And now you pay one. Yes, you richly pay.You are a person of some interest, one comes to youAnd takes strange gain away:Trophies fished up; some curious suggestion;Fact that leads nowhere; and a tale for two,Pregnant with mandrakes, or with something elseThat might prove useful and yet never proves,That never fits a corner or shows use,Or finds its hour upon the loom of days:The tarnished, gaudy, wonderful old work;Idols and ambergris and rare inlays,These are your riches, your great store; and yetFor all this sea-hoard of deciduous things,Strange woods half sodden, and new brighter stuff:In the slow float of differing light and deep,No! there is nothing! In the whole and all,Nothing that's quite your own.Yet this is you. Ezra Pound

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Post Mortem Conspectu A brown, fat babe sitting in the lotus,And you were glad and laughingWith a laughter not of this world.It is good to splash in the waterAnd laughter is the end of all things. Ezra Pound

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Praise Of Ysolt In vain have I striven,to teach my heart to bow;In vain have I said to him'There be many singers greater than thou'. But his answer cometh, as winds and as lutany,As a vague crying upon the nightThat leaveth me no rest, saying ever,'Song, a song.'Their echoes play upon each other in the twilightSeeking ever a song.Lo, I am worn with travailAnd the wandering of many roads hath made my eyesAs dark red circles filled with dust.Yet there is a trembling upon me in the twilight,And little red elf words crying, ‘A song',Little grey elf words crying for a song,Little brown leaf words crying, ‘A song',Little green leaf words crying for a song.The words are as leaves, old brown leaves in the spring timeBlowing they know not whither, seeking a song. White words as snow flakes but they are cold,Moss words, lip words, words of slow streams. In vain have I strivento teach my soul to bow,In vain have I pled with him:'There be greater souls than thou.' For in the morn of my years there came a womanAs moonlight calling,As the moon calleth the tides,'Song, a song.' Wherefore I made her a song and she went from meAs the moon doth from the sea,But still came the leaf words, little brown elf wordsStying 'The soul sendeth us'.

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'A song, a song!'And in vain I cried unto them ‘I have no songFor she I sang of hath gone from me'. But my soul sent a woman, a woman of the wonder-folk,A woman as fire upon the pine woodscrying 'Song, a song'.As the flame crieth unto the sap.My song was ablaze with her and she went from meAs flame leaveth the embers so went she unto new forests 'And the words were with mecrying ever. 'Song, a song'. And I 'I have no song',Till my soul sent a woman as the sun:Yea as the sun calleth to the seed,As the spring upon the boughSo is she that cometh, the mother of songs,She that holdeth the wonder words within her eyesThe words, little elf wordsthat call ever unto me,'Song, a song'. In vain have I striven with my soulto teach my soul to bow.What soul bowethwhile in his heart art thou? Ezra Pound

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Prayer For His Lady’s Life FROM PROPERTIUS, ELEGIAE, LIB. III, 26Here let thy clemency, Persephone, hold firm,Do thou, Pluto, bring here no greater harshness.So many thousand beauties are gone down to Avernus,Ye might let one remain above with us. With you is lope, with you the white-gleaming Tyro,With you is Europa and the shameless Pasiphae,And all the fair from Troy and all from Achaia,From the sundered realms, of Thebes and of aged Priamus;And all the maidens of Rome, as many as they were,They died and the greed of your flame consumes them. Here let thy clemency, Persephone, hold firm.Do thou, Pluto, bring here no greater harshness.So many thousandfair are gone down to Avernus,Ye might let one remain above with us. Ezra Pound

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Provincia Deserta At Rochecoart,Where the hills partin three ways,And three valleys, full of winding roads,Fork out to south and north,There is a place of trees . . . gray with lichen.I have walked therethinking of old days.At Chalaisis a pleached arbour;Old pensioners and old protected \vomenHave the right thereit is charity.I have crept over old rafters,peering downOver the Dronne,over a stream full of lilies.Eastward the road lies,Aubeterre is eastward,With a garrulous old man at the inn.I know the roads in that place:Mareuil to the north-east,La Tour,There are three keeps near Mareuil,And an old woman,glad to hear Arnaut,Glad to lend one dry clothing. I have walkedinto Perigord,I have seen the torch-flames, high-leaping,Painting the front of that church;Heard, under the dark, whirling laughter.I have looked back over the streamand seen the high building,Seen the long minarets, the white shafts.I have gone in Ribeyracand in Sarlat,I have climbed rickety stairs, heard talk of Croy,

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Walked over En Bertran's old layout,Have seen Narbonne, and Cahors and Chalus,Have seen Excideuil, carefully fashioned. I have said:‘Here such a one walked.‘Here Cceur-de-Lion was slain.'Here was good singing.'Here one man hastened his step.'Here one lay panting.'I have looked south from Hautefort,thinking of Montaignac, southward.I have lain in Rocafixada,level with sunset,Have seen the copper come downtingeing the mountains,I have seen the fields, pale, clear as an emerald,Sharp peaks, high spurs, distant castles.I have said: The old roads have lain here.'Men have gone by such valleys‘Where the great halls were closer together.'I have seen Foix on its rock, seen Toulouse, andAries greatly altered,I have seen the ruined 'Dorata'.I have said:'Riquier! Guido.'I have thought of the second Troy,Some little prized place in Auvergnat:Two men tossing a coin, one keeping a castle,One set on the highway to sing.He sang a woman,Auvergne rose to the song;The Dauphin backed him.'The castle to Austors!''Pieire kept the singing‘A fair man and a pleasant.'He won the lady,Stole her away for himself, kept her against armed force:So ends that story.That age is gone;Pieire de Maensac is gone.I have walked over these roads;

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I have thought of them living. Ezra Pound

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Quies This is another of our ancient loves.Pass and be silent, Rullus, for the dayHath lacked a something since this lady passed;Hath lacked a something. 'Twas but marginal. Ezra Pound

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Rome O thou newcomer who seek’st Rome in RomeAnd find’st in Rome no thing thou canst call Roman;Arches worn old and palaces made commonRome’s name alone within these walls keeps home. Behold how pride and ruin can befallOne who hath set the whole world ’neath her laws,All-conquering, now conquered, becauseShe is Time’s prey, and Time conquereth all. Rome that art Rome’s one sole last monument,Rome that alone hast conquered Rome the town,Tiber alone, transient and seaward bent, Remains of Rome. O world, thou unconstant mime!That which stands firm in thee Time batters down,And that which fleeteth doth outrun swift Time. Ezra Pound

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Safe And Sound My name is Nunty CormorantAnd my finance is sound,I lend you Englishmen hot airAt one and three the pound. I lend you Englishmen hot airAnd I get all the beefWhile you stalwart sheep of freedomAre on the poor relief. Wot oh! my buxom hearties,What ain't got work no moreAnd don't know what bug is a-bitin'To keep your feelin's sore, There is blokes in automobilesAnd their necks sunk into furThat keep on gettin' usuryTo make 'em cosier. I read these fellers puts itMost tidily awayAnd then lends out their printed slipsTo keep the wolf away From the vaults and combinationSafes in Thread and Needle street.I wouldn't 'ave the needleIf I had more grub to eat. Oh the needle is your portion,My sufferin' fellow men,Till the King shall take the notionTo own his coin again. Ezra Pound

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Salutation O generation of the thoroughly smug&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;and thoroughly uncomfortable,I have seen fishermen picnicking in the sun,I have seen them with untidy families,I have seen their smiles full of teeth&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;and heard ungainly laughter.And I am happier than you are,And they were happier than I am;And the fish swim in the lake&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;and do not even own clothing. Ezra Pound

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Salutation The Second You were praised, my books,because I had just come from the country;I was twenty years behind the timesso you found an audience ready.I do not disown you,do not you disown your progeny. Here they stand without quaint devices,Here they are with nothing archaic about them.Observe the irritation in general: ‘Is this’ they say, 'the nonsensethat we expect of poets?’'Where is the Picturesque ?'‘Where is the vertigo of emotion?'‘No! his first work was the best.’'Poor Dear! he has lost his illusions.’ Go, little naked and impudent songs,Go with a light foot!(Or with two light feet, if it please you!)Go and dance shamelessly!Go with an impertinent frolic! Greet the grave and the stodgy,Salute them with your thumbs at your noses. Here are your bells and confetti.Go! rejuvenate things!Rejuvenate even 'The Spectator.’Go! and make cat calls!Dance and make people blush,Dance the dance of the phallusand tell anecdotes of Cybele!Speak of the indecorous conduct of the Gods!(Tell it to Mr. Strachey) Ruffle the skirts of prudes,speak of their knees and ankles.

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But, above all, go to practical peoplego! jangle their door-bells!Say that you do no workand that you will live forever. Ezra Pound

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Salutation The Third Let us deride the smugness of 'The Times': GUFFAW!So much for the gagged reviewers,It will pay them when the worms are wriggling in theirvitals;These are they who objected to newness,Here are their tomb-stones.They supported the gag and the ring:A little BLACK Box contains them.So shall you be also,You slu*t-bellied obstructionist,You sworn foe to free speech and good letters,You fungus, you continuous gangrene. Come, let us on with the new deal,Let us be done with pandars and jobbery,Let us spit upon those who pat the big-bellies for profit,Let us go out in the air a bit. Or perhaps I will die at thirty?Perhaps you will have the pleasure of defiling mypauper's grave;I wish you joy, I proffer you all my assistance.It has been your habit for longto do away with good writers,You either drive them mad, or else you blink at theirsuicides,Or else you condone their drugs,and talk of insanity and genius,But I will not go mad to please you,I will not flatter you with an early death,Oh, no, I will stick it out,Feel your hates wriggling about my feetAs a pleasant tickle,to be observed with derision,Though many move with suspicion,Afraid to say that they hate you;The taste of my boot ?Here is the taste of my boot,Caress it,

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lick off the blacking. Ezra Pound

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Salvationists ICome, my songs, let us speak of perfectionWe shall get ourselves rather disliked. IIAh yes, my songs, let us resurrectThe very excellent term Rusticus.Let us apply it in all its opprobriumTo those to whom it applies.And you may decline to make them immortal,For we shall consider them and their stateIn delicateOpulent silence. IIICome, my songs,Let us take arms against this sea of stupidities-Beginning with Mumpodorus;And against this sea of vulgaritiesBeginning with Nimmim;And against this sea of imbecilesAll the Bulmenian literati. Ezra Pound

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Satiemus What if I know thy speeches word by word?And if thou knew'st I knew them wouldst thou speak?What if I know thy speeches word by word,And all the time thou sayest them o'er I said,'Lo, one there was who bent her fair bright head,Sighing as thou dost through the golden speech.'Or, as our laughters mingle each with each,As crushed lips take their respite fitfully,What if my thoughts were turned in their mid reachWhispering among them, 'The fair deadMust know such moments, thinking on the grass;On how white dogwoods murmured overheadIn the bright glad days!'How if the low dear sound within thy throatHath as faint lute-strings in its dim accordDim tales that blind me, running one by oneWith times told over as we tell by rote;What if I know thy laughter word by wordNor find aught novel in thy merriment ? Ezra Pound

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Sennin Poem By Kakuhaku The red and green kingfishersflash between the orchids and clover,One bird casts its gleam on another.Green vines hang through the high forest,They weave a whole roof to the mountain,The lone man sits with shut speech,He purrs and pats the clear strings.He throws his heart up through the sky,He bites through the flower pistiland brings up a fine fountain.The red-pine-tree god looks at him and wonders.He rides through the purple smoke to visit the sennin,He takes 'Floating Hill' by the sleeve,He claps his hand on the back of the great water sennin. But you, you dam'd crowd of gnats,Can you even tell the age of a turtle? Ezra Pound

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Separation On The River Kiang Ko-Jin goes west from Ko-kaku-ro,The smoke-flowers are blurred over the river.His lone sail blots the far sky.And now I see only the river,The long Kiang, reaching heaven. Ezra Pound

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Sestina: Altaforte Loquitur: En Bertrans de Born.Dante Alighieri put this man in hell for that he was astirrer-up of strife.Eccovi!Judge ye!Have I dug him up again?The scene in at his castle, Altaforte. "Papiols" is his jongleur."The Leopard," the device of Richard (Cúur de Lion). I Damn it all! all this our South stinks peace.You whor*son dog, Papiols, come! Let's to music!I have no life save when the swords clash.But ah! when I see the standards gold, vair, purple, opposingAnd the broad fields beneath them turn crimson,Then howl I my heart nigh mad with rejoicing. II In hot summer have I great rejoicingWhen the tempests kill the earth's foul peace,And the lightnings from black heav'n flash crimson,And the fierce thunders roar me their musicAnd the winds shriek through the clouds mad, opposing,And through all the riven skies God's swords clash. III Hell grant soon we hear again the swords clash!And the shrill neighs of destriers in battle rejoicing,Spiked breast to spiked breast opposing!Better one hour's stour than a year's peaceWith fat boards, bawds, wine and frail music!Bah! there's no wine like the blood's crimson! IV And I love to see the sun rise blood-crimson.

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And I watch his spears through the dark clashAnd it fills all my heart with rejoicingAnd pries wide my mouth with fast musicWhen I see him so scorn and defy peace,His lone might 'gainst all darkness opposing. V The man who fears war and squats opposingMy words for stour, hath no blood of crimsonBut is fit only to rot in womanish peaceFar from where worth's won and the swords clashFor the death of such slu*ts I go rejoicing;Yea, I fill all the air with my music. VI Papiols, Papiols, to the music!There's no sound like to swords swords opposing,No cry like the battle's rejoicingWhen our elbows and swords drip the crimsonAnd our charges 'gainst "The Leopard's" rush clash.May God damn for ever all who cry "Peace!" VII And let the music of the swords make them crimson!Hell grant soon we hear again the swords clash!Hell blot black for always the thought "Peace!" Ezra Pound

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Shop Girl For a moment she rested against meLike a swallow half blown to the wall,And they talk of Swinburne's women,And the shepherdess meeting with Guido.And the harlots of Baudelaire. Ezra Pound

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Silet When I behold how black, immortal inkDrips from my deathless pen - ah, well-away!Why should we stop at all for what I think?There is enough in what I chance to say. It is enough that we once came together;What is the use of setting it to rime?When it is autumn do we get spring weather,Or gather may of harsh northwindish time? It is enough that we once came together;What if the wind have turned against the rain?It is enough that we once came together;Time has seen this, and will not turn again; And who are we, who know that last intent,To plague to-morrow with a testament! Ezra Pound

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Simulacra Why does the horse-faced lady of just the unmentionable ageWalk down Longacre reciting Swinburne to herself, inaudibly?Why does the small child in the soiled-white imitation fur coatCrawl in the very black gutter beneath the grape stand?Why does the really handsome young woman approach me in Sackville StreetUndeterred by the manifest age of my trappings? Ezra Pound

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Society The family position was waning,And on this account the little Aurelia,Who had laughed on eighteen summers,Now bears the palsied contact of Phidippus. Ezra Pound

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Song Winter is icummen in,Lhude sing Goddamm,Raineth drop and staineth slop,and how the wind doth ramm,Sing: Goddamm.Skiddeth bus and sloppeth us,An ague hath my ham.Freezeth river, turneth liver,Damn you, sing: Goddamm.Goddamm, Goddamm, 'tis why I am, Goddamm,So 'gainst the winter's balm.Sing goddamm, damm, sing Goddamm, Sing goddamm, sing goddamm, DAMM. Ezra Pound

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Song In The Manner Of Housman O woe, woe,People are born and die,We also shall be dead pretty soonTherefore let us act as if we weredead already. The bird sits on the hawthorn treeBut he dies also, presently.Some lads get hung, and some get shot.Woeful is this human lot.<i>Woe! woe, etcetera . . . .</i> London is a woeful place,Shropshire is much pleasanter.Then let us smile a little spaceUpon fond nature's morbid grace.<i>Oh, Woe, woe, woe, etcetera . . . </i> Ezra Pound

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Song Of The Bowmen Of Shu Here we are, picking the first fern-shootsAnd saying: When shall we get back to our country?Here we are because we have the Ken-nin for our foemen,We have no comfort because of these Mongols.We grub the soft fern-shoots,When anyone says "Return," the others are full of sorrow.Sorrowful minds, sorrow is strong, we are hungry and thirsty.Our defence is not yet made sure, no one can let his friend return.We grub the old fern-stalks.We say: Will we be let to go back in October?There is no ease in royal affairs, we have no comfort.Our sorrow is bitter, but we would not return to our country.What flower has come into blossom?Whose chariot? The General's.Horses, his horses even, are tired. They were strong.We have no rest, trhee battles a month.By heavn, his horses are tired.The generals are on them, the soldiers are by them.The horses are well trained, the generals have ivory arrows andquivers ornamented with fish-skin.The enemy is swift, we must be careful.When we set out, the willows were drooping with spring,We come back in the snow,We go slowly, we are hungry and thirsty,Our mind is full of sorrow, who will know of our grief? <i>By Bunno, reputedly 1100 B. C.</i> Ezra Pound

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Song Of The Six Hundred M.P.'s ‘We are 'ere met togetherin this momentous hower,Ter lick th' bankers' dirty bootsan' keep the Bank in power.’ We are 'ere met togetherter grind the same old axesAnd keep the people in its placea'payin' us the taxes. We are six hundred beefy men(but mostly gas and suet)An’ every year we meet to letsome other feller do it.' I see their 'igh 'ats on the seatsan' them sprawling on the benchesAnd thinks about a Rowton 'ouseand a lot of small street stenches. 'O Britain, muvver of parliaments,'ave you seen yer larst sweet litter?Could yeh swap th' brains of orl this lotfer 'arft a pint o' bitter?' ‘I couldn't,' she sez, ‘an' I aint tried,They're me own,' she sez to me,‘As footlin' a lot as was ever spawnedto defend democracy.' Ezra Pound

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South-Folk In Cold Country The Dai horse neighs against the bleak wind of Etsu,The birds of Etsu have no love for En, in the north,Emotion is born out of habit.Yesterday we went out of the Wild-Goose gate,To-day from the Dragon-Pen.Surprised. Desert turmoil. Sea sun.Flying snow bewilders the barbarian heaven.Lice swarm like ants over our accoutrements.Mind and spirit drive on the feathery banners.Hard fight gets no reward.Loyalty is hard to explain.Who will be sorry for General Rishogu,the swift moving,Whose white head is lost for this province? Ezra Pound

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Speech For Psyche In The Golden Book Of Apuleius All night, and as the wind lieth amongThe cypress trees, he lay,Nor held me save as air that brusheth by oneClose, and as the petals of flowers in fallingWaver and seem not drawn to earth, so heSeemed over me to hover light as leavesAnd closer me than air,And music flowing through me seemed to openMine eyes upon new colours.O winds, what wind can match the weight of him! Ezra Pound

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ßìyñññù (Greek Title) Thy soulGrown delicate with satieties,Atthis.O Atthis,I long for thy lips.I long for thy narrow breasts,Thou restless, ungathered. Ezra Pound

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Statement Of Being I am a grave poetic henThat lays poetic eggsAnd to enhance my temperamentA little quiet begs. We make the yolk philosophy,True beauty the albumen.And then gum on a shell of formTo make the screed sound human. Ezra Pound

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Sub Mare It is, and is not, I am sane enough,Since you have come this place has hovered round me,This fabrication built of autumn roses,Then there's a goldish colour, different. And one gropes in these things as delicateAlgæ reach up and out, beneathPale slow green surgings of the underwave,'Mid these things older than the names they have,These things that are familiears of the god. Ezra Pound

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Surgit Fama There is a truce among the gods,Kore is seen in the NorthSkirting the blue-gray seaIn gilded and russet mantle.The corn has again it's mother and she, Leuconoe,That failed never women,Fails not the earth now. The tricksome Hermes is here;He moves behind meEager to catch my words,Eager to spread them with rumour;To set upon them his changeCrafty and subtle;To alter them to his purpose;But do thou speak true, even to the letter: ‘Once more in Delos, once more is the altar a-quiver.Once more is the chant heard.Once more are the never abandoned gardensFull of gossip and old tales.’ Ezra Pound

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Taking Leave Of A Friend Blue mountains to the north of the walls,White river winding about them;Here we must make separationAnd go out through a thousand miles of dead grass. Mind like a floating wide cloud,Sunset like the parting of old acquaintancesWho bow over their clasped hands at a distance.Our horses neigh to each othersas we are departing. Ezra Pound

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Tame Cat It rests me to be among beautiful womenWhy should one always lie about such matters?I repeat:It rests me to converse with beautiful womenEven though we talk nothing but nonsense, The purring of the invisible antennaeIs both stimulating and delightful. Ezra Pound

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Tempora Io! Io! Tamuz!The Dryad staiids in my court-yardWith plaintive, querulous crying.(Tamuz. Io! Tamuz!)Oh, no, she is not crying: 'Tamuz.'She says, 'May my poems be printed this week?The god Pan is afraid to ask you,May my poems be printed this week?' Ezra Pound

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Tenzone Will people accept them?(i.e. these songs).As a timorous wench from a centaur(or a centurion),Already they flee, howling in terror. Will they be touched with the verisimilitudes?Their virgin stupidity is untemptable.I beg you, my friendly critics,Do not set about to procure me an audience. I mate with my free kind upon the crags;the hidden recessesHave heard the echo ofmy heels,in the cool light,in the darkness. Ezra Pound

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The Alchemist Chant for the Transmutation of Metals Sail of Claustra, Aelis, Azalais,As you move among the bright trees;As your voices, under the larches of ParadiseMake a clear sound,Sail of Claustra, Aelis, Azalais,Raimona, Tibors, Berangere,'Neath the dark gleam of the sky;Under night, the peaco*ck-throated,Bring the saffron-coloured shell,Bring the red gold of the maple,Bring the light of the birch tree in autumnMirals, Cembelins, Audiarda,Remember this fire.Elain, Tireis, Alcmena'Mid the silver rustling of wheat,Agradiva, Anhes, Ardenca,From the plum-coloured lake, in stillness,From the molten dyes of the waterBring the burnished nature of fire;Briseis, Lianor, Loica,From the wide earth and the olive,From the poplars weeping their amber,By the bright flame of the fishing torchRemember this fire.Midonz, with the gold of the sun, the leaf of the poplar,by the light of the amber,Midonz, daughter of the sun, shaft of the tree, silver ofthe leaf, light of the yellow of the amber,Midonz, gift of the God, gift of the light, gift of theamber of the sun,Give light to the metal.Anhes of Rocacoart, Ardenca, Aemelis,From the power of grass,From the white, alive in the seed,From the heat of the bud,From the copper .of the leaf in autumn,From the bronze of the maple, from the sap in the

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bough;Lianor, loanna, Loica,By the stir of the fin,By the trout asleep in the gray-green of water;Vanna, Mandetta, Viera, Alodetta, Picarda, ManuelaFrom the red gleam of copper,Ysaut, Ydone, slight rustling of leaves,Vierna, Jocelynn, daring of spirits,By the mirror of burnished copper,O Queen of Cypress,Out of Erebus, the flat-lying breadth,Breath that is stretched out beneath the world:Out of Erebus, out of the flat waste of air, lying beneaththe world;Out of the brown leaf-brown colourlessBring the imperceptible cool.Elain, Tireis, Alcmena,Quiet this metal!Let the manes put off their terror, let them put off theiraqueous bodies with fire.Let them assume the milk-white bodies of agate.Let them draw together the bones of the metal.Selvaggia, Guiscarda, Mandetta,Rain flakes of gold on the waterAzure and flaking silver of water,Alcyon, Phaetona, Alcmena,Pallor of silver, pale lustre of Latona,By these, from the malevolence of the dewGuard this alembic.Elain, Tireis, AllodettaQuiet this metal. Ezra Pound

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The Altar Let us build here an exquisite friendship,The flame, the autumn, and the green rose of loveFought out their strife here, 'tis a place of wonder;Where these have been, meet 'tis, the ground is holy. Ezra Pound

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The Baby The baby new to earth and skyHas never until nowUnto himself the question putOr asked us if the cow Is higher in the mental scaleThan men like me and you,Or if the cow refrains from foodTill she finds work to do. 'The baby new to earth and sky,'As Tennyson has written,Just goes ahead and sucks a teatLike to-day's great men in Britain. Ezra Pound

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The Bath-Tub As a bathtub lined with white porcelain,When the hot water gives out or goes tepid,So is the slow cooling of our chivalrous passion,O my much praised but-not-altogether-satisfactory lady. Ezra Pound

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The Beautiful Toilet Blue, blue is the grass about the riverAnd the willows have overfilled the close garden.And within, the mistress, in the midmost of her youth.White, white of face, hesitates, passing the door.Slender, she puts forth a slender hand; And she was a courtezan in the old days,And she has married a sot,Who now goes drunkenly outAnd leaves her too much alone. Ezra Pound

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The Bellaires The good BellairesDo not understand the conduct of this world's affairs.In fact they understood them so badlyThat they have had to cross the Channel.Nine lawyers, four counsels, five judges and threeproctors of the King,Together with the respective wives, husbands, sistersand heterogeneous connections of the good Bellaires,Met to discuss their affairs;But the good Bellaires have so little understood theiraffairsThat now there is no one at allWho can understand any affair of theirs. YetFourteen hunters still eat in the stables ofThe good Squire Bellaire;But these may not suffer attainder,For they may not belong to the good Squire BellaireBut to his wife.On the contrary, if they do not belong to his wife,He will pleadA 'freedom from attainder'For twelve horses and also for twelve boarhoundsFrom Charles the Fourth;And a further freedom for the remainderOf horses, from Henry the Fourth.But the judges,Being free of mediaeval scholarship,Will pay no attention to this,And there will be only the more confusion,Replevin, estoppel, espavin and what not. Nine lawyers, four counsels, etc.,Met to discuss their affairs,But the sole result was billsFrom lawyers to whom no one was indebted,And even the lawyersWere uncertain who was supposed to be indebted tothem.

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Wherefore the good Squire BellaireResides now at Agde and Biaucaire,To Carcassonne, Pui, and AlaisHe fareth from day to day,Or takes the sea airBetween MarseillesAnd Beziers.And for all this I have considerable regret,For the good BellairesAre very charming people. Ezra Pound

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The Charge Of The Bread Brigade Half a loaf, half a loaf,Half a loaf? Urn-hum?Down through the vale of gloomSlouched the ten million,Onward th' 'ungry blokes,Crackin' their smutty jokes!We'll send 'em mouchin' 'ome,Damn the ten million! There goes the night brigade,They got no steady trade,Several old so'jers knowMonty has blunder'd.Theirs not to reason why,Theirs but to buy the pie,Slouching and mouching,Lousy ten million! Plenty to right of 'em,Plenty to left of 'em,Yes, wot is left of 'em,Damn the ten million.Stormed at by press and all,How shall we dress 'em all?Glooming and mouching! See 'em go slouching there,With cowed and crouching airDundering dullards!How the whole nation shookWhile Milord BeaverbrookFed 'em with hogwash! Ezra Pound

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The City Of Choan The phoenix are at play on their terrace.The phoenix are gone, the river Hows on alone.Flowers and grassCover over the dark pathwhere lay the dynastic house of the Go.The bright cloths and bright caps of ShinAre now the base of old hills. The Three Mountains fall through the far heaven,The isle of White Heronsplits the two streams apart.Now the high clouds cover the sunAnd I can not see Choan afarAnd I am sad. Ezra Pound

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The Cloak Thou keep'st thy rose-leafTill the rose-time will be over,Think'st thou that Death will kiss thee?Think'st thou that the Dark HouseWill find thee such a loverAs I? Will the new roses miss thee? Prefer my cloak unto the cloak of dust'Neath which the last year lies,For thou shouldst more mistrustTime than my eyes. Ezra Pound

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The Coming Of War: Actaeon An image of Lethe,and the fieldsFull of faint lightbut golden,Gray cliffs,and beneath them A seaHarsher than granite,unstill, never ceasing;High formswith the movement of gods,Perilous aspect;And one said:'This is Actaeon.'Actaeon of golden greaves!Over fair meadows,Over the cool face of that field,Unstill, ever movingHosts of an ancient people,The silent cortège. Ezra Pound

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The Condolence O my fellow sufferers, songs of my youth,A lot of asses praise you because you are 'virile',We, you, I! We are 'Red Bloods'!Imagine it, my fellow sufferersOur maleness lifts us out of the ruck,Who'd have foreseen it? O my fellow sufferers, we went out under the trees,We were in especial bored with male stupidity.We went forth gathering delicate thoughts,Our ‘fantastikon’ delighted to serve us.We were not exasperated with women,for the female is ductile. And now you hear what is said to us:We are compared to that sort of personWho wanders about announcing his sexAs if he had just discovered it.Let us leave this matter, my songs,and return to that which concerns us. Ezra Pound

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The Encounter All the while they were talking the new moralityHer eyes explored me.And when I rose to goHer fingers were like the tissueOf a Japanese paper napkin. Ezra Pound

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The Eyes Rest Master, for we be a-weary, wearyAnd would feel the fingers of the windUpon these lids that lie over usSodden and lead-heavy. Rest brother, for lo ! the dawn is without !The yellow flame palethAnd the wax runs low. Free us, for without be goodly colours,Green of the wood-moss and flower colours,And coolness beneath the trees. Free us, for we perishIn this ever-flowing monotonyOf ugly print marks, blackUpon white parchment. Free us, for there is oneWhose smile more availethThan all the age-old knowledge of thy books:And we would look thereon. Ezra Pound

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The Fault Of It Some may have blamed us that we cease to speakOf things we spoke of in our verses early,Saying: a lovely voice is such as such;Saying: that lady's eyes were sad last week,Wherein the world's whole joy is born and dies;Saying: she hath this way or that, this muchOf grace, this way or that, this muchOf grace, this little misericorde;Ask us no further word;If we were proud, then proud to be so wiseAsk us no more of all the things ye heard;We may not speak of them, they touch us nearly. Ezra Pound

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The Faun Ha! sir, I have seen you sniffing and snoozlingabout among my flowers.And what, pray, do you know abouthorticulture, you capriped?'Come, Auster, come Apeliota,And see the faun in our garden.But if you move or speakThis thing will run at youAnd scare itself to spasms.' Ezra Pound

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The Flame ‘Tis not a game that plays at mates and mating,Provençe knew;'Tis not a game of barter, lands and houses,Provençe knew.We who are wise beyond your dream of wisdom,Drink our immortal moments; we 'pass through'.We have gone forth beyond your bonds and borders,Provençe knew;And all the tales of Oisin say but this:That man doth pass the net of days and hours.Where time is shrivelled down to time's seed cornWe of the Ever-living, in that lightMeet through our veils and whisper, and of love. O smoke and shadow of a darkling world,These, and the rest, and all the rest we knew.'Tis not a game that plays at mates and mating,'Tis not a game of barter, lands and houses,'Tis not 4of days and nights' and troubling years,Of cheeks grown sunken and glad hair gone gray;There is the subtler music, the clear lightWhere time burns back about th' eternal embers.We are not shut from all the thousand heavens:Lo, there are many gods whom we have seen,Folk of unearthly fashion, places splendid,Bulwarks of beryl and of chrysoprase. Sapphire Benacus, in thy mists and theeNature herself's turned metaphysical,Who can look on that blue and not believe? Thou hooded opal, thou eternal pearl,O thou dark secret with a shimmering floor,Through all thy various mood I know thee mine;If I have merged my soul, or utterlyAm solved and bound in, through aught here on earth,There canst thou find me, O thou anxious thou,Who call’st about my gates for some lost me;I say my soul flowed back, became translucent.

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Search not my lips, O Love, let go my hands,This thing that moves as man is no more mortal.If thou hast seen my shade sans character,If thou hast seen that mirror of all moments,That glass to all things that o'ershadow it,Call not that mirror me, for I have slippedYour grasp, I have eluded. Ezra Pound

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The Game Of Chess Red knights, brown bishops, bright queens,Striking the board, falling in strong ‘L's ofcolour.Reaching and striking in angles,holding lines in one colour.This board is alive with light;these pieces are living in form,Their moves break and reform the pattern:luminous green from the rooks,Clashing with ‘X's of queens,looped with the knight-leaps. ‘Y' pawns, cleaving, embanking!Whirl ! Centripetal ! Mate ! King down in thevortex,Clash, leaping of bands, straight strips of hardcolour,Blocked lights working in. Escapes. Renewal ofcontest. Ezra Pound

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The Garden En robe de parade. Samain Like a skein of loose silk blown against a wallShe walks by the railing of a path in Kensington Gardens,And she is dying piece-mealTof a sort of emotional anaemia. And round about there is a rabbleOf the filthy, sturdy, unkillable infants of the very poor.They shall inherit the earth. In her is the end of breeding.Her boredom is exquisite and excessive.She would like some one to speak to her,And is almost afraid that ITwill commit that indiscretion. Ezra Pound

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The Garrett Come, let us pity those who are better off than we are.Come, my friend, and remember&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;that the rich have butlers and nofriends,And we have friends and no butlers.Come, let us pity the married and the unmarried. Dawn enters with little feet&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;like a gilded PavlovaAnd I am near my desire.Nor has life in it aught betterThan this hour of clear coolness&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;the hour of waking together. Ezra Pound

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The Gypsy That was the top of the walk, when he said:'Have you seen any others, any of our lot,With apes or bears?'A brown upstanding fellowNot like the half-castes,up on the wet road near Clermont.The wind came, and the rain,And mist clotted about the trees in the valley,And I’d the long ways behind me,gray Aries and Biaucaire,And he said, 'Have you seen any of our lot?'I'd seen a lot of his lot . . .ever since Rhodez,Coming down from the fairof St. John,With caravans, but never an ape or a bear. Ezra Pound

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The House Of Splendour ‘Tis Evanoe's,A house not made with hands,But out somewhere beyond the worldly waysHer gold is spread, above, around, inwoven;Strange ways and walls are fashioned out of it. And I have seen my Lady in the sun,Her hair was spread about, a sheaf of wings,And red the sunlight was, behind it all. And I have seen her there within her house,With six great sapphires hung along the wall,Low, panel-shaped, a-level with her knees,All her robe was woven of pale gold. There are there many rooms and all of gold,Of woven walls deep patterned, of email,Of beaten work; and through the claret stone,Set to some weaving, comes the aureate light. Here am I come perforce my love of her,Behold mine adorationMaketh me clear, and there are powers in thisWhich, played on by the virtues of her soul,Break down the four-square walls of standing time. Ezra Pound

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The Jewel Stairs' Grievance The jewelled steps are already quite white with dew,It is so late that the dew soaks my gauze stockings,And I let down the crystal curtainAnd watch the moon through the clear autumn. Ezra Pound

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The Lake Isle O God, O Venus, O Mercury, patron of thieves,Give me in due time, I beseech you, a little tobacco-shop,With the little bright boxespiled up neatly upon the shelvesAnd the loose fragment cavendishand the shag,And the bright Virginialoose under the bright glass cases,And a pair of scalesnot too greasy,And the votailles dropping in for a word or two in passing,For a flip word, and to tidy their hair a bit. O God, O Venus, O Mercury, patron of thieves,Lend me a little tobacco-shop,or install me in any professionSave this damn'd profession of writing,where one needs one's brains all the time. Ezra Pound

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The Logical Conclusion When earth's last thesis is copiedFrom the theses that went before,When idea from fact has departedAnd bare-boned factlets shall bore,When all joy shall have fled from studyAnd scholarship reign supreme;When truth shall 'baaa' on the hill crestsAnd no one shall dare to dream; When all the good poems have been buriedWith comment annoted in fullAnd art shall bow down in homageTo scholarship's zinc-plated bull,When there shall be nothing to researchBut the notes of annoted notes,And Baalam's ass shall inquireThe price of imported oats; Then no one shall tell him the answerFor each shall know the one factThat lies in the special ass-ignmentFrom which he is making his tract.So the ass shall sigh uninstructedWhile each in his separate bookShall grind for the love of grindingAnd only the devil shall look. Against the 'germanic' system of graduate study and insane specialization in theInanities. Ezra Pound

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The Needle Come, or the stellar tide will slip away.Eastward avoid the hour of its decline,Now! for the needle trembles in my soul! Here have we had the vantage, the good hour.Here we have had our day, your day and mine.Come now, before this powerThat bears us up, shall turn against the pole.Mock not the flood of stars, the thing's to be.O Love, come now, this land turns evil slowly.The waves bore in, soon will they bear away. The treasure is ours, make we fast land with it.Move we and take the tide, with its next favour,AbideUnder some neutral forceUntil this course turneth aside. Ezra Pound

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The New Cake Of Soap Lo, how it gleams and glistens in the sunLike the cheek of a Chesterton. Ezra Pound

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The Patterns Erinna is a model parent,Her children have never discovered her adulteries.Lalage is also a model parent,Her offspring are fat and happy. Ezra Pound

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The Picture The eyes of this dead lady speak to me,For here was love, was not to be drowned out.And here desire, not to be kissed away.The eyes of this dead lady speak to me. Ezra Pound

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The Plunge I would bathe myself in strangeness:These comforts heaped upon me, smother me!I burn, I scald so for the new,New friends, new faces,Places!Oh to be out of this,This that is all I wanted- save the new. And you,Love, you the much, the more desired!Do I not loathe all walls, streets, stones,All mire, mist, all fog,All ways of traffic?You, I wold have flow over me like water,Oh, but far out of this!Grass, and low fields, and hills,And sun,Oh, sun enough!Out, and alone, among someAlien people! Ezra Pound

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The Rest O helpless few in my country, remnant enslaved! Artists broken against her,A-stray, lost in the villages,Mistrusted, spoken-against, Lovers of beauty, starved,Thwarted with systems,Helpless against the control; You who can not wear yourselves outBy persisting to successes,You who can only speak,Who can not steel yourselves into reiteration; You of the finer sense,Broken against false knowledge,You who can know at first hand,Hated, shut in, mistrusted: Take thought:I have weathered the storm,I have beaten out my exile. Ezra Pound

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The Return See, they return; ah, see the tentativeMovements, and the slow feet,The trouble in the pace and the uncertainWavering! See, they return, one by one,With fear, as half-awakened;As if the snow should hesitateAnd murmur in the wind,and half turn back;These were the "Wing'd-with-Awe,"Inviolable. Gods of the Wingèd shoe!With them the silver hounds,sniffing the trace of air! Haie! Haie!These were the swift to harry;These the keen-scented;These were the souls of blood. Slow on the leash,pallid the leash-men! Ezra Pound

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The River Song This boat is of shato-wood, and its gunwales are cutmagnolia,Musicians with jewelled flutes and with pipes of goldFill full the sides in rows, and our wineIs rich for a thousand cups.We carry singing girls, drift with the drifting water,Yet Sennin needsA yellow stork for a charger, and all our seamenWould follow the white gulls or ride them.Kutsu's prose songHangs with the sun and moon. King So's terraced palaceis now but barren hill,But I draw pen on this bargeCausing the five peaks to tremble,And I have joy in these wordslike the joy of blue islands.(If glory could last foreverThen the waters of Han would flow northward.) And I have moped in the Emperor's garden, awaiting anorder-to-write !I looked at the dragon-pond, with its willow-colouredwaterJust reflecting the sky's tinge,And heard the five-score nightingales aimlessly singing. The eastern wind brings the green colour into the islandgrasses at Yei-shu,The purple house and the crimson are full of Springsoftness.South of the pond the willow-tips are half-blue andbluer,Their cords tangle in mist, against the brocade-likepalace.Vine-strings a hundred feet long hang down fromcarved railings,And high over the willows, the fine birds sing to each

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other, and listen,Crying—‘Kwan, Kuan,' for the early wind, and the feelof it.The wind bundles itself into a bluish cloud and wandersoff.Over a thousand gates, over a thousand doors are thesounds of spring singing,And the Emperor is at Ko.Five clouds hang aloft, bright on the purple sky,The imperial guards come forth from the golden housewith their armour a-gleaming.The Emperor in his jewelled car goes out to inspect hisflowers,He goes out to Hori, to look at the wing-flapping storks,He returns by way of Sei rock, to hear the newnightingales,For the gardens at Jo-run are full of new nightingales,Their sound is mixed in this flute,Their voice is in the twelve pipes here. Ezra Pound

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The River-Merchant's Wife: A Letter After Li Po While my hair was still cut straight across my foreheadI played at the front gate, pulling flowers.You came by on bamboo stilts, playing horse,You walked about my seat, playing with blue plums. And we went on living in the village of Chokan:Two small people, without dislike or suspicion. At fourteen I married My Lord you.I never laughed, being bashful.Lowering my head, I looked at the wall.Called to, a thousand times, I never looked back. At fifteen I stopped scowling,I desired my dust to be mingled with yoursForever and forever and forever.Why should I climb the lookout? At sixteen you departed,You went into far Ku-to-en, by the river of swirling eddies,And you have been gone five months.The monkeys make sorrowful noise overhead. You dragged your feet when you went out,By the gate now, the moss is grown, the different mosses,Too deep to clear them away!

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The leaves fall early this autumn, in wind.The paired butterflies are already yellow with AugustOver the grass in the West garden;They hurt me. I grow older.If you are coming down through the narrows of the river Kiang,Please let me know beforehand,And I will come out to meet you As far as Cho-fu-sa. Translated by Ezra Pound Anonymous submission. Ezra Pound

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The Seafarer (From the early Anglo-Saxon text) May I for my own self song's truth reckon,Journey's jargon, how I in harsh daysHardship endured oft.Bitter breast-cares have I abided,Known on my keel many a care's hold,And dire sea-surge, and there I oft spentNarrow nightwatch nigh the ship's headWhile she tossed close to cliffs. Coldly afflicted,My feet were by frost benumbed.Chill its chains are; chafing sighsHew my heart round and hunger begotMere-weary mood. Lest man know notThat he on dry land loveliest liveth,List how I, care-wretched, on ice-cold sea,Weathered the winter, wretched outcastDeprived of my kinsmen;Hung with hard ice-flakes, where hail-scur flew,There I heard naught save the harsh seaAnd ice-cold wave, at whiles the swan cries,Did for my games the gannet's clamour,Sea-fowls, loudness was for me laughter,The mews' singing all my mead-drink.Storms, on the stone-cliffs beaten, fell on the sternIn icy feathers; full oft the eagle screamedWith spray on his pinion.Not any protectorMay make merry man faring needy.This he little believes, who aye in winsome lifeAbides 'mid burghers some heavy business,Wealthy and wine-flushed, how I weary oftMust bide above brine.Neareth nightshade, snoweth from north,Frost froze the land, hail fell on earth thenCorn of the coldest. Nathless there knocketh nowThe heart's thought that I on high streamsThe salt-wavy tumult traverse alone.Moaneth alway my mind's lust

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That I fare forth, that I afar henceSeek out a foreign fastness.For this there's no mood-lofty man over earth's midst,Not though he be given his good, but will have in his youth greed;Nor his deed to the daring, nor his king to the faithfulBut shall have his sorrow for sea-fareWhatever his lord will.He hath not heart for harping, nor in ring-havingNor winsomeness to wife, nor world's delightNor any whit else save the wave's slash,Yet longing comes upon him to fare forth on the water.Bosque taketh blossom, cometh beauty of berries,Fields to fairness, land fares brisker,All this admonisheth man eager of mood,The heart turns to travel so that he then thinksOn flood-ways to be far departing.Cuckoo calleth with gloomy crying,He singeth summerward, bodeth sorrow,The bitter heart's blood. Burgher knows not --He the prosperous man -- what some performWhere wandering them widest draweth.So that but now my heart burst from my breast-lock,My mood 'mid the mere-flood,Over the whale's acre, would wander wide.On earth's shelter cometh oft to me,Eager and ready, the crying lone-flyer,Whets for the whale-path the heart irresistibly,O'er tracks of ocean; seeing that anyhowMy lord deems to me this dead lifeOn loan and on land, I believe notThat any earth-weal eternal standethSave there be somewhat calamitousThat, ere a man's tide go, turn it to twain.Disease or oldness or sword-hateBeats out the breath from doom-gripped body.And for this, every earl whatever, for those speaking after --Laud of the living, boasteth some last word,That he will work ere he pass onward,Frame on the fair earth 'gainst foes his malice,Daring ado, ...So that all men shall honour him afterAnd his laud beyond them remain 'mid the English,

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Aye, for ever, a lasting life's-blast,Delight mid the doughty.Days little durable,And all arrogance of earthen riches,There come now no kings nor CæsarsNor gold-giving lords like those gone.Howe'er in mirth most magnified,Whoe'er lived in life most lordliest,Drear all this excellence, delights undurable!Waneth the watch, but the world holdeth.Tomb hideth trouble. The blade is layed low.Earthly glory ageth and seareth.No man at all going the earth's gait,But age fares against him, his face paleth,Grey-haired he groaneth, knows gone companions,Lordly men are to earth o'ergiven,Nor may he then the flesh-cover, whose life ceaseth,Nor eat the sweet nor feel the sorry,Nor stir hand nor think in mid heart,And though he strew the grave with gold,His born brothers, their buried bodiesBe an unlikely treasure hoard. Ezra Pound

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The Seeing Eye The small dogs look at the big dogs;They observe unwieldy dimensionsAnd curious imperfections of odor.Here is the formal male group:The young men look upon their seniors,They consider the elderly mindAnd observe its inexplicable correlations. Said Tsin-Tsu:It is only in small dogs and the youngThat we find minute observation Ezra Pound

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The Social Order IThis government officialWhose wife is several years his senior,Has such a caressing airWhen he shakes hands with young ladies. II(Pompes Funèbres) This old lady,Who was fcso old that she was an atheist',Is now surroundedBy six candles and a crucifix,While the second wife of a nephewMakes hay with the things in her house.Her two catsGo before her into Avernus;A sort of chloroformed suttee,And it is to be hoped that their spirits will walkWith their tails up,And with a plaintive, gentle mewing,For it is certain that she has left on this earthNo soundSave a squabble of female connections, Ezra Pound

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The Spring Cydonian Spring with her attendant train,Maelids and water-girls,Stepping beneath a boisterous wind from Thrace,Throughout this sylvan placeSpreads the bright tips,And every vine-stock isClad in new brilliancies.And wild desireFalls like black lightning.bewildered heart,Though every branch have back what last year lost,She, who moved here amid the cyclamen,Moves only now a clinging tenuous ghost. Ezra Pound

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The Study In Aesthetics The very small children in patched clothing,Being smitten with an unusual wisdom,Stopped in their play as she passed themAnd cried up from their cobbles: Guarda! Ahi, guarda! Ch’ è be’ a! But three years after thisI heard the young Dante, whose last name I do notknow--For there are, in Sirmione, twenty-eight young Dantesand thirty-four Catulli;And there had been a great catch of sardines,And his eldersWere packing them in the great wooden boxesFor the market in Brescia, and heLeapt about, snatching at the bright fishAnd getting in both of their ways;And in vain they commanded him to stafermo!And when they would not let him arrangeThe fish in the boxesHe stroked those which were already arranged,Murmuring for his own satisfactionThis identical phrase: Ch’ è be’ a And at this I was mildly abashed. Ezra Pound

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The Summons I can not bow to woo theeWith honey words and flower kissesAnd the dew of sweet half-truthsFallen on the grass of old quaint love-talesOf broidered days foredone.Nor in the murmurous twilightMay I sit below thee,Worshiping in whispersTremulous as far-heard bells.All these things have I known onceAnd passedIn that gay youth I had but yester-year.And that is goneAs the shadow of wind.Nay, I can not woo thee thus;But as I am ever swept upwardTo the centre of all truthSo must I bear thee with meRapt into this great involving flame,Calling ever from the midst thereof,"Follow! Follow!"And in the glory of our meetingShall the power be reborn.And together in the midst of this powerMust we, each outstriving each,Cry eternally:"I come, go thou yet further."And again, "Follow,"For we may not tarry. Ezra Pound

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The Tea Shop The girl in the tea shopIs not so beautiful as she was,The August has worn against her.She does not get up the stairs so eagerly;Yes, she also will turn middle-aged,And the glow of youth that she spread about usAs she brought us our muffinsWill be spread about us no longer.She also will turn middle-aged. Ezra Pound

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The Temperaments Nine adulteries, 12 liaisons, 64 fornications andsomething approaching a rapeRest nightly upon the soul of our delicate friendFlorialis,And yet the man is so quiet and reserved in demeanourThat he passes for both bloodless and sexless.Bastidides, on the contrary, who both talks and writesof nothing save copulation,Has become the father of twins,But he accomplished this feat at some cost;He had to be four times cuckold. Ezra Pound

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The Three Poets Candidia has taken a new loverAnd three poets are gone into mourning.The first has written a long elegy to 'Chloris',To 'Chloris chaste and cold,' his 'only Chloris'.The second has written a sonnetupon the mutability of woman,And the third writes an epigram to Candidia. Ezra Pound

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The Tomb At Akr Çaar ‘I am thy soul, Nikoptis. I have watchedThese five millennia, and thy dead eyesMoved not, nor ever answer my desire,And thy light limbs, wherethrough I leapt aflame,Burn not with me nor any saffron thing. See, the light grass sprang up to pillow thee,And kissed thee with a myriad grassy tongues;But not thou me.I have read out the gold upon the wall,And wearied out my thought upon the signs.And there is no new thing in all this place. I have been kind. See, I have left the jars sealed,Lest thou shouldst wake and whimper for thy wine.And all thy robes I have kept smooth on thee. O thou unmindful ! How should I forget!-Even the river many days ago,The river? thou wast over young.And three souls came upon Thee-And I came.And I flowed in upon thee, beat them off;1 have been intimate with thee, known thy ways.Have I not touched thy palms and finger-tips,Flowed in, and through thee and about thy heels?How 'came I in'? Was I not thee and Thee? And no sun comes to rest me in this place,And I am torn against the jagged dark,And no light beats upon me, and you sayNo word, day after day. Oh! I could get me out, despite the marksAnd all their crafty work upon the door,Out through the glass-green fields. . . . Yet it is quiet here:I do not go.’

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Ezra Pound

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The Tree I stood still and was a tree amid the wood,Knowing the truth of things unseen before;Of Daphne and the laurel bowAnd that god-feasting couple oldthat grew elm-oak amid the wold.'Twas not until the gods had beenKindly entreated, and been brought withinUnto the hearth of their heart's homeThat they might do this wonder thing;Nathless I have been a tree amid the woodAnd many a new thing understoodThat was rank folly to my head before. Ezra Pound

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The White Stag I ha' seen them 'mid the clouds on the heather.Lo! they pause not for love nor for sorrow,Yet their eyes are as the eyes of a maid to her lover,When the white hart breaks his coverAnd the white wind breaks the morn. ‘'Tis the white stag, Fame, we're a-hunting,Bid the world's hounds come to horn!’ Ezra Pound

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These Fought In Any Case These fought in any case,and some believingpro domo, in any case ..... Died some, pro patria,walked eye-deep in hellbelieving in old men's lies, then unbelievingcame home, home to a lie,home to many deceits,home to old lies and new infamy;usury age-old and age-thickand liars in public places. Daring as never before, wastage as never before.Young blood and high blood,fair cheeks, and fine bodies; fortitude as never before frankness as never before,disillusions as never told in the old days,hysterias, trench confessions,laughter out of dead bellies. Ezra Pound

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Threnos IN o more for us the little sighing.No more the winds at twilight trouble us. Lo the fair dead! No more do I burn. No more for us the fluttering of wingsThat whirred in the air above us. Lo the fair dead! No more desire flayeth me,No more for us the tremblingAt the meeting of hands. Lo the fair dead! No more for us the wine of the lips,No more for us the knowledge.Lo the fair dead! No more the torrent,No more for us the meeting-place(Lo the fair dead!)Tintagoel. Ezra Pound

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To Dives Who am I to condemn you, O Dives,I who am as much embitteredWith povertyAs you are with useless riches ? Ezra Pound

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To Êáëüí (Greek Title) Even in my dreams you have denied yourself to meAnd sent me only your handmaids. Ezra Pound

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To Whistler, American On the loan exhibit of his paintings at the Tate Gallery. You also, our first great,Had tried all ways;Tested and pried and worked in many fashions,And this much gives me heart to play the game. Here is part that's slight, and part gone wrong,And much of little moment, and some fewPerfect as Diirer!'In the Studio' and these two portraits, if I had my choice!And then these sketches in the mood of Greece? You had your searches, your uncertainties,And this is good to know for us, I mean,Who bear the brunt of our AmericaAnd try to wrench her impulse into art. You were not always sure, not always setTo hiding night or tuning ^symphonies';Had not one style from birth, but tried and priedAnd stretched and tampered with the media. You and Abe Lincoln from that mass of doltsShow us there's chance at least of winning through. Ezra Pound

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To-Em-Meps ‘the Unmoving Cloud' IThe clouds have gathered, and gathered,and the rain falls and falls,The eight ply of the heavensare all folded into one darkness,And the wide, flat road stretches out.I stop in my room toward the East, quiet, quiet,I pat my new cask of wine.My friends are estranged, or far distant,I bow my head and stand still. IIRain, rain, and the clouds have gathered,The eight ply of the heavens are darkness,The flat land is turned into river.'Wine, wine, here is wine!'I drink by my eastern window.I think of talking and man,And no boat, no carriage, approaches. IIIThe trees in my east-looking gardenare bursting out with new twigs,They try to stir new affection,And men say the sun and moon keep on movingbecause they can't find a soft seat.The birds flutter to rest in my tree,and I think I have heard them saying,'It is not that there are no other menBut we like this fellow the best,But however we long to speakHe can not know of our sorrow.' Ezra Pound

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Translations And Adaptations From Heine FROM ‘DIE HEIMKEHR' IIs your hate, then, of such measure?Do you, truly, so detest me?Through all the world will I complainOf how you have addressed me. O ye lips that are ungrateful,Hath it never once distressed you,That you can say such awful thingsOf any one who ever kissed you? IISo thou hast forgotten fullyThat I so long held thy heart wholly,Thy little heart, so sweet and false and smallThat there's no thing more sweet or false at all. Love and lay thou hast forgotten fully,And my heart worked at them unduly.I know not if the love or if the lay were better stuff,But I know now, they both were good enough. IIITell me where thy lovely love is,Whom thou once did sing so sweetly,When the fairy flames enshroudedThee, and held thy heart completely. All the flames are dead and sped nowAnd my heart is cold and sere;Behold this book, the urn of ashes,Tis my true love's sepulchre. IV

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I dreamt that I was God HimselfWhom heavenly joy immerses,And all the angels sat aboutAnd praised my verses. VThe mutilated choir boysWhen I begin to singComplain about the awful noiseAnd call my voice too thick a thing. When light their voices lift them up,Bright notes against the ear,Through trills and runs like crystal,Ring delicate and clear. They sing of Love that's grown desirous,Of Love, and joy that is Love's inmost part,And all the ladies swim through tearsToward such a work of art. VIThis delightful young manShould not lack for honourers,He propitiates me with oysters,With Rhine wine and liqueurs. How his coat and pants adorn him!Yet his ties are more adorning,In these he daily comes to ask me:'Are you feeling well this morning?' He speaks of my extended fame,My wit, charm, definitions,And is diligent to serve me,Is detailed in his provisions. In evening company he sets his faceIn most spirituel positions,And declaims before the ladies

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My god-like compositions. what comfort is it for meTo find him such, when the days bringNo comfort, at my time of life whenAll good things go vanishing. TRANSLATOR TO TRANSLATEDO Harry Heine, curses be,I live too late to sup with thee!Who can demolish at such polished easePhilistia's pomp and Art's pomposities! VIISONG FROM 'DIE HARZREISE'I am the Princess IlzaIn Ilsenstein I fare,Come with me to that castleAnd we'll be happy there. Thy head will I cover overWith my waves' clarityTill thou forget thy sorrow,wounded sorrowfully. Thou wilt in my white arms thenNay, on my breast thou mustForget and rest and dream thereFor thine old legend-lust. My lips and my heart are thine thereAs they were his and mine.His? Why the good King Harry's,And he is dead lang syne. Dead men stay alway dead men.Life is the live man's part,And I am fair and goldenWith joy breathless at heart.

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If my heart stay below there,My crystal halls ring clearTo the dance of lords and ladiesIn all their splendid gear. The silken trains go rustling,The spur-clinks sound between,The dark dwarfs blow and bow thereSmall horn and violin. Yet shall my white arms hold thee,That bound King Harry about.Ah, I covered his ears with themWhen the trumpet rang out. VIIINIGHT SONGAnd have you thoroughly kissed my lips;There was no particular haste,And are you not ready when evening's come?There's no particular haste. You've got the whole night before you,Heart's-all-beloved-my-own;In an uninterrupted night one canGet a good deal of kissing done. Ezra Pound

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Ts'Ai Chi'H The petals fall in the fountain,the orange-coloured rose-leaves,Their ochre clings to the stone. Ezra Pound

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Villanelle: The Psychological Hour I had over prepared the event,that much was ominous.With middle-ageing careI had laid out just the right books.I had almost turned down the pages. Beauty is so rare a thing.So few drink of my fountain. So much barren regret,So many hours wasted!And now I watch, from the window,the rain, the wandering busses. "Their little cosmos is shaken" -the air is alive with that fact.In their parts of the citythey are played on by diverse forces.How do I know?Oh, I know well enough.For them there is something afoot.As for me;I had over-prepared the event - Beauty is so rare a thing.So few drink of my fountain. Two friends: a breath of the forest. . .Friends? Are people less friendsbecause one has just, at last, found them?Twice they promised to come. "Between the night and the morning?"Beauty would drink of my mind.Youth would awhile forgetmy youth is gone from me. (Speak up! You have danced so stiffly?

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Someone admired your works,And said so frankly. "Did you talk like a fool,The first night?The second evening?" "But they promised again:'To-morrow at tea-time'.") Now the third day is here -no word from either;No word from her nor him,Only another man's note:"Dear Pound, I am leaving England." Ezra Pound

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Villonaud For This Yule Towards the Noel that morte saison<i>(Christ make the shepherds' homage dear!)</i>Then when the grey wolves everychoneDrink of the winds their chill small-beerAnd lap o' the snows food's gueredonThen makyth my heart his yule-tide cheer<i>(Skoal! with the dregs if the clear be gone!)</i>Wineing the ghosts of yester-year. Ask ye what ghost I dream upon?<i>(What of the magians' scented gear?)</i>The ghosts of dead loves everyoneThat make the stark winds reek with fearLest love return with the foison sunAnd slay the memories that me cheer<i>(Such as I drink to mine fashion)</i>Wineing the ghosts of yester-year. Where are the joys my heart had won?<i>(Saturn and Mars to Zeus drawn near!)</i>Where are athe lips mine lay upon,Aye! where are the glances feat and clearThat bade my heart his valor don? I skoal to the eyes as grey-blown meer<i>(Who knows whose was that paragon?)</i>Wineing the ghosts of yester-year. Prince: ask me not what I have doneNor what God hath that can me cheerBut ye ask first where the winds are goneWineing the ghosts of yester-year. Ezra Pound

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Women Before A Shop The gew-gaws of false amber and false turquoise attract them.'Like to like nature': these agglutinous yellows! Ezra Pound

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Yeux Glauques Gladstone was still respected,When John Ruskin produced'King's Treasuries'; SwinburneAnd Rossetti still abused. Foetid Buchanan lifted up his voiceWhen that faun's head of hersBecame a pastime forPainters and adulterers. The Burne-Jones cartonsHave preserved her eyes;Still, at the Tate, they teachCophetua to rhapsodize; Thin like brook-water,With a vacant gaze.The English Rubaiyat was still-bornIn those days. The thin, clear gaze, the sameStill darts out faun-like from the half-ruin'd face,Questing and passive. . . .;Ah, poor Jenny's case' . . . Bewildered that a worldShows no surpriseAt her last maquero'sAdulteries. Ezra Pound

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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.